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Fallout Wiki

Morris Stevens' holotape is a holotape in Fallout 76.


The holotape can be found at Bolton Greens, on a desk in the blue room with the Gourmands' terminal, off the kitchen.



Morris Stevens: Edie and I have been feeling a little extra hungry as of late, and the others are starting to ask questions. "Morris, how can you be hungry when you're still so fat?" Well, you know what I say to that? I'm hungry because I'm the boss here! It takes a lot of effort to wrangle these useless idiots so we don't all starve, and that works up an appetite! Honestly, it's been several days since we've come across any more food. The usual unsuspecting travelers have been harder to come by. I can only assume the damn Cutthroats have been scaring them all away, or not sharing their finds with us.

The others won't like it, but we're going to have to go to plan B. Edie's on board with me. I've been thinking about Gregory. He's got a lot of meat on him, and he's been rather useless lately. No one will miss him. Well, maybe his wife. And his little girl, perhaps. But Vanessa will know what's good for her, and she's too much of a good fighter to eat just yet. And the kid... well, I'm not a monster. Besides, kids are too scrawny.

