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Fallout Wiki

New Orleans was a city in Louisiana before the Great War.


Cassidy Stolz was a member of a wealthy New Orleans family. It was at a gala hosted by her father somewhere in the city that she met Hugo Stolz, her future husband.[1] Cassidy moved out of New Orleans after her marriage but maintained ties with friends and associates in the city. For example, she gave a donation to an artist friend, Katherine, which allowed her to get the materials she needed to have one of her pieces displayed in the New Orleans Museum of Art.[2] Cassidy was also very fond of the French Quarters of New Orleans, and reminisced on her travels there and elsewhere after the Great War.[3]


  • French Quarter
  • New Orleans Museum of Art


New Orleans is mentioned in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.

Behind the scenes[]

New Orleans is based on the real world city of New Orleans, Louisiana.

