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Mad ramblings 01, 02, 03 and 04 are four paper notes in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


Can be found in the Vault 63 organics sector, scattered around a desk in the far back of Biology Lab 1 in the Human Biology Wing. One of the notes is on the floor next to the desk.


Mad ramblings 01[]


While procrastinating during lunch, I had an idea: What if we could harness advanced computing capabilities from the engineering lab and integrate them into the human brain? This then in theory could significantly improve cognitive function past its current potential.

Mad ramblings 02[]


Crazy thought, but what if we could revive brains? Same brain, different vessel. The great minds presumed lost in the war could potentially be resurrected. With this approach, research could span centuries. Similar to a symbiotic relationship, I could seamlessly attach to a host and move on to a new one when done.

Mad ramblings 03[]


After revisiting the book Frankenstein last night, it led me to wonder. Is there a possibility of achieving a similar concept but with other species. Imagine a blend of the most desirable traits from a diverse range of species. The radiation resistance of a ghoul, the vision prowess of an owl and the strength of a gorilla. This fusion could propel us towards an evolutionary leap into superhuman status.

Mad ramblings 04[]


I have a theory, a theory so mad it could work. What if we could extract memories from a human brain, allowing us to recover lost knowledge and memories from people who have passed on? It would require close teamwork with the engineering lab to devise a method of hooking up a projector ESC device to a brain. The difficult task would be translating memories from the hippocampus part of the brain into computer code. If we could achieve that, we could then translate that code through the projector allowing us to see the memories in a visual form (Similar to a film).

