Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
FO76 colorful flags

Flags added to Fallout 76 in June 2023

Fallout has been a landmark series in the discussion surrounding LGBTQ+ representation in video games and science fiction. Over the past quarter century, the setting has grown more diverse and inclusive, as each major installment has offered some kind of unprecedented LGBTQ+ representation.

The series has received accolades for its approach to sexuality and its portrayal of gay relationships. It has also been recognized for milestone achievements such as allowing the player to engage in same-sex marriage at a time when it was not possible in any country in the world.[Non-game 1][Non-game 2]


After rescuing Tandi from the Khans, the Vault Dweller may proposition her for sex. If they are male, she will react with hostility,[1] but if they are female she will become flustered and say that she only likes guys, before excusing herself from the conversation.[2]

Sally the super mutant is an interesting case, as the script listing suggests she was a woman before dipping, and became a male, or at least masculine-looking mutant afterwards. However, she consistently notes that everyone talks to her funny, likely referring to the pronouns they use, consistently misgendering her as male. Whether this was intended to evoke a transgender experience is unclear, though it is known that Fallout creator Tim Cain was an advocate for the dignity of transgender people even during his time at Interplay.[Non-game 3] It is possible the concept was blurred as different developers adjusted the game script.

Fallout 2[]

Fo2 ModocWedding

A male Chosen One being married to Davin.

This game has gay representation.
This game has lesbian representation.
This game has bisexual representation.

Released in 1998, Black Isle's Fallout 2 became the first mainstream game in western markets to feature same-sex marriage: In Modoc, male and female Chosen Ones can romance Davin and Miria respectively, potentially leading to a shotgun wedding at the insistence of their father, Grisham.[3][4] Despite the comedic framing, it was a landmark for LGBTQ+ representation in gaming. Fallout 2 was released a year before the Netherlands became the first country in the world to recognize same-sex marriage, and two years before The Sims was released, which unflinchingly implemented systemic support for gay relationships.[Non-game 4]

The game included other opportunities for characters to engage in same-sex romance. Chosen Ones can flirt and have sex with Leslie Anne Bishop regardless of gender,[5] and the Bishop crime family of New Reno in general is portrayed as supportive of gay members (in stark contrast to most fictional and real-life criminal organizations).[6][7] They can also date and sleep with Miss Kitty after destroying the Enclave,[8] and participate in a rave, having sex with other participants regardless of gender.[9][10] Francis, a super mutant arm wrestling champion from Broken Hills, can also be interpreted as bisexual, as the player character can challenge them, wagering themselves as a potential gimp for the night. Francis accepts bets and collects regardless of the Chosen One's gender.[11][12]

One explicitly LGBT-themed random encounter, the Rainbow Confederation, was cut from the game. The encounter would have included multiple slurs. It apparently depicted radical gay separatists who may have been named for the Confederacy.[13] Their scripting would check to see if the player was gay married (to Davin or Maria), which would determine if they were hostile.

Fallout Tactics[]

Raider dog

Raider concerned about the sexuality of his attack dog.

In Fallout Tactics, Released in 2001, a Raider during the Brahmin Wood mission will express that he thinks his "dog is gay."[14]

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel[]

This game has bisexual representation.

Ruby in Carbon can have sex with female avatars

Released in 2004, there is a character in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel named Ruby. Although she is a prostitute, she is still presented in a bisexual manner and Nadia (and Patty, if unlocked later) may choose to have sex with her. Thus, Ruby, Nadia and Patty may all be perceived as lesbian or bisexual characters. Ruby will comment "Women know what women want, sugar." Afterward, Nadia or Patty may leave a satisfied comment.[15]

Fallout 3[]

This game has bisexual representation.
This game has gay representation.
This game has lesbian representation.

Released in 2008, Bethesda Game Studios' Fallout 3 featured a handful of gay or bisexual characters. Anthony Ling, the fashion-conscious proprietor of New Urban Apparel at the Tenpenny Tower,[16][17] is fond of making his clients look fabulous and aggressively flirting with male guards,[18][19] including their superior, Chief Gustavo, who will respond by threatening to shoot him.[20]


Shrapnel from Rivet City

Flak and Shrapnel are gruff Rivet City arms merchants who live together as a couple. Flak is explicitly identified as gay by Grouse, a slaver from Paradise Falls, who describes him as a "queen" in a derogatory fashion.[21] His script notes clarify unambiguously that Grouse is calling Flak gay.[21] Flak's partner Shrapnel is uniquely scripted to sleep exclusively with him[22] and share drinks with him. Shrapnel slept exactly once with Trinnie, and is no longer interested in doing so.[23]

Carol and Greta are ghoul owners and managers of a hotel and restaurant at the Underworld, in a committed relationship for nearly seventy years.[24][25] They are the adoptive mothers of Gob, another ghoul.[26] This makes Fallout 3 one of the first games to feature adoption by same-sex couples, at a point when less than a dozen countries worldwide supported it. (The Fallout 3 Official Game Guide also states that Greta is the girlfriend of Winthrop, but they have no special interactions in-game).[Non-game 5]

Fo3 Nova

Nova from Megaton

Nova, a resident of Megaton, will sleep with the player character in exchange for caps regardless of gender, and will greet female Megaton settlers in a flirtatious manner,[27] though she only engages in sex work because Colin Moriarty is keeping her trapped in this situation.[28]

The slave Clover will make sexual and romantic comments about the player regardless of gender.[29]

Relic hunter Sydney is accompanied by Emaline in the random encounter Bragging Rights. Though their relationship is not alluded to in-game, the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide states that they are girlfriends.[Non-game 6]

As part of the quest Tranquility Lane, the player character is tasked with breaking up the marriage between Roger and Janet Rockwell. One of the solutions to this is to plant a woman's nightgown into Roger's drawer and then paint him as a crossdresser, which will lead to his wife breaking up with him. This suggests that crossdressing or other similar activities were enough of a social taboo in the pre-War era to break up a marriage, but it is hard to judge how representative of pre-War culture this could be.[30]

LM theme above

Gay sex lamp

Of the themes available for the player character's home, one is called love machine. It features a central heart-shaped luxury bed, as well as a lamp suspended from the ceiling depicting two life-size feminine forms engaged in missionary scissoring. Incidentally, if purchased for the Megaton home, the upgrade will personally be installed by Moira Brown.

In Point Lookout, pre-War institutional homophobia is depicted in a public service announcement called "Protect Yourself!" which can be read on a terminal. It warned people to protect themselves from the New Plague by avoiding engaging in "ice cream socials," "fairs and festivals," sodomy, and "cruising main street." The last phrase appears to be a reference to cruising for sex, in context with the mention of sodomy. The announcement employs dogwhistle rhetoric to suggest that gay people carry disease.[31]

Fallout: New Vegas[]

This game has bisexual representation.
This game has gay representation.
This game has lesbian representation.
This game has non-binary representation.

Released in 2010, Obsidian Entertainment's Fallout: New Vegas actively concerns itself with the realities of gay existence, and is widely recognized as a noteworthy work of queer science fiction. New Vegas extensively examines social attitudes towards homosexuality among the game's major factions, and primarily conveys this lore through gay and bisexual characters describing their own experiences. It also allowed the player to mechanically set the Courier's sexual orientation through the perks Confirmed Bachelor (euphemism for gay men) and Cherchez La Femme (French idiom meaning "search for the woman"), and their straight counterparts, Lady Killer and Black Widow. By taking both, the player character can be bisexual. By choosing neither available perk, the player can opt out of seeing flirtatious dialogue options.

The nuanced portrayal of queer people in New Vegas has received significant praise, with some publications considering it the high water mark of the series.[Non-game 1][Non-game 7]


Veronica Santangelo

Veronica, a Brotherhood scribe

Arcade Gannon

Arcade, a Follower doctor

Veronica Santangelo[32] and Arcade Gannon,[33][34] prominent companions and characters, are gay. Veronica is a journeyman scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel, while Arcade is the son of a late Enclave officer. Both struggle with the legacy of their factions, and potential futures for them.

Christine Royce, introduced in Dead Money, is one of the major characters in its story and Veronica's estranged partner, determined to hunt down the man responsible for separating them and a trail of other crimes across the wasteland, Elder Elijah.[35][36][Non-game 8]

There are also several supporting LGBT characters. Homosexual characters include Corporal Betsy, a hardened marksman from First Recon;[37][38] Jimmy, a tribesman self-liberated from Legion slavery and prostitute;[39][40] Alex Richards, a soft-spoken doctor supporting frontline troops at Camp Forlorn Hope;[41][42] Manny Vargas, an ex-Great Khan and ex-First Recon sniper living in Novac;[43] the receptionist at the Gomorrah;[44] Major Knight, an NCR officer posted at the border of the Mojave, and Tabitha & Rhonda, a couple at Black Mountain consisting of a Nightkin and a Mr. Handy.[45] Devin was a background character whose relationship with a man named Andrew was detailed in a letter he had written.[46] On release, Devin was originally located in the mine field between Camp Forlorn Hope and Nelson as one of the mortally wounded NCR troopers; all of the injured troopers were removed in a later patch.

Sarah Weintraub

Sarah Weintraub who manages the Vault 21 hotel

Bisexual characters include Red Lucy, head of the Thorn,[47] Sarah Weintraub, proprietor of the Vault 21 hotel,[48] and Carlyle St. Clair III, all of whom also have unique sexual interactions tied to their respective quests. Rose of Sharon Cassidy is also bisexual,[49] though displays a preference for men.[50] Finally, a number of sex workers will provide their services to Couriers of either gender, such as Santiago at the Atomic Wrangler Casino,[51] Dazzle[52] and Joana[53] at the Gomorrah, and Sweetie at the Casa Madrid Apartments.[54]

Two employees of the H&H Tools factory named Dobson O'Gill and Alan Dalton were sexually active with eachother,[55] as well as a woman at the office named Jenny DeSoto. Alan also had a wife.

In Old World Blues, the disembodied brain Doctor Dala describes herself as a "gender-neutral entity," making her the first character to self-identify as non-binary in the series.[56] Klein seems to use she/her pronouns for Dala.[57]


Uniquely, Fallout: New Vegas explores homosexuality in the context of wasteland societies, and touches upon related issues. The core theme of New Vegas is that the desire to recreate the past is driven by irrational nostalgia, and any endeavor to manifest past glory is dangerous and doomed. The social issue of homophobia is used as a demonstrative example. The resurrection of corporate and military power structures presents new avenues for Old World problems such as institutional homophobia to reemerge. One of the many issues that divide the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion is the latter's open persecution of gay people. The NCR is described as tolerant and even accepting of same-sex relationships, though acceptance tends to fall off the further one moves away from the developed, urbanized core of New California.[58]

FNV loading desktop06

In recent years, the Republic's rapid economic transformation has led to an unforeseen erosion of the humanitarian ideals which it was founded to serve.[Non-game 9] In practice, to recreate America was to take on its shortcomings and its sins. As subsistence scavenging has dried up, the people of the NCR increasingly turn to wage labor, entrepreneurial venture, or military enlistment to keep their families fed.[59] Meanwhile, their government enacts morally corrosive imperialism,[Non-game 9] their dominion expanding indefinitely as their infrastructure crumbles from within. This has led to a profit-based imperial monoculture which must conquer, consume, and coerce to perpetuate. As personal politics and service labor grow in importance, people find themselves more inclined to present as "normal" in the interest of financial stability and political expedience. A loading screen visualizes this culture of artificial social normalcy: the portrait of President Aradesh on the NCR 5$ bill neglects to depict his unibrow, earring, and facial scarification, overall portraying the once-chieftain so cleanly-cut as to be unrecognizable at first glance. He also appears to be wearing a collared shirt or suit as opposed to the robe he wore in Fallout.


Caesar, the leader of Caesar's Legion, has made homosexuality punishable by death.

In the Legion, Caesar has mandated that every legionnaire take a wife and produce children, citing high infant mortality rates and the constant need for soldiers,[Non-game 10] and going as far as instituting child quotas.[60] He treats human beings as a resource to be exploited for war. Ostensibly in this aim homosexuality has been declared a capital offense punishable by death.[40] Historically, routine demonstrations of violence towards women and gay people are a deliberate feature of fascist societies, the only logical cultural conclusion of a government devoted entirely to war and control.

In Forlorn Hope letter 9, an NCR soldier wrote wrote the following to his boyfriend.

Dearest Andrew,

Writing this seems pretty morbid, but tomorrow we march into the no man's land between our camp and Nelson, which is crawling with Legion. The Major insisted I write this damn "if you get this, I'm dead" letter so here it is. What a crock. I have the luck of the devil and your love on my side, so I'll be home soon. Keep the porch light on for me.

We'll party in New Vegas when I get back.

I love you.
— Devin

Devin believed he would prevail over the Legion because his love would keep him safe. He was found dying or dead on the battlefield, the letter was found on his body. In a post-release patch, the injured soldiers were removed from the battlefield for performance reasons, and never re-implemented.

Driven largely in reaction to the Legion's hyper-masculine posturing and misogyny, rumors persist across the Mojave that gay male relationships are not only common within the Legion, but condoned. These rumors are repeated commonly in NCR society. A closeted NCR Major mentions that the Legion is "a little more... forgiving" about close male "friendships," speaking in a hushed tone to avoid suspicion.[45] At the same outpost, the player can encounter Cass, a bisexual civilian woman. She may flirt with a male Courier, who may imply they are gay, prompting her to imply gay men are more common in the Legion.[61] Even as gay men fight and die in the name of love under his command,[62] NCR General Oliver may remark to Courier Six at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam: "If you think after all that's happened, I'm going to grab my ankles and take it like the Legion..."[63]

FNV General Lee Oliver

NCR General Oliver implies to his soldiers that his military enemies are gay.

This writing pertains to institutionalized homophobia which manifests in practice though power structures and social interactions without being written into law. Simply put, in his derogatory remark, the general expresses to his army that military surrender is gay, much like their gay enemy. From the brevity and bluntness of this remark, it's clear that this sentiment is already well understood among his ranks. Logically, to project strength in the eyes of such a leader, one might also project homophobia by scrutinizing and harassing one's peers and subordinates. In this atmosphere, the expression of homophobia is not only normalized, but materially incentivized. For the ambitious, it becomes a tool, and a way of casting shame upon rivals. For the closeted, homophobia becomes a survival tactic, hoping to throw scrutiny off oneself. This is why Major Knight is immediately frightened when a male Courier flirts with him. He is so profoundly alienated that he romanticizes life as a gay man under the Legion. The Legion punish homosexuality with death, and yet Knight characterizes them as more "forgiving" than the NCR.[45] Through these apparently disparate events, the audience can trace how a distorted perception of gay people emerges among insecure men in a military environment, and subsequently becomes ingrained in the corresponding civilian culture.

At the 188 Trading Post, a lesbian from the Brotherhood of Steel named Veronica also wryly remarks that she believes legionaries have gay sex about as often as straight sex.[64] She also notes that this only applies to men, as women have no rights whatsoever in Legion society. In this aside, she conveys a pre-existing frustration with lesbophobic social norms.[64] Veronica also mentions that the people of her bunker would rather she remain on the surface.[65]

The Mojave Brotherhood of Steel has no official policy prohibiting homosexuality, but an implicit attitude among its dominant members that their limited numbers require everyone to have children to avoid extinction.[66] Numerically, this may seem logical on the surface, given their reluctance to recruit outsiders. However, given their tiny population, this is an ineffective countermeasure, as they do not have nearly enough members to maintain genetic diversity for more than a few generations.[67] This approach is not universally supported by all family units within the Brotherhood,[68] but every individual is ultimately at the mercy of the elder. Veronica was in a lesbian relationship, but they were quietly separated by Elder Elijah, due to the dominant culture of enforcing heterosexual pairing among their population.[35][68]

Caesar's law has not ended homosexuality within his domain. Despite the obvious risks, some legionaries have continued to pursue relationships behind closed doors, especially given their access to slaves. So long as members complete their societal obligations and fulfill the child quotas, they are able to pursue romance with other men in secret. Homosexual relationships in the faction are noted as being relatively equal compared to the average Legion husband and wife,[60] in a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" sort of open secret policy. Gay legionaries must always make sure to keep their activities hidden.

A centurion was once almost caught fraternizing with the teenage boy he had chosen to tend his tent. Despite previous "romantic" intentions, he quickly resolved to dispose of the slave to dispel suspicion. Had they been caught together, the centurion would have been charged with homosexuality and sentenced to death. This story is only known because the enslaved young man, Jimmy, managed to escape execution.[40] Further illustrating the cruelty intrinsic to Legion governance, it's stated that homosexuality was the crime,[40] and not the rape of a young slave; in fact, it seems Jimmy was forced to contribute to the child quota despite being a gay teenager, and the experience left him traumatized. He has resolved to never have sex with another woman, as the very notion triggers memories which fill him with disgust, and (in his own words) makes him feel like a slave all over again.[69]

The Strip is indifferent to gay people, viewing them as another opportunity to make caps. Both the Gomorrah and the Atomic Wrangler are interested in maximizing profits, and their prostitution services cater to clients regardless of orientation.[70] The openly gay Jimmy works at nearby Casa Madrid, but there is some tension among his peers due to his co-worker Maude's blatant homophobia. She supposes he's "okay, for one of those,"[71] and if propositioned by a female Courier, Maude will direct them to Sweetie for such "perverted" services.[72] Pretty Sarah must regularly intervene to keep the peace among her staff.[73]

New Vegas ventures further into themes of healing from the trauma of sexual violence, from the perspective of a lesbian character. Corporal Betsy, the aforementioned NCR sharpshooter, is a rape survivor, and suffers with PTSD from the incident. Her unprocessed trauma has manifested as a maladaptive tendency to aggressively and explicitly proposition the women she encounters, in an effort to reassert a sense of control.[74][75] This defensive hypersexual impulse has negatively impacted her ability to connect with other women. A male superior officer notes that her behavior is inappropriate for anyone of her stature, but abstains from disciplining her out of sincere concern for her mental health.[74] The Courier can help her begin to recognize these problems, and convince her to seek treatment from Doctor Usanagi at the New Vegas medical clinic, which proves helpful to her as she processes and heals from her trauma.[76]

Julie Farkas Front

Followers of the Apocalypse[]

The Followers of the Apocalypse are a humanitarian organization with a value system that could be called anarchistic, socialistic, and communistic, but emphasizes mutual aid and harm reduction above any ideological end.[77][Non-game 11] Headquartered at their historic university in the Angel's Boneyard,[78] they hope to serve mankind by preserving knowledge in public libraries, as well as providing medical services to those in need. Although their operations are sanctioned by the NCR, there is a tension between the two groups, because the Followers do not withhold their resources from groups hostile to the Republic. Additionally, socially conservative citizens of the NCR tend to cast the Followers of the Apocalypse as "anarchic cultists" who oppose civilization by undermining NCR authority.[79] Some NCR members have a high opinion of the Followers,[80] but most dismiss them as "anarchists" in the uncomprehending, salacious sense of the word.[81] In other words, the Followers are considered dangerously unpatriotic.

Caesar, born Edward Sallow, was originally a Follower of the Apocalypse. His understanding of Roman history is based on what he was able to learn from their libraries. This is why the Followers and the Legion are the only factions in the wasteland who speak Latin. Sallow was assigned to document the languages of the Grand Canyon tribes,[82] but instead used his education to begin consolidating power, and ultimately wiped out many of the tribes he had been assigned to research. Caesar's Legion has no place for pursuits such as anthropology, or any organized effort outside the realm of military dominance. The Followers offer their healing services to anyone except the Legion, due to their antifascist principles.

A more significant movement out west, the Followers' only major presence in the Mojave is the Old Mormon Fort, somewhat ironic given the social and historical connotations of Mormonism. They allow outcasts and downtrodden to take shelter among their tents here, and do not stigmatize sex workers or addicts. A bisexual ghoul sex worker named Beatrix Russel can be encountered here, and the Courier may do business with her.

The Followers tend not to form hierarchies,[Non-game 11] and insist that the Courier choose non-violent approaches while carrying out their quests, which involve directly bettering the surrounding community of Freeside. Among other tasks, the player may be tasked to distribute Fixer (a medicine comparable to methadone) to homeless people experiencing withdrawal, or aid those abused by chem dealers. The main quest giver for the faction is community coordinator Julie Farkas, a doctor with a bold and unusual mohawk.


The Courier can help a young man at Red Rock Canyon find purpose and kinship by convincing him to leave home and join the Followers. Jerry the Punk is a Great Khan who has been ostracized for writing poetry, and the upcoming masculinity rites expected of him by his small, tense village give him reason to actively fear for his life.[83][84] Jerry has positive memories of the faction from his childhood, because there was a time when they would bring books to share with the Great Khans tribe. The Punk finds a sense of purpose and connection when he leaves his isolated home settlement of harsh, angry men[85] to live among the Followers of the Apocalypse, who see value in his gentle, creative nature as opposed to belittling him.

At the time of the events of Fallout, the Followers of the Apocalypse presented as benevolent secular monks who opposed the Children of the Cathedral cult.[86] In the wake of the Unity Crisis, the city of Boneyard peacefully joined the NCR. The fiction of New Vegas establishes that, in pursuit of their founding principles,[86][77] the Followers developed into a transgressive force for leftist values, openly critical of the NCR's capitalistic profit-based society.[81] Director J.E. Sawyer freely acknowledges that the values of the Followers of the Apocalypse were informed by leftist philosophy.[Non-game 11]

The distinctive character design of faction representative Julie Farkas resembles an archetypical punk woman. Being a far-left counterculture of a capitalistic empire, the Followers of the Apocalypse generally evoke and directly mirror the goals and organizational methods of the modern punk movement--more acutely, they embody the sensibilities of America's rail punks, a highly transient subculture who overwhelmingly emphasize volunteerism and anti-imperial philosophy, as opposed to the sensationalism of the reactionary punk rocker scene, which is defined by the moving target of aesthetic/social transgression. This read is further informed by the Followers' inclusiveness,[Non-game 11] abundantly evidenced in their care for people marginalized by other wasteland societies, including unhoused people, addicts, sex workers, gay people, tribal people, political dissidents, criminalized people, and mutated people.

Arcade Gannon[]
Arcade Gannon Front

The most prominent member of the faction is Arcade Gannon, a player companion and openly gay man, who was born an illegal person under NCR law. Upon meeting Courier Six, Arcade offhandedly makes his gayness known, unprompted. The audience must face the fact that Arcade's apprehension of the Legion is far from abstract; under Legion law, he would be put to death.

Arcade will not hesitate to abandon the player if he disapproves of their actions, but if his trust is carefully earned, he will reveal his origins. Arcade was born into the Enclave just before it collapsed. He hides this because his existence is a crime under New California Republic law. He abandoned his fascist background to serve the Followers' ideology of learning, harm reduction, and antifascism.

Additionally, Arcade is critical of the NCR, and encourages the player to re-route the power of HELIOS One to Freeside rather than the NCR power grid. Should the Courier sell Arcade to the Legion and subsequently lead the NCR to victory at the Dam, Arcade will ultimately be identified as Enclave-born and arrested from his position of slavery to spend the rest of his life in an NCR prison.[87] As a gay man originally born to the Enclave, his very existence is criminalized under the law of both the NCR and the Legion.

Another possible ending provides further insight into Caesar's hypocrisy: should the player sell Arcade into slavery and leave Caesar alive, he will keep Arcade as a personal physician and philosophical advisor. They intellectually spar at length, and Caesar grows singularly fond of him. Accordingly, Arcade imitates the historic suicide of Cato the Younger by disemboweling himself, rather than suffer the favor of the mad Caesar. The Legion's remaining medics attempted to save his life, but none were Arcade's equal.[88] Caesar understood his doctor's final gesture of contempt, and mourned him for months.[88][89][90]

In Old World Blues[]

The Think Tank are five floating brains in jars who express themselves by waving robotic arms bearing screens depicting facial features. Before the War, they were federal scientists who committed crimes against humanity in the name of weapons development. Each is stuck in some sort of neuro-bionic feedback loop which prevents them from moving forward with their projects, mentally binding them to their central laboratory. Walking through their homes at Higgs Village, it's clear each was deeply neurotic before they were transformed into floating brains.

Now without bodies, they attempt to maintain the illusion that they are exempt from sexuality as purely mental beings, but each displays obvious interest in the human form. They have codified this shaming with the term "formography." Most of the men are obsessively defensive over their complete disinterest in penises, which they talk about constantly. However, the shameless Dr. Dala shows overwhelming interest in observing and recording any and all human functions. Already androgynous in her pre-War life, Dala has taken to self-identifying as a "gender neutral entity" (though she is not known to use they/them pronouns). Regardless of the Courier's gender, they may coquettishly scratch themselves, clear their throat, and stretch in front of Dala until her biomed gel decoagulates. Dr. 8 also responds positively to graphic masturbation advice from Couriers of either gender.

The X-8 research facility is ostensibly a massive immersive shrine to Doctor Borous's hatred of Richie "Ball-Lover" Marcus, a long-dead child who bullied Borous centuries ago. He also clings to his resentment of one Betsy Bright, who refused to attend a dance with him, supposedly so she could "go smoke with RICHIE MARCUS." Clearly arrested in development, Borous has literally built a temple to the fantasy of torturing his adolescent romantic rival and feeding him to dogs. His frozen, static characterization of the jock Richie Marcus as a "pinko-commie" who "likes balls" reflects the shallowness, pettiness, and overall misanthropy underlying his patriotic identity.

It remains apparent throughout Old World Blues that the Think Tank are all chronically sexually repressed, which is inseparable from the values of the violent and judgmental pre-War culture which created them. With time and isolation, this ingrained repression has manifested as various intense and deranged psychosexual behaviors, including rage-fueled homophobia, voyeurism, and the obsessive performance of puritanical pretense.

Fallout 4[]

FO4 PrestonGarvey Infobox

Many of the companions, such as Preston Garvey, can romance the player regardless of gender

This game has bisexual representation.
This game has gay representation.
This game has lesbian representation.

Released in 2015, Bethesda Game Studios' Fallout 4 did not explore sexuality as a theme, and the central conflict of the game's story had little to do with the dynamics of progressive and reactionary social forces. However, it hosts a varied cast of gay or bisexual characters, and none of the companion romance content is tied to the player's gender.

Seven of the thirteen humanoid companions can be romanced by any player through the affinity mechanic. They are Cait, Piper Wright, John Hancock, Danse, Preston Garvey, Robert MacCready, and the Nuka-World companion Porter Gage. Additionally, the robot (and later synth) Curie can be romanced regardless of gender.

The cast of romanceable companion characters has been widely celebrated by queer fans. However, many also express mixed feelings about the "player-sexual" depiction of these characters, as they generally do not indicate their queerness whatsoever unless romantic dialogue is initiated by the player (with some arguable subtextual or humorously-presented exceptions).

The game has also been criticized for assigning the player character, the Sole Survivor, a spouse of the opposite gender (Nate or Nora) at the beginning of the game, making it impossible to play as a character who has not been in a straight marriage.

SH Neighbours3

What seems to be a lesbian couple embracing each other

In the game's opening scene, residents of an idyllic pre-War neighborhood scramble to Vault 111 as the bomb sirens ring, and an apparent lesbian couple are seen comforting one another outside their home. This has widely been cited as evidence that gay domestic partnership was at least tolerated in pre-War suburban America.

Professor Scara and Doctor Duff, a pair of scientists from Diamond City, are in a committed lesbian relationship.[91][92]

The Sole Survivor can choose to flirt with Trashcan Carla, who will lightheartedly refuse regardless of their gender but give them a 10% discount for amusing her. However, while she will jokingly call a male Sole Survivor a wiseass, she will flirt back with a female Sole Survivor and call her "beautiful", hinting that she is a lesbian.


Deb at Bunker Hill

Deb and Kay, Bunker Hill's doctor and trader respectively, are raising a daughter, Meg, together. Although their relationship is not explicitly alluded to in-game, Deb and Kay are both said to be Meg's mothers in the Creation Kit.[93] This is the first Fallout game depicting a gay couple raising a child together on-screen.

Miranda Song is a Vault 81 scientist who talks about a failed relationship with a woman who betrayed her.[94] Mel is a tech wiz living in Goodneighbor who will flirt with a male Sole Survivor.[95][96] Magnolia, the synth singer at The Third Rail, will flirt with the player character, as well as Piper, who responds bashfully, clearly flustered by her grace.[97]

At Far Harbor, the player can meet Andre Michaud, a wounded hunter mourning his recently-deceased husband, John.[98] Keith McKinney, a Robobrain and pre-War actor, has resided in Vault 118 elsewhere on the Island for centuries, where he has pined for fellow male Robobrain Ezra Parker.[99][100] It is mentioned that Keith used to visit certain nightclubs back in his pre-War life, and had also caught other Hollywood figures (namely actor Vince Natali and director Sergio Amore) in a "compromising situation" during one such visit.[101] Actress and fellow Vault 118 robobrain Gilda Broscoe is in love with Keith but in denial of his sexuality and simply calls it "part of the [Hollywood] life," pursuing his affection despite his lack of reciprocation.[102]

Female members of the Pack, if assigned to the Galactic Zone during Star Control, may randomly comment on their attraction to Nuka-Girl, saying that she is "hot" and that they have "a couple of her posters in [their] nest."[103]

The Creation Club content "CR-74L Combat Rifle" features the Commonwealth travel guide, a trove of documents and transcripts collected by Mary Jane and Lily Bell, two women who developed feelings for each other. They also casually discuss being attracted to other women. They eventually married, but Lily Bell died from illness and Mary Jane was killed in the wasteland after finishing a symbolic journey in memory of her wife. The plot of the content involves taking Mary Jane's ring to Lily's grave.

KL-E-0 is an Assaultron who self-identifies as a woman,[104] and has been interpreted as a reference to trans women. The portrayal of the character and assaultrons in general has drawn polarized responses, when comparing them to transgender women. K-L-E-0 is confident, uses sexual innuendo liberally, and mocks anyone who question her womanhood.[105] If asked about her identity as a "womanly robot," she mentions being "designation: assaultron."[105] Her computer terminal contains only plans to kill people.[106] In Fallout Shelter Online, KL-E-0 is one of five "Ultra-Rare" rank heroes, and has a unique set of animations. Colleen Delany, the voice actress who portrays Assaultrons throughout Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, is a cis woman, and her voice has been pitch-shifted down to be much deeper.

Deacon is a Railroad agent and companion, and briefly mentions in dialog that he "[..] got a face change and was a girl for a few months."[107]

Fallout 76[]

This game has bisexual representation.
This game has gay representation.
This game has lesbian representation.
This game has non-binary representation.

Released in 2018, Bethesda Game Studios' Fallout 76 did not initially include living human characters at launch, primarily due to the scorchbeasts and Scorched Plague either killing or motivating people to flee Appalachia. Representation was limited to stories told through notes, recordings, and the environment. Miguel Caldera, the Responders' chief mechanic,[108][109] and Freddie Lang, leader of the Blackwater Bandits,[110] were both gay, and their partners played an important role in their backstories. Other gay characters existed in the margins. More LGBTQ and gender non-conforming characters were added through updates, the most prominent of which was Shelley van Lowe, the catalyst for the main story arc of Wild Appalachia.[111][Non-game 12] Her significant other was Deborah Timmerman.

FO76 Beckett face

Similar to Fallout 4, Beckett and Sofia can romance the player regardless of gender

With the release of Wastelanders in 2020, living humans started to return to Appalachia, allowing players to meet and interact with living LGBT people. As with Fallout 4, they are primarily bisexual and include Johnny Weston, a gentleman Crater operative,[112] and two romanceable C.A.M.P. allies: Beckett, a reformed raider,[113] and Sofia Daguerre, a pre-War astronaut.[114] The Settler wanderer ally also mentions having an ex-boyfriend and an ex-girlfriend.[115][116] The raider punk frequently mentions his friend Jimbo, and says that they are no longer "together" due to Jimbo's chem use; the script notes for this dialogue state that "He loves Jimbo but he knows Jimbo is a bit too unstable for him."[117] An independent raider named Gnash mentions he likes bad boys, and speaks with a distinctive feminine Southern drawl, reflective of real Southern gay men and not heard elsewhere in the series.[118] The Assaultron Polly expresses great discomfort at being trapped in a body that does not fit her mind or self-image, if placed in a less-feminine robot model,[119] and Sol emphasizes that Polly deserves to be recognized as a woman.[120]

During the Steel Reign update in 2021, the player may flirt with Leila Rahmani, Daniel Shin and Odessa Valdez regardless of the player character's gender. While it is not confirmed what the sexual orientations of these characters are, they may still react positively to the flirting if the Vault Dweller formed a good enough relationship with them, suggesting they may be non-heterosexual or willing to experiment. For example, Valdez blushes and comments, "The human heart is a whole different beast. But I'm not one to turn down a challenge."' Shin may comment it feels nice to have someone to confide in, and the script note for this reads, "Flirting. An awkward, but genuine admission"

FO76SR Sheena and Burke AMS

Burke (left) is the first explicitly non-binary character in the Fallout series

Steel Reign also introduced a non-binary character, Burke. They fight for the Raiders as a member of the War Party at the Crater. The other members of the War Party are outspoken advocates for Burke's dignity. Pierce will briefly explain the concept of singular they/them pronouns to the player, if asked.[121]

Both Lite allies added in 2021's Night of the Moth are openly queer. Xerxo, a cordial actor-turned-ghoul who believes himself to be an alien, expresses interest in intimacy with the player regardless of gender, though he does not seem to know how human sex works.[122] Katherine Swan, an astronomer fascinated by aliens, was once in a lesbian relationship.[123] Enlightened Observer Errol will compliment players of either gender on their "alluring" smell, and implies a borderline sexual interest in killing and eating them.[124]

The Expeditions: The Pitt update in September 2022 added Orlando who is non-binary,[Non-game 13] androgynous in appearance and is referred to with they/them pronouns by other characters.[125] There is a terminal entry suggesting Lennox is interested in Orlando. The longing refugee is a female ghoul who may mention having a wife being held captive in the Pitt and so she wishes to have her photo taken as part of a random encounter so the photo can be sent to her wife. This encounter is one of many options the longing refugee has; she may also wish to send a letter to her father, sister or friend.

76 bottle and cappy are gay and in love

Bottle and Cappy are gay and in love

In the Nuka-World on Tour update in December 2022, the character Pete Myers is shown to be questioning his sexuality.[126] When told that Betty Hill has a crush on him, he states that he is unsure if he is "that way inclined."[127] He denies that this is because she is a ghoul, rather, it is because he is still trying to figure things out for himself.[128] Additionally, the cartoon mascots Bottle and Cappy are depicted in a cutout as being in love. The cutout can be found at the Tunnel of Love or used as C.A.M.P. decor.

In the Once in a Blue Moon update, a letter from a dying Gregory Timmerman was added, directed towards his former lover Deborah who was experiencing lesbian feelings towards her friend Shelley van Lowe. Gregory admits he did not really understand how their relationship came to be, but wishes them happy lives regardless, saying, "Whatever you've got going on between you and your Van Lowe friend... I get it. Actually, I don't get it, but I get that I don't get it. And that's all right. I hope both you and her can live a happier life than the one I tried making for us."

Alex Guerra

Alex Guerra

In the Skyline Valley update, the story focuses briefly on a couple separated by the Great War, Audrey Stolz and Alex Guerra. Audrey's father Hugo Stolz separated them not because he was homophobic but because Alex was a communist. The player is forced to kill Alex, either intentionally or accidentally through delivering a book to Alex, which the player did not know was booby-trapped by Hugo.

Various player icons for different sexualities and identities have been released for free on the Atomic Shop. In June 2023, a free flag bundle was added allowing players to build the flags in their C.A.M.P.s.

Fallout TV series[]

This series has non-binary representation.
This series has lesbian representation.


Dane, a rising member of the Brotherhood of Steel, is referred to with they/them pronouns by the clergy. They could be described as apparently gender non-conforming, while most of their peers appear to be young cis men - though a small number of cis women appear as extras. The specific gender dynamics of the Brotherhood in this time and place are not textually discussed or contextually obvious. Dane is portrayed by a non-binary actor, Xelia Mendes-Jones.

Ma June of Filly cohabitates with Barv, and their interactions strongly evoke the trope of the "old married couple," casually squabbling about their home in a way that communicates extreme familiarity. Both could reasonably be described as butch women. Additionally, Barv's unusual given name evokes the masculine name Harv.

FOTV Happy Star-Crossed Couple

Rose and Moldaver smiling at each other

Brief flashback scenes experienced by the protagonist Lucy seem to depict romantic tension between her mother Rose MacLean and Lee Moldaver, implied by serene shots of the pair expressing very warm body language.[129] Ultimately, the feral husk of Rose is seen alive in the care of Moldaver when Lucy arrives at the observatory in "The Beginning". The final scene between the characters signifies that they once had a powerful bond, but the nature of their history together is not further detailed.

In "Meet Me in Coswald!", a short made for the Fallout show, appears to depict Vault Boy as bi or pansexual. He was previously sometimes portrayed in a romantic manner with Vault Girl. The short shows that Vault Boy entered a gay relationship with Bottle; the two of them engaged in a physical relationship. It is shown Vault Boy has a photograph of him and Bottle at his work desk. This seems to make them the first known LGBT fictional characters in the Fallout setting.


The series opens on a pre-War birthday party. By the barbecue, two men briefly gossip about a neighbor, accusing him of being a "pinko." "Pinko" is a derogatory term for men with supposed leftist sympathies, disparagingly associating this trait with effeteness or gayness. In a later episode, a character observes that "communist" is a label hastily applied to anyone who fails to conform in Vault-Tec's America.[130]

An exchange in "The Head" mentions a TV Western writer who was fired on the allegation of harboring communist allegiance. Lead actor Cooper Howard expresses disbelief that a reputable man like "Cadillac Bob" could do such a thing, and laments that "he was such a good writer." Bob's former boss agrees that he was "one of the best" before going on to discuss how the previously-merciful protagonist must begin murdering criminals to appeal to the individualist sensibilities of "the new America."[131] In Bob's absence, the character becomes a cold-blooded murderer and anachronistic McCarthyist; Howard initially hesitates to perform the script as written, only to later be seen performing the same scene full-throatedly, with an additional line where the cowboy accuses the dying villain (styled as a Mexican bandit) of being a "commie."[132]

Elsewhere in the series, another pre-War social prejudice is textually addressed when Howard's long-time friend and fellow actor Charles Whiteknife discusses racialized typecasting. Historically, the series has almost never mentioned real-world social discrimination in Fallout's Old World, with the major exceptions of the homophobic PSA in Point Lookout mentioned above[31] and sporadic lore involving governmental persecution of Chinese-American citizens.[133][134][135]

Fallout: The Roleplaying Game[]

This game has gay representation.
This game has lesbian representation.
This game has non-binary representation.

Several queer characters appear in Winter of Atom, a 2023 sourcebook for Modiphius Entertainment's Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.

Eliza and Esther, the "Children of Atom tinkerers" who live in the tunnels near the Rad Church, are described as occasional lovers. They traveled to the Commonwealth together from the far northeast.[Non-game 14]

Mackenzie "Mac" Frey is a gambler encountered at Mirage who uses they/them pronouns.[Non-game 15] They were confirmed to be non-binary by veteran Fallout developer Jesse Heinig in a conversation on the Modiphius Discord server.[Non-game 16]

At Whately Research Facility, players have a chance to encounter the bodies of two male Atomites in a cryo-pod, "frozen forever in a tender lovers' embrace."[Non-game 17]

The sourcebook describes John Hancock, mayor of Goodneighbor, as wanting to bury his ex-partner who died due to radiation poisoning. This ex-partner is described using he/him pronouns, and his current partner with she/her pronouns, confirming the mayor is not heterosexual.[Non-game 18]

Van Buren[]

  • Mary-Joe is a bisexual trog working as a prostitute for Dusty Heart.[Non-canon 1]
  • Trisha is a, presumably, bisexual member of the Scorpion's Bite clan. She is bright, opportunistic, and attractive, and will readily offer sex as an incentive to anyone, male or female, if she believes they can serve her interests.[Non-canon 2]
  • Dorris is a receptionist for the NCR at their Hoover Dam headquarters. She does not tolerate flirtatious behaviour from male suitors passing through, much preferring female attention, according to rumors.[Non-canon 3]


  • In Afterword, the epilogue of the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Collector's Edition, Moira Brown mentions that the gender of the Lone Wanderer is already the subject of historical debate, and declines to weigh in, despite having met them herself.[Non-game 19]
  • In all 3D Fallout games, NPCs may incidentally sleep in the same bed, without any intentionally-implemented reason to do so. Without scripting or contextual evidence, these emergent scenarios do not convey creative intent.
  • The gendered dialogue perks in New Vegas are an expansion of the purely combat-oriented perks Lady Killer and Black Widow from Fallout 3. Due to this overlap in mechanics, the game engine grants bisexuals a flat +10% damage bonus against all human targets.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, is openly gay and has been married to his husband Robert Land since 2011. He was closeted during his time at Interplay. He has noted that Interplay was an environment hostile to gay people. Cain ultimately quit Interplay to form Troika Games while Fallout 2 was still in development.[Non-game 20] Cain currently develops role-playing games at Obsidian, but has not worked on the Fallout IP since 1998.
    • On one occasion, he confronted a higher-up Interplay employee upon overhearing her comments regarding a transfeminine coworker. The higher-up insisted on going directly to Human Resources. Cain agreed, explicitly wagered his job against hers, and offered to walk to HR together, then waited at a distance. She spoke further with her coworker and left without incident.[Non-game 3]
  • In 2022, it became apparent that the Bethesda.net word filter was unintentionally categorizing the words "lesbian" and "queer" as profanities, making it impossible for creators publishing mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim to use them in mod titles. The issue was resolved within days of being reported, with the word filter modified to not suppress LGBT mods.[Non-game 21]
  • In Broken Steel, the player encounters Wint and Kidd, a pair of male ghouls named after the homosexual assassin couple from Diamonds Are Forever.[Non-game 22]
  • According to Fred Zeleny, Fallout 3 developers had to cut a significant portion of its written dialogue to reduce its filesize. Much of this cut audio was specific to player gender, resulting in narrative content which effectively placed female characters in situations originally designed specifically for males.[Non-game 23] Regardless of the intentionality, this has been received as a form of queer representation.[Non-game 23]
  • In the Wild Wasteland credits for Fallout: New Vegas, Theresa Treadwell is credited as "Obsidian's Gay Cowgirl." On her defunct wordpress blog, she wrote the following:
We certainly didn’t intend for New Vegas to change anyone’s outlook on life, but if it did so for the better, then we’re happy for them – for you. Although I’ve been out for a very long time, I made a conscious effort to be out with relation to this project, as I wanted to be visible as a lesbian in the game industry. New Vegas itself is, I think, one of (if not the) best games out there in how we treat homosexuality – and all of that is very intentional. If my work on FNV, if my being out has helped even one gay person, then I have succeeded.— Tess Treadwell, Blog
  • Jesse Heinig, developer for Fallout and Fallout: the Roleplaying Game, said the following in a 2023 post regarding LGBT representation;
To be a bit more specific, I think it's important that LGBTQIA+ characters can exist without having to "justify" their existence as something central to plot or story. The character can just be who they are, and their role in the story comes from their part in the narrative. You don't have to write a story specifically to say "This story demands that the character be LGBTQIA+ or else the story doesn't work" (although you could!). Rather, these characters exist in the story, just like people in the LGBTQIA+ group exist in our real world, and they are who they are without this needing to be some central plot point. Mac exists because Mac makes the side quest go. Mac happens to be non-binary because... that's who they are. They don't need some reason or excuse in order to be non-binary. They're just a non-binary person living in the world, much like any other non-binary person, trying to get by and survive and be true to themselves.Jesse Heinig, Modiphius Discord


See also[]


  1. Tandi: "{158}{TAND_36}{Hi! I was afraid that you were gone and I wasn't going to get a chance to thank you for rescuing me. Aw! That was great! Action, adventure...Anyway, if there's anything that I can do for you, you just ask.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{160}{}{How about you and I...well, you know...get together.}"
    Tandi: "{149}{tand_27m}{I'm not that kind of girl, mister. Go find a Brahma or something.}"
    (Tandi's dialogue)
  2. Tandi: "{158}{TAND_36}{Hi! I was afraid that you were gone and I wasn't going to get a chance to thank you for rescuing me. Aw! That was great! Action, adventure...Anyway, if there's anything that I can do for you, you just ask.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{160}{}{How about you and I...well, you know...get together.}"
    Tandi: "{150}{tand_27f}{Listen...uh...but I...uh...I-I like guys, okay? Whew! Uh, excuse me, I got stuff to do.}"
    (Tandi's dialogue)
  3. Davin: "{157}{}{Hi! My name's Davin; I help my father run the slaughterhouse in Modoc.}"
    The Chosen One: "{168}{}{Why don't we get more comfortable?}"
    Davin: "{187}{}{Wow, I never thought such a beautiful woman would try to seduce me. What! You're not a woman! Don't worry, you're so pretty, I won't say anything if you won't.}"
    The Chosen One: "{190}{}{Stop talking; you're gonna ruin it for the both of us. Just sit back and enjoy.}"
    Grisham: "{400}{}{What's going on in here?}"
    Davin: "{400}{}{Dad!}"
    The Chosen One: "{401}{}{Uh-oh!}"
    Grisham: "{402}{}{Holy shit! I knew Davin was different, but there's only one way to make this right!} {228}{}{Boy, don't even try to explain this. I don't want to hear it. I'm gonna get the preacher, make this all lawful like, and you will leave and take my son with you when you go.}"
    Jo: "{600}{}{Dearly Beloved: We are gathered here...}"
    Grisham: "{404}{}{Uh, Jo, can we just skip to the vow tying parts?}"
    Jo: "{603}{}{OK, um... Before we begin, is there In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar anyone in this room know any reason why these two here before us should not be joined in holy matrimony?}"
    The Chosen One: "{410}{}{Uhh...}"
    Grisham: "{406}{}{Boy...}"
    The Chosen One: "{411}{}{Uhhh... Continue, please...}"
    Jo: "{604}{}{Do you [player name] take Davin to be your lawfully wedded uhhh... other? Yes, lawfully wedded other?}"
    The Chosen One: "{412}{}{I sure the hell...}"
    Grisham: "{410}{}{Don't make me make Davin a widower.}"
    The Chosen One: "{413}{}{Um... I do.}"
    Jo: "{604}{}{Do you Davin take [player name] to be your lawfully wedded other?}"
    Davin: "{402}{}{I surely do!}"
    Jo: "{609}{}{Then by frontier law, I pronounce you attached. You may now kiss the other.}"
    (Davin, Grisham, and Jo's dialogue)
  4. Miria: "{154}{}{Why, hello there, stranger. I'm Miria.}"
    The Chosen One: "{156}{}{What do you do around here?}"
    Miria: "{192}{}{Who, me? I do odd jobs here and there. Surely nothing worth talking about. [She flutters her eyes at you.]}"
    The Chosen One: "{193}{}{I really would like to know more about you.}"
    Miria: "{196}{}{I'm really touched. Nobody ever tries to get to know me better. All they want is sex, sex, sex! I get so tired of having wild sex all the time. I'm so glad you're not like the others.}"
    The Chosen One: "{200}{}{Well, I've never known anyone as interesting as you are.}"
    Miria: "{209}{}{[She blushes] Stop, you're embarrassing me. You are just the sweetest thing. Why don't come over here and sit by me.}"
    The Chosen One: "{210}{}{I think this In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar going too far. Can't we just talk?}"
    Miria: "{214}{}{I can't take this anymore! You're perfect. [She rips off her clothes, your clothes, and then…]}"
    The Chosen One: "{215}{}{[Your world will never be the same again.]}"
    Grisham: "{400}{}{What's going on in here?}"
    Miria: "{400}{}{Daddy!}"
    The Chosen One: "{401}{}{Uh oh!}"
    Grisham: "{402}{}{Holy shit! I knew Miria was different, but there's only one way to make this right!} {229}{}{I can't say I'm not just a little turned on by this, but I can't have her living in this house now that I've seen it. You two are going to have to get hitched and leave.}"
    Jo: "{600}{}{Dearly Beloved: We are gathered here...}"
    Grisham: "{404}{}{Uh, Jo, can we just skip to the vow tying parts?}"
    Jo: "{603}{}{OK, um... Before we begin, is there In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar anyone in this room know any reason why these two here before us should not be joined in holy matrimony?}"
    The Chosen One: "{410}{}{Uhh...}"
    Grisham: "{407}{}{Missy...}"
    The Chosen One: "{411}{}{Uhhh... Continue, please...}"
    Jo: "{604}{}{Do you Miria take [player name] to be your lawfully wedded uhhh... other? Yes, lawfully wedded other?}"
    Miria: "{402}{}{I surely do!}"
    Jo: "{604}{}{Do you [player name] take Miria to be your lawfully wedded other?}"
    The Chosen One: "{412}{}{I sure the hell...}"
    Grisham: "{410}{}{Don't make me make Miria a widow.}"
    The Chosen One: "{413}{}{Um... I do.}"
    Jo: "{608}{}{Then by frontier law, I pronounce you attached. You brides may now kiss.}"
    (Miria, Grisham, and Jo's dialogue)
  5. The Chosen One: "{265}{}{Nevermind In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. I better be going.}"
    Leslie Anne Bishop: "{380}{}{Hold on a moment. (Studies you.) You seem to be…new in town. Would you care to join me for a drink in my chambers? We can discuss New Reno; it's a dangerous place to those unfamiliar with its ways.}"
    The Chosen One: "{382}{}{Only if the drinks are just the beginning.}"
    Leslie Ann Bishop: "{390}{}{(She raises an eyebrow.) We shall see.}"
    The Chosen One: "{391}{}{Well, that's all I need to hear. Let's go.} {545}{}{(You join Mrs. Bishop for a drink in her chambers. The two of you talk for a while, then she comes over and starts caressing you.)} {546}{}{Go to it.}"
    Leslie Ann Bishop: "{591}{}{(Passionate lovemaking commences. At the end of your sexual marathon, Mrs. Bishop curls up against you, smiling contentedly.) Mmmmm, [player name]. You are the *woman.* (Shivers.) That thing with your tongue was --}"
    The Chosen One: "{596}{}{Uh, look, just in CASE someone is watching us from above right now and listening to everything we say and do, let's keep some secrets to ourselves. Instead, let's indulge in some distracting pillow talk.}"
    (Leslie Anne Bishop's dialogue)
  6. John Bishop: "Not exactly... (Smiles.) What I got is an OFFER: How about becoming part of the Family? I got big plans, and I could use you: you're resourceful, tough, and you get things DONE. That's the kind of soldier I need."
    The Chosen One: "I'm interested. What's in it for me?"
    John Bishop: "All right then, bottom line: You got a taste for women? I can make sure you're NEVER lonely again. Maybe you don't like the bitches, that's fine, I'll get you some glitterboys you can park your meat in."
    (John Bishop's dialogue)
  7. John Bishop: "Not exactly... (Smiles.) What I got is an OFFER: How about becoming part of the Family? I got big plans, and I could use you: you're resourceful, tough, and you get things DONE. That's the kind of soldier I need."
    The Chosen One: "I'm interested. What's in it for me?"
    John Bishop: "All right then, bottom line: You got any young stud you fancy? I'll set you up with all the pretty boys you want. Or maybe you swing the other way, eh? I'll make sure you have a partner for every day of the week."
    (John Bishop's dialogue)
  8. Miss Kitty: "{520}{}{(As you speak, she looks up, startled.) You! You came back! I... I thought you might be dead. (She looks relieved.) I was so *worried.* Risking your life, taking on the Enclave... that's the bravest thing I've ever heard.}"
    The Chosen One: "{527}{}{Thanks. Just doing my job as a heroine.}"
    Miss Kitty: "{545}{}{You are so humble. I LOVE that about you. (Makes sweeping gesture at Cat's Paw.) You are always welcome here, free of charge.}"
    The Chosen One: "{548}{}{So... how about that date we talked about way back when?}"
    Miss Kitty: "{565}{}{All right then, [player name] ...let me just get my coat.}"
    The Chosen One: "{570}{}{Sure. But hurry up... you and my tongue got reservations at eight.}"
    (Miss Kitty's dialogue)
  9. Rave Party special encounter
  11. Francis: "{125}{}{You think you can take me, eh? All right. You win, you get this power fist. I win, and you're my gimp for a night. Do you want to do it now, or would you like to take some time to rest up?}"
    Chosen One: "{129}{}{I'm game for it now.}"
    Phil: "{513}{}{Lick 'em, Francis! No, not with your tongue!}"
    Francis: "{403}{}{Rnnrnrnrnnrrr.}"
    The Chosen One: "{402}{}{Aiiigggggg.}"
    Phil: "{505}{}{Hey, Francis! You should TRICEP-arating the arm from the shoulder.}"
    Francis: "{408}{}{Groan!}"
    The Chosen One: "{400}{}{Urrggghh!}"
    Phil: "{500}{}{Over the top, Francis! Over the top!}"
    Francis: "{404}{}{Hagggahhhaaaggga.}"
    The Chosen One: "{406}{}{Eeeeeccchhhh.}"
    Phil: "{510}{}{I think I hear a tendon getting ready to pop...}"
    Francis: "{407}{}{Grunt!}"
    The Chosen One: "{409}{}{Ouchie!}"
    Phil: "{531}{}{Way to go Francis!}"
    Francis: "{411}{}{Ha ha! Gotcha!}"
    The Chosen One: "{410}{}{Ow! My arm!}"
    Francis: "{145}{}{You lost. No big surprise. Time to come on home with me.}"
    The Chosen One: "{302}{}{You feel sore. You seem to be carrying a memento of your visit with Francis.}"
    (Francis' dialogue)
  12. Francis: "{147}{}{Didn't you get enough of me before? Do you want to try again? Same deal?}"
    Note: Francis will say this line after losing to him in an arm wrestle.
    (Francis' dialogue)
  13. Rainbow Confederation references
  14. M01_Raider_A00 = { I think my dog is gay. }
    (MIS 01 Speech.txt)
  15. Ruby: "Anything little Ruby can help you with?"
    Nadia: "How much for your... services?"
    Ruby: "Well well, and I thought it was gonna be a slow day. Wanna party?"
    Nadia: "Here's 10 caps. Let's boogie."
    Ruby: "Women know what women want, sugar. Come here and I'll show you... ... What did I tell you? Another satisfied customer."
    Nadia: "Whew! That hit the spot. Now, down to business..."
    (Ruby's dialogue)
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "This is happening. You're going to have to deal with it, or get forced out."
    Anthony Ling: "In case you haven't noticed, I run a fabulous shop, and live in the most fabulous of places. You can't push people like me around! Ha!"
    (Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  17. Anthony Ling: "Welcome to New Urban Apparel. I carry the finest in pre-war clothes. Hurry up, lets get you out of those old rags and into something fabulous!"
    (Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  18. Anthony Ling: "If you're tired of sleeping in those barracks, let me know."
    (Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  19. Anthony Ling: "Hi there! That's quite some ordnance you're packing, isn't it!"
    (Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  20. Anthony Ling: "Hello there, Chief. You're packing a lot of heat, aren't you?"
    Chief Gustavo: "That's right. And the safety's off. Back off."
    (Tenpenny Tower conversations; Anthony Ling's and Gustavo's dialogue)
  21. 21.0 21.1 Grouse: "How the hell'd you get old queen Flak, into that collar?! I'm surprised you're still alive! We need to keep a close eye on that one, though. He knows our system too well. He sold us out to get into Rivet City. We'll never forget that. And now we'll make sure he never forgets it, either. Here's another collar. Keep herding the swine in here and you'll have more bottle caps than you'll know what to do with."
    (Grouse's dialogue) Note: These lines are spoken should Flak have been captured and sent to Paradise Falls as a part of the quest Strictly Business.
  22. ShrapnelSleepSat23x8 and ShrapnelSleep3x8NotSat packages reference not a bed or their room marker (FlakShrapnelRoom), but Flak directly. This is distinct from other characters, including those in assumed relationships such as the Youngs, and, in fact, unique to Flak and Shrapnel. A side effect of the package is that Shrapnel will travel to Flak, even if he's enslaved at Paradise Falls.
  23. Trinnie: "Shrapnel! You're my favorite man. Buy me a drink lover?"
    Shrapnel: "We only had one night together, Trinnie. Go get your own drinks."
    (Trinnie and Shrapnel's dialogue)
  24. The Lone Wanderer: "You run this place with Greta?"
    Carol: "That's right. Her and I have been together for... oh... about 60 years now. But, things haven't really been the same since Gob left. He was like a son to me. I think Greta was always a little jealous of him..."
    (Carol's dialogue)
  25. The Lone Wanderer: "You're taking Greta's death really hard, aren't you?"
    Carol: "We've been together longer than you've been alive. It's just... you know, you think that you're going to be with someone forever, and then you wake up one day and they're gone. Where do you do from there?"
    (Carol's dialogue)
  26. The Lone Wanderer: "Have you ever heard of a guy named Gob?"
    Carol: "Gob? Yes, of course! He's my son... well, not really, not like you would think of a son. We Ghouls don't really work like that, but I love him like he's my own! Do you know him? Have you seen him? Is he alright?"
    (Carol's dialogue)
  27. Nova: "Hello there, honey."
    (Nova's dialogue)
  28. The Lone Wanderer: "So, what's it take to hire you?"
    Nova: "It used to be that Colin decided that stuff. But, with him gone, I'm thinking about retiring. So, no new clients. Sorry."
    (Nova's dialogue)
  29. The Lone Wanderer: "Because I say so. Go."
    Clover: "If that's the way you're going to play, lover. I'll be waiting at Eulogy's place when you come crawling back."
    (Clover's dialogue)
  30. The Lone Wanderer: "Maybe it's his. You know, for him to wear when no one is looking..."
    Janet Rockwell: "Oh my God. Roger... He wouldn't. But..."
    (Janet Rockwell's dialogue)
  31. 31.0 31.1 Disaster relief outpost terminal entries; terminal, New Plague Public Information, Protect Yourself!
  32. The Courier: "Ever been in love?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "Ever been nosy? I was, once. We were pretty young, but I like to think it was love."
    The Courier: "What happened?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "She left the Brotherhood. Wanted to put some distance between herself and her parents. Since our membership isn't open to outsiders, some members think that obligates all of us to procreate. You can guess which camp her parents belonged to."
    The Courier: "You didn't go with her?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "No. Couldn't bring myself to leave everyone else behind. Couldn't convince her to stay, either. I'd hoped love would be enough to influence her decision, but it wasn't. We were both too stubborn. I don't know where she is now, but I'm sure she's moved on. I still think about her, though. Once in a while."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  33. The Courier: "Arcade, I'm asking you because I'm interested. Don't put yourself down."
    Arcade Gannon: "Oh, all right. I'm thirty-ish. Well, late thirties. I was born... west of here. I was an only child and spent most of my time with my mother. My father died when I was young and I never got over it. Oh... and I like medicine and reading books about failed Pre-War socioeconomic policies. Right now, I'm sure you're asking yourself, 'Why hasn't some lucky man scooped this bachelor off his feet?' Like I said, I'm boring."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  34. The Courier: "Why don't you come with me?"
    Arcade Gannon: "No offense intended, but why should I go anywhere with you?"
    The Courier: "I need a good-looking doctor to help take care of me in the big, bad wasteland."
    Arcade Gannon: "Overt flirtation will get you everywhere, you know. On a slightly more serious note, if you're interested in helping out with the troubles plaguing Freeside, I can come with you. Just don't do anything obnoxious, like trying to help Caesar's Legion, and we should be fine. Understood?"
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  35. 35.0 35.1 The Courier: "How long have you been hunting him?"
    Christine Royce: "Too long. Thought I might have had a chance to settle it before this event happened, but then the chance slipped away again."
    The Courier: "Sounds personal."
    Christine Royce: "He... cut me off from someone I cared about a long time ago. He used his status to break us apart. So I had to find a new purpose, same banner. Then he became unstable, left a trail of crimes across the wasteland. Once word reached us, I was ordered to kill him."
    (Christine Royce's dialogue)
  36. The Courier: "You were looking for someone?"
    Christine Royce: [She nods and raises a finger.]
    The Courier: "A robot?"
    Christine Royce: [She shakes her head and pumps her fist near her chest.]
    The Courier: "Or a woman?"
    Christine Royce: [She shakes her head... then stops mid-way, frowns... then tilts her head, as if thinking. She seems lost in thought for a moment.] [She glances at you, as if caught, then she smiles slightly, but there's an edge to it. Then she shakes her head, slowly, once.]
    The Courier: "Man?"
    Christine Royce: [She nods. She makes a motion with her hands around her chin, drawing it down, and then she raises her hands and clenches them at the sky.]
    The Courier: "An... angry, bearded... man."
    Christine Royce: [She points at your Pip-Boy.]
    The Courier: "The man on the Pip-Boy holotape, Elijah."
    Christine Royce: [She nods, looks concerned, taps the side of her head, and expands her hands.]
    The Courier: "Someone smart."
    Christine Royce: [She nods, then circles her ear.]
    The Courier: "...and nuts."
    Christine Royce: [She nods, frowns.]
    The Courier: "Sounds like it's pretty important to you to find this person."
    Christine Royce: [SUCCEEDED] [She frowns, raises two fingers, and has them walk together. Then she looks down on the two fingers, and her face becomes angry.]
    The Courier: "He cut you off from someone."
    Christine Royce: [She nods.]
    The Courier: "Family? Husband?"
    Christine Royce: [She frowns, shakes her head, and even more so at husband.]
    The Courier: "Oh - girlfriend."
    Christine Royce: [She hesitates, then waves her hand.]
    The Courier: "You were more than girlfriends - lovers."
    Christine Royce: [She nods, and looks at you a little surprised.]
    (Christine Royce's dialogue)
  37. The Courier: "So snipers work in pairs?"
    Betsy: "Yeah. We spot for each other, watch each other's backs. Usually works pretty well, unless you get paired up with an asshole. Thing is, there's a lot of assholes in the army. Now if they paired me up with somebody who looks like you... Lot of downtime in the army. Nobody around but you and your partner. Plenty of time for... whatever we want."
    (Betsy's dialogue)
  38. The Courier: "How about a date? I like tough women."
    Betsy: "Thanks for your help with Usanagi and all, but I still like them tall, blonde, and female."
    (Betsy's dialogue)
  39. Jimmy: "Hey, mister, looking to relax? Looks like you carry a lot of tension in your shoulders... and upper thighs."
    The Courier: "Back rubs are a specialty of mine. Maybe I'll show you sometime."
    Jimmy: "Oh, I think I'd like that. A lot. Maybe even give you a discount for my... company."
    (Jimmy's dialogue)
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 The Courier: "I hear you were a slave of Caesar's Legion."
    Jimmy: "What Marco said is true. The Legion attacked my village when I was 16. My parents were killed as examples. The rest of us, chained and dragged to some kind of camp. A Centurion there chose me as his tent servant. He was handsome, and gentle, most of the time. Said it was our secret, and he'd protect me. Gave me little gifts, stupid things. But Caesar punishes homosexuality with death, and we nearly got caught, and there were suspicions. So when he took me out into the desert... Well, I knew he was going to get rid of me. So I kicked him where it counts and I ran. And then swam. And ran some more. Wound up here."
    (Jimmy's dialogue)
  41. Alex Richards: "I'm always a sucker for a pretty face. What can I do for you, my fine dear?"
    Alex Richards: "I think it just got a little bit hotter in here. Is there something I can do for you?"
    Alex Richards: "There's my little buttercup. What can I do for you?"
    Note: These lines will be spoken if the Courier has the Confirmed Bachelor perk.
    (Alex Richards' dialogue)
  42. Fallout: New Vegas Wild Wasteland credits: "Dr. Richards is a dude and likes other dudes. This perk brings out the tiger in him."
  43. The Courier: "You've had your needs neglected for far too long, haven't you? I can tell."
    Manny Vargas: "Yeah, I... everybody depends on you, you know? But they don't ask you about how you feel. What you worry about. There's something I like about you. You just seem really understanding. I was gonna ask you for a favor, but I'll just tell you what you wanna know."
    (Manny Vargas' dialogue)
  44. Gomorrah receptionist: "Hello and welcome to Gomorrah. What can I help you with today?"
    The Courier: "I'm sure you have all the good dirt on what goes on around here."
    Gommorah receptionist: "I sure do, but loose lips{giggle} sink ships."
    The Courier: "Beautiful, I would love to help you loosen those lips."
    Gomorrah receptionist: "I... well, since you ask so nicely, and I'm not sure I could resist those pretty eyes. What do you want to know?"
    (Gomorrah receptionist's dialogue)
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 The Courier: "[Confirmed Bachelor] You didn't tell me your name."
    Knight: "Oh - Knight. You must not be from around here. If so... it doesn't do to get too friendly."
    The Courier: "What do you mean?"
    Knight: "This isn't the Republic. Oddly enough, Legion's a little more forgiving about... friendships. Out here, it's not as accepted. Not that I mind being friends, it's just being open about it in the Outpost... well, I have to work here."
    The Courier: "So is that a 'no,' you don't want to be friends, or..."
    Knight: "I... would, perhaps some other time. When my orders take me to Vegas, perhaps. Wish things were different, but might take some time."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  46. Forlorn Hope letter 9
  47. The Courier: "My mind's thinking about what I could do with you, in private."
    Red Lucy: "Your bravery surpasses that of any other, and I've come to admire your actions. Before death takes us, I would know you deeper. Come with me... My Hunter."
    (Red Lucy's dialogue)
  48. Sarah Weintraub: "Hey, stranger! Where have you been, uh? I missed you!"
    The Courier: "Yeah, pass by my room and we'll catch up."
    Sarah Weintraub: "You're kicking me into gear, huh? I think I'll drive my chassis over to your pad. Wait for me down there, and don't forget the oil."
    (Sarah Weintraub's dialogue)
  49. The Courier: "How's caravan life in the Mojave?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well, I'm not one for soft living... or soft men, let me tell you. I'm guessing neither are you."
    The Courier: "[Cherchez La Femme] That's... rarely an issue."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "What? Oh. Damn, no offense meant. Sometimes I get so drunk, I don't care who I share a bed with, so that's fine with me."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  50. Fallout: New Vegas endings, Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Cass survived to see the NCR flag flying proud over Hoover Dam, and thought for a moment... this is what a hero must feel like. She was about to tell the Courier not to get too proud of himself, then she figured he knew that already. That night, Cass kicked in the door of his room to celebrate, only to find the man on the bed was an NCR soldier whose barracks had been destroyed. He was cute, though, so after having her way with him, she got the hell out, leaving an empty whiskey bottle as a note. As she walked along the Dam in the night, she felt drunk, content, and happy to be alive. Which to her, was the whole point of it all."
    Note: Cass will only attempt to sleep with the Courier if they are male.
  51. The Courier: "I'd like to hire you for a bit."
    Santiago: "Santiago is here to please, my prarie flower. Just a few caps and I'm yours."
    The Courier: "Here you go. <Pay 25 caps>"
    Santiago: "I'll meet you upstairs in a moment, darling."
    (Santiago's dialogue)
  52. Dazzle: "Hi, honey. I'm Dazzle. What can I do for you... or to you? Every night's ladies night here."
    The Courier: "We girls have to stick together. Any chance you could give me a better deal?"
    Dazzle: "Yeah, you're right. For you, and just you, fifty caps. Don't tell anyone."
    The Courier: "Fifty caps it is. Let's party."
    Dazzle: "We can go right over here, baby."
    (Dazzle's dialogue)
  53. Joana: "Well, what do we have here, huh? Let me guess. You've heard about the mistress who makes all your fantasies come true. So you've followed the call of your desires... all the way to the arms of Joana, moi. Now that you've found me, I wonder, do you have what it takes?"
    The Courier: "I always have what it takes."
    Joana: "[SUCCEEDED] Oh, confident. I like that. So, what do you want to do with what you've got?"
    The Courier: "The better question is what are *you* going to do with it."
    Joana: "[SUCCEEDED] Oh my, aren't you something else...!? I guess you'll have to see for yourself what I can do, huh? Consider it 'on the house,' honey."
    (Joana's dialogue)
  54. Sweetie: "Hey, honey. Looking for something softer than a man can give you?"
    The Courier: "Any chance you could help me get into Saint James' room?"
    Sweetie: "I do have his spare key, but I'm not sure he'd like it if I let you in there. Saint James can be a little crazy sometimes."
    The Courier: "We girls need to stick together, and this'll be our secret."
    Sweetie: "I could never resist a woman like you. Here, take the key, but don't tell anyone where you go it."
    (Sweetie's dialogue)
  55. From: Alan Dalton
    To: Dobson O'Gill
    Subject: RobCo

    Jenny said your brother might know something about these RobCo guys that are kicking our asses on the trading floor. You heard anything?


    PS: The wife's away this weekend and Jenny's busy. Why don't you bring over the rubber sheets and the souveneir elephant-foot trash can and remind me what I've been missing? ;)
  56. Dala: "I cannot believe you would hit a gender-neutral entity such as myself."
    (Dala's dialogue)
  58. The Courier: "[Confirmed Bachelor] You didn't tell me your name."
    Knight: "Oh - Knight. You must not be from around here. If so... it doesn't do to get too friendly."
    The Courier: "What do you mean?"
    Knight: "This isn't the Republic. Oddly enough, Legion's a little more forgiving about... friendships. Out here, it's not as accepted. Not that I mind being friends, it's just being open about it in the Outpost... well, I have to work here."
    The Courier: "Didn't realize NCR was so spineless."
    Knight: "Now wait a minute - Republic's a sight better than... other alternatives. Women are serving here, after all. The rest... well, might take some time. And they're more accepting back West, like I said. In the meantime..."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  59. "NCR citizens in the Mojave have largely come here for economic reasons, whether as paid citizen soldiers or as prospectors and fortune-seekers." (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 41)
  60. 60.0 60.1 The Courier: "Sounds like life in the Legion is tough."
    Jimmy: "It's tough on both sides of the fence, really. I think women have it worse. They're like money, given as rewards. Breeding stock. Honestly, as long as men meet obligations and the child count, 'friendships' are a sight more equal than the level of most Legion husbands and wives."
    (Jimmy's dialogue)
  61. The Courier: "How's caravan life in the Mojave?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well, I'm not one for soft living or soft men, let me tell you. Otherwise, I wouldn't be talking to you right now - on both counts."
    The Courier: "[Confirmed Bachelor] As long as we keep it on that level."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "What? Oh. All right. Guess you've got a Legion outlook on things. No problems here, there's a lot more of that in the Mojave than you see."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  62. Forlorn Hope letter 9
  63. The Courier: "I have the terms of your surrender here for you."
    Lee Oliver: "What the hell are you talking about? What is this? The Free Economic Zone of New Vegas... What the hell does that mean?! Oh, wait, here we go. Demands NCR's immediate withdrawal... Withdrawal? Like fucking hell we're withdrawing... we just held the dam, we didn't do it to let it go! This paper of yours? Isn't fit to wipe my ass. If you think after all that's happened, I'm going to grab my ankles and take it like the Legion..."
    (Lee Oliver's dialogue)
  64. 64.0 64.1 The Courier: "What are your thoughts on the Legion?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "Silliest band of raping, slaving marauders you'll see east of California, I'll say that. Where's that touch of Old World class? Although I hear they mount their soldiers as much as they mount their women, so maybe they did keep a little something from the Empire. No such privilege for the women, though. Figures. So... to answer your question... they're a bunch of hypocritical jerkwads. It's a word."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  65. "And actually these days I think they'd rather have me out here anyway. But that's a whole other story." (Veronica's dialogue)
  66. The Courier: "Ever been in love?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "Ever been nosy? I was, once. We were pretty young, but I like to think it was love."
    The Courier: "What happened?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "She left the Brotherhood. Wanted to put some distance between herself and her parents. Since our membership isn't open to outsiders, some members think that obligates all of us to procreate. You can guess which camp her parents belonged to."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  67. The Lone Wanderer: "You simply don't have enough people to stay isolated down here forever."
    Alphonse Almodovar: "I admit, in the 200 years since the war, our numbers have dwindled a little. But we have enough genetic diversity for... a few more generations. My God, you're right. We won't last another hundred years, whether or not we get supplies from the outside. We're the last bastion of pure humanity, and we're doomed."
    (Alphonse Almodovar's dialogue during Trouble on the Homefront)
  68. 68.0 68.1 The Courier: "Ever been in love?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "Ever been nosy? I was, once. We were pretty young, but I like to think it was love."
    The Courier: "What happened?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "She left the Brotherhood. Wanted to put some distance between herself and her parents. Since our membership isn't open to outsiders, some members think that obligates all of us to procreate. You can guess which camp her parents belonged to."
    The Courier: "You didn't go with her?"
    Veronica Santangelo: "No. Couldn't bring myself to leave everyone else behind. Couldn't convince her to stay, either. I'd hoped love would be enough to influence her decision, but it wasn't. We were both too stubborn. I don't know where she is now, but I'm sure she's moved on. I still think about her, though. Once in a while."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  69. The Courier: "How much for your services?"
    Jimmy: "I told you, I ain't ever doing that again - ever. It was like being a slave all over again."
  70. The Courier: "I actually found you an escort who's a ghoul *and* a cowboy."
    James Garret: "Imagine that! What's his name and when's he start?"
    The Courier: "Her name's Beatrix, and she can start immediately."
    James Garret: "A she, huh? Well... I guess the customer who made that request can't get everything he wants. Hell, who knows? He might not even notice the difference."
    (James Garret's dialogue)
  71. Courier: "What do you know about Jimmy?"
    Maude: "I suppose he's okay, for one of {disapproving of his homosexuality} those. I suppose Pretty Sarah's got to cover every sort of customer."
  72. The Courier: "I'd like your services."
    Maude: "If you're looking to get perverted, go talk to Sweetie. She's less particular than I am."
    (Maude's dialogue)
  73. Courier: "Tell me about Pretty Sarah."
    Jimmy: "She's an honest woman. Splits the earnings fair, and keeps Sweetie and Maude in line. Minds her own business, too. She knows what it's like for people to go through things they'd rather not talk about. "
  74. 74.0 74.1 The Courier: "What's wrong with Betsy?"
    Gorobets: "Cook-Cook, one of the fiends, ambushed her and Ten of Spades. They both managed to escape, but not before Cook-Cook raped her. Betsy's shrugged it off like it was nothing, but her behavior keeps getting worse - always making passes at every woman who wanders by. It's inappropriate for anyone in First Recon to behave that way. I could discipline her, but I'd rather she get medical help."
    (Gorobets' dialogue)
  75. The Courier: "I heard you were raped by Cook-cook."
    Betsy: "Can't stop talking about that, can they? The Lieutenant actually sat me down and asked if I wanted to talk to a doctor. Wouldn't believe me when I told him to forget it. I mean, if that slab of meat had gotten me pregnant, then maybe I'd want to talk to a doctor."
    (Betsy's dialogue)
  76. Betsy: "I've been seeing Usanagi, and things are better. I'm not so angry all the time, you know? And, uh, I'm not trying to jump every woman in camp."
    (Betsy's dialogue)
  77. 77.0 77.1 The Courier: "Go on."
    Ignacio Rivas: "Other things weren't lost, but were blocked from our collective memory. Knowledge of what we're capable of, and how things spiral out of control. It's in our nature to want to forget truths that keep us awake at night. And for that reason it's all the more important that the Followers walk the wastes to remind people of them."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  78. The Courier: "Are you one of the Followers of the Apocalypse?"
    Usanagi: "Yes, I am. I received my medical training at the Angel's Boneyard Medical University back in the NCR. It's not a requirement to be a Follower to enter the university, but I believe in what they do, so I joined them."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  79. Squatter: "I see you prefer the company of anarchic cultists to civilized peoples."
    (Squatters' dialogue) Note: This line is spoken to the Courier when Arcade Gannon is in their party.
  80. The Courier: "Julie Farkas told me to ask. She said it was important."
    Elizabeth Kieran: "You know Julie? Not everyone in the NCR sees eye-to-eye with the Followers, but they're okay in my book, mostly because of her. If you really want to know, we sent an envoy to the King offering to coordinate the relief effort."
    (Elizabeth Kieran's dialogue)
  81. 81.0 81.1 The Courier: "Are the Followers part of the NCR?"
    Usanagi: "We've worked with them in the past. The NCR became too focused on things like patents and profitability, so the Followers go their own way now. The NCR and the Followers have a cool relationship at the moment. We see them as oppressive, and they view us as anarchists."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  82. "As an anthropologist and linguist, my assignment was to learn the dialects of the Grand Canyon tribes. What a fucking waste of time!"
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  83. "Have you seen this tribe? If it's not an epic drunken ballad of cracking skulls and hearing lamentations they think it's a waste of time." (Jerry the Punk's dialogue)
  84. "Oh. You heard that, huh? Okay, so yeah, I was writing poetry. I know, I know, it's not a very Great Khan-like thing to do." "The Followers of the Apocalypse came to our camp when I was a kid, and they brought a bunch of old books. I used to read pre-War poetry for hours." (Jerry the Punk's dialogue)
  85. The remaining Great Khans are disproportionately male, universally traumatized, and generally culturally isolated in the wake of the Bitter Springs Massacre.
  86. 86.0 86.1 The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{What do you worship?}"
    Nicole: "{111}{Nic_2}{We don't worship so much as follow a set of principles. We want to bring peace back to this wasteland. The world tends toward destruction, so we try to make a difference.}"
  87. "Though Arcade was crushed by the Legion's victory at Hoover Dam, he was not among NCR's casualties. During the NCR's retreat from the Mojave Wasteland, he helped defend NCR citizens and refugees on their way to Mojave Outpost. Unfortunately, a NCR ranger identified his father's armor as Enclave property. He was arrested, tried as a war criminal, and imprisoned indefinitely." (Fallout: New Vegas endings)
  88. 88.0 88.1 "Tricked by the Courier and imprisoned by the Legion, Arcade remained Caesar's personal physician for several years. Caesar grew fond of speaking with such an educated man on philosophical matters. Arcade became his unwilling intellectual sparring partner. After years of such servitude, during an unguarded moment, Arcade used a surgical scalpel and his bare hands to disembowel himself. Lacking any other skilled medical personnel, the Legion was unable to prevent his death. Caesar mourned his loss for months." (Fallout: New Vegas endings)
  89. Arcade indicates that Cato was a figure favored by Caesar, as does the existence of a frumentarius dubbed Cato.
  90. "Caesar can cite Cato to suit his purposes." (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  91. Scara: "Duff, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times... stop rearranging my work space. You're driving me crazy."
    Duff: "Aww. I was trying to surprise you by cleaning it up. I thought you'd be happy."
    Scara: "Sigh... I'm not mad at you, just frustrated. It might look like a mess, but I have a specific way of organizing everything that I own."
    Duff: "Oh. Then I'm guessing you won't be happy with how I rearranged our bedroom. Sorry, Professor!"
    (Professor Scara and Duff's dialogue)
  92. Duff: "Professor! I have a new theory how the Institute makes the synths."
    Professor Scara: "Oh no. We banned talking about this, remember? After last time? The shouting? Me sleeping on the cold floor of the lab for three nights?"
    Duff: "That was your choice..."
    Scara: "And seriously... growing synths from the ground using recombinant plant nuclei? I mean, how could they even..."
    Duff: "Ah ha! You do want to talk about it!"
    Scara: "Uh... Oh look! We have a visitor! Doctor Duff, dear, if you could bother them while I walk away from this conversation..."
    (Duff and Professor Scara's dialogue)
  93. Creation Kit relationships
  94. Miranda Song: "Yeah, you could say that. I met a girl, from the outside. Said she was going to take me away from all this. I gave her all my money so she could find us a place to live out there. I don't hear from her in months, till a passing trader mentions she saw her with some man in Diamond City. You outsiders are nothing but liars, only looking out for yourselves."
    (Miranda Song's dialogue)
  95. Mel: "So, what's the deal with the new guy?"
    Bobbi No-Nose: "Oh, I got lucky with this one. Came right up to my door and took the job. He takes orders and he's useful in a fight. What more could I want?"
    Mel: "And he's not so bad to look at, either."
    (Mel and Bobbi No-Nose's dialogue)
  96. The Sole Survivor: "Do you come here often?"
    Mel: "You know, they always say you'll meet that special someone in the last place you'd expect. So why are you here? You want something from me, right?"
    (Mel's dialogue)
  97. The Sole Survivor: "I loved the song. It was perfect."
    Piper Wright: "Real great set this evening, ma'am. Of songs, that is. Is it warm in here?"
    Magnolia: "Oh, thank you! A girl tries her best. *chuckle*"
    (Piper and Magnolia's dialogue)
  98. Andre Michaud: "The doctor has said in time, I will fully recover. He says this is your doing? But... I do not know you."
    The Sole Survivor: "No, we're strangers. Who exactly are you, anyway?"
    Andre Michaud: "Andre Michaud. With my husband John.... We hunt Mirelurks, for their meat, their shells. But... the last hunt did not go well."
    The Sole Survivor: "How not well are we talking about?"
    Andre Michaud: "As bad as it can get. A Mirelurk Hunter, he blindsided John. I managed to pull him out, but I had to run blindly. Into the Fog. John was the tracker, he was the one who knows this island. But me, I got turned around. I don't remember what happened. Someone, I don't even know who, found me... brought me here."
    (Andre Michaud's dialogue)
  99. The Sole Survivor: "Maybe you can give me a reason it couldn't be you."
    Keith McKinney: "I- I would never harm Ezra, Detective. I was... in love with him."
    (Keith McKinney's dialogue)
  100. Keith McKinney: "When we first met him he was just so mysterious and exciting. It seemed like he had been everywhere and done everything. I convinced Gilda that we should invest in the hotel so I could stay close to him, but he never seemed to realize how I felt. I mean we spent time together. Going hunting, having drinks, talking about his plans for the hotel. He must have known, but he never said anything. Do you have any idea what it's like to pine for someone for 200 years, Detective?"
    (Keith McKinney's dialogue)
  101. Gilda Broscoe: "He'll deny ever saying it, but Keith once told me he caught Vince Natali and Sergio Amore together at a nightclub in a compromising situation."
    (Gilda Broscoe's dialogue)
  102. The Sole Survivor: "It looks like the baseball bat from Keith's movie is missing."
    Gilda Broscoe: "Look Detective, I've known about Keith and Ezra for a long time. We're both movie stars, it's just part of the life. Why would I be mad?"
    (Gilda Broscoe's dialogue)
  103. Pack raider: "That Nuka-Girl's hot. Got a couple of her posters in my nest. Me-ooow."
    (Pack members' dialogue)
  104. Sole Survivor: "You're an Assaultron?"
    KL-E-0: "That's what my makers called me. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm a woman. And I run a store that sells very large guns."
    (KL-E-0's dialogue)
  105. 105.0 105.1 The Sole Survivor: "Oh, of course you are. It's just... all those metal plates. You're a robot, right? A very... womanly robot?"
    KL-E-0: "Designation: Assaultron. Designed to provide a variety of security-related tasks to the modern man. Runtime conclusion: Why work for the man, when you can work for yourself. Robot enough for you, smooth talker? Now, what are you buying?"
    (KL-E-0's dialogue)
  106. Kill or Be Killed terminal entries
  107. Deacon's Dialog, # 1087
  108. Survivor story: Miguel Caldera
  109. Morgantown Airport terminal entries; Miguel's terminal, Miguel's Journal, This is it.
  110. Freddie Lang's holotape
  111. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, Pending Response: 11/17/2077
  112. A Vault Dweller: "Do you have any family? Any romantic interests?"
    Johnny Weston: "Wow, Vault Dweller, you're going right for the juicy details. I had a family, but either they disowned me or I disowned them depending on who you believe. They could be dust now for all I care. As for romantic partners... I've had many and there's always room for more. But, sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, my friend. While I wouldn't mind shacking up with you occasionally, I don't think Meg would approve."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  113. A Vault Dweller: "Sounds good to me."
    Beckett: "Great. I'll see what my contacts come up with. Hey, uh... before you take off, I have one last thing to say. Since I've been in Appalachia, I've run into all sorts of people. Most of them wouldn't bother to help if you were dying at their feet. But you. What you've done for me, for my family? I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you."
    A Vault Dweller: "[Flirt] I think it's obvious how we truly feel about each other."
    Beckett: "If I can be honest, I was kind of hoping you weren't going to bring that up. You see, I've never had anyone that wanted to get this close to me. It feels strange... and, it uh, it... it scares the hell out of me. If I couldn't even keep my family intact, how is a relationship with you ever gonna work? What if I mess things up? I know... I know. I sound crazy. But for once, it's not the chems talking. Does... this change your mind about things? About us?"
    A Vault Dweller: "Scares the hell out of me as well, but I'm willing to give it a try."
    Beckett: "*Laughs* Well, good to know I'm not the only one who feels that way, and uh, I dig your honestly. So... uh, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now. I've actually, never been in a relationship with someone before. Great start, right? *chuckles nervously* Maybe I'll just shut up and let this work out naturally. Yeah, that's probably best."
    (Beckett's dialogue)
  114. A Vault Dweller: "I'm glad it all worked out."
    Sofia Daguerre: "I have to say something, and I know it may sound corny. But hear me out. I fell to Earth, and literally anybody could've met me. Most people would've shived me for my suit alone. So the greatest miracle of all of this... was finding you."
    A Vault Dweller: "Stop, I'm blushing."
    Sofia Daguerre: "*laughter* I told you it would be corny."
    A Vault Dweller: "What are your plans now?"
    Sofia Daguerre: "Now that everything's over, where does that really leave us? I've spent so much time here, I never really stopped to think that this is your home, not mine."
    A Vault Dweller: "I'd like you to think of this as your home, too."
    Sofia Daguerre: "It feels good to hear you say that. It's been hard to have clarity since I... woke up. Between the headaches and total collapse of modern civilization as I knew it, sometimes I'm not sure where certain feelings are coming from. Thanks to you, I'm finally beyond that. And, given how life is even more unpredictable than ever these days... I just wanted you to know how much you've come to mean to me."
    A Vault Dweller: "I've come to think of you as more than a friend."
    Sofia Daguerre: "Oh, more? I hadn't... I mean, you've never... I... I don't know quite what to say. With everything my head has been through, I hadn't even considered that you'd even think I was... dating material. I come with my own set of matched luggage if you know what I mean."
    A Vault Dweller: "I love you, Sofia."
    Sofia Daguerre: "Is it too sappy to say you've got my head spinning, but in a good way? I've been through so much, and I finally have a fresh start. I'm just happy that you're going to be a part of that."
    (Sofia Daguerre's dialogue)
  115. Settler wanderer: "So I got a tip from my old girlfriend, and that is a story let me tell you... This one time... Right, sorry. It's a power substation."
    (Settler wanderer's dialogue)
  116. Settler wanderer: "So Catherine, my ex, says it's at this resort. And she's never wrong. Trust me. Never. Wrong."
    (Settler wanderer's dialogue)
  117. A Vault Dweller: "What's up with Jimbo?"
    Raider punk: "Jimbo? Well... we met in the last gang before Crater. He's into the hard chems way more than me... it's the only reason we aren't together now. One day he'll get bored of them though. I hope anyway... and I'll be here for him when he does."
    (Raider punk's dialogue)
  118. A Vault Dweller: "[Charisma 8+] You know, I have a thing for bad boys."
    Gnash: "I'm not your typical bad boy... ...and sorry, you're not my type. You could probably use this... and maybe a cold shower. ...but we do have that in common. Maybe I'll take you on a raid with me sometime and we can celebrate after. Do some chems... bathe in the blood of our enemies... here's a taste, for now."
    (Gnash's dialogue)
  119. Polly: "Look at me. My brutal curves. My sleek but battle-ready frame. Vanished. Instead I'm trapped in this... thing."
    Polly: "I've got more limbs than combat processors! There's a rocket coming out of my keister! And I didn't even get the charming accent!"
    (Polly's dialogue)
  120. Sol: "See, Duchess and Polly, they didn't work great together. Duchess treated her like a Protectron - a servant to be bossed around. But she's a lot more than that. I don't know if all Assaultrons are like her or it was something to do with her reprogramming, but she's... like a real lady. Once I got Duchess to see that, well, it was smooth sailing. Or as smooth as this group gets."
    (Sol's dialogue)
  121. Vault Dweller: "Tell me about Burke."
    Pierce: "They don't talk much. Action is more their language. I wouldn't have it any other way."
    Vault Dweller: "Why do you refer to Burke as 'they'?"
    Pierce: "Because it suits them better. When I first met Burke... they were different. Secluded. Like they didn't want anyone to see them. Burke flinched when others talked about them. People expected things based on how they looked. They had these... titles. The Silent Man. Albino Dog. One day I asked if something else would feel better. It took some trial and error, but we eventually settled on the neutral 'they'. They're a much happier person now, for the insignificant price of a word."
    Vault Dweller: "I'm glad to hear that."
    Pierce: "Me too. We all have a public perception in this world. Sometimes it doesn't match what we feel inside. And there is nothing we can do about that. But other times, there is. And I don't need to understand everything Burke is feeling to want to see a smile on their face."
    (Pierce's dialogue)
  122. A Vault Dweller: "I'm probably going to regret this. Fine, let's do this."
    Xerxo: "Well, as flattered as I am by the proposition, I'm only allowed to perform the ancient Zebulonian love dance with high ranking government officials. If you would like, however, we can stand near each other, and exchange nearby gases. I understand that is what qualifies as intimacy among your species."
    (Xerxo's dialogue)
  123. A Vault Dweller: "Manipulating the weather isn't inherently evil. You can make rain for crops."
    Katherine Swan: "Yes, but if that were your motive, you should advertise it plainly. It's like when my ex told me she loved books, and I'd find her novels while I was on travel as a gift. It would've saved us both a lot of trouble if she admitted she couldn't read. Although I suppose the inability to read road signs was the first clue, but she was cute, so I believed her."
    (Katherine Swan's dialogue)
  124. "Mmm. Your smell. Alluring. Makes me want to... rip you open." (Observer Errol's dialogue)
  125. Refugee: "Any idea where Orlando gets their clothes? I swear, I could do with a wardrobe upgrade."
    (Refugee's dialogue)
  126. A Vault Dweller: "So, you're just not into women?"
    Pete Myers: "I dunno, maybe not? Or maybe I am? This wasteland is complicated enough. Trying to understand myself too? Oof. But, hey, good talk, right?"
    (Pete Myers' dialogue)
  127. A Vault Dweller: "I think she may have a crush on you."
    Pete Myers: "(Chuckles) I doubt that. She's cute... But even if that were true... I don't know that I'm that way inclined, if you know what I mean?"
    (Pete Myers' dialogue)
  128. A Vault Dweller: "Because she's a ghoul?"
    Pete Myers: "What? No! I didn't mean it like that at all. I'm still just... trying to figure things out for myself, ya know?"
    (Pete Myers' dialogue)
  129. Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 8: "The Beginning"
  130. Fallout Season 1 Episode 3, "The Head," ~11:00
    Miss Williams: "I'm not a communist, Mr. Howard. That's just a dirty word they use to describe people who aren't insane."
  131. Fallout Season 1 Episode 3, "The Head," ~2:57
    Emil Dale: Bob's been fired, Coop.
    Cooper Howard: What?
    Emil Dale: Studio fired him.
    Cooper Howard: Why?
    Emil Dale: See, turns out... Bob's a bit of a communist.
    Cooper Howard: A communist? Cadillac Bob?
    Emil Dale: Yeah.
    Cooper Howard: Cadillac Bob! The very one. Well, what a shame, he was such a great writer.
    Emil Dale: Terrible shame. One of the best, but he had to go. Which is why this movie is so important.
    Cooper Howard: Right.
    Emil Dale: You see, it's a new kind of western. The power of the individual when the chips are down. The new America, it's why I'm telling you, so... that's why it'd be really great if you could just… shoot Jorge in the fucking head, yeah?
  132. Fallout Season 1 Episode 4, "The Ghouls," ~42:30
    Cooper Howard's character: "Well, Joey... I'll give you two out of three on that front. I hope you like the taste of lead, you commie son of a bitch."
  133. Executive Order 99066
  134. Little Yangtze
  135. South Boston military checkpoint terminal entries
  1. Hoover Dam design document/2 - Generic NPCs - Mary-Jo (Female – Trog {Human}) - ...She spends most of her time in Dusty's Desires flirting with the men, and occasional woman (if she swings that way), and is very approachable.
  2. Twin Mothers design document/2 - Side Quests - 1. Deliver a disk: Trisha will ask the player to deliver a holodisk to an agent of Caesar's Legion. She will offer sex as payment to the player.
  3. Hoover Dam design document/2 - Generic NPCs - Dorris (Female – Human) - She doesn't take too kindly to flirting from male suitors and is quick to shoot anyone down who does. Some even say she might prefer women to men, but that is just a rumor created by ego bruised men... or is it...?
  1. 1.0 1.1 The trailblazing Fallout games were way ahead of their time when it comes to LGBT representation - Pink News
  2. How far has LGBT representation in video games come since the 80s? - Metro
  3. 3.0 3.1 Tim Cain at GX Australia 2017, 18:35
  4. The Kiss That Changed Video Games - The New Yorker
  5. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.103: "Winthrop
    Winthrop is Underworld's technician. He checks on the electricity, makes sure any plumbing is in working order, and generally takes care of things. He restored and reprogrammed the robot Cerberus, and is responsible for his maintenance. Winthrop sleeps for a few hours in his little workshop off the Concourse, and is occasionally joined by his girlfriend Greta."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  6. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.71:
    A very close friend of Sydney's, Emaline is adept at heavy weapon combat, and extremely faithful to her girlfriend. If anyone (especially men) cross Sydney in any way, she tracks them down and evens the score."
  8. Chris Avellone on Twitter November 19, 2019
  9. 9.0 9.1 "By post-apocalyptic standards, the NCR is a paragon of economic success and good ethical character: political enfranchisement, rule of law, a reasonable degree of physical security, and a standard of living better than mere subsistence are daily realities for it's 700,000+ citizens. Currently, the NCR in a state of transition, with rapid economic growth and a sea change in political leadership endangering its grand humanitarian ideals. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Mojave, where the occupation of Hoover Dam has improved access to electricity and water, but at the cost of straining its budget and embroiling its armed forces in a morally corrosive imperialist project."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  10. Joshua Sawyer on Forumspring February 8, 2011: "What's the premise for Caesar's Legion being so sexist, esp. in a world where Ranger Stella can mangle bodies daily in the Arena? Is it just breeding issues? Cause even the abominably sexist Romans were not *that* sexist, and Caesar is a smart man.
    Breeding issues are pretty huge in cultures that took a big step back from infant mortality progress made in the last 100-200 years. Prior to the last few centuries, infant mortality was often around 50%-ish. Child mortality (prior to age 12) was about 60%. Those are pretty awful odds of reaching adulthood.
    Remember that Caesar's Legion is basically a roving army that continually breaks down and absorbs tribes that it conquers. That can only go on for so long, and Legionaries who are indoctrinated from birth are even more loyal than adolescents who are integrated. Breeding new generations of Legionaries is vital for the Legion's continued existence.
    Even though breeding is incredibly important in the Legion, there isn't any concept of family outside of the Legion's structure. All of the places where the player encounters the Legion are forward camps where direct military service is given the most weight and is of the most immediate importance. Because only males are involved in that service, they look down upon females even though it's incredibly short-sighted."
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 "The Followers of the Apocalypse: Libertarians, socialists, communists, or greens?"
    Joshua Sawyer: "They vary significantly, but range from anarcho-syndicatists to socialists to communists. Their general tendency to be inclusive and non-hierarchical means they don't have a single outlook or 'platform.'"
    Josh Sawyer Formspring answers
  12. BGS_Carl (Carl McKevitt) on Bethesda Game Studios' official Discord
  13. Phillip Reich Plays Fallout 76: The Pitt (Union Dues, Part 2 - Stream Archive) (0:14:36)
    Phillip Reich: "Orlando is non-binary, so they - we call they - and yeah, they're the liaison. So the Management is the secret organization behind the Whitespring Resort here. And they are their liaison that we'll talk to us for them on their behalf. [...] It's definitely inspired by... I remember when we were recording this character, we were like 'Yeah, we want a bit of a Katherine Hepburn-y kind of feel to Orlando.' So you can hear that in the way they talk that you get some of that old-timey 1950s Mid-Atlantic speech patterns. [...] And the actress we had in to voice Orlando... I can't remember her name, but she was a joy to work with, as well. Very, very lovely woman. I'll have to look up her name that voiced Orlando."
  14. Winter of Atom, p.71: "The Children of Atom Tinkerers. Two women, Esther and Eliza, control the battling robots. The pair are friends and occasional lovers with a deep interest in robotics. They regularly build robots to fight against one another, and the pit surrounding the platform is littered with their cast-offs. They are generally friendly, though Esther is slightly sour at losing the most recent battle. PCs who succeed on a CHA + Speech test with a difficulty of 1 can convince the pair that they are not hostile. Increase the difficulty of the test by 2 if the PCs made a lot of noise fighting Children of Atom guards elsewhere in the tunnel. If they succeed, PCs can get Esther and Eliza to open up about what the Children are doing in the sewers by spending AP to Obtain Information. If the test fails, Eliza and Esther become hostile."
  15. Winter of Atom, p.172: "A fast-talking gambler and small-time hustler named Mackenzie Frey, or Mac as they prefer to be called, approaches the PCs with a proposition: they want someone to join a card game as a ringer. Mac carries a simple knife for self-defense."
  16. Jesse H. on Modiphius Discord on 5/16/23
  17. Winter of Atom, p. 223: "All frozen individuals are dead—the cryogenics failed. Only skeletons remain in the broken tanks. The two working tanks contain preserved corpses:
    * Three proud scientists wearing pre-war military uniforms
    * The upper torso of a Protectron painted with the symbol of Atom
    * Two Children of Atom men, frozen forever in a tender lovers' embrace"
  18. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, pg.284: "Feral and Goodbye: John Hancock, mayor of Goodneighbor, lost his ex-partner prior to becoming a ghoul to the radiation of the Cambridge Crater when said partner approached too close to the radioactive center of the area. John himself fears becoming feral should he attempt to enter the area, but wants someone to retrieve the body, to both bury the man and be able to properly grieve, something his new partner has said she wants him to do."
  19. The afterword from the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Collector's Edition.
  20. Tim Cain at GX Australia 2017, 22:52
  21. Skyrim And Fallout Mods Can Now Include The Words "Queer" And "Lesbian" - The Gamer
  22. ‘I knew it was a courageous thing to do’: The curious story of Bond’s first gay villains - Independent
  23. 23.0 23.1 https://web.archive.org/web/20230827005254/https://openworldadventurer.tumblr.com/post/725741195334205440/towards-the-end-of-developing-fallout-3-we