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Back so soon? I realize my company is electric, but the flattery is unnecessary... well, a bit more wouldn't hurt.

Orlando is the mysterious manager of the Whitespring Resort in Appalachia. Orlando claims to be a liaison for the similarly enigmatic Management of the Whitespring and assists the Responders in their efforts to establish a refuge in the resort.

They are the second non-binary character in the series, following Burke. All of the Whitespring Responders and refugees appear to respect their identity.[1]


Appearing suddenly at the Whitespring Resort around 2104, coinciding with the rebirth of the Responders, Orlando is a secretive, mysterious person tasked by the mysterious Management with supporting Responder operations and distributing ultracells to the leaders of the new community. They oversee the robotic staff and ensure the Whitspring remains habitable, distribute resources granted by their employers (food, medicine, materials, the aforementioned ultracells), and other necessary arrangements.[2] They believe the Refuge can be a beacon of hope for the unfortunate people of Appalachia.[3][4][5]

Orlando is the first human caretaker of the Whitespring in over a quarter of a century, personally representing the interests of the Management.[6] Previously, only robotic staff sufficed to deal with any threats or scavengers on the property.[7] The reasons behind this appointment are, if Orlando is to be believed, pure, unspoiled altruism in order to rebuild civilization.[8] They claim that they and the Management simply believe in the American Dream and its restoration,[9] reestablishing America as a land of opportunity where anyone will be able to find the freedom to build a life worth living.[10] As such, they permitted the Responders to settle into the Whitespring (that and the plummeting demand for luxury golf resorts).[11]

One of their crucial roles is providing the ultracells. Orlando suggested using the experimental battery technology for powering Lennox's Vertibird, and once the Responders agreed, Orlando started distributing them to selected individuals. Rather than provide them in bulk, they get a portion of cells in order to encourage collective decision making instead of stockpiling: Otherwise, the Vertibird will not get charged and the Responders will be unable to embark on any expeditions.[12]

Personal life[]

They are very private: Orlando will only speak of their past in the vaguest possible terms, describing themselves as someone who traveled wide before coming to work for the Management,[13][14] and claiming they have unremarkable origins, coming from nowhere interesting. They deliberately let people imagine where they come from, to keep them interested, although they do not really mean it in an intimate or romantic way, as their line of work consumes them entirely.[15][16] They similarly sidestep questions related to the Management, and explain that they came to work for it after "others" working for the Management saved Orlando from certain death, and that they loyally serve the Management ever since.[17]

Their relationship with the Management predates the Whitespring posting. Orlando traveled widely to maintain their interests, collect information, perform unspecified tasks, and meet new people. While they enjoyed the travels and meeting new people, settling down at the Whitespring was a relief, interrupting Orlando's endless travels with nowhere to call home. Orlando particularly enjoys the soft bed and clean clothes, something that was not available on the trail.[18] In keeping with their secrecy, Orlando admits to living at the Whitespring, but will not divulge specifically where.[19]

Orlando is evasive on the topic of their past or their employers. Orlando refuses to divulge anything but the most vague facts, citing privacy concerns. Orlando believes all that matters is their support for the Responders.[20] The Management, they explain, prevents them from traveling and Orlando acts as their representative, and concierge to those found worthy.[21] They refuse to divulge even a hint of where all the resources supplied by the Management come from.[22]

If sufficiently pressed, they might mention a "Mr. Otis" as their employer, the chairman of the Management.[23] Orlando explains that they simply owe their life to "Mr. Otis" and refuse to betray his trust.[24] Orlando will feign ignorance if pressed on the similarity of the name Mr. Otis (MOtis) to MODUS, vehemently denying ever hearing of such a thing.[25] Any ties to Enclave technologies, such as the ultracell design and function, are played off as merely having similar contacts with "The Management."[26]


Orlando dislikes being called a "lackey" or having their role disparaged in any way. In their opinion, they are doing something helpful, necessary, and have a clear purpose in life and place, something that many people lack.[27]

Orlando thinks very highly of Skippy Roerich, in particular due to his personality, refreshing attitude and willingness to chat.[28] They have a cordial working relationship with Rucker, though Orlando admits the Responders' leader does not fully trust them.[29] The same is not true of either Sophie Wagoner or Esme Rousseau, both of who are inspiring and among Orlando's favorites (although they dislike even using the term, as it is improper to play favorites among guests).[30][31] Of all the Responders, Orlando does not have much rapport with Lennox, as they rarely visit the roof.[32]

Outsiders get a fair shake. Orlando only knows the Brotherhood by reputation, though Initiate Ellison is viewed by them quite positively due to his good nature and curiosity.[33] Giuseppe Della Ripa is also one of their favorites, thanks to his charms and aptitude for finding strange trinkets.[34]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

Responders Reborn

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

All the World's a Stage


  • Responders Reborn: Orlando is the hub character for the quest, introducing the new Refuge mechanics (such as Refuge dailies), the lore behind ultracells, and helping players settle into the new update.
  • All the World's a Stage: Evelyn Russo meets with Orlando for a flight to Atlantic City.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Black and white tuxedo


Orlando appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update and expanded upon in America's Playground.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. Refugee: "Any idea where Orlando gets their clothes? I swear, I could do with a wardrobe upgrade."
    (Refugee's dialogue)
  2. Vault 76 dweller: "What do you do for the Refuge?"
    Orlando: "My role as liaison is to facilitate the needs of the Responders and our guests and speak for the interests of Management. That sounds terribly formal, I know, but in practical terms it means I do what I can to keep the Whitespring livable and support the Refuge. I oversee the robotic staff to attend to the former, and in the latter case, I arrange for the disbursement of resources from Management. Food, medicine, materials. Management has considerable resources, which they are happy to donate. I handle those arrangements."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  3. Vault 76 dweller: "What's your perspective on the Refuge?"
    Orlando: "A wonderful idea, of course! It can be a beacon of hope for the unfortunates of Appalachia. And as I believe I mentioned, darling, the Management are very positive on the effort, and give it their full support."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  4. Orlando: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. You may call me Orlando. I represent the Management of the Whitespring Resort, and act as something of a liaison between them and the Responders. You should direct any questions about the operations of the Refuge to the Responders themselves. But, if you require anything of the Whitespring itself, I would be delighted to assist you...in any way I can."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  5. Vault 76 dweller: "I'm curious about you, Orlando. Tell me about yourself."
    Orlando: "Do I have an admirer? Flattery will get you everywhere, darling. That being said, there is little to tell, really. I am the Whitespring Management's liaison to the Responders' Refuge. It's a role I quite enjoy. It pleases me when I can be of service to others."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  6. Vault 76 dweller: "Management?"
    Orlando: "Yes, of course! The owners of the Whitespring are, fortunately, very much alive, although regrettably not able to be present. In their stead, they have elected to send their humble servant to oversee things here until such time as regular operations can resume. That is to say, of course, myself."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  7. Vault 76 dweller: "Did the Responders get permission before setting up the Refuge?"
    Orlando: "Actually, no, they didn't. That's no fault of theirs, darling - nobody could have known the owners were still involved. Management has monitored the property, of course, and there have been scavengers before, but the robotic staff sufficed. Once aware the Responders were establishing a permanent presence, Management sent me to bestow their blessing and be their liaison."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  8. Vault 76 dweller: "You and Management are really getting nothing out of helping the Refuge?"
    Orlando: "You're suggesting an ulterior motive? Have the travails of Appalachia so hardened your heart against the idea of altruism? Darling, I know it is perhaps unfashionable in these times to be earnest and idealistic, but it really is that simple. Management wishes to help because they believe in the value of the Refuge as a step to rebuilding civilization - as do I. I would like to help even if they had not given me this task, and neither they nor I ask anything in return. That may not satisfy your doubts, but it is the truth."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  9. Vault 76 dweller: "You really can't tell me anything about your employers?"
    Orlando: "Darling, I wish you would not press on this issue. I value our burgeoning friendship, but you place me in an awkward position. Oh, that disappointed look on your face. You do know how to weaken my resolve. What can I say? Hmmm... It would be terrible if I were to betray one trust to secure yours. You wouldn't want that for your Orlando, would you? I can tell you this: they are believers in the American Dream. One they wish to see restored. The Refuge is a small step on that path."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  10. Vault 76 dweller: "How does the Refuge restore the American Dream?"
    Orlando: "I won't speak to their minds, my dear, but I will tell you what I believe, and I hope that will be sufficient answer. America was meant to be a land of opportunity - a place where anyone could find a freedom to build a life worth living. The Refuge is a first step to rebuilding a society bigger than any one settlement. To say: we are in this together! Forgive me, darling. I do get a bit emotional on the subject."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  11. Vault 76 dweller: "The...Management...is okay with the Responders setting up shop here?"
    Orlando: "Positively delighted! They are naturally quite understanding that the demand for luxury golf resorts is currently well under supply. When the Responders came knocking, they were enthusiastically prepared to support the effort and make good use of the space in the meantime! You did not hear this from me, but I'd go so far as to say they were tickled pink to be able to help!"
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  12. Vault 76 dweller: "Ultracite Battery Cells? Where are they getting those?"
    Orlando: "Why, from me, of course. Rather, from the Management via me, that is. When Management heard the Responders were restoring the vertibird, they wished to help. They provided the Ultracells, and I suggested them to the Responders as an alternative means of fueling the vertibird. Per Management instructions, I distribute a quantity to certain individuals regularly. Management feels this encourages collective decision making, rather than stockpiling. I'm sure they'd be willing to part with them in exchange for your aid."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  13. Vault 76 dweller: "You keep dodging my questions when I ask you about yourself."
    Orlando: "So serious! I never meant to offend you, darling. I'm simply used to keeping my personal life quite private. I've...traveled, extensively, in the past. It was safest to be wary among strangers, and I had little time for...meaningful connections. I hope you'll forgive me. I would like to think we are friends, but I'm not prepared to bare everything. Just yet."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  14. Vault 76 dweller: "Where'd you come from? Before the Whitespring, I mean."
    Orlando: "Oh, here and there, darling. I've been to lots of places before the Management asked me to take over here. If you want to imagine a thrilling and intriguing story about my past, don't let me stop you, please."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  15. Vault 76 dweller: "I'm not asking about your job, Orlando. Who are *you*?"
    Orlando: "I don't mean to be coy, dear. My work is my life, as they say. It fills my time and fulfills me. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? Besides, don't you find a bit of mystery all the more compelling? If I bared my soul and told you everything, I'm sure you'd be terribly bored. If I remain an enigma, it might keep you coming back for more of these lovely chats."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  16. Vault 76 dweller: "So you've traveled a lot. But you must've started somewhere."
    Orlando: "Can't wait for my tell-all autobiography? I can't blame you; who knows when I'll find the time to write it. How about just a little dark secret of mine to tide you over? I'm not from anywhere interesting, actually. Nothing remarkable about my origins at all! Disappointing, isn't it, dear? That's why I usually let people imagine their own version of things. Keeps them interested."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  17. Vault 76 dweller: "Okay, how'd you get from nowhere special to working for the Management?"
    Orlando: "That's the kind of question I would normally sidestep, darling, but you've been such a help, I want to trust you. I was in an...unpleasant situation, when others working for the Management found me. They took me in. They - the Management, that is - were very kind to me. I believe I would have died without them. When I was capable, I was happy to work for them. They didn't have to ask. I wanted to return the kindness they'd shown."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  18. Vault 76 dweller: "Why all the travel?"
    Orlando: "Working, after a fashion. You must understand, dear, the Management cannot travel as freely as most people can. In their stead, I have wandered far and wide, seeing to their interests and being their eyes and ears - hands, too, as necessary. It had its good moments. I enjoy meeting new people and much of the countryside is still beautiful, despite everything. But to be honest, my darling, it was a relief to come here to do this. It's been too long since I could remain in one place for a while. Promise me you won't get bored if I become a homebody. I'm getting used to a soft bed and clean clothes."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  19. Vault 76 dweller: "Are you living here in the Refuge?"
    Orlando: "Cheeky! Are you asking if you can come back to my place? Tempting, but we're not there yet, darling. I do have quarters within the Whitespring, since you ask. These are just my offices. As for where my actual rooms are...well, that's something I take some pains to protect. Management are not the only ones who value their privacy, and we have so many travelers passing through."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  20. Vault 76 dweller: "Who, exactly, are 'Management'? This seems fishy."
    Orlando: "My dear, nothing would bring me more joy than to answer your questions. Your suspicions wound me. However, my employer values their privacy as highly as they value the fine work the Responders are doing here. Suffice it to say they are the owners of the Whitespring, as I believe I've mentioned."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  21. Vault 76 dweller: "What sort of work do you do for Management?"
    Orlando: "Oh, a bit of this, a bit of that. Whatever they require. As you might imagine, the state of things prevents them from much travel. I go where they need me to go and see to what affairs they see fit. In this case, the Whitespring itself and the Refuge. Think of me as a concierge, my dear. I'm here to improve your experience in whatever way you require."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  22. Vault 76 dweller: "If Management is supplying the Refuge, where is it all coming from?"
    Orlando: "Now, darling, you can't imagine I would tell you a thing like that! A less-trusting soul might think you were pumping me for information in the hopes of planning a heist! Of course I know that's not why you ask, but you understand why I have to be rather secretive on the subject, don't you? Let's just say Management wisely invested its wealth, when such things mattered, and are now well-equipped to be generous."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  23. Vault 76 dweller: "Orlando, be straight with me: Is Management even real?"
    Orlando: "What have I done to so earn your distrust, dear heart? I hoped you might consider me a friend by now. Yes. Management is real. If it will restore some faith in me, perhaps I could divulge just the slightest detail without betraying anything... I work directly for Mr. Otis, the Chairman. The very tip-top of the organization. A generous, if demanding boss. Now, please, darling - don't pry further. I only tell you this much because I value our relationship."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  24. Vault 76 dweller: "Please, tell me more about Mr. Otis."
    Orlando: "As much as I enjoy our chats and relish your company, you simply must let this go, darling. I owe my life to Mr. Otis, and will not betray his trust or his judgment. I must be adamant. Please, love, do not ask me this again. It would hurt me to think you do not respect my wishes."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  25. Vault 76 dweller: "'Mr. Otis'? Orlando, are you working for MODUS?"
    Orlando: "I don't understand what you mean, my dear. What is a MODUS? I've never heard of such a thing. No, darling. Just Mr. Otis and the Whitespring Management."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  26. Vault 76 dweller: "Wait - I discovered one of these Ultracells elsewhere. I thought it was a unique experiment."
    Orlando: "I could not possibly speak to your experience, dear. It sounds remarkable to make such discoveries! All I can tell you is that the Management provides them for the Refuge. Regrettably, that is as much as I know of the matter. I might wager that whomever was behind the Ultracell you discovered likely shared similar contacts with Management at some point. But who can say?"
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  27. Vault 76 dweller: "Being a lackey can't be all you want from life, Orlando."
    Orlando: "What a terrible thing to call a friend's work, darling. 'Lackey'! I'm doing something important, dear. I'd hoped you would see that. There are people that need help, and in my work for Management I am able to help them. Not many can say the same! Besides...what else would I be? I am useful. So many people lack a purpose or place. That should be enough."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  28. Vault 76 dweller: "Can you tell me anything about Skippy Roerich?"
    Orlando: "What a delightful man! I find him very refreshing, actually. An inventor and freedom-fighter, all in one! A number of our refugee guests hail from the Pitt, but Mr. Roerich is quite the character, and always willing to chat. I do enjoy meeting new people. The perspectives of others are invaluable, don't you think, darling?"
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  29. Vault 76 dweller: "What are your impressions of Rucker?"
    Orlando: "Ms. Rucker is a lovely woman. Brave and sincere. Dedicated to her cause, I have no doubt. We have a cordial working relationship, I think. I do my best to aid her on behalf of the Management. I fear she does not entirely trust me, for some reason. We have fewer friendly conversations than I'd like."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  30. Vault 76 dweller: "What do you think of Sophie Wagoner?"
    Orlando: "I have rarely encountered such optimism, even among these fine Responders. Ms. Wagoner's unusual childhood seems to have produced a happy, well-adjusted adult. We should all have been so lucky! She is always friendly with me. It would be improper of me to have favorites among our guests, but if I did, she would be among them."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  31. Vault 76 dweller: "Tell me about Esme Rousseau."
    Orlando: "Such a warm woman, wouldn't you say? A true joy to have with us here at the Whitespring. And she is so tireless in helping feed the poor people who come to the Refuge! Very admirable. I daresay that were the Whitespring operating as a resort once again, she could be our head chef."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  32. Vault 76 dweller: "What's the deal with Lennox?"
    Orlando: "Ms. Lennox is a skilled pilot, I'm told. I confess we've spoken little, as she spends all her time attending to the vertibird. I do not get up to the roof as much as I might like - such lovely views - so we rarely cross paths."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  33. Vault 76 dweller: "Any thoughts on Initiate Ellison?"
    Orlando: "I confess I am only familiar with the Brotherhood by reputation, so I can't say if Mr. Ellison is an exemplar. He's so inquisitive and good-natured, I find it difficult to think of him as part of any military organization, to be frank. It's no secret they've sent him here to keep an eye on us, but I don't mind. The Whitespring has nothing to hide, darling."
    (Orlando's dialogue)
  34. Vault 76 dweller: "What's the story with Giuseppe?"
    Orlando: "Ah, our dear merchant and collector of the unusual! A charming man, don't you think, dear? Of course, the Whitespring has its own shopping already, but Giuseppe does have a knack for untapped markets. I'll be keeping an eye on his stock. You never know when he may find something new."
    (Orlando's dialogue)


  1. Phillip Reich Plays Fallout 76: The Pitt (Union Dues, Part 2 - Stream Archive) (0:14:36)
    Phillip Reich: "Orlando is non-binary, so they - we call they - and yeah, they're the liaison. So the Management is the secret organization behind the Whitespring Resort here. And they are their liaison that we'll talk to us for them on their behalf. [...] It's definitely inspired by... I remember when we were recording this character, we were like 'Yeah, we want a bit of a Katharine Hepburn-y kind of feel to Orlando.' So you can hear that in the way they talk that you get some of that old-timey 1950s Mid-Atlantic speech patterns. [...] And the actress we had in to voice Orlando... I can't remember her name, but she was a joy to work with, as well. Very, very lovely woman. I'll have to look up her name that voiced Orlando."
  2. Carolina Hoyos on LinkedIn
  3. Carolina Hoyos' Instagram biography: "Orlando @fallout"