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Yeah, I wasn't sure we'd make it out of there. Thanks for having my back. But, um... do you think you could make that an Old Possum instead?— Carver to Libby Wen

Carver Timmerman is a merchant and client of the Blue Ridge Caravan Company, shipping caravans of furniture and furs through Big Bend Tunnel, found at its west entrance in Fallout 76.[1] Unbeknownst to Carver, he is also the step-nephew of Aries.


Lewisburg Timmermans house

Carver's childhood home in Lewisburg which survived the bombs.

Born before the Great War to Gregory and Deborah Timmerman in Lewisburg, Carver is a young man with a complex family history. Deborah's father ran an interior decorating business, working closely with Van Lowe Taxidermy. The relationship continued after she married Gregory and inherited the business.[2] The relationship took on a new dimension when Deborah and Shelley van Lowe, owner of the taxidermy shop developed feelings for each other since at least January 2076,[3] developing into love,[4] with the tacit acceptance of Gregory.[5] Carver does not remember anything from Lewisburg, as he was merely an infant when Shelley's brother, Calvin van Lowe, abruptly returned and then suddenly disappeared,[6] with the Great War following.

While Greg, Deborah, and Shelley tried to survive in Lewisburg, the Ash Heap's environment was too poisonous for humans, especially the young and sickly Carver. He was losing weight rapidly and developed a severe cough by mid-November, leading Deborah to ask Shelley for help.[7] Coupled with the recent disappearance of Gregory on a supply run,[8] they had little reason to stay and moved on to Kentucky, where they found a new life and set up a business dealing in furs and furniture.[9]

Carver grew up in Kentucky (or what was once Kentucky, Carver himself is unsure, as while he studied geography as a child, it feels like a waste of time to him as an adult)[10] under the care of his two mothers, with Shelley effectively adopting him as her own child. All he knows of his father are the scant few mentions of Gregory from Deborah. This ignorance led to curiosity, then an identity crisis,[11] and a haunting need to know more about where he comes from and who he is.[12] Suffering from a long-lasting identity crisis, Carver's self-esteem and confidence suffered, affecting him all the way into adulthood. While he dearly loves both of his mothers (especially Shelley, whose courage and strength he admires), he does wish he had more family to help him find a proper sense of self, or at the very least learn something more about his lost father.[13]

Carver would get a chance to fulfill his wish in 2103, as Blue Ridge Caravan Company expanded into Appalachia. With Deborah sick and unable to work the caravan trail and Shelley occupied with sourcing furs for their outfit, Carver was pressed[14] into the role of a merchant.[15] Nervous, unsure of himself, and considered fragile even by the head of the company,[16][17][2][18] Carver had to adapt and work the trail. The desire to know more about his father intensified with his proximity to Lewisburg, eating away at him.[19] However, Vinny Costa, the head of operations, would never spare guards for a personal errand.[20] Vinny actually sees that Carver has the makings of a capable worker, but simply needs help to step into the role. Vinny is unaware of the struggle within Carver,[21] but has noticed that Carver is distracted and liable to halt all of his shipments until he figures himself out.[22][23]


Carver's most important relationships are with his mothers and, though he knows little about him, his late father. While he has pieced together that something more was going on between the three than either Deborah or Shelley told him, Carver is non-judgmental. Insulting his family over their relationship is a surefire way to gain Carver's ire, or at least make him try and stand up for them.[24] However, it is learning about his father and his last hours that truly helps Carver find himself and the confidence he so desperately needs.[25]

He has difficulty finding common ground elsewhere, including other men. He tried talking with Kieran Kennedy about his father, but Kieran gruffly told him that "Your past is not who you are. You are not just your father's son, you are yourself first," which did little to inspire confidence or reduce Carver's anxiety about his identity.[26] Similarly, Vinny is intimidating to the young Timmerman. While technically he is not his boss and Blue Ridge works for the merchants, Carver cannot help but see Vinny as a superior and fears disapproval or trouble the most.[27] However, Vinny pales in comparison with Aries. Carver is unaware that Aries' gas mask conceals his step-uncle, the long lost Calvin van Lowe. As a result, Carver finds Aries' antics scary and believes they mean that Aries considers him a pathetic weakling and a loser. He even unsuccessfully petitioned Joanna Mayfield to avoid pairing him with Aries on caravan runs.[28] Aries simply freaks Carver out, although should Carver discover the family connection, he is surprised but happy, and finds a sense of connection with him.[29]

The opposite situation occurred with Libby Wen, a Blue Ridge guard. Carver has a crush on Libby and has actually asked Vinny to be paired with her on runs, even going as far as suggesting he is ready to do back-to-back runs to convince him. Vinny paired Libby and Carver together, but mentioned this to Libby. Libby confronted Carver on the trail during a slow moment. Neither shaming nor humiliating him, she explained that she is the wrong person, a caravan run is the wrong time for a date, and going behind her back with Vinny was the absolute worst way to arrange one. At the same time, she did not shut him down, treating it as an unfortunate screw-up, but allowing Carver to start over once he got over it.[30]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

25 Strictly Business
This character is a temporary companion.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a vendor.
  • Accepts Bottle cap
  • Sells:
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 icon map event
This character is involved in events.

Riding Shotgun


  • Riding Shotgun: Carver is one of the three possible variants of the event. He will be assigned to the guard Libby Wen, with their banter and exchanges focusing on his unsuccessful attempts to turn a run into a date.
  • Costa Business: Carver: With Carver's performance slipping too far, Vinny halts Carver's shipments and asks the Dwellers to help him figure out left from right. Carver asks them to find anything that would shed light on his father's fate, starting with the old Timmerman home in Lewisburg.[31] The trail leads to The Burning Mine and Gregory's last words. At the end, the player can choose to simply summarize the letter for him or, with Charisma 4+, persuade him to face his past and read the letters himself, helping him grow into his own man.[25] Gregory's heirloom lighter may also be returned to Carver.
  • Protocol Adonais: Aries asks to either burn all the holotapes or give them to Carver, deciding his legacy. This also determines the future of the Van Lowe siblings and the closure of their story arc: If given to Carver, Aries will visit Carver in the office and the two will awkwardly accept their family connection. Aries will also continue to spend time with Carver, considering him a good kid, and seeing time they spend together as rewarding. While he does not have the courage yet to face Shelley himself, he will slowly edge towards rebuilding bridges he burned, starting with a letter Carver will deliver to her.[32]


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Raider scavenger Crossbow Blue Ridge Caravan backpack

Notable quotes[]


Carver Timmerman appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update. He was first mentioned in terminal entries in Wild Appalachia, was introduced as a full character in Wastelanders, and was expanded upon in Once in a Blue Moon.



  1. Carver Timmerman: "We're just hauling some furniture and furs, but so far that hasn't stopped the Blood Eagles from trying to rob us."
    (Carver's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, Receipt: 8/2/2077
  3. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, Receipt: 1/11/2076
  4. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, Receipt: 4/2/2076
  5. G. Timmerman, last words
  6. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, Refund Order: 10/19/2077
  7. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, Pending Response: 11/17/2077
  8. Note from Greg
  9. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, Please read, from Shelley
  10. Carver Timmerman: "Well I was born around here actually, but my mom moved us sometime after the war. Now we've live in a settlement out in what used to be Kentucky, I guess. Maybe it still is Kentucky? I don't know, I tried reading some old geography text books as a kid, seemed like a waste of time now, though."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  11. Carver Timmerman: "Oh, ha. Yeah, I guess that can get pretty confusing. So my mom-- my birth mom, I mean-- is Debbie. She handles all the orders and stuff for our stock. My other mom is Shelley-- she's from Lewisburg too. They both left town during the war and fell in love, I think. As long as I can remember, Shelley's been my mom, too. She's helped raised me since I was a baby. But mom says that dad died just after the bombs. He never made it out of Lewisburg. That's all I know. And... don't get me wrong. My family is perfect. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But, learning about him could be like... learning about me? Maybe?"
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  12. Carver Timmerman: "Problem is, I was born there... In Lewisburg, I mean. Wasn't old enough to remember it, but I've heard about it... and about my Dad. He never made it out with us. Mom doesn't say much, just that we all lived there before the war. I can't get my mind off it. It's all I think about these days... I wish I could learn more about him."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  13. Vault 76 dweller: "Shelley from Lewisburg? Like Shelley van Lowe?"
    Carver Timmerman: "Oh! You must have followed those posters. Yep! That's Shelley. She tells me stories about her brother, Calvin, all the time. Sheepsquatch excluded. Shelley is normally so brave and strong all the time, but I love to see how she gets when she talks about him... Her eyes are just... different. Would have been cool to have an uncle, too, but I guess a Sheepsquatch ate him or something! ... Oh, that's probably kind of dark. Sorry."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  14. Vault 76 dweller: "Caravan work sounds tough for someone like him."
    Vinny Costa: "Well, it ain't really by choice neither. One of his moms used to run the route, but came down with somethin' nasty some time back. His other mom's their primary trapper, so it falls to lil' Carvey-boy to man the Brahmin."
    (Vinny Costa's dialogue)
  15. Libby Wen: "Is there no one else from your family that can run shipments for you, Carver?"
    Carver Timmerman: "Well my mom used to do this before she got sick. And I guess Shelley could, but then we'd be down a trapper. Why do you ask? I'm not very good at this, am I?"
    (Carver Timmerman and Libby Wen's dialogue)
  16. Big Bend Tunnel terminal entries; Joanna Mayfield's terminal, Staff and Clients for Appalachia
  17. Discarded letter
  18. Libby Wen: "Is there no one else from your family that can run shipments for you, Carver?"
    Carver Timmerman: "Well my mom used to do this before she got sick. And I guess Shelley could, but then we'd be down a trapper. Why do you ask? I'm not very good at this, am I?"
    (Carver and Libby's dialogue)
  19. Carver Timmerman: "Problem is, I was born there... In Lewisburg, I mean. Wasn't old enough to remember it, but I've heard about it... and about my Dad. He never made it out with us. Mom doesn't say much, just that we all lived there before the war. I can't get my mind off it. It's all I think about these days... I wish I could learn more about him."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  20. Vault 76 dweller: "So, take a stroll over to Lewisburg. It's close."
    Carver Timmerman: "Oh, I have... I've even gotten as close as my old house-- or at least what I think is my old house. But it's just too dangerous... Especially alone. Vinny would never let me borrow a guard for something personal, either."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  21. Vault 76 dweller: "I'm not really looking for a baby sitting gig."
    Vinny Costa: "Well you're in luck, ya joker, because this ain't that. Carver's a big boy. Just needs help steppin' into those shoes. You don't want to help, walk."
    (Vinny Costa's dialogue)
  22. Vault 76 dweller: "I'm looking for some work."
    Vinny Costa: "That's good, cuz I have some. Carver Timmerman. He's a merchant. Young pup. Very easily distracted. More so than ever, too. So I think ya know the deal by now. I want that kid at least knowin' left from right before I okay anymore of his shipments."
    (Vinny Costa's dialogue)
  23. Carver Timmerman: "Focus? That's... kind of tricky. My minds been stuck on... stuff. Mainly Lewisburg, really."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  24. Vault 76 dweller: "Sounds like your mom was two-timing him with Shelley. He died alone."
    Carver Timmerman: "Hey... That's too much... You can't, like... talk about them like that. I always suspected there was more to the story, but... That's just not... I'll take the letter after all... I need to see this for myself... You know, later."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Vault 76 dweller: "[Charisma 4+] You won't grow from this if you don't read it yourself. Here."
    Carver Timmerman: "You're right... Let me take a look... Huh... That's... Wow. I didn't realize all that was going on... That's a lot to handle... But I'm really glad to know he was thinking of me up until the end... Thank you for finding this... and making me see it for myself."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  26. Vault 76 dweller: "Forget your dead dad. Be your own man."
    Carver Timmerman: "Kieran said something similar. Uh, worded a little more nicely, though... N-no offense. "Your past is not who you are. You are not just your father's son, you are yourself first." B-b-but your way of putting it works too. Heh. Wish it were that simple, but it's... I don't know how to explain. I just know it'll help."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  27. Vault 76 dweller: "Vinny mentioned you've been distracted on the road."
    Carver Timmerman: "He did? Oh man, I must be in trouble. I don't want my boss being mad at me. Oh wait, Shelley said he's not my boss, technically he works for us... Am I in trouble, or not? Please help."
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  28. Discarded letter
  29. Carver Timmerman: "It's so hard to wrap my head around. I've always wondered about my uncle Calvin... and it's really exciting to know he's alive. But, I'd be lying if I said that Aries didn't kind of... freak me out."
    Vault 76 dweller: "I think we all feel that way. But he's a good guy."
    Carver Timmerman: "Oh, I know he's got a good heart. He always goes out of his way to keep me safe..."
    (Aries' and Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  30. Carver Timmerman: "Oh, hi Libby! I didn't know you were on duty for this run."
    Libby Wen: "Vinny told me you were asking if I could be put on this shift with you. He even said you were willing to do back to back runs to make it happen."
    Carver Timmerman: "I... Okay, that's embarrassing. I was just hoping to..."
    Libby Wen: "Carver. This is the wrong time, I'm the wrong person, and that was definitely the wrong way to do it."
    Carver Timmerman: "I'm, uh, don't know what you mean, I was just..."
    Libby Wen: "You know exactly what I mean. Let's take it from the top: Hi Carver, how are you today?"
    Carver Timmerman: "Libby, I... uh... I'm good. Thanks for asking."
    Libby Wen: "Great."
    (Carver and Libby's dialogue)
  31. Vault 76 dweller: "I could check out your old house. Maybe there's more to learn."
    Carver Timmerman: "You mean it? That'd be... great! I can mark my old house on your map... I can't believe you're doing this! Anything you can find to help me learn more about him would just be amazing... Thank you!"
    (Carver Timmerman's dialogue)
  32. Vault 76 dweller: "How are things with your family?"
    Aries: "I don't have the courage to face Shelley in person just yet... But I did leave a letter with Carver. Next time he heads back, I asked him to deliver it to her... He's a good kid. Spending time with him has been... pretty fulfilling, actually. He's more of a fainting lamb than a Sheepsquatch, and that's all right by me. Preferable, actually."
    (Aries' dialogue)