Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Wait, Johnny? I'm surprised he'd come to save me. That's... great! What's the plan?

Hal Gleeson is a slave at the Watoga Civic Center in Appalachia.


Hal has been good friends with Johnny Weston before the Great War. They did jobs together and were partners, so much so that Johnny considered Hal the only real friendship and "only real thing in general" he ever had.[1]

Hal and Johnny went their own ways when Johnny joined Meg Groberg's crew; Hal thought him and Johnny would be better off on their own, but Johnny decided to stay with Meg. Hal did not approve of Johnny's relationship with Meg, and Johnny posits Hal may have been jealous.

On their last job, Hal ripped Johnny off and took more than his fair share of the cut then lied about it. By the time Johnny found out, Hal had already left under the guise of not wanting to settle down at the Crater.

He became a slave by Sargento's gang. He refused to just give up, however, and began working on his escape. For weeks, he quietly dug out the wall behind the bookshelf with a rusty spoon.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

25 Strictly Business
This character is a temporary companion.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

The Ol' Weston Shuffle


The Ol' Weston Shuffle: The main objective of the quest is to free Hal from slavery, as instructed by Johnny Weston. However, after Hal is freed, Johnny reveals that the true motive for freeing Hal was so that Johnny could personally kill him, and Hal dies at the end of the quest for having previously betrayed Johnny. Johnny then feels incredibly remorseful after, feeling he can never forgive himself for succumbing to revenge.


If the player fails during the arena match, after a gun fight with various gang members, Johnny will be found waiting outside Hal's room. Johnny will enter Hal's room, surprising him, but Johnny will kill Hal before he even has the chance to leave his room. Sargento will also never be met.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death


Hal Gleeson appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

Behind the scenes[]

Hal's method of using an object to dig a hole and cover it up with an object to prevent suspicion is similar to the plot of the film The Shawshank Redemption.


