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The Core terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals within the Crater Core in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

Fisher's terminal[]

FO76WL The Core (Fisher’s Terminal)

Note: This wall terminal is located on the south wall of the west hallway, in Caleb Fisher's room. It is locked and requires Hacker rank 3.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Welcome Caleb Fisher


   Fisher's Tech Terminal

Tech Logs[]


    Fisher's Tech Journal

Vox Collar[]


I almost wrote off Monongah Township as a whole, but that one house on the outskirts of town proved fruitful in my search for old tech.

A scientist named Dr. Harrison built a functioning interpreter for animal sounds. With a little bit of tinkering, I was able to improve upon his work.

It should allow a human or animal, incapable of speech, to produce words we can understand. For now, it is limited to the voice library that Dr. Harrison provided, but if it works, I can always add more.

Water Purifier[]


Found a solution to the water problem. Toxic water is what you get for settling in a place the locals called the Toxic Valley. But Meg just had to insist on using this old space station as a base.

Luckily, I scrapped some of the station's water filtration systems and was able to rig it up to our purifiers to make just about anything drinkable. We still have to clean out the excess sludge buildup almost daily, but as long as we do that, we've got clean water.

Tracking Beacon[]

Note: Accessing this entry advances the optional path in the quest Cheating Death, allowing the player character to confront Fisher over what he knows about Lou.


The latest salvage from the station yielded some fancy radio equipment I haven't seen before. What's unique about this is how small they managed to make it. I suppose that size is a concern when bringing equipment to space.

I constructed a basic tracking device and built it into the collar. It seems Weasel was able to follow Lou's trail, and by using a simple radio, I can tune in and track down Weasel's, and therefore, Lou's location by following the tones from the tracking device.

If Meg finds out I let him go, or that I know where he is, she'll have my head. Best to find an opportunity to slip away and get them back before anyone notices they were gone.

Space Beam[]


I'm not sure what sort of work they were doing up on the space station, but I dug into some of the surviving documents.

This thing they were building. It's not like anything I've seen before. Is it communications? A weapon? I don't know. There's a lot of missing information.

I've decided to call it the "Space Beam," for lack of better words. Munch wanted to call it the "Angel Piss Project," of course, but I quickly put an end to that.

It could be years before I figure it all out, let alone get it running.

Power Armor[]


Meg told me that she and the other gangs used to tussle with these guys called the Brotherhood of Steel, who'd roam around wearing power armor, trying to restore order or something.

I told her I wanted a suit to tinker with, and she obliged, taking me to one of their old bases. We found one, barely functioning.

It's almost ready now. Just a few more tweaks and I think it'll be better than it ever was to begin with.

Incoming Messages[]



Outgoing Messages[]



Quick Notes[]


*Find out who took my pipe wrench. Break their kneecaps with it, if time allows.

*Talk to Lev. Tell him I'm in.

*Talk to Meg. I can't fix everything for everyone.

*Put in an order with Wren to send people to look for the following supplies:
  -Copper wires
  -Duct Tape


FO76WL The Core (Johnny Terminal)

Note: This wall-mounted terminal is located in Johnny Weston's room. It can only be unlocked with Johnny's password, which is in the inventory of Johnny Weston.


---<<<Private property of Johnny Weston>>>---
Get caught. Get shot.


Never forget your rules to live by:
== Trust no one.
== Always keep them guessing.

Potential Jobs[]


Potential jobs:

The Arena[]


Place: The Arena
Location: Cranberry Bog, Watoga
Take: Caps, Chems, Revenge

Entry 1[]

Place: The Arena
Location: Cranberry Bog, Watoga
Take: Caps, Chems, Revenge
Meg may have lost interest in the Arena, but now that I know Hal's there, I can't drop it. I got a plan to get inside, but it's a two person job, and something tells me Meg isn't going to let me use any of her people for what's she'd call a "personal affair."

Entry 2[]

Note: The following entry only shows up after the completion of Fun and Games.


Place: The Arena
Location: Cranberry Bog, Watoga
Take: Caps, Chems, Revenge
Meg's taken an odd liking to a local Vault Dweller. Much to my surprise, this person's got grit. A real survivor. This Vault Dweller may be just who I need to get to Hal, and Meg wouldn't have a thing to say about it.

Entry 3[]

Note: The following entry only shows up after the completion of The Ol' Weston Shuffle, if the player character sticks to the plan.


Place: The Arena
Location: Cranberry Bog, Watoga
Take: Caps, Chems
The job was a success thanks to our new Vault Dweller. After what I saw, Vault 79 should be a drop in the bucket. I'm going to leave this entry open since the Arena could still have future potential.

Entry 3[]

Note: The following entry only shows up after the completion of The Ol' Weston Shuffle, if the player character abandons the plan and/or goes in shooting.


Place: The Arena
Location: Cranberry Bog, Watoga
Take: Caps, Chems
The job was a mess, thanks to our new Vault Dweller. I've never seen such sloppy work. And Meg thinks we actually need this person? I'll let her know, but I got a feeling she'll never cut the Vault Dweller out at this point. Meg's too honorable for her own good. Once again, it's going to fall to me to clean up someone else's mess.

I'm going to leave this entry open since the Arena could still have future potential.

The Wayward[]


Place: The Wayward
Location: The Forest
Take: Caps, Intel
I stopped by a recently opened bar called The Wayward. Lots of potential here. Travelers of all types. People constantly coming and going. I just need a persona to get in good with Duchess and I'm gold.



Place: Foundation
Location: Savage Divide
Take: Caps, Intel
Foundation is a target in more ways than one. Meg's going to be planning a lot of raids on those poor bastards. If I can get in good with them, I can charge for intel. Not only that, I can charge them for my own services if they feel like paying up.

Vault 79[]


Place: Vault 79
Location: Savage Divide
Take: Gold
I overheard Meg talking to the Vault Dweller about a whale of a heist. Apparently, good ole Uncle Sam hid all his gold in Vault 79 which just happens to be here right here in Appalachia.

Meg's got the Vault Dweller helping her put together a team, so this is the perfect opportunity to finally pull off that Arena job.

Personal Notes[]


People of interest:

Hal (deceased)[]

Note: The following entry only shows up after the completion of The Ol' Weston Shuffle.


Person of Interest: Hal Gleeson
I screwed up. I'm a selfish asshole and Hal paid the price. I should've let him go or convinced him to stay.

He's the most solid partner I ever had. The only real relationship I ever had. Hell, probably the only real thing in general I ever had.

He's dead, and it's my fault. I'll never forgive myself.

The Vault Dweller[]


Person of Interest: Vault Dweller
You wouldn't think someone living in a vault all this time would have any skills that mattered in a world like this. But this Dweller is one to watch, and Meg agrees.

We'll all be running this heist Meg's got cooking for Vault 79. It should be an interesting test of skill for everyone involved. We'll see what this Vault Dweller's made of. Hope they've got some negotiating skills because I'll be testing those for damn sure.



Person of Interest: Rose (Miss Nanny)
I came across this crack pot of a Miss Nanny. Calls herself Rose and claims to be a "Raider." She's going on and on about the "Raider Ways" and trying to test out some old methods, as if I have time for that.

But she has knowledge of what happened here, so she could be a valuable asset. I figure, if anything, she also claims to have a cache that may have something of value hidden inside.



Person of Interest: Duchess
Duchess runs the Wayward, a fairly new establishment here in Appalachia. The woman's got moxie, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say she could even give Meg a run for her money.

She's got a business that's bringing in the caps and attracting people from all over. That means information I can sell, use, or both.



Person of Interest: Paige
From what I can tell, Foundation is run by a guy named Paige. Very no-nonsense. Not really my type for business, but I can't pass on Foundation as a potential opportunity. He's smart though, not manipulated by the idea of caps or chems like most. I'll have to play my cards right if I want to pursue this one.
