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A water purifier is a workshop object in Fallout 76.


Once a plan for a water purifier has been learned, it can be used to build one of three types of water purifiers in workshops and camps, including small, normal, and industrial variants.


Size Water Only Power Required Cans/Hour Storage Capacity Time to Fill Storage Ceramic Cloth Copper Oil Rubber Screw Steel
Small No 8 12 2 10 minutes 2 0 4 4 8 4 5
Standard Yes 4 24 3 7.5 minutes 2 2 2 2 5 0 10
Industrial Yes 10 60 5 5 minutes 2 4 4 4 10 6 20

Water purifier - small[]

The small water purifier has a concrete base and can be placed outside of water, though it requires 8 power to produce 12 cans of purified water per hour with a max storage of 2.

Water purifier[]

The normal water purifier takes less power, with only 4, and produces more purified water, with 24 cans per hour with a max storage of 3. However, it must be placed in water to work.

Water purifier - industrial[]

The industrial water purifier produces a quantity of 60 cans of purified water per hour for 10 power with a max storage of 5; it must also be placed in the water to work.


  • The plans for building the industrial water purifier can be located at Camp McClintock in the overseer's cache.
  • The plans for building the normal water purifier can be located at Charleston Capitol Building in the overseer's cache, just inside the doors of the Charleston Capitol DMV.
  • The plans for building the small water purifier can be obtained from the Tyler County Dirt Track workshop capture.

