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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vinny Costa.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
8 00573E81 00583920 Suit yourself.
38 00584D80 Perfect timing, I've got a group that's ready to roll out.
39 00584D81 Slow your horses there, bub. We're still getting things ready over here. Stop by a little later.
42 00584D84 Kieran, Eugenie, you're up! Get a move on! Anyone looking to make a quick cap, head into the tunnel. Shouting to a group
43 00584D85 Break times over, people, let's get this caravan moving! Aries, Rudy, head on in. Any one looking for work, you found it. Get in the tunnel. Shouting to a group
44 00584D86 Okay, I want to see some Brahmin moving. Libby, Carver, shake a leg. Anyone else, if you can shoot, we will pay. Follow them in. Shouting to a group
49 006A250A What was I sayin'? Oh yeah. Player started conversation. He acts sassy. Used for when we have to return to a checkpoint in longer dialogue scenes.
49 Where is the caravan headed? 00573EC0 All over Appalachia. We ship to Foundation, Crater, a few smaller settlements here or there. Once we're west of Big Bend, the routes open up.
50 Since we're one of the few sources of outside cargo coming in, even the folks up in Crater give us a pass.
51 Who is in charge? 00573EA7 That would be Ms. Joanna Mayfield. Or Jo. But newcomers don't get to call her "Jo." So don't.
52 She's been in charge of things since before the war, when we was running trucks up and down the Blue Ridge Parkway.
53 She's running things from our headquarters, well away from here, but she's been planning a visit. We'll see.
54 Any advice on guarding the caravan? 00574FA7 Sure. Don't get cocky. Stay with the cargo. If those Brahmin get clipped, we can't carry the goods on foot.
55 You might find some loose cargo left behind from previous runs. If you manage to secure some, we'll give you a little extra pay.
56 But do not, and I repeat, do not let the Brahmin die just because you got greedy. Keep an eye on the caravan at all times.
57 You'll be paid a cut for whatever makes it to the other side. The more that gets through, the bigger your pay day.
58 What can you tell me about the Blue Ridge Caravan Company? 00573EC5 We're always looking for another gun to hire. We're in the business of shooting anyone that gets between our merchants and their destination.
59 If you're interested in joining up, just ask me. I'll let you know if we've got a caravan ready to roll out.
60 Just be ready for a fight. We've been real popular lately, if you catch my meaning. It can turn into a regular fireworks show in there.
61 00573E9E 00573EC8 Greetings from the Blue Ridge Caravan Company. If you're here for work, let's talk. If you're just a lookie-loo, scram.
62 00573EC9 Welcome back, newcomer. Shipments are coming through 'round the clock. Keep an eye out, we'll give you a shout if there's more work.
113 006A2C41 I appreciate the go gottem attitude and all, but I ain't got more work just yet. Unless, was there somethin' else ya needed? Doesn't have time for this
114 006A2C42 Oh goodie, the wunderkind is back. Somethin' you need to know, or just here further weigh down the bags under my eyes? Doesn't have time for this
115 006A2C43 The legwork you put in seems to be payin' off... People are hustling again. For now, anyways. Skeptical
115 00574F5A 00582122 Who are you supposed to be?
116 00582123 Yeah?
117 00582124 What?
121 0058DEE4 A caravan just shipped out. If you head in the tunnel now, you might be able to catch up with them. Better move it, though. move it = hurry
208 Can you tell me about your dealings with the Brotherhood of Steel? 006A2C3C Nuh-uh. You want to talk tincans, speak with Jo. I want none of that business. Joanna Mayfield, I mean. She's over on the West side of the tunnel. Tincans = members of the Brotherhood of Steel. He doesn't like them.
209 That's all I wanted to know. 006A2C30 Yeah, I bet. Sarcastic
210 How about the other members? 006A2C40 Eh, everybody else is doin' all right. With Jo at the helm, we're normally runnin' pretty smooth. We're about back to that now, thanks to you. Not TOO appreciative
211 Granted, my nephew Luca will always be a pain, and Aries will always be a creep, but, uh... Let's see.
212 Ah, right. There's Minerva and Tommy. Hard to pin down, but when I see 'em, they always seem chipper.
213 She's got good deals, too. Make sure you peruse if you bump into her.
214 Oh, and if ya see Tommy Ten-Toes... While I know he can't count that high, tell him he still owes me 50 caps.
215 Carver doing okay? 006A2C3D He's comin' around. Me and him had a chat. He's gotta grow up sometime, ya know. Nice of you to not pawn off that lighter, too. Sincere
216 006A2C3E What's there to say? The kids still missin' a spine and can't tell left from right. But... notably less so, so good work, I guess. Eh whatever
217 How's things with Rudy? 006A1010 Back to his usual annoying self. He told me what he did, I tried some. Seems good enough to sell so why not?
218 006A1011 He seems a bit happier now he's made something on his own and people like it. Least he ain't being smug about it.
219 Herschel back to his old self yet? 006A17E4 He's back to pourin' the drinks and tellin' his stupid stories again.
220 And back to bein' the pain in my neck that he usually is. So yeah... he's good now.
221 006A17E5 Don't know what ya did for him, but he's even more of a weirdo than he was before.
222 Always mutterin' things to himself. Havin' conversations with thin air. But, eh... he's workin' I guess.
223 What about Eugenie? 006A1773 Eugenie ain't exactly been happy about our little 'pricing adjustment', but I gotta say the extra caps sure help me sleep like a baby.
224 006A1774 Still in her thoughts, but much more focused on the trail. Sour mood, but she's on task.
225 006A1775 All the way back to her old self. Ain't gonna pretend I know what you did but you've saved me a good chunk of hassle.
226 Is Libby shooting straight again? 006A107E Better shot than ever! More expensive than ever, too. She's hounding me with requests for all sorts of new gear.
227 Now's she's breakin' skulls and breakin' the bank. Better than cappin' poor Carver, though.
228 006A107F Ya had to go and talk shit about her gun, eh?
229 Sure, she's shootin' straight, but now I gotta this and that about her precious "Jolvey" or whatchamacallit.
230 Spending more time defendin' the gun than the caravan. Just couldn't nod and smile, coulda? Sheesh.
231 006A1080 Couldn't get much concrete info, but you were on to somethin' all right. I've moved Libby to a, uh, lower energy post for now.
232 Maybe teach her a thing or two about keepin' contacts outside the network.
233 006A1081 Well, her dead-eye is back, that's for sure. Still totting that goofy old gun, though.
234 How's Kieran been? 006A2C35 I still can't believe it, but I saw the sonnova bitch smilin' earlier. Don't know what you said to him, but you put a crack in a 30 year long frown. Still a bit sarcastic
235 006A2C36 I saw him beat a blood eagle into the ground with a hand trolley... So, yeah, I'd say he's back in fighting form.
236 How is morale among the caravan members? 006A2C32 That would depend on who's we're talkin' about.
247 Tried Rudy's soup yet? It was pretty awful. 006A1012 Really? Batch I tasted wasn't so bad. Must have improved his recipe. He started selling it now.
248 Does Vera still have her head in the clouds? 006A1E42 Seemed to be in a good mood last time I saw her. Ain't been hearin' anythin' bad either, so whatever ya did worked out. Vera was in a good mood from the player’s actions, and Vinny reveals this when you ask.
249 006A1E43 She looked a little down last time I saw her, but she's been a lot more focused. So that's a win in my book. Vera was in a bad mood from the player’s actions, but the work is still good, so Vinny reveals when asked.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006A0F95 006A1004 Whaddya want? I'm busy!
2 006A1005 So did ya figure out what got Rudy so worked up?
8 006A0F96 006A1018 Rudy's been distracted lately, not really paying attention.
9 Sure he ain't a guard or anything like that but its not good for business. Gonna get himself killed, or worse lose the merchandise.
10 Do me a favor and see if you can find out what it is he keeps daydreamin' about.
11 006A1019 Here, payment as promised, thanks for the help. If you need somethin' to do come back tomorrow.
27 Maybe Later. 006A1E7A Don't let the Brahmin bite ya on the way out.
28 Sure I'll talk to Rudy 006A0FE7 Finally, some good news. Lemme know what ya find out wouldya?
29 Tell me about Rudy. 006A0FF7 Guy's a client of mine. Works for some cannery or other that hired us to protect their cargo. Rudy's their guy on the road.
30 He thinks he's a funny guy so I'm half expectin' this to be some kinda big joke. Ain't never seen him like this, though.
31 What's stopping you from asking what's up yourself? 006A1027 You think I ain't thought of that? Look, he's technically my client. I can't exactly discipline 'im.
32 Well you aren't exactly the most approachable person, from what I've seen you're kind of a hardass. 006A0FF0 I can assure you the problem ain't with me. Business is business, and if getting stuff done means being a hardass, I'll be a hardass.
33 You could hire me as a consultant again. 006A0FF5 I like ya moxie. How about I see what extra supplies I can spare while ya help me out?
34 Anything I can do to help? 006A0FFC Yeah... Yeah actually there is.
35 Nevermind. 006A0FE9 Waste my time again and I'll charge ya for it.
36 Why the long face? 006A1001 Ain't that obvious? Morale is droppin' lower than a Molerat in a mudpit. Seems like everyone got problems but I don't have enough hands to solve 'em. irritated and a little stressed.
37 Not ta mention how much money we're losin' 'cause of this. frustrated
38 Deal, What can I help with? 006A0FEB That's what I like to hear!
39 The wasteland is a dangerous place. Maybe you can sweeten the deal with some extra ammo? 006A1009 Deal. Eugenie's not gunna like that but I'll see what I can dig up.
40 Deal, What can I help with? 006A1021 That's what I like to hear!
41 [Perception 4+] The Wasteland is a dangerous place. Maybe you can sweeten the deal with some extra ammo? 006A0FEE Deal. Eugenie's not gonna like that but I'll see what I can dig up.
42 [Intelligence 4+] That's a good start but I'm a practical person. Throw in a few extra Stimpaks and I'll help you out. 006A0FF3 You're really twisting my arm here. Fine, deal.
43 You sure you can't be doing more to prevent this kind of stuff? 006A0FF2 What's that supposed to mean?
61 I'm working on it. 006A1E65 You know you ain't getting paid by the hour right?
62 Rudy wanted to make a new stew to sell. Tastes like an old shoe, though. 006A1E73 That's what this was all about? His little kitchen experiment caused some delays, ya know?
63 He needed help making a new recipe. He hopes he can sell it. It was pretty good. 006A1E7B So Rudy wants to prove himself, eh? Well, his family owns a cannery, so maybe they can add it to the menu.
64 Rudy says you don't need to worry anymore, he'll talk to you about it later. 006A1E6F Well at least that's taken care of.
74 006CCC8E 006A1E74 Waste of my time... Well, whatever, ain't my problem now.
75 006CCC92 006A102A Why the fuck am I tellin' ya this shit for. You want the job or not? angry with himself If there are too many uses of the word "fuck" in vinny's dialogue feel free to switch it for "why the hell" or "why the heck"
76 006CCC93 006A1029 And sometimes it's, ya know, easier to open up to a stranger or somethin' like that.
77 006CCC94 006A1028 But he's gonna get one of my guys killed if he keeps it up.
78 006CCC96 006A0FF1 So you gunna help out or just waste my time?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
29 006A2BE5 006A2C73 But listen, you, uh... Ya done good. I could tell people are picking up their feet more 'round here. Trying to be genuine
30 Probably the last job I'll have for ya. But, I, ya know, appreciate it or whatever. Genuine but getting bored of this
31 Still working on it. 006A2C72 Well, keep workin' on it, then. emphasis on KEEP
32 Anytime, Vinny. Thanks for the work. 006A2C60 All right, that's enough of the sentimental crap. Take yer pay and get on outta here. Waving off
33 Just some old family drama. He'll get over it. 006A2C63 "Get over it?" Yeah, not so much. That family history is a tangled web. Hopefully you helped him out, but, uh... yeah. Yeah right, nice try. Genuine near the end
36 He wanted to learn more about his dad in Lewisburg. I found him a letter. 006A2C76 Oh. That's uh... Oof. That's complicated. Forget I said anything. Thanks for sorting it out for the kid. That'll take a minute for him... to process. Stepped in something complicated
38 Really? The other members don't need help? 006A2C6F Eh, everyone else is fine.
39 Only thing that'll fix my nephew Luca's problems is my boot up his ass. Love the kid and all, but there's no talkin' sense to him. Not a big concern for him
40 As for Minerva and the big lug? She's our top performer, no troubles there-- and Tommy's a pro.
41 I guess there's Aries, but, uh... I wouldn't ask my worst enemy to talk to that freak longer than they have to. Side of the mouth
42 You could always ask him what he's got going on, but, uh... Good luck with that. But me? no thanks.
46 Aww, sounds like you're going to miss our chats. 006A2C5D Yeah, I'll miss you like like a stomach bug from a bad oyster. Joking around
54 006A2C1C 006A2C50 Good. That's that, then. Straight forward
55 006A2C51 It does sound like that. Also sounds like you should mind where ya stick your nose.
59 006A2C1D 006A2C54 Back again, I see. Someone's real eager to make a cap. I almost like that. Almost. A bit skeptical
60 006A2C78 Well? What, pray tell, was botherin' the young Timmerman? Cheeky
61 006A2C79 I'm gonna place a bet that Carver hasn't suddenly figured his whole life out on his own. Knowin' I won that bet: what are you still doin' here? Blunt, annoyed
65 He has more than one mom? 006A2C2E Yeah, two. You have trouble countin' or somethin'? What's wrong wit you? Look at this idiot!
66 That's a tough spot to be put in. 006A2C3B Boo hoo, I know. It ain't like the rest of us are livin' in the end of the fuckin' world. Cranky
67 But... ya know, if you can help the kid help himself, I'd appreciate it. Sincere
68 Maybe another time. 006A2C2F Uh-huh, we'll see if there is "another time." Annoyed
69 I'm not really looking for a baby sitting gig. 006A2C3F Well you're in luck, ya joker, because this ain't that. Carver's a big boy. Just needs help steppin' into those shoes. You don't want to help, walk. Annoyed
70 Caravan work sounds tough for someone like him. 006A2C33 Well, it ain't really by choice neither. One of his moms used to run the route, but came down with somethin' nasty some time back.
71 His other mom's their primary trapper, so it falls to lil' Carvey-boy to man the Brahmin.
72 Okay, I'll talk to Carver. 006A2C4B Perfect. Now scoot.
73 I'll stop by later. 006A2C31 Whatever floats your boat. Slightly annoyed
74 I'm looking for some work. 006A2C44 That's good, cuz I have some. Carver Timmerman. He's a merchant. Young pup. Very easily distracted. Straight to business
75 More so than ever, too. So I think ya know the deal by now. I want that kid at least knowin' left from right before I okay anymore of his shipments.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
21 Maybe later. 006A178B Work's not goin' anywhere.
26 I'll go see Eugenie. 006A1783 Report back when things are dealt with.
27 Talk to you later. 006A178E Good talk.
29 What am I, some kind of shrink? 006A177E Yeah, you can bring your own sofa and clipboard. Smart ass.
30 Anything about Eugenie I should know? 006A1790 We've been guardin' for her a while now. Sells guns, explosives, the good stuff.
31 She, and her gear, come from some ghoul community somewheres way off. She won't talk about it much.
32 Normally I don't gotta worry 'bout her. Lately, that ain't the case.
33 Got any work that needs doing? 006A1780 Got someone else I need ya to chat with.
34 Eugenie's head's been outta the game lately. Daydreamin', wanderin' off trail and losin' track of cargo.
35 Not exactly what you want from a top earner like her. She bites it and our profits take a nasty hit. See what's up, and get it sorted out.
36 Eugenie just lost a letter. I helped her track it down. 006A179D A letter? Huh. While it's not my place to pry, that would explain poking and prodding around the trails.
37 She needed help sorting out some family issues. She's good now. 006A1788 Well you know what they say, family's everything. You met my nephew? Drives me up the fuckin' wall sometimes, but that's family.
38 Things'll work themselves out.
39 006A176F 006A1795 She what? She moved outta that place? Shit, kid, you shoulda said that sooner.
40 Ain't no way I can overlook it: her being a free agent changes some, uh... pricing options.
41 You don't know it but you just made my day, pal. Probably ruined ol' Eugenie's year but eh, she'll be fine.
45 006A38A0 Yeah, sure.
46 006A38A2 Where were we?
51 006A3BB7 You did good work. Swing by again tomorrow, I'll see if anything for you to do turns up.
57 006A1770 006A1798 Whaddya want?
58 006A1799 You sort out Eugenie's problem?
61 006A38A1 Ain't you got a job to be doin?
63 006C1C25 006C1C46 Hey, you find my letter yet?
64 Why do you need me to do this again? 006C1C41 It's just eating away at me, not knowing what was said. If I can get my hands on it and read it then I can focus on work again.
65 Not yet, I'll be back. 006C1C47 Okay, I'll be waiting here.
66 006CD252 006CD254 I'll chuck in a lil somethin' for your troubles. Good work, come back tomorrow.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes

12 006A1032 006A106B What is it?
13 006A106C Okay, so what's the deal?
16 She just needed me to pick up some parts for her weapon. But you might wanna check out where she is getting these parts from. 006A1062 You don't say. I'll have one of my guys look into it. Thanks for the heads up.
17 Fixed her gun for her. Now she's back to shootin' first and askin' questions later. 006A1074 That's what I like to hear! Girl is focused on her career.
18 Well done. Come back tomorrow for more work.
19 Her weapon just needed some maintenance. I've fixed it for her. 006A1064 That's it? Easy.
20 I'll let Carver know he won't have to hide from her no more.
21 Well done. Come back tomorrow for more work.
27 I'm looking for some work. 006A1068 I have another employee that needs talking to.
28 To my surprise, it's Libby Wen. She's normally a consistent performer but she's been... sloppy.
29 I'll stop by later. 006A105F Suit yourself.
30 Sure, I'll talk to Libby. 006A1069 Good. Come back when you've fixed the issue.
31 Tell me about Libby. 006A1060 She's a real good addition to the team - helluva shot. But she's been off recently... Her aim, I mean.
32 And when I say off, I mean way off. You shoulda seen the look on Carver's face when he almost lost an ear to a stray shot.
33 It's dangerous enough business between the Blood Eagles and the cultists. My own guards shootin' the clients? Nuh-uh.
34 Have you got some real jobs for me? I wanna shoot something! 006A1070 Ey,ey,ey... Leave the shootin' to my guards, will ya?!
35 You can either take the job or leave it. What's it gonna be?
36 Maybe later. 006A1061 Sure.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 He was just being a worrywart. He's fine now. 0068FDCA Sounds like Kieran, all right. If he's back in workin' order again, then consider yourself paid.
17 Kieran was concerned about his kids. I helped him sort it out. 0068FDB6 Kieran with them damn kids... I warned him he wasn't cut out for playin' house. Glad you figured it out for him.
25 The slacker is done slacking. Pay up. 0068FDB4 Kieran could rip your tongue out through your bellybutton, so I'd watch your mouth. But if he's back to work, a deal's a deal.
26 Get outta my sight quick enough and I may have some more work for you tomorrow. Scram.
29 0068FD6F 0068FDC8 Good job. Come back tomorrow, I'll have somethin' else for you to handle.
31 I'll stop by later. 0068FDB1 Uh-huh, you do that.
32 Okay, I'll get out of your hair. 0068FDC7 You got real smart fuckin' mouth, you know that?
33 Maybe later. 0068FDB8 Oh, too good for it? You're the one beggin' for scraps. Get outta here.
34 What is this place? 0068FDBB This is Big Bend Tunnel, under the management of the Blue Ridge Caravan Company.
35 If you want the whole sales pitch, talk to the boss, Joanna, down at the East end of tunnel. If you're lookin' to make a quick cap, talk to me.
36 Sure I'll talk to Kieran 0068FDB0 Okay, great, whatever. Get him back in shape, you get some caps. Now, beat it.
37 Who is this Kieran guy? 0068FDBF He's one of my old crew, from ways back. He's not known for clownin' around, so if somethin's eatin' him, we should fix it.
38 Should I break both legs, or just the one? 0068FDA9 Don't go breakin' no legs! Are ya dense or somethin'?
39 I need Kieran working harder, not dragging his ass through the dirt. Just... I dunno, talk to him and what not. Figure it out.
40 0068FD8A 0068FD8D Lookin' for work, are ya? Well sure, just so happens I've got something I'm willing to pay for.
41 The bums around here haven't been pulling their weight as much as I'd likes. But I also don't have the time or temperament to play therapist.
42 You go give them a talkin' to and I'll send some caps your way.
43 Start with Kieran Kennedy. He's down on the West end of the tunnel. He knows better, so, uh... remind him.
45 0068FD8B 0068FDC2 You need something, or just admirin'?
46 0068FDC3 And you're back. Hopefully with news of Mr. Kennedy liftin' a Brahmin in each hand, carryin' em from Foundation to the Pitt.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 Herschel's fine. He just needed some "spirit" is all. 006A1809 What? You know, nevermind. You're almost as weird as him, ya know that?
2 Anyways, glad ya figured it out or whatever.
3 006A17AB 006A17F8 Here's your caps. Might have another job for ya tomorrow, so stop by.
4 Something's wrong with that man. He's back to work though. 006A17FA Yeah, he ain't right in the head, but he pours a good drink. He's a pain, but you get used to it after a while.
5 Job's done, now give me my caps. 006A1807 Fine, here. You'll take a few broken teeth too if ya don't watch your mouth.
6 Come back for another job tomorrow. Now get outta here ya fuckin' jerk.
19 I'm back for another job. 006A1802 Well you're not gonna believe this, but guess what, I've got one for ya.
20 His name's Herschel. You'll find him over at the West side of the tunnel. Inside, at the bar.
21 I need him to quit his whinin' and get back to pourin'. Do that for me, and you've got some more caps headed your way.
35 Maybe later. 006A17FC Maybe later, huh? Ok, well, maybe later you won't have shit for brains either, but I won't count on it. Get lost.
36 Tell me more about Herschel. 006A17FF What's to know? He showed up one day. Pours drinks for Blue Ridge now so we can make some extra caps.
37 The rest is him just bein' a pain in my neck.
38 Alright, I'll talk to Herschel. 006A17F6 Good, now beat it. Come back and get your caps when you're done... or don't... whatever.
39 My ugly what? 006A17F2 Unbelievable... even dumber than you look.
40 Should I introduce him to a little friend of mine? 006A180C What the hell are ya talkin' about?
41 Look, just remind him he's got a fuckin' job to do will ya?
54 Nevermind, I'll be back. 006A1805 Oh boy, I'll count the days. Arrivederci.
58 006A17E0 006A38AB Listen, as I was sayin'.
59 006A38AC Sure, whatever.
62 006A17E1 006A180D Back again, huh. Or are ya just takin' your ugly mug out for a walk?
63 006A180E Hey, so... did ya fix Herschel's whinin' yet or what?
66 006A38AD Don't you have somethin' to do? Beat it, I'm busy.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0069F2C8 0069F38D Somethin' I can do ya for? Or do ya just like my suit? Player started conversation. He acts sassy.
2 0069F38E 'Bout time you got back. Better be hearin' she's become so laser focused we can weaponize her peepers. Sassy response to Player’s return.

5 006A2058 Look who came crawlin' back.*Laughs* Ready to take the job or what? Player was told about the job, but backed out of the dialogue. They just returned, and he is being sassy about it.
7 0069F2C9 0069F343 Okay, good job. Got a feelin' I'll have more work for ya tomorrow, so be sure to stop by. Says goodbye and says there will be more work the next day.
8 Job done, but you've hired an oddball tourist. 0069F369 Oh I know, but don't be talkin' that way about the rookie. Bad for company morale. The player is insulting about Vera saying the job is done, and Vinny tells the player to tone it down for company morale.
9 Now get outta here. If you're lucky I might even have more work for ya tomorrow. The player is insulting about Vera saying the job is done, and Vinny tells the player to tone it down for company morale.
10 She just had a lot on her mind, she's fine now. 0069F34B Don't care what'cha did, but all right. If she's workin' right again, then consider yourself paid. The player did not go into detail about what the problem was, just said she’s working fine again.
11 Vera wanted some photos to send back to her father. I got them for her. 0069F373 Right, I remember her sayin' somethin' like that. She musta felt cooped up. Huh. Appreciate ya gettin' her mind off it. Player tells Vinny about what they did for Vera, and he remembers hearing her concerns a while back, then thanks the player for sorting the problem.
37 I'm looking for some work. 0069F35E I have another employee that needs talkin' to. Asked for work. He has another employee he needs you to help.
38 Vera Thornberg, the newbie over at the Middle Mountain Pitstop. Go remind her she's bein' paid to actually do her job right. Asked for work. Vera has been making mistakes, so he hires the player to sort it out.
39 I'll stop by later. 0069F33E If ya say so. A sassy goodbye.
40 Sure I'll talk to Vera. 0069F364 Good, just get her to focus on her work, and the caps are yours. Now vamoose. Player accepted the job, and he tells them to hurry on with it in a sassy way.
41 What can you tell me about Vera? 0069F344 She's our rookie. Set her up with an easy gig up at the Middle Mountain Pitstop as a favour to Joanna. Asked about Vera. Exposition on the location.
42 Hearin' she has her head in the clouds lately, makin' all sorts of silly mistakes. Need someone to go snap her out of it. Asked about Vera. Exposition on the problem.
43 Want me to rattle her cage a little? Make her see sense? 0069F39F While I appreciate the initiative *laughs*, Joanna would have my hide. Just go see what's makin' her mind wander and help put a stop to it. Player asked if they should rattle her cage, but he knows he will get Joanna on his back if this is handled that way, so just asks you to go and help
44 Maybe later. 0069F360 Suit yourself ya mook, plenty of other folks to pick from if ya think you're too good for this line of work. Sassy response to the rejection of the job offered.
53 006A1E40 006A250B Okay, sure. Elongated Suuuuure with sass. Used for things like "not now" or "let's talk about something else.
54 006A250C What? Ya got the work you wanted, now get to it. Player tries to speak to Vinny once he has tasked them with speaking to Vera.
58 006CCA4D I don't know, maybe I should just get rid of them. During her moral dilemma the player agrees she should not send the pictures, but asks what she’s going to do with them.
59 Any idea what's affecting her work ethic? 006A2055 No clue. Was doin' a good enough job, but after a while she just kept makin' dumb mistakes, like she's gettin' distracted by somethin'. Player asked what’s affecting her work.