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If you're stumbling across this note, or my body, just leave it. Maybe someone who knows me will find it. I fell down this sink hole and broke both of my legs. I'll be dead soon. Please, feed my cats.Day 1

Scott "Scoot" Conroy is a wendigo living in the sunken church in Appalachia.


Scoot lived in a shack in what would become the Mire with his 12 cats.[2][3] He once attempted to write an advertisement putting them up for adoption but did not finish the draft.[4]

Scoot was a member of the Truth Seekers, a club dedicated to hunting cryptids, with his friends Calvin van Lowe and Ray Gary.[5] When Calvin announced that he had been accepted into Vault-Tec University and would no longer be able to participate in the group, Scoot became bitter.[6] Though Ray continued their cryptid hunting activities, Scoot began to believe Ray was simply appeasing him, worsening his bitterness. Scoot set out to debunk reports of a "sheepsquatch," the cryptid that both Ray and Calvin were interested in.[7] During an expedition to investigate an alleged sheepsquatch sighting, he found an albino deer, considering that vindication against Calvin's claims.[8] The last time Ray and Scoot saw each other was in August 2076, during which Ray attempted to introduce a prospective member, Shelby O'Rourke, who Scoot treated disrespectfully after learning she also attended VTU.[9] Despite their declining relationship over the years, Scoot still kept in contact with Ray, just barely, through Ray's wife Laura, who helped feed Scoot's cats while he was away on his expeditions. Ray himself was wheelchair-reliant by then and could not leave his house in Welch, and Scoot did not ever visit them there.[10][11][12]

By 2077, Scoot's attention turned to hunting ghosts with his acquaintance Shawn, which led him to the sunken church.[13] While investigating the church on October 19, 2077,[14] he fell into a sinkhole and broke both of his legs. He accepted he was going to die and wrote a note asking for people to feed his cats. The next day, a park ranger named Kevin fell into the sinkhole. Kevin taught Scott how to survive on water, moss and bugs.[15] About three months later, Micky, a member of the Gourmands, also fell in the sinkhole. Micky choked Kevin to death and convinced Scott to eat his remains for their survival, which they did.[12] Scott eventually ate Micky as well, growing deranged in his isolation.[16] By 2102, he had degenerated into a wendigo.

During his isolation, Scoot came to regret how he had let himself fall out of contact with Ray, or how he had never told Ray of his "debunking" the Sheepsquatch. Scoot did not know that Ray's injury came from a Sheepsquatch attack, though he began to suspect that Ray was hiding something.[12] For his part, Ray did not know if Scoot survived the war, but invited Scoot to stay with them in Welch and hoped to reveal the truth to him there.[17]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

That Sinking Feeling


That Sinking Feeling: Scoot, as a wendigo, is found underneath the sunken church and must be killed.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death


Scott Conroy appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.

