Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Kevin was a park ranger in Appalachia prior to the Great War.


Kevin fell into the sunken church sinkhole and was trapped. While Kevin was still waiting to be rescued, cryptid hunter Scott Conroy also fell into the sinkhole, badly injuring his legs. Kevin taught Scott survival skills necessary to remain in alive in the gave, such as eating moss and bugs. The two survived for approximately 82 days together before a third person, Micky fell into the sinkhole with them. Micky was a member of the cannibalistic Gourmands, and he was the first person to deliver news of apocalypse to the pair who had been trapped underground. Micky killed Kevin in his sleep, and both Scott and Micky ate his body.[1][2]


Kevin is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.

