Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Micky was a cannibal and member of the Gourmands raider group in Appalachia.


Micky fell into the sunken church sinkhole in the Mire and was trapped alongside Park Ranger Kevin and Scott Conroy, who had both been trapped since before the Great War.[1] Micky was the first contact the pair had to explain that the apocalypse had taken place while they were trapped inside. Micky strangled Kevin to death in his sleep, and he explained to Scott that Kevin needed to die so that they could live. The two then ate Kevin.[2] Micky was later killed and eaten by Scott, who was descending into madness and while becoming a wendigo.[3]


Micky is mentioned only in the Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.


Original Raiders (pre-2102)