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The Cutthroats were a gang of raiders located in Appalachia.


Based at the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort, the Cutthroats' name and logo is inspired by the "Cutthroat Crag" ski trail that was soon to be opened at Top of the World resort. Led by David Thorpe with his girlfriend Rosalynn Jeffries being second-in-command, they were one of Appalachia's five main raider gangs.

The Cutthroats were responsible for the Christmas Flood event, which destroyed Charleston on Christmas Day of 2082. The event was prompted by Thorpe, who assumed the death of Rosalynn following a failed attempt to free her. Although the gang's fate is never directly stated by Rose, one of the few surviving members, there are several indicators that the gang might have been wiped out by the Scorched Plague. In particular, these indicators are the large and concentrated numbers of Scorched in former Cutthroat territories, an unsent letter written by Thorpe as well as his fate, becoming a Scorched himself.

Since the Scorched Plague, Rose has taken over the leadership of the Cutthroats[1] and is looking for new raider recruits to revive the gang.[2]

According to Gnash, Meg Groberg tried to be part of the Cutthroats but did not make it in because she felt their ways were too violent, resulting in her forming her own gang.




Atx apparel outfit raider skilane headwear c1

Cutthroats gang colors


Interactions with the player character[]



The Cutthroats appear only in Fallout 76.



  1. Top of the World Radio: "I need help getting the band back together so we can rule these hills. If you think you can hack it, I look forward to meeting you. If you can hear me, come to the Top of the World at Pleasant Valley Calling all Raiders, this is the leader of the Cutthroats, Rose."
  2. Rose: "No, and believe me, the feeling is mutual. I may want the Raiders back, but I want the real Raiders. Cutthroats, if you know what I mean. [...] Now scram! There's a whole new mess of people out there, and I gotta keep an eye out for potential recruits."
    (Rose's dialogue)
Original Raiders (pre-2102)