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Fallout Wiki

Chuck was a member of the Trappers raider gang in Appalachia.


Chuck was one of the raider gang members operating out of a camp near the Devil's Backbone. The group focused on traps and indirect combat. Chuck invented a way to neutralize the threat of Responders' hounds by combining fresh meat with explosives in order for the group to escape capture after raids.[1] After Walter Griswold and several other members of the gang were captured by super mutants and dragged off to Huntersville, Chuck left a note for David Thorpe. Chuck accused Thorpe of abandoning the Trappers to the mutants, and told him the surviving Trappers were leaving Appalachia. He let Thorpe know Griswold had been captured, and if he wanted the Trappers key fragment, to go search for it on his corpse in Huntersville.


Chuck is mentioned only in Fallout 76.


  1. Rose: "This one time, Chuck-he was the guy who came up with this crazy idea-laid out explosive bait along the trail after a raid. When the Responders came looking for us with their tracking dogs, well...Let's just say the hounds lost their scent. You know, because their heads were blown off. Ah whatever, you get what I'm saying."
    (Rose's dialogue)
Original Raiders (pre-2102)