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Fallout Wiki

Carson was a raider with the Cutthroats at Pleasant Valley Ski Resort in Appalachia after the Great War.


Carson was originally one of many survivors of the Great War to live at Hunter's Ridge. Along with Ethan, Carson dug a giant spike pit, claiming it was for their group's protection.[1] A week after digging the pit, Carson located a couple poaching from the group's animal traps. Despite efforts from a fellow group member to be lenient on the couple, Carson tied the couple up, forced them to "walk the plank" over the pit, and pushed them into it.[2]

Both Carson and Ethan frequently listened to the raider radio broadcasts out of the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort. The two tried to convince the others in the group that there were supplies and shelter at the resort, but their actions, such as executing the poachers via spike pit, left the other group members nervous.[2] Carson and Ethan eventually left to join the raiders and returned with a raiding party which attacked the survivors at Hunter's Ridge.[3]


Carson is mentioned only in Fallout 76.


Original Raiders (pre-2102)