Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hawke Lawrence was a member of the Cutthroats raider gang in 2086.


Hawke was experienced with robotics in some form, and owned a personally refurbished sentry bot named Ironclad. Ironclad was scheduled to participate in a fight against the "Steel Sisters," a pair of Assaultrons, in the arena at the Pleasant Valley cabins. The fight had 5:2 odds for Ironclad.[1]

At some point, Hawke was assigned to the North Cutthroat camp along with Jake Miller, Karla Westwood and Bones Powell following the Order of Mysteries' attack on the camp which left only one survivor.[2] Hawke told his fellow raiders that the Order never hit the same checkpoint twice, making the northern checkpoint the safest place for them to be stationed.[3]


Hawke Lawrence is mentioned only in Fallout 76.


Original Raiders (pre-2102)