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Fallout Wiki

The Pleasant Valley cabins terminal entries are a series of entries found on two terminals at the Pleasant Valley cabins in Fallout 76.

Brody's terminal[]

FO76 Pleasant Valley cabins (Brody's terminal)

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink


|Welcome to Pleasant Valley Ski Resort|
| Black Diamond Lodge - Room 201 |
|GUEST: Brody Torrance |

Pleasant Valley IntraMail[]

Note: The following header is conditional.[clarification needed]


|Welcome to Pleasant Valley Ski Resort|
| Black Diamond Lodge - Room 201 |
|GUEST: Brody Torrance |

Unable to access the IntraMail system. Please check your network connection and try again.

Note: The following header is conditional.[clarification needed]


|Welcome to Pleasant Valley Ski Resort|
| Black Diamond Lodge - Room 201 |
|GUEST: Brody Torrance |

Please select a message to view:

6-9-86: RE: Checkpoint Massacre[]


Pleasant Valley IntraMail - 6-9-86
From: Thorpe, D.
To: Torrance, B.
Subj: RE: Checkpoint Massacre

Let me see if I have this straight: Mack Frazier and his entire crew were wiped out by a girl dressed as a comic book character? And you, a young man I've never even heard of, managed to survive? And befriend her? And convince her to let you go?

That is perhaps the most audacious lie I've ever heard. But very well, I'll play along. We don't have any better leads. Meet with your girl. See what she wants. But I still expect you to make your quotas.

7-1-86: Quotas[]


Pleasant Valley IntraMail - 7-1-86
From: Thorpe, D.
To: Torrance, B.
Subj: Quotas

You're almost 200 caps behind this month, Mr. Torrance. Spending too much time with your new girlfriend?

I must say, for all your stories, you certainly don't have much to show for it. We've lost eight more men to 'mysterious ambushes' this week alone.

Either she needs to put up, or you do.

7-19-86: RE: Deal[]


Pleasant Valley IntraMail - 7-19-86
From: Thorpe, D.
To: Torrance, B.
Subj: RE: Deal

You can't possibly be serious.

I tire of this charade. Rose will dispatch five men to Summersville to set up this ambush of yours. You will join them. If your stories are true, if you do manage to kill the girl, return with her head. If not, my men will be returning with yours. One or the other.

7-25-86: RE: Success[]


Pleasant Valley IntraMail - 7-25-86
From: Thorpe, D.
To: Torrance, B.
Subj: RE: Success

Very well, you have my attention.

From this point forward, your sole mission will be the elimination of this 'Order of Mysteries' and their assassins. I am promoting you to lieutenant, with a team of seven men of your choosing, and a private suite in the Black Diamond lodge. Continue to surprise me, and you will be handsomely rewarded. Fail, and your star will fall as quickly as it rose.

9-13-86: RE: Spruce Knob Ambush[]


Pleasant Valley IntraMail - 9-13-86
From: Thorpe, D.
To: Torrance, B.
Subj: RE: Spruce Knob Ambush

That makes three successful hits. Judging by the reports, they put up quite the fight. It seems these are our mystery assassins.

Tell your girl that I accept her offer. If she can deliver her tape, assist us in rooting out this 'Order of Mysteries', I'm willing to offer her, and you, anything that lies within my power to grant. Once the job is finished.

9-20-86: RE: Motherload[]


Pleasant Valley IntraMail - 9-20-86
From: Thorpe, D.
To: Torrance, B.
Subj: RE: Motherload

Excellent. I'm sending Tony over to help you analyze the database. Work with him and Rose to map out your ambush plans. We'll pick them off one at a time, and stay the final raid against the manor until we've thinned their numbers.

Have Tony begin trawling the data for other leads, too. If their records are as extensive as you say, this could be a tremendous asset.

11-16-86: RE: Finale[]


Pleasant Valley IntraMail - 11-16-86
From: Thorpe, D.
To: Torrance, B.
Subj: RE: Finale

A bit anticlimactic, but it does save us the trouble. Very well, go meet your girl. Make sure there aren't any loose ends. When you get back, report to my office in the Top, and we can discuss your future with the Cutthroats.

Mount Holotape Drive[]

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Loading Project SIPHON Data...

Data corruption detected. Please contact the Project SIPHON Administrator for assistance.

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Mounting external holotape drive...
Loading Project Siphon Holotape...
README file found. Displaying README file...

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Here's the tape. I've loaded it with my login credentials and a full copy of the database. The Mission Board lists all of our operations for the next two months. That should give you plenty of potential targets.

I need to lay low for a while. Stick to the plan. I'll see you when it's time for the final operation.

Tell Thorpe I expect him to keep his end of the deal, or I'll be coming for his head next.

Olivia Rivers

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|Automated Data Exfiltration System|

STORAGE USED: 41.6 Blocks
STORAGE FREE: 214.4 Blocks

[1] PROJECT SIPHON Exfiltration Program
[3] Cryptos Database
[4] Cryptos Login - Olivia Rivers

Common room terminal[]

FO76 Pleasant Valley cabins (Common Room Terminal)


|Welcome to Pleasant Valley Ski Resort|

| Black Diamond Lodge - Common Room |




Poker Night[]


Yo - We got Monday night poker down in the Motel. Starts at sundown, ends when the suckers run outta caps. 25-50 cap blinds. Don't be late.

Intranet Down?[]


Hey, Intranet down for anyone else? I haven't been able to log in since Sunday.

This is, what, four times this month? This happens again, I'd like to get some friends together and pay a visit to Tony over in the main lodge. Let me know if you're in, and what weapon you wanna bring. - Alyx

I can read these posts, dumbass. - Tony

Opening: South Checkpoint[]


Boss Thorpe is looking for a crew to take over the South Checkpoint next spring. You want in, lemme know. - Rose

Lost Item[]


Anyone seen my Missile Launcher? Red paint job, black skulls, got my name scratched onto the grip. I set it down in the stands while I was having it out with Nails after the arena match last weekend. Some bastard must've swiped it.

Get it back to me by Monday, and we're good, no questions asked. After that, I ever find out who took it, you're getting an express trip down the ski lift.

- Harvey

Roommate Wanted[]


Kerry kicked it during the raid in Lewisburg last week, so I need a new roommate. Got a nice place up in Snowdrift Lodge. Second floor, balcony overlooking the Arena, pool table in the common area. You'd be splitting the rent with me, Derrik, and Brick, 55/mo. Drop me a line if you're interested. - Mark

Yo Brody![]

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Yo Brody - You missing something? I think you left your bag in the Motel after last night's poker game. Got your keys in it and everything. Come snag it before someone else does.

Arena Schedule[]


Books are open for this Saturday's Arena. Place your bets with Nails, Tara, or Rocky. Betting closes at 11 sharp before the fight.

This week's matchups are:

One-Eye Pete vs. Rabid Ralph (3:2)
- Two old toughs duke it out in this no-holds-barred grudge match.

Davey vs. Chitters (18:1)
- Can our boy Davey stomp his fiercest foe yet? Watch him square off with Chitters, the terrifying Radroach.

Steel Sisters vs Ironclad (2:5)
- The Arena's Assaultron ladies are up against their stiffest challenge yet: Hawke's refurbished Sentry Bot. Who's got the metal mettle to take home the medal?

Irena vs. Cinder (1:1)
- In our title bout, Irena, our very own Mad Mistress of the Machete, takes on Cinder, ghoulish brute of the Blackwater Bandits, in a brawl that's certain to have you on the edge of your seat. You don't wanna miss this one!
