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The Atlantic City Municipal Government is a major faction in Atlantic City, representing its civilian government. They are called Munis for short, a term coined by the Lombardi Family and the Showmen.[1] It is one of the few actual governments in the region, responsible for everything necessary for the survival of Acee.[2]


Although the post-War municipal government is rooted in the historical government of Atlantic City (incorporated in 1854),[3] it is actually a new incarnation borne out of necessity. Atlantic City was originally led by Carly Day, a career politician who relied on a cadre of professional administrators to keep the city running itself. Their hard work ensured smooth sailing and landslide wins in elections every four years for Day, who was left with only one question: Enjoying her free time in office.[4]

She dismissed the looming threat of nuclear war as just "hullabaloo,"[5] and the Great War blindsided her. Following the devastating floods and destruction, the people of Atlantic City expected her to lead, something she proved incapable of with just a fraction of her staff remaining. The city had enough food stockpiled for several months and she instituted strict rationing to stretch them out.[6] However, Day took no steps to address the issue, simply coasting along. By February next year, rations started to thin out, with unrest spreading and her staff either leaving or dying. Day found herself bowing to the Atlantic City mob, which promised to take care of any unrest.[7] The rations finally ran out in May (apart from Day's personal supply), which meant hunger for Atlantic City, especially since the bottle caps started circulating and pre-War money the city had in spades became worthless. Day turned to the mafia to secure food supplies by strongarming farms on the city's outskirts.[8]

Carly remained isolated from city affairs, ignoring the warnings of her secretary, Jim Harrison, who tried his best to wake her up to the fact that the people of Atlantic City were starving. His warnings went unheeded,[9] leading to a string of further resignations.[10] Even when Jim begged her to share her reserve to ensure his daughter would still have a father, she ignored him.[11] Things came to a head in February 2085, with Atlantic City driven into the ground. There was no electricity for the common people, water was contaminated, and starvation was widespread. Worse yet, the mob was operating unopposed,[12] and farms were regularly raided to collect foodstuffs for guests of the Casino Quarter. Eventually, they made the mistake of visiting Timothy Lane and his wife, Frieda Lane, to collect.[13][14]

Rather than acquiesce, Timothy fought back and shot their entire raiding party save one. The mob did not expect this development and offered no resistance as the Lanes marched on the city hall, confronting Mayor Day after the sole survivor revealed how bad the situation got.[15] The official version is that Timothy made her leave the city,[12] though in truth Timothy shot her.[16] Together with other like-minded citizens of Acee, Lane and his wife reorganized the municipal government and brought some semblance of order to Atlantic City over the next twenty years.[12] Frieda's know-how about purifying soil to sustain crops was instrumental.[15]

Since then, the Lanes have continued the thankless, but necessary task of keeping the city running, with the Lombardi Family and the Showmen constantly angling for some way to coerce them to do their bidding or outright get rid of them.[16] While there is a constant struggle for influence, the two groups are too disorganized and focused on entertainment and pleasure to pose a real threat. The worst they can usually do is petty jabs and coining "Muni" as a shorthand for the government. The Munis don't really care, preoccupied with the bigger picture.[2][1]

By 2105, Atlantic City has become one of the most prosperous cities of the East, with the Lanes turning the city around. The Munis played and continue to play an extremely important role, ensuring that everyone in the city is provided with food, water, electricity, and protection from outside threats, such as the newly emerged Overgrown.[17][18] While the pressures of governance have left their mark, as does the age,[19] both Lanes seem to be happy to do the job - especially since they're atypical politicians. Especially Frieda, who disdains rubbing elbows in favor of applying elbow grease.[20] Other members of the Munis think highly of both, especially Mayor Lane, seeing the Munis as the pillar that keeps Atlantic City from backsliding.[21][22]

Both the Showmen and the mafia are the other two pillars. Rather than fight them, Lane decided on an uneasy alliance, with the Munis providing governance and keeping the city running with everything it needed to prosper, while the mob and the Showmen provided entertainment and kept the peace to attract tourists and especially caravans to the town. While the compromise might seem surprising, Mayor Lane considered it a pragmatic choice: Atlantic City was a place of vice and sin, and the best he could hope for was making it into a civilized hell.[23]

The pragmatic policy has served him and the city well over the years, and even won him some secret admirers among the mob.[24] The tension is still present, and on occasion results in clashes. The worst happen when the mobsters or Showmen try to weasel their way out of paying taxes, which raises the ire of Buttercup, Lane's head of IRS and a terrifying presence.[25] The Munis fight the biggest fights in Atlantic City,[26] and the greatest problem in recent years has been the grind that put a real strain on their ability to keep the peace and protect everyone. Especially with the emergence of the Overgrown.[27]


We make sure the people of Atlantic City are taken care of. It's exhausting work, but no one else is going to do it.Frieda Lane

Formally called the Mayoral Office, the Municipal Government is split into several departments called Divisions, each tasked with a different aspect of municipal governance:[28]

  • Power Production and Management Division (Frieda Lane): The department manages electricity production and distribution.[28] PP&MD works directly with city businesses, monitoring power consumption closely to ensure power is distributed as needed and address any excessive consumption. It struggles constantly due to aging infrastructure and instruments.[29]
  • Water Purification and Distribution Division (Frieda Lane): Responsible for purifying water and distributing it across Atlantic City.[28]
  • Internal Revenue Service (Buttercup): Department responsible for collecting taxes to fund city operations. Infamous for the brutality of their auditors.[28] Unofficially, it also ensures the Munis remain a match for the Showmen and the mafia by eliminating any signs of weakness that could undermine popular support, e.g. keeping the truth of Day's resignation secret.[30]
  • Agricultural and Caravanning Services (Timothy Lane): Personally overseen by the mayor due to his farming background, manages the output of farms on the outskirts of town and ensures their owners and staff are properly compensated. They are also responsible for food distribution in the city to ensure everyone is adequately fed, as well as trading with caravans to ensure essential needs are met.[28]
  • Emergency Services Division (Anna Barone): Coordinates dispatchers, paramedics, and firefighters who ensure the safety of everyone in the city.[28]
  • Pine Barrens Forestry Division (Sloane): The newest department, responsible for perimeter defense against the Overgrown originating in the Barrens. Mostly stationed on the outskirts of town to handle any incoming hostile plantlife.[28] They're also responsible for clearing any infestation within the city itself, though Mayor Lane is at odds with Chief Sloane over priorities, as Sloane is reluctant to protect Casino Quarter due to the Family's influence and actions.[31]

Outside relations[]

The Munis represent the government of Acee and maintain an uneasy alliance with the mafia and the Showmen, keeping the city prosperous and running, while they provide the muscle and entertainment to keep it safe and attractive.[23] While Munis realize that they are important to the city's economy, helping keep civilians alive, it does little to change their view of the mob. Frieda Lane holds both in particular contempt, even though she knows full well how much the city needs them.[32]

Interactions with the player character[]

Known members[]


Municipal auditors were first introduced as hostile enemies during Tax Evasion, in the Boardwalk Paradise update. Municipal workers, which are separate characters with different dialogue and voice actors, will be introduced with America's Playground, in addition to friendly Municipal auditors in the flooded city center.


The Atlantic City Municipal Government appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault 76 dweller: "Why do people call you guys Munis?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "I can only assume it's short for 'Municipal Government', which is what we are. So at least that's correct. It was a derogatory term spread by the Family and the Showmen to mock us. They think we're just a bunch of goody-two-shoes. Maybe we are. But I fail to see how that's a bad thing. I'd rather be a Muni than a maniac or a mobster."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Vault 76 dweller: "What is the civilian government responsible for?"
    Frieda Lane: "To be blunt, we handle basically everything. Electricity, food, clean water, trade, medicine, security... We make sure the people of Atlantic City are taken care of. It's exhausting work, but no one else is going to do it."
  3. City hall sign
  4. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Personal Logs, [August 6th, 2076]
  5. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Personal Logs, [August 8th, 2076]
  6. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Personal Logs, [October 25th, 2077]
  7. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Personal Logs, [February 14th, 2078]
  8. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Personal Logs, [May 18th, 2078]
  9. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Intra-Mail, Harrison, Jim: Lots of complaints...
  10. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Intra-Mail, White, Allison: Re: Notice to All Employees
  11. Community center terminal entries; Abandoned terminal, Intra-Mail, Harrison, Jim: URGENT
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Vault 76 dweller: "So what changed? How did you end up here?"
    Frieda Lane: "Ha! Now that's a story. Back in the day, the mayor was a woman named Carly Day. A bland career politician. And a notorious coward. When the bombs dropped, she let the mafia and the entertainers who would become the Showmen run wild doing whatever they wanted. People were starving and getting sick from dirty water. There was no electricity. They were ready to riot. Turns out, entertainment doesn't matter much when you're on death's door. The Family got desperate, and they came knocking on the farms for food. They underestimated Tim, that's for sure. After he shot their whole raiding party, they got on their knees and pleaded for food. So he marched over to City Hall and confronted Carly. Shotgun in hand. Needless to say, she stepped down, and he stepped up. I came with him to help, obviously. We got a group of charitable Samaritans to join up. We've been running things around here ever since."
    Vault 76 dweller: "So what happened to Carly?"
    Frieda Lane: "She fled the city. Least, that's what Tim told me. Like I said, she wasn't the bravest. She knew she couldn't handle it. Dunno where she went. I haven't seen her since."
  13. City hall terminal entries; Don Ropiequet's terminal, 2/19/2085
  14. Vault 76 dweller: "So what happened then? How does a farmer become a mayor?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "By convincing my livestock to vote for me. No, in all seriousness, the situation in Atlantic City after the bombs was grim. The previous mayor was a woman named Carly Day. She was elected mayor during the before times, and it just carried over. But she was doing nothing, letting everyone starve and crime skyrocket. People were getting desperate. Soon, there wasn't enough food even for the kingpins. That's when the Family came knocking at my door."
  15. 15.0 15.1 Vault 76 dweller: "Did the Family try to rob you?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "Keyword there is 'try.' My wife's an engineer, and managed to keep the soil on our land purified. We had some of the only viable crops in the area. The Family wanted it all for themselves. They were pretty surprised when I took all but one of their raiding party out with my shotgun. Then, it became more of a negotiation. The one fellow I left alive told me about how bad things had gotten in the city proper. I knew if I didn't do something, Atlantic City would crumble."
  16. 16.0 16.1 Vault 76 dweller: "How did you come into power, then?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "I made my way down to the city proper, and marched on in to City Hall. Met with Carly Day. She wasn't willing to listen to reason. So, I gave her an ultimatum. Either she agrees to start doing her job, or gets the hell out of Dodge and lets someone else do it. In a moment of divine inspiration she...chose to flee. No one else wanted to take over her job. You've got the threat of the mafia breathing down your neck, and the Showmen were just forming around that time, too. So, I stepped up to the plate. And that was the start of Atlantic City's rebirth."
  17. Vault 76 dweller: "What does the Mayor's Office do around here?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "A bit of this and a lot of that. My wife Frieda could probably give you a more cohesive breakdown. Easy answer is, we make sure everyone is fed, watered, safe, and comfortable. We grow the food and promote trade in and out of the city, as well as handle the water purification and the electricity output. And, more recently, we've been taking care of the Overgrown issue. I like to call it trimming the hedges."
  18. Vault 76 dweller: "Emergency situations?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "The Mayor's Office is responsible for the city's upkeep. We keep the power and water flowing and appetites satiated. But we've also gotta care for the sick, the injured. You name it. And of course, we've gotta put out fires when they crop up. Only thing we don't do is entertain."
  19. City hall terminal entries; Dispatch terminal, Lane, Frieda: Re: Hang in there???
  20. Vault 76 dweller: "Is Tim your husband?"
    Frieda Lane: "Oh, yes. I realize I don't really look the part of a mayor's wife, but if you haven't noticed, the world ended. I doubt schmoozing and political greasing matter much these days."
  21. Vault 76 dweller: "What's the point of the Mayor's Office?"
    Buttercup: "The...point? The point is to keep people alive, numbskull. Most people can't even tie their shoes. You really think they'll be able to survive out there on their own? We keep everyone fed, hydrated...alive. Without us, there'd be no running water or electricity in AC. Consider yourself lucky that you came here after Tim took over, and not before."
  22. Vault 76 dweller: "What were things like before Tim became mayor?"
    Buttercup: "Bad. Pretty damn bad.Previous mayor was a hack named Carly Day. She was the mayor before the bombs, and after, she just...stayed. But she didn't do anything. Crime was rampant. People were dropping off like flies. Since Tim took over, it's been like a whole new city. Sure, we may gripe and moan. But for the most part, we're well taken care of, and safe."
  23. 23.0 23.1 Vault 76 dweller: "How does the Mayor's Office deal with the mafia and the Showmen?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "With an immense amount of patience. They're both more concerned with making money above all else. They're meant to keep the peace on the streets if any... emergencies come up. Heh. Usually they're the ones causing trouble. That, and they love to weasel their way out of paying their taxes. Buttercup takes care of that."
    Vault 76 dweller: "I'm surprised the government is allied with organized crime."
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "Atlantic City is a city of sin and vice. That's just its nature. We don't aim for heaven, but rather, a civilized hell. When you live in hell, do you try to change the Devil, knowing another one will just take its place if you succeed? No. You work with it in an attempt to mitigate its evil. That's just what life in Atlantic City is like."
  24. Vault 76 dweller: "What's your take on the Munis?"
    Billy Beltbuckles: "The Munis? If their auditors weren't always trying to ki-I mean, talk to me, I'd love them. They keep this city running and all of our customers alive. And we don't even have to lift a finger. It's great! Mayor Tim is in charge of 'em all. I've never met him personally, but I hear he's a great guy. You don't wanna mess with him though. He's tough as nails."
  25. The Neapolitan Casino terminal entries; Concerta's terminal, UNKNOWN USER: Missing Auditors
  26. Vault 76 dweller: "Why do people call you guys Munis?"
    Frieda Lane: "Short attention span, probably. I assume 'muni' is short for 'municipal.' As in, 'municipal government', which is what we are. I think the Family and the Showmen were the ones who started it up. Meant to be derogatory, no doubt. We don't care much to stop it. We've got bigger problems than a nickname. Formally, we're known as the Mayor's Office."
  27. City hall terminal entries; Dispatch terminal, Lane, Timothy: Hang in there!
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 Vault 76 dweller: "What are the different departments?"
    Frieda Lane: "Let's see now. There's my department, the Power Production and Management Division. We produce electricity and distribute it. I also handle the Water Purification and Distribution Division. Same thing, just with clean water instead of power. There's the Internal Revenue Service. Buttercup heads that. They're in charge of...uh, collecting taxes to keep everything running. They're the auditors you've probably seen around town. Then there's the Agricultural and Caravanning Services. Tim oversees that himself. He manages the output of the farms on the outskirts and ensures the farmers and their farmhands are all properly compensated. Additionally, they distribute food in the city so no one goes hungry. They also trade with the caravans 'round here for essentials. There's the Emergency Services Division. Anna runs that. They're the paramedics and firefighters. Dispatchers. She makes sure every emergency is addressed and that the right people are sent to handle it. Finally, there's the Pine Barrens Forestry Division, led by Sloane. They're basically our park rangers. They handle the Overgrown threat. You won't see them around City Hall much as they spend the day usually scouting the perimeter of the city."
  29. Power consumption report
  30. Unnecessary questions
  31. Perimeter breach
  32. Vault 76 dweller: "What's your opinion on the Showmen?"
    Frieda Lane: "They're a bunch of thugs who think they're entertainers because they wear costumes and speak all fancy. I'd rather moonwalk through a minefield than attend one of their shows. Are you starting to get a good picture of Atlantic City now?"
    Vault 76 dweller: "You seem to hate them."
    Frieda Lane: "Oh yes. I'm glad my feelings came across clearly. I wouldn't want you thinking I like them or anything. They're criminals. The only reason they're still around is because their 'business' brings tourists in. We need tourists in Atlantic City to make enough money to keep our civilians alive. Make sense?"