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We are an organization dedicated to the reestablishment of peace and order in the United States. Our founders are remnants of the armed forces, but we are not strictly a military organization. We also conduct research on prewar technology, in an effort to preserve and reproduce it. Our work benefits us all.

Initiate Nicole Gaines is a member of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force at Forward Station Tango in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.


Gaines is a native Appalachian.[1] She had an older brother who was in the army during the Great War. He was shipped to California and then to somewhere else. She is unsure if he is alive, but she prefers to believe he is and hopes she will reunite with him.[2]

The Brotherhood of Steel came to her homestead that suffered a devastating Scorched attack. When things seemed hopeless, Daniel Shin and his troops appeared and took care of it. When the Brotherhood offered sign ups, Gaines applied because she never wished to feel helpless again.[3] She aspires to be a knight someday in order to fight back against the mutated creatures.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FoS ghost costume
This character ignores combat and cannot be damaged.
Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.

Other interactions[]

  • She will comment on if Daniel Shin or Leila Rahmani was killed or left the Brotherhood. She will also refer to the Vault Dweller as Knight-Errant if The Catalyst was completed.[5]


Apparel Weapon Other items
Military fatigues


Initiate Nicole Gaines appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.

Behind the scenes[]

Quest designer Christopher Marshall was a writer for Gaines's dialogue.[Non-game 1]



  1. A Vault Dweller: "How does the Brotherhood get along with other factions?"
    Nicole Gaines: "There's always an underlying tension. It's only natural that the people here are suspicious of a powerful outside force. But they'll come around. We've already recruited a fair number of native Appalachians, myself included. The people see the appeal."
    (Nicole Gaines' dialogue)
  2. A Vault Dweller: "Do you have any family?"
    Nicole Gaines: "I have an older brother. He was in the army during the war. They shipped him out to California and then on to god-knows-where. Don't know if he's alive or dead, so I choose to keep believing. The Brotherhood is based out west, so maybe we'll cross paths one day."
    (Nicole Gaines' dialogue)
  3. A Vault Dweller: "Why did you join the brotherhood?"
    Nicole Gaines: "You know what it's like out there. Why doesn't everyone join up? The Brotherhood came to my homestead... I'll never forget that day. We had just suffered a Scorched attack. It was devastating. There were more lurking, and we knew we wouldn't survive another wave. Knight Shin showed up with a few of his troops. Just him and a few soldiers cleared out every Scorched for half a mile. When they returned, they passed the sign up sheet around. I knew that if I joined them, I'd never feel helpless again."
    (Nicole Gaines' dialogue)
  4. A Vault Dweller: "What do you think of your current posting?"
    Nicole Gaines: "It wasn't my desired assignment. I hope to be a Knight someday, and I'd rather be out there cleaning up Scorched, ferals, and other mutants. But being Brotherhood doesn't just mean killing bad guys. The information we gather here will be valuable for rebuilding society. And I always follow orders."
    (Nicole Gaines' dialogue)
  5. Nicole Gaines: "Glad to see you, Knight-Errant. What would you like to talk about?"
    (Nicole Gaines' dialogue)

