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Fallout Wiki

Forward Station Tango is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.

It is located a bit southwest of the moonshiner's shack, but still northwest of Gilman lumber mill.


Forward Station Tango was established by the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force for two purposes: first, to salvage the nearby Vertibird wreckage; and second, to provide some measure of security to those in the area, conducting patrols around the site perimeter and along the nearby road.[1][2] Unofficially, the squad stationed there, Delta, is using their patrols as an opportunity to give their newer initiates some combat experience.[3]


Notable loot[]


Forward Station Tango appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer Ryan Johnson worked on the geography, layout and art of this location, in addition to writing the notes found at the station. Johnson received layout design guidance from Craig Bernardo, art approval from Andrew Collins (who also worked on the lighting), while Christopher Marshall wrote the character of Nicole Gaines.[Non-game 1]



  1. A Vault Dweller: "What are you doing out here?"
    Initiate Gaines: "Forward Station Tango is a forward operating base. Our primary mission is the salvage of this Vertibird, but we also provide some measure of safety for those in the area."
    (Nicole Gaines' dialogue)
  2. Setting up camp
  3. Your mission

