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Fallout Wiki

You've got everything I need to get things up and running already. Would you be willing to allow me to run the operation from here?

Initiate Elmer "Del" Lawson is a new member of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force in Appalachia and a potential lite ally in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part two, America's Playground.

He was added into the game on April 11th, 2024, for free on the Atomic Shop.


He was born a couple of years after the bombs of the Great War, meaning circa 2079. He is around 26 years old in the current day (2105). He had an older brother who was born around 2061, but he had already died before Del was born, fighting in either the Resource Wars or the Great War. His parents did not talk about his brother much as it was painful. He was named after his mother's grandfather, Elmer; his mother convinced his father to, after an argument. Del's father called him Del which he prefers.

He is originally from Virginia, in a sheltered settlement with other survivors. His father was a farmer and his mother was a mechanic, and they were both on the older side. His parents were not intentionally trying for a child, as his mother thought she was too old to become pregnant, making Del an accidental baby. Still, they were thrilled to raise a baby anyway, as tough as it would be in a post-apocalyptic world. His parents were highly protective of Del and worried about him. The family had a generally better life than other people in the wasteland, as they lived on a quiet farm life.

His mother taught him mechanic skills and the two bonded over it. His father forbade him to assist with the crops, feeling his son did not have a green thumb.

A few years ago, his parents died from old age. His mother passed first from a cold, and Del's father lost a lot of motivation, and died a year later in his sleep. Although Del had stayed in the settlement for his life up to this point, he did not see much point in him being a lonely farmer, and wanted to see what else was in the world as he had only lived in one town his entire life.

He joined up with some settlers moving into West Virginia. Along the way, the group lost some of its people from Scorched and Blood Eagle raiders. Del's father not teaching him how to farm caught up with the group, as they nearly starved their first winter. Del made his way to The Whitespring Refuge. Soon after, the Brotherhood of Steel appeared to recruit, especially those who had technical skills, so Del signed up. The rest of the group parted ways with Del and became members of Foundation.

He has been working with Odessa Valdez a lot, as he is a mechanic. He has witnessed aliens and their UFO over Charleston.

He was on an assignment to set up a forward supply and maintenance operation to assist any Brotherhood field operations, and felt the Vault Dweller's C.A.M.P. as a good location.


Del acknowledges he has had a simple, carefree, easy-going life for much of it, although he still has an altruistic desire to aid the rest of the wasteland. Ever since his parents died, he has felt a bit lost, but values the Brotherhood as it provided the simplicity he is familiar with, following directions and orders. He aspires to be a Knight, and is disappointed the Brotherhood of Steel keeps assigning him maintenance duty. One of his dislikes is having to be alone.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui extra team
This character is a C.A.M.P. ally. Their associated workshop object is ?.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a vendor.
  • Accepts Bottle cap
  • Sells:

Other interactions[]

  • After The Catalyst, he will refer to the Vault Dweller as Knight-Errant. Del can be asked about what he thinks about the Brotherhood's situation:
    • If Leila Rahmani is leading the Brotherhood, Del expresses happiness about this.
      • If Daniel Shin was left alive, Del comments Shin is a good man but everything is too black-and-white for him. Del feels Shin will be happier in California and hope Shin makes the journey back.
      • If Shin was killed... [to be added]
    • If Daniel Shin is leading the Brotherhood, Del comments it is not how he wanted things to work out, saying Shin is not a bad man. Del worries about the Brotherhood under Shin's leadership, and says that Shin's isolationist nature contradicts with Del's own feelings of altruism. Del does not comment on Rahmani's whereabouts.
      • If Rahmani was killed... [to be added]

Daily buff[]

Del's daily buff is known as Tune-Up. It lasts for 30 minutes. The player can repair weapons, armor and power armor to 130% of its normal maximum condition.


Apparel Weapon Other items
[to be added] [to be added]

Notable quotes[]


Del Lawson appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part two, America's Playground.


