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Carly Day was the former mayor of Atlantic City.


Carly was the last pre-War mayor of Atlantic City, a career politician who set up the city hall so that professionals handled all of the municipal affairs and her secretary, Jim Harrison, handled all of her public-facing deeds. All of that effort left her as a popular, but idle figurehead enjoying her free time, riding to retirement and experimenting with productivity boosters, such as journaling.[1] She largely dismissed the fear of incoming nuclear war as political posturing and media fearmongering, neglecting to prepare for any potential catastrophe.[2]

When the Great War struck, the city was spared a direct impact, but suffered catastrophic flooding, destroying much of the city.[3] When the waters settled, they reached up as far as the second floor, particularly in the ruined city center.[4] The Casino Quarter remained dry and could have provided a base to rebuild, were Day actually prepared for the event.[5] She wasn't. While she - or rather, her surviving staff - initiated emergency measures, such as rationing of food stockpiled in the city, Day's passivity and loss of much of her staff left her incapable of organizing any large-scale relief effort. Those who remained did their best to manage supplies, with Carly largely concerned with securing most of them for herself, rather than showing any inclination towards leadership in a time of crisis.[6] Day found herself relying increasingly on the mob controlling the Casino Quarter, which under Quentino Lombardi's leadership quickly realized the opportunity offered by such a feeble mayor. By February 2078, shortages were apparent and the mob offered to start resolving the problem, while withholding any tax payments to the city. Day remained passive even as her staff was decimated by a combination of resignations and deaths.[7]

The rations finally ran dry in May 2078, except for Day's personal supply. She accepted the mob's offer to squeeze farms on the outskirts into providing food for the city.[8] Starvation started to set in, and though Harrison warned her of the consequences of further neglect, she ignored them.[9] All she had to offer was empty words and phrases of encouragement, which only drove the holdouts further away. One of the resignations was a prompt "Fuck You" at this point,[10] locked away in her office and shielded from the consequences. Even Harrison's pleas for rations to help him and his daughter survive fell on deaf ears.[11]

The situation in the city became hellish and lasted years, until the mob made a fatal mistake: One of its raiding parties targeted Timothy Lane's farm.[12] Unaware of the situation in the city, Timothy and his wife, Frieda, managed to restart agriculture and purify the soil of nuclear fallout, living in relative prosperity.[13] After dispatching the raiding team,[14] Timothy and Frieda marched on the city hall, witnessing starvation, lack of water, and a blacked-out city deprived of electricity, with the mafia and the Showmen running rampant and Carly Day locked away in city hall. The people were on the verge of rioting over her negligence, and Lane met no resistance as he marched inside and forced her to resign. The official version released to the public was that Day transferred power to him and fled the city.[15]

Unofficially though, Lane simply shot Day on the spot.[16] Only a handful of people are aware of the truth, including Lane's most loyal supporter, Buttercup,[17] who is also trying to keep the secret contained, as it would damage Lane's reputation and leave the Munis open to the rest of the factions.[18]


Carly Day is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.


  1. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal, [August 6th, 2076]
  2. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal, [August 8th, 2076]
  3. City hall terminal entries; Don Ropiequet's terminal, 2/14/2078
  4. Flooded city center terminal entries; terminal, 10/24/2077
  5. Flooded city center terminal entries; terminal, 10/27/2077
  6. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal, [October 25th, 2077]
  7. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal, [February 14th, 2078]
  8. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal,[May 18th, 2078]
  9. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal, Harrison, Jim: Lots of complaints...
  10. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal, White, Allison: Re: Notice to All Employees
  11. Community center terminal entries; abandoned terminal, Harrison, Jim: URGENT
  12. City hall terminal entries; Don Ropiequet's terminal, 2/19/2085
  13. Vault 76 dweller: "So what happened then? How does a farmer become a mayor?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "By convincing my livestock to vote for me. No, in all seriousness, the situation in Atlantic City after the bombs was grim. The previous mayor was a woman named Carly Day. She was elected mayor during the before times, and it just carried over. But she was doing nothing, letting everyone starve and crime skyrocket. People were getting desperate. Soon, there wasn't enough food even for the kingpins. That's when the Family came knocking at my door."
    (Timothy Lane's dialogue)
  14. Vault 76 dweller: "Did the Family try to rob you?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "Keyword there is 'try.' My wife's an engineer, and managed to keep the soil on our land purified. We had some of the only viable crops in the area. The Family wanted it all for themselves. They were pretty surprised when I took all but one of their raiding party out with my shotgun. Then, it became more of a negotiation. The one fellow I left alive told me about how bad things had gotten in the city proper. I knew if I didn't do something, Atlantic City would crumble."
    (Timothy Lane's dialogue)
  15. Vault 76 dweller: "So what changed? How did you end up here?"
    Frieda Lane: "Ha! Now that's a story. Back in the day, the mayor was a woman named Carly Day. A bland career politician. And a notorious coward. When the bombs dropped, she let the mafia and the entertainers who would become the Showmen run wild doing whatever they wanted. People were starving and getting sick from dirty water. There was no electricity. They were ready to riot. Turns out, entertainment doesn't matter much when you're on death's door. The Family got desperate, and they came knocking on the farms for food. They underestimated Tim, that's for sure. After he shot their whole raiding party, they got on their knees and pleaded for food. So he marched over to City Hall and confronted Carly. Shotgun in hand. Needless to say, she stepped down, and he stepped up. I came with him to help, obviously. We got a group of charitable Samaritans to join up. We've been running things around here ever since."
    Vault 76 dweller: "So what happened to Carly?"
    Frieda Lane: "She fled the city. Least, that's what Tim told me. Like I said, she wasn't the bravest. She knew she couldn't handle it. Dunno where she went. I haven't seen her since."
    (Frieda Lane's dialogue)
  16. Vault 76 dweller: "How did you come into power, then?"
    Mayor Timothy Lane: "I made my way down to the city proper, and marched on in to City Hall. Met with Carly Day. She wasn't willing to listen to reason. So, I gave her an ultimatum. Either she agrees to start doing her job, or gets the hell out of Dodge and lets someone else do it. In a moment of divine inspiration she...chose to flee. No one else wanted to take over her job. You've got the threat of the mafia breathing down your neck, and the Showmen were just forming around that time, too. So, I stepped up to the plate. And that was the start of Atlantic City's rebirth."
    (Timothy Lane's dialogue)
  17. Vault 76 dweller: "What's the point of the Mayor's Office?"
    Buttercup: "The...point? The point is to keep people alive, numbskull. Most people can't even tie their shoes. You really think they'll be able to survive out there on their own? We keep everyone fed, hydrated...alive. Without us, there'd be no running water or electricity in AC. Consider yourself lucky that you came here after Tim took over, and not before."
    (Buttercup's dialogue)
  18. Unnecessary questions