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This is a transcript for dialogue with Buttercup.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006E3380 006E339E There better be a good reason you're blocking my light. Name's Buttercup. I lead the Internal Revenue Services for Atlantic City. Threatening, annoyed.
2 006F62BA Oh, it's you. What do you want? Tough and irritated.
3 006F62BB Is there anything you actually need, or are you just bored? Tough and intimidating.
4 006F62BC Make it quick. Tough and intimidating.
5 006F62BD Well, if it isn't the savior of Atlantic City. How can I help Your Highness today? Mocking. Possibly a bit jealous.
6 006F62BE Listen, no one needs to know about what happened in Quentino's, got it? I've got a reputation to keep. Irritated, doesn’t want anyone to know that the player beat him in combat.
7 006E3381 006E339F I'll be damned. I wasn't expecting to see you without the flesh stripped off your bones. Genuinely impressed.
8 It pains me to say this, but thank you. You did good. Next time you're in this shithole, come see me. He doesn't like giving compliments, but the player did him a real solid.
9 Now that I know you're competent, I might have more work for you. Admires the player, but in a tough way.
10 006E3383 006E3396 That's what a merc said to me many years ago before I turned his spine into a jump rope.
11 As for you? Maybe I'll make a necklace out of your phalanges.
12 Now shut up.
13 006E3385 006E3394 Did you get all of the stupid questions out of your system, or do you still have more?
14 006E3387 006E3397 All right. I'm sure you'll grow a backbone sooner or later.
15 006E338D 006E3395 I'm too busy crushing wimps like you to find the time for it. Sorry to disappoint.
16 006E338F 006E3398 Good. Bring 'em back to me when you come back. If you come back. Tim also mentioned there being some security cam footage he needs. Tough and up front.
17 If you can nab that too, we might be able to get a better idea of what the Overgrown are all about. Speaking frankly.
18 Well, get moving. I can almost hear your muscles atrophying.
19 006E3391 006E33A0 I do, if you can handle it.
20 We kept a dossier on every mafioso and showboy we taxed.
21 We were understandably very...gutted, when those dossiers were lost after the Community Center was taken over.
22 It's slowed down our work. A lot.
23 If you can find some of those dossiers for me while you're in there, I'd make it worth your while.
24 006EF7B7 006F62DF I hope you filed your taxes this year. Gruff and intimidating.
25 006F62E0 You seen Anna today? Is she holding up all right? His voice is tough as per usual, but he’s hiding the fact he actually cares about her.
26 006F62E1 I like to keep my "battle trophy" on my fireplace mantle. Proud of the fact he killed someone with a toy horse.
27 006F62E2 You better not be causing any trouble around here. Threatening.
28 006F62E3 If you ever need a bit of plastic surgery, I could rearrange your face for you. If you ever need a bit of plastic surgery, I could rearrange your face for you.
29 006F62E4 If you want to be entertained, try the Boardwalk. I don't do juggling. Annoyed, making a sarcastic joke about how all the Showmen are in the Boardwalk.
30 006F62E5 Always stay alert, no matter what. That's why I sleep with one eye open. Like a dolphin. Deadly serious about this.
31 006F62E6 Don't expect me to kiss up to you just because you saved the city. But I do respect you. In a professional capacity. Tough and callous, trying to hide the fact he’s grown to like player.
32 006F62E7 You look like you haven't been eating enough protein. Tough, a bit judgmental.
33 006F62E8 Oh, it's you. What can I do for the hero who so boldly kicked my ass in Quentino's? A bit annoyed to see the player, but respects them for successfully defeating him.
34 006EF7B8 006EF7EE I can name a few places where they WILL be if you keep moving your mouth 'stead of your feet. Tough and threatening.
35 We left 'em scattered around the Community Center. You're best off looking in office spaces and desks. Blunt.
36 006EF7EF The security cameras are set up around the Community Center. They were installed by Frieda as part of our original security system. Speaking frankly.
37 Tim probably just wants to keep tabs on the Overgrown. You'll just need to extract the footage from the cams and bring it back here. Blunt and to the point.
38 006EF7F0 Let's wrap this up then. Annoyed the player is bothering him.
39 006EF7BA 006EF7DA Ask, and you might get. Tough.
40 006F627D 006F62AA Yeah, that's what I thought. You got anything better to ask, or can I move on with my day? Irritated by stupid questions.
41 006F627E 006F62A1 Heh. Now you, I like. There's a story behind that name. A bit abused by your groveling. He's opening up a bit.
42 Some years back, when I was still running with my old gang, we had a rivalry going on with some guys in the Casino Quarter. Telling his story, tough as per usual.
43 One day, we got into a shouting match outside of a pre-war toy store. One of 'em said some not so nice things to me. Telling his story, tough as per usual.
44 So, I grabbed the closest thing I could find. A fully-assembled Giddyup Buttercup. He's very proud of this story and tells it dramatically.
45 I took that toy horse and bludgeoned him in the head. Beat him to death with it, until there was nothing left but pulp. He remembers this fondly.
46 My own gang started calling me "Buttercup" to tease me or something, after the fact. Annoyed remembering this.
47 So I killed them with that damn horse, too. He sees nothing wrong with this and is proud of it.
48 If you want to see it, I keep it on display over the fireplace in my office. It's his prized possession. He's very proud of it.
49 006F627F 006F62AC I turned her down. It was...well, it had to be done. Even though Anna, well, she's great. This is difficult for him to talk about. He really likes Anna, but turned her down anyway.
50 My job comes first and foremost. The Mayor's Office will become destitute if I slack off. Mostly trying to convince himself he made the right decision.
51 Still, there are times I dreamed about it. Just me and her, sledgehammers in hand, romantically bashing skulls in together. This is comically romantic to him.
52 006F6280 006F62A4 A-Anna...? Caught off guard. Mortified by this line of questioning. He has feelings for Anna.
53 You should probably learn to keep your nose out of other people's business while you've still got one. Covering up his vulnerability with a threat.
54 She...well, there's no use talking about it now. We almost did one of those relationship things, but it didn't work out. This is a bit hard for him to talk about. But he's trying to keep up his tough demeanor.
55 006F6281 006F62C0 You got a problem with my name? Getting uppity.
56 006F6282 006F62A6 What's not to love? I get a free pass to crack tax evading toothpicks in half. Genuinely loves his job. Making a sarcastic joke.
57 I get paid for it, too. It's not much, but at least it's for the greater good. Revealing that there is secretly an altruistic reason for doing all of this. He's not actually all bad.
58 I used to run with a gang. Paid well, but they were weak. In every capacity. A bit disgusted by his former group.
59 Now, Tim? That man's strong. Real strength comes from resolve and determination, not because you shot a few soda bottles doing target practice. He truly respects and admires Tim's character.
60 006F6283 006F62C7 Okay. Bored.
61 006F6284 006F62A7 It's usually easier to just tell me, string bean. It's easier to talk while you still have a mouth. Threatening and tough.
62 006F6285 006F62DD Well that's too bad. It'd be a real shame if I found out someone was paying you under the table. Sense that the player is lying. Subtlety threatening them.
63 Maybe I'd get some new decor for my mantle. Implying he would murder the player and turn them into a battle trophy.
64 006F6286 006F62A8 Looks like you'll be owing me income tax, then. Better pay up as soon as possible. Tough and intimidating.
65 Wouldn't want you to get repoed. Thinly veiled threat.
66 006F6287 006F629F Maybe you'd like to, but I wouldn't. Annoyed and gruff.
67 006F6288 006F62A9 That depends. You do work here? Tough.
68 006F6289 006F62A0 Oh, you think it's funny? I fail to see the humor there. Tough and intimidating.
69 I take my job very seriously. Without the revenue we collect from the other...organizations in Atlantic City... Tough and intimidating. Trails off a bit calling the others organizations.
70 The Mayor's Office wouldn't be able to function. We'd be utterly useless. Expressing how important he thinks his job is.
71 So pay your damn taxes. Intimidating. A bit threatening.
72 006F628A 006F62AB Oh, her? Well, no one really knows. She probably just went on vacation. Gruff and tough.
73 You'll end up going on vacation too, if you keep asking questions. Thinly veiled threat.
74 006F628B 006F62A3 Bad. Pretty damn bad. Grim and serious. Still tough.
75 Previous mayor was a hack named Carly Day. She was the mayor before the bombs, and after, she just...stayed. Blunt and tough.
76 But she didn't do anything. Crime was rampant. People were dropping off like flies. This is a painful time to remember.
77 Since Tim took over, it's been like a whole new city. Sure, we may gripe and moan. He has the utmost respect for Tim.
78 But for the most part, we're well taken care of, and safe. Putting emphasis on how important this is.
79 006F628C 006F62C6 The...point? The point is to keep people alive, numbskull. Thinks this is an incredibly dumb question.
80 Most people can't even tie their shoes. You really think they'll be able to survive out there on their own? Explaining why the job the Mayor's Offices does is so important.
81 We keep everyone fed, hydrated...alive. Without us, there'd be no running water or electricity in AC. Explaining how bad the situation is.
82 Consider yourself lucky that you came here after Tim took over, and not before. A bit ominous. He's alluding to the fact that things used to be a lot worse when a different mayor was in charge.
83 006F628D 006F62C5 I'm sure you will. Sinister, darkly amused.
84 006F628E 006F62A5 The last person who said that had to get therapy. Tough and blunt.
85 006F628F 006F62F7 Oh boy. Small talk. My favorite. Sarcastic. He hates small talk.
86 006F6290 006F62A2 What, because I'm not stitching up wounds or putting out fires? Tough and intimidating.
87 I hate to break it to you, kid, but even groups of total do-gooders need caps to get things done. Tough and intimidating.
88 The Munis can only be selfless up to a point. If they're dehydrated and starving, how are they supposed to help anybody? Explaining his point of view to the player.
89 I make sure everyone else in AC...appreciates what we're doing here. Threatening emphasis on "appreciates", as if he is going to strongarm them into appreciating the Munis.
90 006F629E 006F62EA I wonder if you can get blood stains out of mahogany... Thinking to himself. Clearly, he did something quite violent.
91 006F62EB I offered to beat the circuit breaker into submission for Frieda, but she said that wouldn't be necessary. Doesn’t seem to understand why this is a bad idea.
92 006F62EC What the hell was Quentino thinking hiring that celery stick to cook his books?! Well, makes my job easier. Annoyed, talking to himself. Wondering how the hell the incompetent Billy Beltbuckles got hired as the mafia’s accountant.
93 006F62ED Wonder how the Boardwalk audit is going...it's been too long. Worrying about his people, but still tough.
94 006F62EE There is no greater injustice in this world than tax fraud. Tough and serious about this.
95 006F62EF Damn mobsters...they want a tax refund sent for only seven caps. Can't they just let it go?! Irritated.
96 006F62F0 The Munis aren't the toughest bunch I've run with, but they're the strongest by far. Admires the work the municipal government is doing.
97 006F62F1 A hundred years from now, no one will remember what casinos stood or what shows were performed. But they'll remember the people that kept 'em alive. Saying something quite profound, showing his respect for the Munis.
98 006F62F2 I may not go around rescuing kittens from trees, but I make sure Tim's got the caps to do just that. And it's good enough for me. Tough and blunt. Satisfied with his job.
99 006F62F3 What's that smell? *sniffs* I smell something pathetic. Tough and curious. Actually takes in a deep breath in-between.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
165 006CA724 006CA72D These expenses don't add up! Where's the money going?! Angry, taunting.
166 006CA72E You've got a biiig debt to pay off! Taunting the player
167 006CA72F Buttercup wants Billy's head, and I'm not going to disagree. Threatening.
225 006F273E 006F2740 You got me good, toothpick. *coughs* Clearly in a lot of pain, but still trying to be tough.
226 A deal's a deal. The kid's free to go. But I have a feeling this won't be the last time we face off. Tough, but still in a lot of pain.
227 006F273F 006F2742 I can hear you breathing. That means you and I haven't met. Threatening, darkly amused.
228 The Family thought they could set up this string bean to take the fall in my audit. It's far from a fair fight. Threatening, scary, intimidating.
229 I'd like to pick on someone more my size, like you. Tell you what, if you can beat me, I'll leave. Threatening but respectful.
230 Unlike these suit-wearing numbskulls, I ain't a thug. You have my word. Honorable yet terrifying.
231 006F2743 Well, look who the Family got tangled in their mess this time. Didn't think we'd be seeing each other again like this. Tough and intimidating, but amused.
232 Tell you what, peanut. I've got ol' Billy here by the neck. If you can take me down, I let him go free. Intimidating but fair.
233 The odds aren't in your favor. Taunting, tough.
234 006F2744 You again? You here because you like gambling, or getting your ass kicked? A bit surprised to hear from the player. Still tough and intimidating.
235 Doesn't matter. Deal's the same as last time. Better hurry. Tough and intimidating. Taunting on the last line.
236 Billy isn't getting any younger. And soon, he won't be getting any older, either. Tough and intimidating. Making a dark joke as to how when he kills Billy, he won't be getting any older.
265 006F6291 006F62AE C'mon, I'm falling asleep here! Taunting the enemy.
266 006F62AF Don't worry! I'll be collecting the estate tax from your will! Taunting the enemy.
267 006F62B0 Don't mess with the IRS! Taunting the enemy.
268 006F6292 006F62CD Are you ready to be blown away?! Making a sarcastic joke. He’s throwing a grenade.
269 006F62CE Rest in pieces! Making a sarcastic joke. He’s throwing a grenade.
270 006F62CF I'd run if I were you! But I don't run. Making a sarcastic joke. He’s throwing a grenade.
271 006F6293 006F62C2 Hope you like the taste of lead! Threatening the enemy with gunfire.
272 006F62C3 You didn't think you were going to walk away from me, did you?! Threatening the enemy with gunfire.
273 006F62C4 Dodge this, string bean! Threatening the enemy with gunfire.
274 006F6294 006F62C9 Get behind cover! Yelling at his allies to take cover.
275 006F62CA Fight or hide, it's your choice! Yelling at his allies to take cover.
276 006F62CB Save yourself, I'll handle this alone! Yelling at his allies to take cover.
277 006F6295 006F62D6 Don't let them get away! Yelling at his allies to attack.
278 006F62D8 What, you scared? Go get 'em! Yelling at his allies to attack.
279 006F6296 006F62FE Nail 'em from the side! Ordering his allies to flank the enemy.
280 006F62FF Go around and catch 'em unaware! Ordering his allies to flank the enemy.
281 006F6300 Flank them! Make them regret ever being born! Ordering his allies to flank the enemy.
282 006F6297 006F62D2 Agh...finally... was just starting to get bored! Weirdly enjoys the challenge even though he just got shot.
283 006F62D3 Try and get another hit in, I DARE YOU! Bloodthirsty.
284 006F62D4 GAH! Cries out in pain.
285 006F6298 006F62F9 Agh! So this is what it feels like to be on the receiving end! In pain. He is usually the one crippling others, not being crippled himself.
286 006F62FA It's...nothing! Don't think you've won yet! In pain, playing off how much it hurts.
287 006F62FB You're...tough, kid! But not tough enough! In pain, almost admires his enemy’s strength.
288 006F62FC Aagh! Cries out in pain.
289 006F6299 006F62B6 Take them down! I'm going in! Asking his allies to cover for him.
290 006F62B7 Cover me, I'm going to wreck 'em! Asking his allies to cover for him.
291 006F62B8 They won't know what hit 'em! Going in for the kill.
292 006F629A 006F62DA Get out of the way! Warning his allies that danger is ahead, forcefully.
293 006F62DB I fought tougher whelps than you in kindergarten! Insulting his enemy after they attempt to throw a grenade at him.
294 006F62DC Back up! Getting a shot in isn't worth your life! Advising his allies to fall back.
295 006F629B 006F62B2 Looks like your number's up, punk! Bloodthirsty, threatening.
296 006F62B3 I hope you bleed! Angry, threatening.
297 006F62B4 HRAGH! Yells as he presumably hits his target.
298 006F629C 006F62F5 Too many good men and women have died today! Angry, gruff.
299 006F62F6 You fought well. Now die well. Angry, bloodthirsty.
300 006FC1B2 006FC1B3 You got me good, toothpick. *coughs* In pain, but still trying to act tough.
301 A deal's a deal. The kid's free to go. But I have a feeling this won't be the last time we face off. In pain, still trying to act tough.
308 0072F413 0072F419 You got me good, toothpick. *coughs* In pain, still trying to act tough.
309 A deal's a deal. The kid's free to go. But I have a feeling this won't be the last time we face off. In pain, still trying to act tough.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
45 006DBB3A 006EF806 Don't let the vertibird rotors hit you on the way out. Rude joke.
46 006EF807 Good luck with the whole hero thing. Sarcastic joke, but does genuinely wish the player well.
47 006EF808 Try not to die, yeah? Tough, but caring.
160 006EF7AE 006EF7F1 Guess that means I'm getting a break from your mug again, huh? Tough joke, but is clearly meant to be friendly.
161 006EF7F2 Yeah, well, not too soon. You can take your time, you know. Tough, trying to avoid saying goodbye.
166 006EF7B0 006EF7E7 I see you've got all the dossiers. Not bad. Then again, with all that gear you have, it'd be pretty pathetic if you hadn't done it, huh? Tough, but appreciative. Making a sort of meta joke.
167 006EF7E8 So, you didn't get my dossiers for me, huh? Did I ever tell you I'm an avid hiker? Vaguely threatening.
168 Means I'm used to crushing twigs like you under my boots. But for Tim's sake, I'll let it go this time. Threatening.
174 006EF7B3 006EF7CE *growls* Tough grumble, displeased at having his tough guy taunts shut down.
177 006EF7B5 006EF7F3 I'll be damned. I wasn't expecting to see you without the flesh stripped off your bones. Genuinely impressed, but still tough.
178 006EF7F4 Looks like you're still breathing. Watch out. In a city like this, one day your luck will run dry. A genuine warning.