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The flooded city center terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at the Atlantic City flooded city center in the Fallout 76 update America's Playground.

Robert's terminal[]

Steve & Sons



Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Welcome text

Welcome Back Robert




Ten years...ten years and I thought escaped this dreaded town. But, no, I had to be called back. But, time is running out. It's hard watching Dad get weaker and older, so here I am, back in Atlantic City helping him in the old shop.
He wanted to go out to the boardwalk and have dinner to catch up, but he knows I can't stand the water. Not after watching Mom drown. I can't believe he kept the boat.
I know the shop has been in our family for generations, but when Dad passes, I'm not hanging around. I'm selling this place and heading back to Nevada where it's dry. I just don't know how to tell him that.



Dad fell again today. I told him to ask me to restock the upper shelves for him, but he's just so damn stubborn. The doctor said it's just a hip fracture, but being in his 70s, they suggested he uses a cane from now on. I suggested to him that maybe it's time to retire, but he plead "not until you're ready to take over the shop Robert". He still has no idea.



I went out drinking last night with a couple old buddies from high school. I can't believe they're still around, but Paul says there's good money here.
I guess I was too drunk to realize where we were going. We clambered out of the car and were walking around. I never even thought about the sand under my feet. Alex said I went into a full screaming panic when water rushed up to my feet. They had to drag me back to the car, and took me straight home.
I don't think they're going to be inviting me out again any time soon.



It's all over. It happened. Those fucking commies attacked us. It was horrible, the ground was shaking, and Dad was panicking. Oh my God I can't believe he's gone.
We thought it might have been an earthquake, but when we turned on the radio to figure out what was going on, they said we were under attack. Dad was trying to secure stuff in the shop when it came rushing in. I've never felt fear like that before. I remember seeing this wave of water and debris crashing down the street right at us. It came right through the front doors, and I ran up the stairs. Dad was stuck behind the counter begging me to help him out, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't fucking help him.
I locked myself in here and just huddled in the corner and cried. It's been about 8 hours now, and there's no way Dad survived. IT JUST HAD TO BE FUCKING WATER!



I woke up this morning, and for a few seconds, it was like none of this had happened. And then I realized I could hear people yelling from other trapped buildings. The water level is still nearly to the second floor. I don't know what I'm going to do. There's only about a weeks' worth of food here.



I don't know how much longer I can stand the smell of Dad's body. I actually came close to leaving today when a rescue boat came by. They said there were safe places left near the Entertainment District, but I couldn't bear to climb into that boat. What happens if it tipped over or sank? I couldn't do it. Besides, it's probably only a few more days until the water washes away, right?

Gene's terminal[]

Fo76 Hacker



Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Welcome text



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Chemical Properties[]


While Antonio looks at the blood with caps dancing in his eyes, he fails to see the extraordinary chemical make-up of this so-called "Devil's Blood."
At first glance, it seemed similar to an opioid.
However, initial trials show that it also has the same effects as most depressants. This potent combination both excites the brain and creates feelings of euphoria and mental stimulation, while completely relaxing the body.

But make no mistake, it is HIGHLY addictive. Its effects on the human body are not to be taken lightly.

Human trials seem to be successful. I have long debated trying a bit myself to observe the effects firsthand. Of course, its highly addictive nature is a risk, but I'm sure that the effects will be lessened on someone who is well-aware of its consequences, such as myself.

Neurological Effects[]


The Blood lights up the brain like fireworks on the 4th of July! I've been doing some...trials...and the effects are nothing less than amazing. The Blood directly stimulates the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of the brain, which acts as a sort of "pleasure center." It's like having all of your favorite things, everything that has ever excited you in the whole world, coalesce into one substance.

Not only that, but continuously stimulating the VPC with the same "trigger" substance creates a heavy need/reliance to seek out that substance again. With Blood, it's so potent that one single dose overwhelms the VPC.

There's so much more to be learned. I need more. I need to make more.



i wanted to write this entry to talk about the symptoms that result from using Blood. it's like your brain is constantly on fire, and you think that more Blood is like water, and when you put the Water on the Fire, it extinguishes the burn.

but more Blood makes it burn more, but the burning feels good at the same time, so you think, oh hey, i don't need to put the fire out. maybe i just want it to burn and raze my mind.

sometimes it feels like i'm being sucked into a vortex. there's no end, just the swirl, and i'm about to reach the singularity in the center of it, but there's never enough Blood to reach the singularity, and instead I am lost past the event horizon.

oh and it also causes fatigue and migraines.

no Stopping it[]


you cant stop Blood. itd be like draining your body of all your actual blood and expecting to survive. but why would you even want to, the Blood feels better than my actual blood.

why would anyone even want to stop? how did i even live before Blood?

i cant remember but i also dont care.
