Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

[Yo]u and I both know what happens when people starve.

Heads roll. Government heads.

Please, for the love of God, do your job.

Jim Harrison was the secretary for Carly Day, the former mayor of Atlantic City.


Jim Harrison was the secretary for Carly Day since before the Great War. After the nukes, Carly retained him, using him as a shield to keep the common people of Atlantic City out of her hair - and for that matter, the rest of her staff as well. He stuck with her through wave upon wave of resignations,[1] trying to make her realize in vain that Acee was collapsing without any leadership, but with the mob and the Showmen running rampant. His warnings fell on deaf ears, as Carly was determined to stay the course of absence and self-indulgence.[2] Even when Jim begged her to share a bit of her rations, as he had been hungry for six years and gave everything he could find to his daughter to keep her away, she ignored him with fatal consequences.[3]


Jim Harrison is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.

