Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Truth Seekers were a group dedicated to cryptid hunting in Appalachia.


The Truth Seekers researched and investigated possible sightings of the creatures throughout the region, meeting monthly to discuss their current progress.[1] Members of the group included Scott Conroy, Calvin van Lowe and Ray Gary.

Ray ran the meetings and recorded transcripts of the reports. One report reviewed was a "lumbering hairy beast" near Grafton, which was debunked as an old mine cart filled with dirty laundry and a sighting near Uncanny Caverns that ended up being an albino bear.[1] The group also discussed cryptids such as the Sheepsquatch and the Mothman.[1]

In 2072, Calvin announced that he had been accepted into Vault-Tec University and would not be able to participate in the group for a few years.[2] Ray continued the activity of the group, inviting prospective members such as Shelby O'Rourke to the meetings.[3] When Calvin returned to town five years later for work, he attended a meeting where Ray shared that although he had not seen Scoot in a few months, he had continued holding Truth Seekers meetings to pass knowledge on to new members.[4]


The Truth Seekers are mentioned in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.

