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Fallout Wiki

Laura was the wife of Ray Gary who died prior to 2102.


Laura and Ray married sometime prior to 2076. After Ray was crippled and left wheelchair-reliant, Laura took care of him, and together they lived in a house in Welch.[1] Laura was also associated with Scott "Scoot" Conroy, one of Ray's friends, and helped take care of Scoot's cats whenever he was away from his shack.[2] Laura's visits to Scoot's shack allowed Ray and Scoot to keep in contact, even if only just barely, by delivering messages between the two. In 2076, Laura delivered a transcript of a recent Truth Seekers meeting to Scoot's house at Ray's request.[3] Ray asked her to upload it to the terminal while she was there feeding Scoot's cats, with the intention of making Scoot realize how rude he had been to prospective member Shelby O'Rourke during the meeting.[3]

Laura and Ray both survived the Great War and carried on for some time in Welch. Laura would go out scavenging while Ray kept himself safe at home. Shortly after the war, Laura made one last visit to Scoot's shack, delivering Ray's invitation for Scoot to live with them in Welch; they had agreed that further visits were too risky.[4] Scoot never received it, having become trapped under the sunken church by the time of the war.[5] Eventually, Laura never came back from one of her supply runs. Calvin van Lowe found her body and went to break the news to Ray, but Ray had become delirious by that point and refused to acknowledge it.[6] Unable to provide for himself and with no food or water available, Ray perished as a result, still hoping for Laura's safety.[7][8]


Laura is mentioned in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.

