Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

When the Fanatics caught me Rusty tried to defend me. I got away but... Rusty didn't. I couldn't even go back for his body. The holotape is the only memento I have left of Rusty. I used to record little snippets of our life together. You know, happy memories.

The desperate refugee is a resident of the Whitespring Refuge in Appalachia.


A refugee from The Pitt, this woman fled to Appalachia by crossing the Monongahela River while being chased down by Fanatic hunters. Although she managed to escape, her loyal dog Rusty perished defending her against the Fanatics. Having seen an Astoundingly Awesome Tales story about uploading personalities to robots, she tried to convert one of the Whitespring's Protectrons to have a personality like Rusty. However, the holotape she was inserting into the Protectron became jammed, and the robot shut down. She is now fearful that she is going to be kicked out of the Whitespring for breaking one of the robots.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui roleplay team
This character is involved in random encounters.

Dog Ex Machina


Apparel Weapon Other items


Like other refugees, the desperate refugee's appearance may be randomized. However, she will always be female and have the same voice.


The desperate refugee appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update.

