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In the hands of the warrior, the melee weapon is unmatched. It comes down to deadliness and reliability. Always has, always will, because war never changes.

The ranger is a resident of the Whitespring Refuge in Appalachia.


The ranger can be found at the Refuge arguing with the combat instructor over which method of combat is better: ranged weaponry, or melee weapons, of which the ranger prefers the latter.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui roleplay team
This character is involved in random encounters.

Weapon of Choice


The dispute between the ranger and the combat instructor can be resolved as part of a miscellaneous quest in a Refuge random encounter.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Cowboy hat
Western duster


The ranger's appearance may vary, with differing options for facial hair, but he will always have the same outfit, resembling that of Preston Garvey from Fallout 4. Like the combat instructor, the ranger may also rarely spawn as a ghoul, though his voice will be the same regardless.


The ranger appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update.

Behind the scenes[]

  • When declaring his affinity for melee weapons, the ranger uses the phrase "war never changes," a reference to the motto of the Fallout series. This is one of only two times in a Fallout game (excluding the TV series) that "war never changes" is used in dialogue outside of a game's opening or closing narration, the other being War from Fallout Tactics.[1]
  • If one decides that melee weapons are the most fun to handle, the player may choose to say "Hackin', and whackin' and smackin' never gets old," to which the ranger will reply "If it's good 'nuff for Pete, it's good 'nuff for me, right?" These are references to the song "Butcher Pete (Part 1)" by Roy Brown, which has appeared in Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.[2]


  1. Ranger: "In the hands of the warrior, the melee weapon is unmatched. It comes down to deadliness and reliability. Always has, always will, because war never changes."
    (Ranger's dialogue)
  2. A Vault Dweller: "Hackin', and whackin' and smackin' never gets old."
    Ranger: "If it's good 'nuff for Pete, it's good 'nuff for me, right?"
    (Ranger's dialogue)