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This is a transcript for dialogue with Desperate refugee.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00647FC2 00648017 Rusty is... was my dog. Had him since he was a puppy. He was my best friend. Maybe my only friend. Telling a story. Reliving a traumatic event. Their dog died.
2 00648019 Well, it's a bit complicated, but I'll tell you if you're sure you want to hear about it. Timid/apologetic. They don't want to bore the player but their story is very sad and important to them.
3 00648022 When the Fanatics caught me Rusty tried to defend me. I got away but... Rusty didn't. Telling a story. Reliving a traumatic event. Their dog died.
4 I couldn't even go back for his body. Telling a story. Reliving a traumatic event. Their dog died.
5 The holotape is the only memento I have left of Rusty. I used to record little snippets of our life together. You know, happy memories. Telling a story. Reliving a traumatic event. Their dog died.
6 00648029 I'm still getting to that. You see Rusty was my dog. Had him since he was a puppy. He was my best friend. Maybe my only friend. Telling a story. Reliving a traumatic event. Their dog died.
7 0064802B I'm a refugee here. I only escaped from The Pitt a few weeks ago.
8 00648033 I thought maybe if I copied the data off my holotape I could somehow make a copy of Rusty. Embarrassed/despair. Telling a story.
9 But then the tape got jammed and the robot broke and I think I really screwed this up. Telling a story and getting to how they got into this mess. A bit of rising panic as they get back to being in trouble.
10 00648034 I barely made it. Fanatic hunters caught up to me crossing the Monongahela. Telling a story. Reliving a traumatic event
11 I nearly lost everything during the chase. I would have lost my life too if not for Rusty. Telling a story. Reliving a traumatic event
12 0064803E I tried to load a holotape into one of the robots here. I know I shouldn't have, but I did. Explaining how they screwed up. Nervous/timid
13 The tape got jammed and the robot shut down and I don't know how to fix it! Reliving a major screw up and getting a bit worked up. They blame themselves.
14 I'm so worried I'm going to get in trouble. I have nowhere else to go if I get kicked out of the Whitespring! Despair/worry. They think their screw up might get them kicked out of their home.
15 0064804E The holotape has my only memories of Rusty, okay?! It's recordings of my dead dog! This character is normally timid but briefly snaps in anger at the player's dismissal of their tragic story.
16 00648050 Sure. That's okay. What really matters is that the holotape is very important to me. Disappointed but understanding. Player doesn't want to hear the story but the character wants to make sure they understand the tape is important
17 00648051 It was in the Clinic area when it broke. If you hurry it should still be there.
18 00648052 It's in the main Lobby. There's a lot of traffic through there but I don't think anyone has noticed the broken robot yet.
19 00648053 It's in the dining area, near the Kitchen. I think the Responders there are so focused on their meals they haven't noticed the broken robot yet.
20 00648054 It's in the Responders H.Q. area. Rucker and the Responders have been so busy lately I don't think they've noticed the broken robot there yet.
21 00648055 It's in the Rec Room. Hopefully the board games there are keeping everyone distracted so they won't noticed the broken robot.
22 00648056 The robot broke down on the first floor of the west wing so it should still be downstairs.
23 00648057 The robot broke down on the third floor of the west wing so it should still be upstairs.
24 00648058 The robot broke down on the second floor of the west wing. Not a lot of people go back there so it probably hasn't been noticed yet.
25 00648059 When you're fixing the robot, if you are able to recover the tape for me I would really appreciate it. They really want the player to rescue the tape but are timid/worried about asking for too much.
26 0064805A Thank you so much! I'll wait here for you.
27 0064D0B5 It's just over there. I was looking for help but didn't want to stray too far in case something happened to it while I was gone.
28 0064D185 It's in the Common Room. It's a big area with a lot going on so I don't think anyone has noticed the broken robot yet.
34 00647FC4 00648030 I'm really sorry to bother you, but do you know anything about fixing robots? Desperate for help but also a bit timid. Doesn't want to bother people but really needs help.
35 00648031 Oh, thank goodness you're back! Eager/desperate. Hoping the player is coming back with good news.
36 0064E4DA Thank you so much for everything you've done for me. I'll never be that foolish again! Very grateful. The player saved the day for them.
37 0064E4DB Thanks for fixing things, but I... I really need to be alone now. Trying to show gratitude but they just lost something precious forever and are heartbroken
38 00656B0C
39 00647FC5 0064803A And if you are able to get the holotape back I'd really, really appreciate it!
40 00647FC6 0064D187 It's is in the Common Room. It's a big area with a lot going on so I don't think anyone has noticed the broken robot yet.
41 00647FC7 0064804F I don't have a lot so it's not much, but please take this as my way of saying thank you.
42 Sorry. The holotape got destroyed. 0064802A Oh God! Rusty, I'm so sorry. It feels like I'm losing you all over again. Despair. They've lost something precious forever and they blame themselves.
43 Still, you helped me out when you didn't need to and fixed the robot. Sadness/despair but trying to be brave and thank the player for trying to help.
44 Today's your lucky day! I got the holotape. 00648018 I can't believe it! I was so worried I'd lost it forever. Happy/relief. They just got back something precious they thought they lost.
45 Remind me, where was that robot again? 00648035 Yeah, this place is huge. It took me weeks to remember where everything was too. Character is a little overwhelmed so understands that the player probably doesn't know where everything is yet either.
46 Not yet. 0064801E Please hurry! I don't want anyone to find out I broke it. Desperate. Trying to convey how serious this is to them without being pushy.
47 Not only that, I got your holotape back too! 0064803D Oh my God! Thank you so, so much! Ecstatic/Relief. The problem is solved.
48 All fixed! You're in the clear. 00648025 Thank you! That's such a relief. And... were you able to save my holotape? Happy/relief. Hopeful that the player also got the tape.
49 00647FD4 0064805C Were you able to fix the robot? Eager. Hoping the answer is yes.
50 You get what you get, and you don't get upset. 0064805B Oh... I see. Okay. I understand. Thank you. Defeated/timid. The player has basically said "don't get your hopes up" but they don't have any other options other to hope the player helps.
51 Nope, sorry. This is already more than I signed up for. 00648037 Oh... I see. Okay. I understand. Thank you.
52 Sure. What is it? 00648021 When you're fixing the robot, if you are able to recover the tape for me I would really appreciate it.
53 00647FE1 00648027 Wait, before you go I've got one more favor to ask!
54 00647FE2 00648067 The robot broke down on the third floor of the Construction wing so it should still be upstairs.
55 00648068 The robot broke down on the second floor of the Construction wing. Not a lot of people go back there so it probably hasn't been noticed yet.
56 0064D0B6 It's just over there. I was looking for help but didn't want to stray too far in case something happened to it while I was gone.
57 This is too much. You're on your own. 0064801C Seriously? Please, I don't know how to fix it and I need your help! Shocked that after fully explaining their desperation the player is refusing to help.
58 Why did you put the holotape in a robot? 0064803B It seems so silly now, but I'd read stories about people downloading their personalities into robots in Astoundingly Awesome Tales magazines. Embarrassed after trying something that was kind of dumb and having it blow up in their face. Nervous/timid.
59 Wow! Okay. Where can I find this robot? 00648023 Unless someone's moved it, the robot should still be right where I left it.
60 00647FEA 0064F9BD When the Fanatics caught me Rusty tried to defend me. I got away but... Rusty didn't.
61 I couldn't even go back for his body.
62 The holotape is the only memento I have left of Rusty. I used to record little snippets of our life together. You know, happy memories.
63 Boo hoo! I don't need your sob story. Just tell me what was on the holotape. 0064F9C0 The holotape has my only memories of Rusty, okay?! It's recordings of my dead dog!
64 That's awful. But what does that have to do with the holotape? 0064F9BC I'm still getting to that. You see Rusty was my dog. Had him since he was a puppy. He was my best friend. Maybe my only friend.
65 Who's Rusty? 0064F9B6 Rusty is... was my dog. Had him since he was a puppy. He was my best friend. Maybe my only friend.
66 00647FF1 0064F9B8 I barely made it. Fanatic hunters caught up to me crossing the Monongahela.
67 I nearly lost everything during the chase. I would have lost my life too if not for Rusty.
68 I believe the technical term for this situation is "clusterfuck". 0064801D I know! I'm so screwed! I really need your help! Despair/panic.
69 Yeah, that probably wasn't the best idea. 0064803C Please! I just want to fix this before anyone finds out! Worried about how much trouble they might get into and hope to fix it before that happens.
70 I don't think they'll kick you out for that. 00648024 Really? You think they'd let me stay even after that? Shocked and relieved. They're used to harsh treatment and are a little surprised someone would be merciful.
71 I still want to fix this before anyone finds out! Relieved that they might not get into trouble but they still want to fix the problem.
72 On second thought, it doesn't really matter. 0064F9BE Sure. That's okay. What really matters is that the holotape is very important to me.
73 Tell me. 0064F9B5 I'm a refugee here. I only escaped from The Pitt a few weeks ago.
74 Hold on. What was on this holotape? 0064F9BF Well, it's a bit complicated, but I'll tell you if you're sure you want to hear about it.
75 Why would you get kicked out of the Whitespring? 00648036 Because I didn't ask permission to touch the robot. And then I broke it! Nervous/timid. They know they've screwed up and are worried about how much trouble they might get into.
76 Where can I find this broken robot? 0064801F When the robot broke I didn't know what to do so I left it right where it was.
77 00648002 0064F9B9 I tried to load a holotape into one of the robots here. I know I shouldn't have, but I did.
78 The tape got jammed and the robot shut down and I don't know how to fix it!
79 I'm so worried I'm going to get in trouble. I have nowhere else to go if I get kicked out of the Whitespring!
80 Sorry. I don't want to be involved in this. 00648026 But... I don't know how to fix it myself. Please! If you have a change of heart come find me!
81 Don't worry. These robots get busted up all the time. 0064805D No, you don't understand. Worried about how bad they screwed up and feeling like the player isn't "getting it" or is being dismissive of their problem.
82 Calm down. I can help you. 0064802E Oh, thank God! And thank you!
83 Tell me what happened. 0064801B Okay. It started like this.
84 0064800B 00648039 I screwed up real bad! I think I might have broke one of the robots here and I don't know how to fix it! Worried and just a bit timid.
85 Not now. I'm busy. 0064801A I really need some help! Please come find me if you change your mind.
86 You seem upset. Is something wrong? 00648038 Yes, I am! I really need someone to help me.
87 Not really, but I never turn down a job. 00648020 I really hope you can help me!
88 I've never met a robot I couldn't fix! 00648045 What a relief! I really need your help.
89 00648014 00648028 I need someone to help me. Please, does anyone here know how to fix a robot? Desperate, but also a bit timid. Character really needs help but is also worried about bothering people.
90 00648015 0064805E Oh, Rusty! I don't know what I'll do if I've lost that tape forever! Talking to self. Character has lost their only memento of their dead dog and is worried.
91 00648016 0064802F Oh no, no, no! How could I be so stupid! Talking to self. Beating themselves up for doing something that might have caused them to lose a precious memento forever.
92 Broken robot? I think I actually stumbled across it already. 0064D0B4 You did? Oh geez, I was hoping it wasn't that noticeable. I really need your help! A bit nervous. They were hoping people wouldn't notice their mistake.