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I'm always glad to see a customer, especially if they are dressed so hideously. Seriously, we have to get you a new wardrobe.

Anthony Ling is the owner of Tenpenny Tower's sole clothing store, New Urban Apparel, and one of the tower's residents in Fallout 3. He is one of several openly gay characters in the game, representing the polar opposite of the gruff, gritty Shrapnel or Flak.


The proprietor of Tenpenny Tower's finest (and only) clothing store, Ling carries a selection of pre-War apparel salvaged throughout the years.[Non-game 1] Ling advertises his business to visitors of the tower, suggesting that they "upgrade to fabulous" at the New Urban Apparel;[1] he firmly believes that every resident of Tenpenny Tower deserves to live in luxury, due to their smarts, beauty, and/or wealth. To him, it is simply survival of the fittest, and he is one of the winners. As such, he is firmly opposed to letting Roy Phillips and his ghouls inside the tower. He considers them to be less than human, labeling them as monsters who devour their own children, and refuses to even consider living alongside them.[2][3]

As a whole, he fits in with the snobbish, privileged residents of the tower. Ling suggests "retail therapy" as a means of solving their problems, telling Margaret Primrose to purchase new clothes rather than mope (and that is to someone he considers a friend),[4][5] and advising Tiffany Cheng that buying a new dress is better than "any old pill Doc Banfield prescribes."[6] He actually tries to get Banfield to consent to a total makeover,[7] irritated by his preference for timeless labcoats (or rags, as Ling prefers to treat them).[8] Anthony is not willing to do the same by Banfield and refuses to schedule regular check-ups, unless he is actually ill. He apparently dislikes the feel of metal instruments on his skin.[9]

Perhaps the most interesting relationship he has is with Lydia Montenegro. The two proprietors trade barbs, which might very well be mistaken for genuine hatred (the least of which is Ling calling Montenegro's boutique an "antique shop," to which she replies by calling his threads "atrocious" and needing new material). However, Ling's repartees and melodramatic responses show it is just ribbing.[10] Their exchanges can get vicious or even grotesque, as Ling is prone to inventing new phrases (such as "fabulosity"), which Lydia does not waste any time pointing out, or taking a jab at his stereotypical, effeminate behavior, or body features (such as a pear-shaped derriere).[11]

Ling is prone to flirting with the security detail at Tenpenny Tower, making a variety of more or less subtle passes. None of them reciprocate his advances,[12][13][14][15] which does not stop him from making suggestive remarks all the way up to Chief Gustavo. Gustavo also has none of it,[16] and Ling's persistence frustrated the Chief to the point that he routinely warns Anthony that his rifle is loaded, the safety is off, and he would hate to have it accidentally go off in Ling's direction.[17]

Despite his flamboyance and flirting, some residents remain oblivious of his homosexuality. Irving Cheng, who seeks Ling's advice on making himself more attractive to his wife,[18] is unaware of Ling's total lack of attraction towards women,[19] Tiffany Cheng does not like Ling, though primarily due to him prying into her affairs and trying to sell her new fashions constantly.[20] Ling teases both due to their marital troubles.[21] Another person unaware of his orientation is, surprisingly, Millicent Wellington, the tower's resident busybody. Despite cataloging each resident's whereabouts, Wellington believes that Ling should simply find a nice woman and settle down.[22]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Tenpenny Tower

FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Bottle cap 260-540
Sells: armor and clothing
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


Tenpenny Tower: Anthony Ling is one of the residents who needs to be convinced to allow ghouls to live in the tower.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • Anthony Ling can vanish from Tenpenny Tower if he has been robbed before trying to convince him to live with ghouls, but after talking to Mr. Tenpenny, he will be noted as convinced and payment can be received.
  • If forced out of Tenpenny Tower through dialogue, he may be found loitering around Megaton's entrance.

Other interactions[]

  • He will comment negatively on the Lone Wanderer's clothing, regardless of what they are wearing.
  • Robbing his safe results in Ling informing the Lone Wanderer that he is frustrated that Tenpenny Tower is not as safe as he thought and leaves.


Notable quotes[]


Anthony Ling appears only in Fallout 3.


Xbox 360Xbox 360 Occasionally, he can be found wandering around the areas of Vault 101 and Megaton (blown-up). The player character can speak to him and he will act as if he is still in Tenpenny Tower.[verified]


  1. Anthony Ling: "Those clothes are atrocious. You should stop by my shop, New Urban Apparel, and freshen up that look. Upgrade to fabulous!"
    (Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "I bet people are dying to live here. You're all lucky you can afford it."
    Anthony Ling: "People ARE dying to get in here. Like those dirty Ghouls... or at least they should be dying. Security has got to get their act together. But luck has nothing to do with it. We deserve this. All of it. Not everyone is as smart, as pretty, or as wealthy as the cream of the crop. Don't blame me. Blame mother nature. Survival of the fittest. It's the game of life. We're the winners. And those Ghouls, they are definitely losers."
    (Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors?"
    Anthony Ling: "It's my turn, eh? Well, you won't be getting me to go along with your ridiculous plan. Ghouls aren't human. They live in filth. They eat their own babies. You're out of your right freaking mind!"
    (Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  4. Anthony Ling: "You haven't stopped by the Urban Apparel in a while."
    Margaret Primrose: "Yeah. I know. It's just... Well, I've been busy."
    Anthony Ling: "You need to MAKE time, dear! You'll never be fabulous just moping around a kitchen all day. You need to relax, go out, get done up, have some fun!"
    (Anthony Ling and Margaret Primrose's dialogue)
  5. Anthony Ling: "So, tell me. How are things?"
    Margaret Primrose: "Things are alright, I guess. I'm thinking I should stop by sometime and get some new clothes. I just can't seem to find the time."
    Anthony Ling: "You need to MAKE time, dear! You'll never be fabulous just moping around a kitchen all day. You need to relax, go out, get done up, have some fun!"
    (Anthony Ling and Margaret Primrose's dialogue)
  6. Tiffany Cheng: "Hey Anthony. I think I need a new dress. Something with a little color, if you got any thing like that."
    Anthony Ling: "Of course! Shopping is wonderful therapy, isn't it? Better than any old pill Doc Banfield prescribes."
    Tiffany Cheng: "I suppose it is."
    (Anthony Ling and Tiffany Cheng's dialogue)
  7. Doctor Banfield: "I got a spot of blood on my labcoat recently. Any chance you've got something that'll take that out in the wash?"
    Anthony Ling: "Ewwww! Labcoats are so last century. I have a better idea, Doc. Why don't you come to New Urban Apparel, and I'll give you a complete make-over!"
    Doctor Banfield: "Well, that's more than I had in mind. Maybe I'll just order a new labcoat instead."
    (Anthony Ling and Doctor Banfield's dialogue)
  8. Anthony Ling: "An outfit a day keeps the frumpy away, eh doctor? Come visit me soon."
    Doctor Banfield: "Right. Sure thing, Anthony."
    Anthony Ling: "Fine. Keep wearing those rags. But when you're ready for fabulous, you come see me; I've got just the thing!"
    (Anthony Ling and Doctor Banfield's dialogue)
  9. Doctor Banfield: "You feeling alright these days Anthony? It's time we do a regular check up soon; it's been a while."
    Anthony Ling: "What's the point? Besides, I hate all that cold metal touching my skin. It gives me the willies! So, I'll just stick with visiting when I get sick."
    (Anthony Ling and Doctor Banfield's dialogue)
  10. Anthony Ling: "Ah Lydia, darling. How's that old antique shop of yours doing these days?"
    Lydia Montenegro: "Antique shop? Really, Anthony, you need some new material! And I'm not just talking about your jokes either, darling. Those threads are atrocious!"
    Anthony Ling: "Ouch! You wound me!"
    (Anthony Ling and Lydia Montenegro's dialogue)
  11. Anthony Ling: "Lydia, darling. What's wrong? You're looking rather frumpy today!"
    Lydia Montenegro: "Who you calling frumpy?! At least my ass isn't shaped like a pear."
    Anthony Ling: "Why, you old hag! You're just jealous. My fabulousity pains you, doesn't it? You can't help feel smaller standing before my greatness, can you dear?"
    Lydia Montenegro: "At least I'm not some dried up tart, prancing around like the queen of America, carelessly spouting grotesque phrases. 'Fabulousity?' Really now!"
    (Anthony Ling and Lydia Montenegro's dialogue)
  12. AI package: AnthonyLingFlirtWithMaleGuards
  13. Anthony Ling: "I bet you exercise a lot, huh?"
    Security guard: "What the hell are you talking about?!"
    (Security guard and Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  14. Anthony Ling: "Hi there! That's quite some ordnance you're packing, isn't it!"
    Security guard: "Come on man. Quit it already! I'm not interested!"
    (Security guard and Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  15. Anthony Ling: "If you're tired of sleeping in those barracks, let me know."
    Security guard: "You're not very subtle, you know."
    (Security guard and Anthony Ling's dialogue)
  16. Anthony Ling: "Hello Chief Gustavo. You are looking positively fabulous today."
    Chief Gustavo: "I'm sorry? What?!"
    (Anthony Ling and Chief Gustavo's dialogue)
  17. Anthony Ling: "Hello there, Chief. You're packing a lot of heat, aren't you?"
    Chief Gustavo: "That's right. And the safety's off. Back off."
    Anthony Ling: "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I bet I could help you end up on the right side! Haha! Have good day, dear."
    Chief Gustavo: "You're wasting your time. I don't want to have to tell you again. This gun is loaded. I'd hate for it to accidentally go off in your direction."
    (Anthony Ling and Chief Gustavo's dialogue)
  18. Irving Cheng: "Comrade. Do you have something that will make me, you know, look attractive?"
    Anthony Ling: "Yes! But the key to being fabulous, is that it comes from within. What you wear is only half the equation. BELIEVE you ARE already fabulous!"
    Irving Cheng: "Right, comrade! I see. The fabulous comes from the inside out. I will have to remember that. Thank you!"
    (Anthony Ling and Irving Cheng's dialogue)
  19. Anthony Ling: "How are you, Mr. Cheng?"
    Irving Cheng: "Oh, I don't know. Not so good I guess... Women. Can't live with them. Can't live without them. Know what I mean, Comrade?"
    Anthony Ling: "No. Can't say that I do."
    (Anthony Ling and Irving Cheng's dialogue)
  20. Anthony Ling: "Mrs. Cheng! Wouldn't you like a brand new outfit from Urban Outfitters? With a fabulous make-over, perhaps Mr. Cheng wouldn't recognize you!"
    Tiffany Cheng: "What? Are you kidding me?! Mind your own damn business. I don't go turning lights on in your closet, do I? Jeez!"
    Anthony Ling: "And I thought I hated MY life! "
    (Anthony Ling and Tiffany Cheng's dialogue)
  21. Irving Cheng: "Comrade, how are you doing?"
    Anthony Ling: "Fabulous! Can I sell you a pair of sport shoes? Maybe they'd help you catch your wife when she runs away from you!"
    (Anthony Ling and Irving Cheng's dialogue)
  22. The Lone Wanderer: "What's the latest gossip?"
    Millicent Wellington: "I think Mr. Ling is asking for trouble by teasing all the male guards the way he does. What he needs to do is find a nice woman and settle down."
    (Millicent Wellington's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.60-61:
    "Anthony Ling:
    The owner of New Urban Apparel, he sells all manner of clothing items to the residents of Tenpenny Tower. His selection is unmatched in the entire D.C. Wasteland, and he's particularly proud of the excellent condition pre-War items he has managed to salvage throughout the years."