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This is a transcript for dialogue with Doctor Banfield.


DoctorAddiction I think I might be addicted to something. Neutral 50 I can give you something that'll should help. 1
Neutral 50 The treatment costs 50 caps. Even most outsiders should be able to afford it. 2
DoctorAddictionNO I think I'll tough it out. Neutral 50 Your choice, but an addiction ain't an easy thing to kick. 3
DoctorAddictionYES I don't have 50 caps. Neutral 50 Well, this might go better for you if you hadn't blown your money on Jet, don't you think? 4
Yes, cure me. Neutral 50 Now, this is a special concoction of pre-war medicine, should flush your system right out... 5
DoctorMedical I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Well, you're standing fine, but you could use some switching up. That'll be 50 caps. 6
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Oh, you do not. Just suck it up, you big baby. 7
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 All right, you're not that banged up a couple of pain killers should do you fine. That'll be 50 caps. 8
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Well now, let's take a look at you... some 2nd degree burns... a couple of flesh wounds... it'll take some work but I can fix you up for 75. 9
You're a doctor, right? I could use some help. Neutral 50 I'm surprised you made it in here. I can fix you up, but it'll run you 100 caps. What do you say? 10
DoctorMedical33YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Alright, hold still. 11
Actually, I don't have 100 caps. Neutral 50 You kiddin' me? What are you wasting my time for? 12
DoctorMedical66YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Now... where did I put that scalpel? Ah! There it is... 13
Actually, I don't have 75 caps. Neutral 50 How unfortunate for you. 14
DoctorMedical99YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Here, bite down on this. It'll help with the pain. 15
Actually, I don't have 50 caps. Neutral 50 How unfortunate for you. 16
DoctorMedicalContNO That's all I need. Neutral 50 Okay then. Try not to get killed out there. 17
DoctorMedicalContYES There was something else I needed... Neutral 50 Let's get on with it then. 18
DoctorMedicalNO On second thought, I'll be fine. Neutral 50 Then stop wasting my time. 19
GREETING GREETING Anger 50 All better now, you big baby. Can I get back to work now? 20
GREETING Happy 100 Hello friend. Thanks for handling those Ghouls. {self important doctor showing genuine appreciation} 21
GREETING Happy 100 Hello friend. Ghoul physiology is fascinating! {self important doctor showing genuine appreciation} 22
GREETING Happy 100 Hello friend! {self important doctor showing genuine appreciation} 23
GREETING Neutral 50 This is the Tenpenny Wellness Clinic, and I am Doctor Banfield. I keep the residents healthy. 24
GREETING Disgust 50 I'm off duty. Come back when...ah, what the hell. Let's just get it over with. I'm Doctor Banfield, what do you need? 25
GREETING Sad 50 You look hurt. It's a good thing you've come in. 26
GREETING Happy 50 Welcome back to the Wellness Clinic. 27
GREETING Disgust 50 I really hope you aren't hurt. The Clinic is closed and I'd really hate to have to open it up at this hour. {A little peeved. Selfish, not carrying if the listener is hurt or not.} 28
MS08MedicalClue1 Do you know anything about some android who needed a surgeon? Neutral 50 Hmm... If I recall, he was looking for a surgeon and some kind of computer genius. But those rumors are ancient history by now. 29
MS08MedicalClue2 What do you know about this android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Have you heard the so called "android recording?" Didn't know what to make it of myself. Here's a spare copy of that old holotape. Take a listen. 30
Tell me more about this holotape about the android. Anger 50 It was a hoax. End of story. Those holotapes were sent to practically everyone doctor in the Wasteland. Go bother someone else. 31
MS08MedicalClue3 Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Facial surgery's too dangerous. Plus you need some specialized prewar equipment. Hmm. That reminds me of an old hoax. Here's a copy of that holotape. 32
Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Need specialized equipment and and expertise. It's also prone to infection. Too dangerous. 33
I found some info about an android. What do you know about his facial surgery? Neutral 50 That's all just a hoax. You'd need specialized equipment and expertise. It'd be prone to infection. Too dangerous. Never happened. 34
MS08MedicalClue3Bribe You ever do a face job on an android from the North? <Jingle purse of 100 caps.> Neutral 50 Facial surgery's too dangerous. Plus you need some specialized prewar equipment. Hmm. That reminds me of an old hoax. Here's a copy of that holotape. 35
MS08MedicalClue3Stat A patient of mine needs a facial epidermal augmentation. You ever perform one? Neutral 50 Facial surgery's too dangerous. Plus you need some specialized prewar equipment. Hmm. That reminds me of an old hoax. Here's a copy of that holotape. 36
MS08MedicalClue4 You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 I heard old Pinkerton at Rivet City had a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. 37
You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 I heard old Pinkerton at Rivet City had a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. 38
I found this holotape. What do you know about facial reconstruction? Neutral 50 Old Pinkerton over at Rivet City's rumored to have done it. Damn fool. High risk of infection and death. Though, I admit, I'm slightly jealous. 39
MS08MedicalClue4Bribe Here's 100 caps for the locale of a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Neutral 50 I heard old Pinkerton at Rivet City had a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. 40
MS08MedicalClue4Stat I need to find a Micro Dermal Graftilizer for epidermal augmentation surgery. Neutral 50 I heard old Pinkerton at Rivet City had a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. 41
MS12Basement Hey doc, what do you know about the basement area? Neutral 50 There's those access tunnels that lead underground - those are sealed by a door... Then there is someplace down there where they keep the generators. {trying to recall an obscure fact} 42
Neutral 50 Occasionally something goes wrong down there and we lose power. Then Burke goes out and finds a technician. We haven't had any blackouts in a while. 43
Neutral 50 If you want to get into the gen room, you'll need to talk to Gustavo. Though I doubt he'll take you on a tour, or let you wander around down there. 44
MS12FinResidents What's it like living at Tenpenny Tower? Happy 100 It's fine now that those Ghouls are taken care of. I've been treating less cases related to frazzled nerves and upset stomachs. {self important doctor showing genuine appreciation} 45
What's it like living at Tenpenny Tower? Happy 100 People are happy and healthy for the most part. And those Ghouls make great case studies! Did I mention I'm working on an important dissertation... {self important doctor showing genuine appreciation} 46
MS12IntroToGhoul1 I shoot Ghouls first, and ask questions later. Surprise 100 I wasn't meaning to imply they should be slaughtered... though, I suppose these days, that might be the best solution. {slightly shocked at the players brutality} 47
MS12IntroToGhoul2 It's a good thing those walls are so high. Neutral 50 Yeah, it's what keeps those Ghouls from coming in. 48
MS12IntroToGhoul3 Sure they look a little weird, but they're not diseased vermin. Surprise 75 Well, umm. I guess I must confess... I've never examined a Ghoul up close... you're right. I shouldn't make assumptions. {self important doctor realizing he was prejudiced} 49
MS12ResidentsBranch What's it like living at Tenpenny Tower? Happy 50 People are healthy here, they eat well and have a strong roof over their head. {doctor explaining how good the people here have it} 50
MS12ResidentsBranch1 I'm a little shocked by how healthy everyone looks. Happy 75 Tenpenny is very selective about who he allows to live here. The correct genes and living conditions make for a relatively disease free environment. {self important doctor} 51
Neutral 50 Clean water is still a concern, of course, but we've got enough chems to keep the radiation sickness at bay. 52
Sad 50 That's why he won't allow those Ghouls to live here. Why introduce a weakness into a healthy system? {justifying discrimination} 53
MS12ResidentsBranch2 It must be nice having patients who can pay their medical bills, huh? Anger 50 I'm not sure what you are trying to imply... but it's no crime to be paid for doing work. Tenpenny charges me rent too, you know. {slightly annoyed} 54
Disgust 50 In a perfect world, health care would be free... but since you've traveled through the Wastes out there, you know it's not a perfect world. Is it? {justifying his high prices ("Is it?" is rhetorical)} 55
Neutral 50 Take those Ghouls out there. Tenpenny won't let them live here. Sure, it's a little sad, but that decision is keeping people in here safe and sound. {justifying discrimination} 56
MS12ResidentsBranch3 Sure. Whatever you say, doc. Disgust 75 If you don't mind, I have better things to do. {annoyed} 57
Neutral 50 Like fixing up some pills to keep the residents bolstered against whatever diseases those Ghouls bring with them when they bang on the gate. {explaining his work load} 58
About these Ghouls...
Know much about those Ghouls? Surprise 100 My current theory is that the destructive disease of the Ghoul condition will always eventually render him little more than a mindless killer. {self important doctor telling his theory} 59
Neutral 50 The proverbial Wasteland "zombie" with a predilection for raw human flesh. {self important doctor unveiling his theory} 60
Sad 50 They can't be cured. And there's nothing to alleviate the symptoms. All in all, it seems rather sad, really. {with a hint of sympathy} 61
I can take care of this problem once and for all. Happy 100 I wish you luck. You'll want to talk to Chief Gustavo first. He may be able to lend you a soldier or two. {glad someone is doing something to help} 62
I don't suppose you've consulted any Ghouls on your little theory? Disgust 100 Well... not exactly. But my colleagues have published papers... {self important indignation} 63
Surprise 100 I suppose I someone ought to verify their findings... Perhaps I'll do that. Who knows? I might even finally get published! {growing excitement} 64
Yep. Disgust 10 If you don't mind, I have something things to attend to. {trying to get out of the conversation} 65
MS12ResidentsNeighbors How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors? Surprise 75 I knew it was only a matter of time before you asked me about that... I've decided I want to do my own study of Ghoul physiology. {hesitant but sincere} 66
Happy 75 Who knows, I could even publish my findings! {unknowingly conceited} 67
How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors? Neutral 50 I'm not sure. My first responsibility is the health and welfare of the residents of Tenpenny Tower. {snobby doctor} 68
Neutral 50 Ghouls often carry diseases due to radiation damaging their immune systems. {snobby doctor} 69
How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors? Surprise 75 It would give me a chance to do my own study of Ghoul physiology. {hesistant but sincere} 70
MS12ResidentsNeighborsBad You're a wise man, Banfield. Ghouls are meant to be feared. Neutral 50 I'm not afraid. Just cautious. But perhaps you're right. It's better not to take chances. {snob losing prejudice} 71
MS12ResidentsNeighborsGood I've met these ghouls. They seem healthy. All things considered. Surprise 50 Well... If they don't mind me giving them a thorough exam and if they agree to follow any directives I give them regarding health and hygiene... {letting go of prejudice} 72
Happy 50 I suppose I wouldn't mind too terribly. It'd give me a chance to study Ghoul physiology. {letting go of prejudice} 73
MS12ResidentsNeighborsGoodPetition Would you tell Mister Tenpenny that you wouldn't mind Ghoul neighbors? Surprise 50 Sure. No problem. 74
MS12ResidentsNeighborsNeutral Whatever. Disgust 25 My time is very important to me. I don't suppose you can waste your's somewhere else? {self important doctor} 75
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 I'm not at liberty to say. 76
TenpennyAllistairTenpenny Tell me about Allistair Tenpenny. Disgust 50 He's the landlord, although you hardly ever see him. I had to treat him once for bed sores, if you know what I mean. 77
Fear 100 Wait...don't tell him I said that. 78
TenpennyGREETINGChoice1 Being a doctor is a great service to a community. Happy 75 Yes. The healing art is a rewarding occupation. Is there something I can help you with? {flattered doctor} 79
TenpennyGREETINGChoice2 I hear doctors make a ton of caps. Anger 50 It isn't cheap to live here. Is there something you want? {resentful} 80
TenpennyGREETINGChoice3 Blah blah blah. Neutral 50 You should take more interest in your well-being. Carelessness leads to the spread of disease. Is there something you need? {doctor scolding a patient} 81
TenpennyVendor I'd like to do business with you. Neutral 50 I have some first aid supplies I can sell. 82


DialogueTenpennyConv00 DialogueTenpennyConv00 Happy 10 Right. Sure thing, Anthony. {humoring someone} 83
DialogueTenpennyConv00 Happy 50 Everythings fine, Chief. Thanks for keeping us safe. 84
DialogueTenpennyConv00 Anger 15 Surgery of any kind is always extremely dangerous. The risk of infection is great. A doctor should never cut open a patient unless it's necessary. {sternly} 85
DialogueTenpennyConv00 Happy 50 Yes. They are a fine addition. Now, if we can only get the residents to start eating them! {amused} 86
DialogueTenpennyConv00 Happy 50 Susan... {flirting with his mistress} 87
DialogueTenpennyConv00 Neutral 50 I'm worried about you, Mrs. Cheng. Come by the Wellness Center, I might have a pill or two that'll help you relax and cope with things. {concerned about a patients mental health} 88
DialogueTenpennyConv01 DialogueTenpennyConv01 Happy 25 I'm afraid the lab coat never goes out of style for me. But I appreciate your concern. {amused but hinging on annoyance.} 89
DialogueTenpennyConv01 Happy 50 Yes, of course. There's nothing to worry about. Though, it's been awhile since I've seen you. We should schedule a checkup soon. {doctor friendly chit chatting with a patient} 90
DialogueTenpennyConv01 Anger 25 Absolutely not. All Wasteland meat MUST be thoroughly cooked. Disease and parasites are killed by the heat. I'm surprised I have to tell you this. {stern} 91
DialogueTenpennyConv01 Happy 50 Ahem. Yes. It has been too long since you've been properly examined. {doctor flirting with his mistress} 92
DialogueTenpennyConv01 Surprise 50 Why? Has someone been poisoned?! {concerned} 93
DialogueTenpennyConv02 DialogueTenpennyConv02 Happy 25 Well, that's more than I had in mind. Maybe I'll just order a new labcoat instead. {amused} 94
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Anger 10 Alright. They're your men. I just don't want to have to sew anything back on because one of your guys got a little carried away. {acquiescing but still concerned that someone is going to get hurt} 95
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Neutral 50 That's good to hear... only, you should stick to the suggested dosage, and avoid alcohol for at least two hours after taking it. Come see me soon. 96
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Happy 50 Fine. For now. I got my eye on you. If you seem to be getting exhausted, I'm prescribing that vacation! {doctor concerned that his patient is working too hard} 97
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Happy 50 Ah! I remember now. Yes of course. I'll be sure to bring my medicine bag with me. {flirting with his mistress} 98
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Happy 50 No. I'm afraid you'll need to take care of that one on your own. But I might have something that'll help you cope. Come see me for a prescription. {(amused) doctor offering sedatives to a high strung wife who hates her husband} 99
DialogueTenpennyEatStartTopic DialogueTenpennyEatStartTopic Neutral 50 Mmm. I think I'll go grab a bite to eat. {hungry and on his way to get food} 100
DialogueTenpennySleepStartTopic DialogueTenpennySleepStartTopic Happy 50 Early to bed, early to rise. {tired and heading off to bed} 101
DialogueTenpennySusanSleepWithStartTopic DialogueTenpennySusanSleepWithStartTopic Happy 50 It's play time. I wonder if we will play doctor and nurse again? {to himself under his breath, thinking about his mistress} 102
GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Don't get hurt out here. {self important physician} 103
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Try not to break anything important. {self important physician} 104
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Remember: Just say no to drugs. Unless I prescribe them. {self important physician} 105
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 You feeling alright, Daring? You having a flash back or something? {confused and slightly suspicious} 106
HELLO Surprise 50 You feeling alright, Daring? You having a flash back or something? {confused and slightly suspicious} 107
HELLO Neutral 50 I got a spot of blood on my labcoat recently. Any chance you've got something that'll take that out in the wash? 108
HELLO Neutral 50 You feeling alright these days Anthony? It's time we do a regular check up soon; it's been a while. 109
HELLO Anger 10 Chief. There's something we should discuss. There's been an increase in "accidents" among your crew. I'm afraid someone's going to get really hurt. {sternly concerned} 110
HELLO Neutral 50 Chief. How're things out there in the Wasteland? {just making idle conversation with the security chief} 111
HELLO Neutral 50 Hello Lydia. How are you faring these days? Did those pills finally help you start to relax? {checking in with a patient} 112
HELLO Sad 50 Lydia. Don't suppose you can scrounge up a few more holodisks for me? {asking a friend who owns a shop to help him get hard to find merchandise} 113
HELLO Surprise 50 Margaret, you work too hard. I might have to prescribe a vacation for you. {doctor concerned for his patient} 114
HELLO Surprise 50 Don't work too hard! {joking with a friend who works too hard} 115
HELLO Happy 50 Susan, I haven't seen you in a while. Shouldn't you be coming in for a regular "check up" soon? {doctor flirting with his mistress} 116
HELLO Happy 50 How are you feeling today my dear? {doctor flirting with his mistress} 117
HELLO Sad 10 Ms. Cheng. I'm worried about you. You're always seem so high strung. Stress is bad for the heart, you know. {doctor concerned about his patient} 118
HELLO Neutral 50 You finding some time to relax, Ms. Cheng? {doctor checking in with his patient} 119