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You mean genius boy? Yeah, I've heard of him. Supposedly built Rivet City. They probably think he invented bread too. Idiots.

Shrapnel is a merchant who lives in Rivet City with his partner Flak. Together, they run the Flak 'N Shrapnel's weapons store in the Rivet City market in Fallout 3.

Together with Flak, he is an example of the representation of LGBT people in the series.


Shrapnel is a former raider whose edge never dulled. He is a grizzled veteran of the wastelands and quite coarse in his interactions. Ever since settling in Rivet City with Flak, he has focused on selling weapons and ammunition. He gets along well with Flak thanks to their shared interest in guns, to the point of being almost polite, but he has a hard time toning down his attitude towards other denizens of the ship. He is making an effort to be more polite, at Flak's request.[Non-game 1] He mostly succeeds, primarily with long-time Rivet City residents, though he is still direct and no-nonsense. He dislikes being called Mister, preferring to go just by Shrapnel, including with people far younger than him.[1]

Shrapnel is an alcoholic. The gun trade brings in enough money to allow him frequent visits the Muddy Rudder,[2] where he binge-drinks copious amounts of straight whiskey (without ice, water, or any additives).[3] After closing up shop culminates in binge drinking.[4] Alcohol abuse led to violent incidents in the past, to the point that Lana Danvers banned Shrapnel from bringing weapons into the bar. Shrapnel prefers to think it was not the drink, but the raiders that caused the altercation.[5] Even when ordering his favorite brahmin steaks with a side of potato, he drinks a beer alongside.[6][7]

Like Flak, he prefers not to talk about their past, keeping their violent history under wraps.[8] The two men have a relationship, sharing not just the shop, but also their room and bed.[9] Shrapnel has a more laid-back attitude, unlike the more meticulous Flak, and worries less.[10] Unlike his partner, Shrapnel is bisexual, and spent a night with Trinnie, once. He has regretted it ever since, since Trinnie hassles him for drinks whenever the two are at the Muddy Rudder.[11]

Shrapnel is on decent terms with the rest of the denizens. He is almost friendly with Brock, almost polite with Vera Weatherly,[12] refuses to indulge the suicidal ideations of Mister Lopez,[13] and believes Cindy Cantelli needs a new joke; he's tired of her asking if he shoots his own food.[14]

Daily schedule[]

Shrapnel has a complex daily schedule, with some packages overlapping:

  • He wakes up at 10:00 and works at the gun shop between 10:00 and 23:00, with a two hour break at 11:00 for lunch and at 21:00 for dinner.
  • After closing up shop, he goes to drink at the Muddy Rudder for two hours at 0:00.
    • On Tuesday and Thursday, he drinks for an hour, starting at 23:00.
  • He goes back to sleep with Flak at 3:00, for eight hours (interrupted by the morning package).
    • On Saturday, he goes to sleep at 23:00 and sleeps a full eight hours.

Things change if Flak is dead:

  • Shrapnel wakes up at 7:00 and eats brakfast at Gary's Galley until 9:00.
  • Shrapnel runs the whole shop for 16 hours straight, starting at 7:00.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Sells: weapons
2d20 Jury Rigger
This character can repair items. Max Repair condition: 49
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • Strictly Business: Should one enslave Flak for Grouse at Paradise Falls, Shrapnel will likely be close enough to notice the action and subsequently turn hostile.
    • Sometimes, when Flak is enslaved, Shrapnel will leave Rivet City and travel to Paradise Falls, into the slave pens where Flak is being detained. He will still buy or sell if approached in the wasteland or Paradise Falls. He can be asked to see his inventory wherever he is.

Other interactions[]

  • With Flak, he sells ordnance and repairs weapons in Rivet City. Flak and Shrapnel share their store's inventory, so buying or selling from either one of them will update both of their stocks. This means that if Flak is enslaved by the player character for Paradise Falls, Flak 'N Shrapnel's in the marketplace will still be open. They consistently have a larger number of caps than the other shops in Rivet City.


* The inventory key is not technically obtainable. The game sets a condition for obtaining it that Shrapnel be dead and Flak be dead or enslaved. Since Shrapnel is marked as essential, he cannot die. Their room key can be pickpocketed from Shrapnel.


  • Shrapnel rarely opens the door to his quarters, and then only briefly, after which the door is relocked. The only regular time he unlocks his quarters is at approximately 12:30 a.m. To avoid being trapped in his room, one must either wait until a few minutes before he unlocks the door again or pick the lock (which requires 50 Lockpick).
  • One of the dialogue options when talking to Shrapnel is "I'm thinking of buying some ordinance," which opens up the barter menu.

Notable quotes[]


Shrapnel appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 After Flak is enslaved, the game does not change Shrapnel's AI packages or their reference. Since Shrapnel is coded to sleep with Flak, he will wander out of Rivet City and may be encountered in various locations. Shrapnel travels to Paradise Falls from Rivet City to the slave house, and then back. If Flak is freed from the collar or killed, he will return to Rivet City. When found, he will speak as if he is still in Rivet City, and he will still sell items from his shop.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, you will have a message that Shrapnel is unconscious, even when the Lone Wanderer is not in Rivet City.[verified]



  1. Angela Staley: "Hello, Mr. Shrapnel. My dad wants some more 10mm rounds. Do you have any?"
    Shrapnel: "Hells bells, girl. I ain't no mister. Just call me Shrapnel. Yeah, I got some 10mm rounds. I'll bring them over to him later."
    (Rivet City conversations; Shrapnel and Angela Staley's dialogue)
  2. Brock: "Hey, Shrapnel. How's the gun business?"
    Shrapnel: " It's doing well enough for me to come down here and buy drinks."
  3. Shrapnel: "Whiskey, straight."
    (Shrapnel's dialogue)
  4. Shrapnel: "Time to get drunk."
    (Shrapnel's dialogue)
  5. Lana Danvers: "Guns and liquor don't mix, Shrapnel. Leave the ordnance at home when you're in the Muddy Rudder."
    Shrapnel: "I learned my lesson, Danvers. Just keep those damn Raiders away from me."
    (Rivet City conversations; Shrapnel and Lana Danver's dialogue)
  6. Shrapnel: "Gary, gimme some Brahmin steaks. And don't burn them this time."
    (Shrapnel's dialogue)
  7. Shrapnel: "Give me a Brahmin steak, potato, and a beer."
    (Shrapnel's dialogue)
  8. Sister: "Let me buy you a drink. You and Flak have a nice shop. Have you known him long? Was he born in Rivet City?"
    Shrapnel: "Sure, I'll take a drink. Flak and I don't talk about our past. Everyone knows we weren't born on Rivet City though."
    (Rivet City conversations; Shrapnel and Sister's dialogue)
  9. Shrapnel is scripted to sleep exclusively with Flak: ShrapnelSleepSat23x8 and ShrapnelSleep3x8NotSat packages reference not a bed or their room marker (FlakShrapnelRoom), but Flak directly. This is distinct from other characters, including those in assumed relationships such as the Youngs, and, in fact, unique to Flak and Shrapnel.
  10. Flak: "How's our ammo inventory? It was getting low yesterday."
    Shrapnel: "It's fine. You worry too much. "
  11. Trinnie: "Shrapnel! You're my favorite man. Buy me a drink lover?"
    Shrapnel: "We only had one night together, Trinnie. Go get your own drinks."
    (Rivet City conversations; Shrapnel and Trinnie's dialogue)
  12. Vera Weatherly: "Mister Shrapnel. I need some 10mm ammo. Two clips should do."
    Shrapnel: "Sure thing. I'll bring them by later for you."
  13. Mister Lopez: "Shrapnel, do you sell ammo individually? Could I buy just one bullet?"
    Shrapnel: "Nah. You gotta buy at least one box."
  14. Cindy Cantelli: "Shrapnel, I thought you shot your own food?"
    Shrapnel: "You need a new joke, Cindy. I've only heard that one about a million times."
    (Rivet City conversations)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.96:
    Shrapnel, 50, is grizzled and rough around the edges, but he has long since left his Raider days behind. He spends his days in the store with Flak, selling merchandise. He gets along with Flak because they share a fascination with guns. However, he's usually rude and insulting to everyone else. At Flak's request, he tries hard to not be rude when he's behind the counter of the shop, but he's finding it difficult."