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We are all escaped slaves. I need your solemn promise not to betray us to Paradise Falls or the Slavers.Hannibal Hamlin

Paradise Falls, formerly the Paradise Falls Shopping Center, is a strip-style shopping mall, and, by 2277, the main haven for all slaver activity in the Capital Wasteland, with business ties to further slave markets in the Pitt.


Paradise Falls' former slaver leaders include Penelope Chase and Harmon Jurley. Harmon Jurley was the leader of Paradise Falls around 2250.[1] By 2277, Paradise Falls is led by Eulogy Jones, who regulates the purchase and selling of slaves, after he personally killed the former leader.[2] The slavers get paid on commission, based on the number of wastelanders they bring in,[3] and according to Herbert "Daring" Dashwood, the slavers have become more organized in the last twenty years and "[buy] and [sell] anything with a pulse."[4] Fortunately for the denizens of the Capital Wasteland, slave collars are a rarity, which makes the slavers' job much more difficult.[5]

Paradise Falls is home to a group of battle-hardened slavers. The inhabitants of Paradise Falls are infamous for their incursions into Big Town, and on rare occasions, Little Lamplight. The slavers are also known to seize random wastelanders, and the town is frequently mentioned on the Herbert Dashwood program on Galaxy News Radio.[6][7][8]


Paradise Falls can be found by traveling directly north from Vault 106, or slightly northeast from Arefu. It is located to the west of Germantown Police HQ, and is recognizable from a distance by its most prominent landmark, a gigantic statue of the Tall Boy mascot holding an ice cream cone.[9]

The compound is a rectangular strip mall-style compound, protected by walls of stacked derelict vehicles. On the northwest side of the compound, a dirt path lined with makeshift fencing and barbed wire leads to the entrance. The mouth of the path is guarded by Grouse, who sits just outside the compound. The gate is a section of a bus, complete with its passenger door, set within the makeshift wall. Within the wall is the pre-War archway and sign for the shopping center. Above the entrance is the severed arm of the Tall Boy mascot. It has since had spikes driven into it and was attached to a hydraulic gate so it can be lowered or raised for defense. However, the gate will not be lowered to block entry, even if the exterior guards are killed.

Immediately through the entrance is a defensive barrier with "Stow Your Piece," and an image of a revolver with a circle and slash through it painted on it. The barrier has skulls on spikes over the top and a window in it. Debris from the mall's destroyed buildings covers a large section of the compound. The few buildings that are largely intact have been converted to suit the slavers' needs. On the east side of the entrance, around the barrier, is the path to the weapons shop, Lock and Load. It is inside a large building with signage reading "Restaurant" on the roof. The path is bordered by a makeshift wall of debris, rubble, makeshift barriers and gates. Behind this is a sentry post built around the Paradise Falls starburst stylized signpost. Directly to the west of the entrance are the slaver barracks, built out of the two-story liquor store, and Cutter's clinic, built within the store called "Velmas."

Alongside the clinic entrance is another set of defensive barriers built from derelict vehicles and makeshift barricades, and at the east end of this barrier is a generator. Just past the generator is the stairway up to the sentry post. Southeast through the opening is Eulogy's pad, a former cinema, and to the west of the pad is a makeshift open-air bar and grill built into the ruins of a RobCo parts store.[10] Outside the theatre entrance, is an open fire with a whole roasting brahmin on a cooking spit, with a nearby pool table.

Another makeshift wall opens in front of Eulogy's pad, which leads to the southernmost section. The slave and brahmin pens run along the southern edge, built within what was once a clothing store. In front of the pens, next to the barrier wall, is "The Box," a Pulowski Preservation shelter that has been refitted into a cruel holding cell. An inaccessible Freddy Fear's House of Scares costume shop shares the pen's east wall. A former coffee shop sharing the pen's west wall houses the compound's toilets.

Gaining entrance[]

  • Speech check and a bribe of 500 caps in return for entry.
  • Accept the Strictly Business quest and capture at least one of the four VIPs.
  • Complete the Head of State quest in favor of the slavers.
  • Fight or sneak in (provokes slavers).
  • Have evil or very evil Karma and ask "Do you know who I am?"





Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


  • Paradise Falls is a regular stop for all caravans based out of Canterbury Commons.
  • It is not possible to fast travel out of Paradise Falls once inside. The Lone Wanderer must first exit through the main gate.
  • Slavers in Paradise Falls do not respawn when slain.
  • Shooting anyone in Paradise Falls will turn the town hostile. Unlike most towns in the game, the slavers of Paradise Falls will stay hostile no matter how much time passes.
  • If the Lone Wanderer kills all the slavers, Three Dog will occasionally mention it.
  • Killing the slavers in Paradise Falls without utilizing stealth kills, world objects or the Mister Sandman perk, will turn the slavers waiting at the tunnel to the Pitt hostile.
  • If the player has low Karma (evil or very evil), they will occasionally be approached by a slaver bearing a minor gift, similar to in Megaton with high (good or very good) Karma. Before the patch, the Lone Wanderer could continuously interact with the slaver to get rewards infinitely. Since the patch, this has changed so that rewards are given out only when having earned one by bringing in a new slave.
  • Items in Paradise Falls that are set as owned are only tagged as stolen when taken. However, stealing items in Paradise Falls does not result in any Karma loss, but slavers will retaliate if they notice.
  • In the room that Cutter is in, there is a holotape related to The Replicated Man.
  • Entering the slaver barracks with certain companions (e.g. Jericho) while it is occupied, will make the occupants warn the companion to leave. If they refuse, the slavers will attack.
  • Occasionally when the Lone Wanderer takes the slave collars off the slaves, they will frenzy and attack each other and the brahmin in the area. Arkansas is guaranteed to do this.
  • If Arkansas is freed after enslaving him, he will turn hostile to all the other freed slaves. If Arkansas still has his sniper rifle, the only way to make him stop killing is to kill him or hit him with the Mesmetron and re-collar him.
  • Having evil Karma will earn respect from the unnamed slavers, who will say things like, "Let's grab a drink," or "You're some pretty slick shit." Karma above evil receives comments like "You don't look like you belong here," and a threat with a trip to the Pen. The named slavers will treat the player character the same regardless of Karma value.
  • If the Lone Wanderer enters Paradise Falls while wearing the armored Vault 101 jumpsuit, one of the slavers may comment about it, saying, "You just raid a vault or something?"


Paradise Falls appears only in Fallout 3. It is mentioned in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Capital Wasteland Mercenaries."[11]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Paradise Falls was designed by artist Nathan Purkeypile.[12]
  • The Vault 77 jumpsuit is a reference to the Penny Arcade comic commissioned by Bethesda Studios and on display at their website.
  • The "Tall Boy" statue[13] is modeled after the mascot of the Big Boy fast-food restaurant chains.
  • On the pool table in the Paradise Falls Barracks, the glasses are set up to play beer pong, a popular drinking game.
  • Crimson and Clover, the two slave girls, get their names from the song "Crimson and Clover" by Tommy James and the Shondells.
  • In the concept art of Paradise Falls, there are slavers standing over a dead Brotherhood of Steel soldier. The soldier in Paradise Falls is not seen in game.
  • One of the prisoners is overheard saying "ain't nobody can eat fifty eggs," which is a reference to Cool Hand Luke. This movie also featured a punishment cell of the same name and nature as the one seen here, both titled "The Box".
  • The Paradise Falls starburst is based on the sign for the now-defunct Satellite Shopland in Anaheim, California.[14]


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Upon entering Paradise Falls for the first time the skulls on the power-lines will fall to the ground. [verified]
  • PCPC After killing Cutter and opening the locked first aid box or desk with Cutter's key, one can hear the line "You just can't take that" even though Cutter is dead. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 It is possible for all of the town's slavers to go hostile for no apparent reason (none had been killed, etc.). This problem may occur if one has entered Paradise Falls using the speech skill or negative Karma when talking to Grouse, instead of doing the quest "Strictly Business". If one enslaves just 1 of the 4 targets, this issue should then be fixed. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 It is also possible that after putting the slave collar on Flak, the player character may return to Paradise Falls and they'll be hostile. Fix unknown.
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Grouse will attack Fawkes even if one has gained access to Paradise Falls after enslaving one of the four VIP targets. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Instead of taking just one loading screen to enter Paradise Falls, it takes two loading screens, despite that there is only one entrance. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 As mentioned above, if Arkansas is freed after enslaving him, he will still have his sniper rifle in his inventory and immediately turn hostile to all the other freed slaves. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Sometimes, when walking out of Eulogy's pad, the slavers may become hostile. [verified]
  • PCPC If one cheats to go to Paradise Falls it is possible weapons cannot be readied, forcing you to load your last save. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 It is possible that a Deathclaw or a pair of Enclave soldiers may spawn inside the Paradise Falls compound (or glitch through the boundary walls) and kill the slavers. If the Enclave soldiers kill Crimson, Clover will continue talking to Eulogy as if nothing happened. If the Deathclaw kills Grouse while the quest Strictly Business is active, the player will fail the quest.[verified]


Concept art


  1. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Harmon Jurley
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.72: "Eulogy Jones
    Eulogy Jones is a unique 45-year-old individual. He dresses as smoothly as possible for a Wasteland Dweller and leads by persuasion and intelligence, getting others to do his dirty work. But the man is definitely dangerous; if you mess with his slaving operation, he'll be the first one to put a bullet in your brain. Eulogy got to where he is exactly as you'd expect: by being the craziest thug in a town full of crazy thugs. He'll tell you that he did it the old-fashioned way: hard work. In truth, he used his slaves as prostitutes, and consequently, Eulogy knew nearly every secret in the camp. Eventually, he killed the former leader and took over. Every plot against his life has failed, and every Slaver in the camp has learned to back off when Eulogy loses his temper. Eulogy rules by fear."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Who can I put it on?"
    Grouse Jurley: "I don't care who the hell you put it on. I'll split the commission with you for any slave you send to us. But you can't just walk up to someone and put it on. You need to get them subdued first. I gave you that mezzer. Use it. Should make things easy."
    (Grouse Jurley's dialogue)
  4. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Paradise Falls
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "Sure, I'll buy another one. Here's 100 caps."
    Grouse Jurley: "You ain't got enough caps, asshole. This ain't a soup kitchen, and those collars ain't easy to come by. Come back when you got some money."
    (Grouse Jurley's dialogue)
  6. The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle Escape from Paradise Falls!
  7. The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle Super Mutant Mayhem!
  8. The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle In the Black Widow's Web!
  9. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.353: "[2E.01] Zapp's Neon Signs
    You should be instantly familiar with Zapp's actual neon signs, as the Fiends have wielded many of them together to form impassible perimeter walls. The actual building is a graveyard of signs, including the feet of a Tall Boy statue. Inside, expect more Fiends, and additional traps."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland) Note: The feet in the rear yard of this location in Fallout: New Vegas is the same as the statue in Fallout 3.
  10. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide p. 323: "Constructed from the shell of a Robco Parts store. Frank nervously bartends, while Ymir and his monosyllabic son Jotun do their best psychopath impressions. There’s a cable junction box here, if you’re attempting the Main Quest."
  11. Mercy's logs
  12. Former Bethesda lead artist discusses working on ‘Skyrim’ and the ‘Fallout’ series
  13. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 353: "[2E.01] Zapp's Neon Signs
    You should be instantly familiar with Zapp's actual neon signs, as the Fiends have welded many of them together to form impassable perimeter walls. The actual building is a graveyard of ancient signs, including the feet of a Tall Boy statue. Inside, expect more Fiends, and additional traps."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  14. American Sign Museum
Paradise Falls