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Another way to enter Paradise Falls is to enslave one person from the Strictly Business quest. I didn't know how to edit the top section.

Where do the slaves appear in Paradise Falls after you enslave them? Answer: Only the VIP slaves appear in Paradise Falls, and they are inside the slave house.

The player can't get into Paradise Falls through the sewer grate just on the outside of the south wall. You receive a message "The opening is too small for you to fit through" and you get the same message trying to enter the sewer grate in the bathroom to the side of the slave pens. The grates are used as an alternate solution to rescuing the children aside from killing all the slavers.

Needs Reference[]

Under "Trivia" regarding the derelict vehicles is the following quote: The game's level designers intentionally spaced them to achieve that effect. Can someone please provide a reference? Otherwise this should be removed. --Oferphuxake 16:15, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

Unrelated Quest[]

In the quest list for PF for some reason Those! is listed, and I have no idea how they're related unles you can run into Wilks there. I could be wrong, but I think that shouldn't be there.

When you tell Brian Wilks that you will find him a new home, talk to Eulogy Jones and there is an option to sell Wilks to him for 100(300 with speech). --Thulu 17:28, October 23, 2009 (UTC)

Useless? I think not![]

"Accepting the Strictly Business quest and killing the Slavers right away leads to a permanently lost inventory space, since the collar can´t be dropped (quest item), is utterly useless and still has a weight of 1."

This is not true. A collar can be removed by enslaving a random person. Can anyone correct this by removing it from the Trivia section?

Sadly it is in fact true, if you kill the slavers it won't give you the option to enslave someone as that would be the equivalent of blowing up there heads then and there.

I immediately went to Paradise Falls, bought the slave for 1000 caps and then killed ever slaver there by using the Mesmetron to turn slavers against slavers. (keeping the slave i bought hidden in a building so she didnt get killed). Yes i had the collar, but all I had to do is go to Megaton and Mezz a citizen and quickly tell him to put the collar on. Inventory space +1 again.

Actually, I think you'll find quest items don't actually weigh anything. J. Smythe 02:27, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

After i turned the slavers hostile i killed a few inside but not all and not the ones outside i read this and noticed it weighed one so i went rivet city and then enslaved flak and the collar was gone. 9:24 PM 2/28/2012 (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Fun with shopping trolleys[]

I was messing about, kicking a shopping trolley: along with finding a glitch where if you jump AS you kick the trolley you float in mid air (PS3 Verified Only So Far) until you move as it thinks you are still on the trolley, I accidentally kicked it into a slaver, knocking off some of his health it seemed. None of the other slavers cared and so i spent a while gradually knocking off bit by bit of his health until he died, and since i didnt use a weapon I wasn't turned hostile against and i was free to loot his body of a chinese assault rifle :) You get no XP but it's a fun way to knock each slaver off one by one. -Berober04 23:07, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

How do you kick trolleys again? Werewolfhell 18:12, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

im stuck man i f**king cant get outa paradise falls were and how the f*CK DO I GET OUTA PARADISE FALLS

Try the door

I just ran into the trolley and watched it fly Berober04 22:47, 4 January 2009 (UTC)


Do they just disappear after you free them (the adult slaves)? 21:33, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

I am interested in an answer to this. It is quite a hassle to free them without laying waste to the city. If they don't end up in a city afterwards, I really don't see a point in releasing them. Honestly, it makes it less fun, IMO. 01:33, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

So Where Do they go?[]

If you capture some slaves who are NOT the VIPs in the quest (such as Raiders or Enclave soldiers), where in Paradise falls do they go? --Clean Up 20:40, 4 January 2009 (UTC) It's possible that the VIPs are kept around because Grouse wants to kick them around himself, and that everyone else is shipped to The Pitt almost immediatly.--Thulu 17:21, October 23, 2009 (UTC)

Only the VIPs appear in Paradise. 01:36, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

Yeah,i figured this when i saw shrapnel being hauled around by some slavers,strnagely enough,in that one instance,he wasnt essential at all,so i killed him and the slaver sjust said "good riddance" and carried on,he has no special loot,but in some rare instances hemight have spawned a random weapon of any kind,i know this cause NPCS dont get experimental MIRV'S out of everywhere,i know this because i never even bothered to go to the national guard depot

Werewolfhell 18:22, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

They get sold to the Pitt. 14:59, August 3, 2010 (UTC)tir they bought it from sandusky

No Minigun in Minigun tower[]

i raided PF and i found no miniguns whatsoever, all guards had were combat shotguns and Chinese AR

- Could the minigun, perhaps, have "fallen out" when you killed its wielder? (This has happened to me several times, though I don't know if it applies to your situation.) Dracosummoner 16:25, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

Bug for own gain?[]

Hi just wondering if somebody else have noticed that you can get reward for the same VIP slave twice?... in the strictly business quest i captured shrapnel, then got the 250 caps for him, then i quickly travelled back and did Those!.. then i got back to Paradise falls for selling Bryan wilks.. i talked to the entrance guard and he gave me 250 caps and thanked me for enslaving shrapnel again and got a new slave collar. havent tested it for triple gain, since i captured another one right after... where i will add, i also got twice the game by getting reward and come back..

-- 18:49, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

I fixed some grammar and spelling in that sentence,oh and no,i have never encountered this happening in my my 150 hours of playing fallout 3 Werewolfhell 20:23, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

The same thing happened to me, actually, only with Arkansas. I returned after collaring Arkansas, and received my caps and collar, and gained entrance to Paradise falls. After some messing around in the city(experimenting, saving, etc.), upon exiting, I passed by Grouse, and he gave me the same dialogue as before, talking about how many men Arkansas put in the dirt, and etc. Then, he gave me the 250 caps again, and another slave collar. I checked my inventory to verify, and I had 2 slave collars. After reloading the same save games, and reattempting to duplicate this, I didn't receive the reward again. Maybe it is more of a glitch, than a bug. 23:39, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

Barracks Bug[]

I entered the Barracks at night time, and I was welcomed to about 10 slavers in my face telling me to get out. I did (had my weapon holstered the entire time) and they were still hostile. Everybody was. And of course, if you make the people there hostile you can't ever make them friendly again ("no second chances"). I had to reload a previous save, erasing roughly 30 minutes of game play. There was absolutely nothing on the barrack's door telling me I would be trespassing. This is such an obvious bug how could the developers let it slide...someone else try it please! (be sure to SAVE BEFORE DOING SO if you plan on keeping sending slaves there to get money.) 08:44, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Yes I too found this when I was looking for someone, I actually found it to be Jotun who causes the bug. As I was able to leave paradise falls with only him hostile, not sure about effect on gameplay yet though (whether all slaves will be hostile or not) feel free to add it to the article though.--Glewis 15:03, 1 May 2009 (UTC)
It happened to me too.i went in and they were all friendly,i slept for a little while,and when i woke up they were all surrounding me and shooting at me.i had slept there before and they hadn't had a problem with it.

I had this happen once as well i went into prontos left put on a regulator duster than went into the barracks and they were all hostile. Im not 100% on this but i think they called me a pig than opened fire. Could that just be generic speech or a result of the duster?

I had something like that happen to me, only I went in there during the day when it was empty and I either slept upstairs or waited until night time ( I don't remember which one) when I woke up they were downstairs but instead of being hostile towards me they were hostile towards each other and they actually ended up killing one of the main slavers, has this happened to anyone else? (xbox 360)

Yep! same here! I went to sleep in the barracks of Paradise Falls and it the room was empty. I slept for 8 hours and all of sudden all the slavers start shooting me. I ran outside to find that EVERYONE was shooting me! So, I ran out of Paradise Falls completely and had to kill Grouse and the his Slaver... ugh! it's so stupid!!! (PS3)

Another Way to Free the Kids[]

The way I did it, and what I thought was he ONLY way, was to just buy the kids off of Eulogy Jones for 2000 caps (1200 with Speech check). I had no idea about having them sneak out cause I would always just go to Eulogy right away. I dont know how to edit pages (kinda afraid I'll mess something up) and I know I didnt see this way in the possible ways to get the kids out.

How to kill Eulogy Jones without making all the slavers hostile[]

The trick is not to have anyone turn hostile toward you when you assassinate Jones. So, you have to kill Eulogy, Crimson and Clover before making any of them hostile.

How I did it: You need the sandman perk. Eulogy Jones will have a fight with either Crimson or Clover, and send one of them away. The one that went away will go to sleep on the bed under the stairs. Use the sandman perk to kill her. The slavers don't turn hostile. NEXT: wait until Eulogy Jones is having an "up close and personal" talk with the survivor. Plant a grenade on him. When it goes off, it will kill him and the survivor. The slavers are not hostile to you because Eulogy, Crimson and Clover never became hostile toward you.

Thanks, that worked like a charm. I like Paradise Falls, but he gets on my nerves. 16:37, 7 June 2009 (UTC)
I found that you do not need the Sandman Perk. My character did have 100 Sneak and Chinese Stealth Armor, but I think all you need is a high enough sneak ability to reverse pickpocket frag grenades into isolated targets and that should be enough to perform a deliberate and thorough assassination of any or all of the slavers without incurring mass hostility.
As the original poster noted, separating Eulogy from his pets is a trick but doable. In my case, I had Clover in my employ so I had that working for me. Then I used the "exploding pants" method to terminate Eulogy and Crimson. I waited just to be careful and then moved through the compound targeting isolated slavers. They must be far enough apart that the loss of one is not detected by the others. I waited until they moved off to the barracks and then picked off the straggler. I then tested my result by checking in with the survivors in the barracks. No hostility was incurred if I remained careful and deliberate with my assassinations.
It took some time but now Paradise Falls is depleted of all but Pronto and Cutter, who I spared because they are useful merchants. I find it ironic that Clover complains about being alone when she is forced to wait but the she will be in splendid isolation when I have to cut her loose to visit the DLC points of interest. Growl-tiger 19:32, May 11, 2010 (UTC)

being friendly again?[]

Is there anyway to be friendly again with the slavers once they have become hostile?

After leaving paradise falls for a certain amount of days they will not be hostile towards you anymore.

No second chances is what I understand. Tried the three days trick and it didn't work.

Can't you clear crimes with paradise falls using the console?

Someone PLEASE make a mod and upload it at Fallout3 Mods Nexus; So we can just use that and everything will be ok :)

Cable Junction Box[]

Does anyone know of a use for the Cable Junction Box located behind the Food sign? To find it, go to Eulogy's Pad, and head due West from the pool table. Just past the Vending Machine is a sign that has "food" written on it in white letters. Behind that on a wall to the right is a small electric box titled "Cable Junction Box", and is interactive, but activating it results in saying "You can't use this now." Does anyone know what it does?

It is an alternative to hacking Eulogy Jones' computer to disable the slave collars and helping the slaves escape. You can only use it after you have spoken to the child named Squirrel in the slave pen.

Raiders In Paradise Falls?[]

I was in paradise falls, after enslaving a bunch of people, when inside I noticed about 20 non-hostile raiders, all with weapons and normal raider clothing.

First I thought maybe this was a glitch or bug, but raiders actually talked to some of the slavers, saying stuff like: "I don't like the way you're looking at me, next time i'll fuck you up." Or something along those lines.

Also I noticed them say stuff like, I can't wait to get back to Evergreen Mills, which would hint they were buying slaves, but even after, if you follow them, they never turn hostile.

Has anyone else come across this?

The Box[]

Does anyone know what The Box is in Paradise Falls and the easiest way to get a key to it? ANSWER: The Box is the holding pen for slaves behind the bull. Just pickpocket a Forty or Jones, or kill them and you can collect a key. Chas222

The key can also be found on a table in Eulogy's home.

Personally, I find it fun to plant a minefield around the Box, then hop in and BUTCHER Rory. His screams attract attention, and the slavers are blown to sanguine giblets while you're safe inside the shelter.Showoddywoddy

Is it safe?[]

I went Plan C on the town, and I was wondering, is it safe to use this now-deserted town as a home? I'm especially thinking of Eulogy's pad and the clinic... --JustAGuest

As far as I know, yes. I have used Plan C on Paradise Falls almost every time after completing the quests and upon returning there was nothing out of the ordinary. One thing to note though, if you clear out Paradise Falls and then proceed to side with the Slavers during Head of State, Leroy Walker will move there without becoming hostile. OPM 08:06, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
Thanks. I was wondering about that, since I heard unconfirmed rumors about PF slavers respawning. --JustAGuest

Bugs that need confirmation[]

  • Once the children's pen is open, the player can jump on the debris to one side and reach the ledge above the pens. Using this to reach the adult slave pen will trap the player.
    • It is possible to continue along the ledge to the roof of the adult slave house, from where one could jump down through a hole in the wall. This will place the character outside the city itself, but still on the same map. The "ice cream boy" statue can be approached, and the ghostlike wasteland seems to go on for a bit. Activating the front door to the city enables the player to exit.
  • If a character with a companion in tow sleeps in the Slaver barracks, the companion can block the stairway. Slavers may surround and attack the companion at this point, turning all Slavers hostile. To avoid this, take a bed far from the stairway when sleeping in the Slaver barracks.
  • Killing all Slavers in Paradise Falls will often result in "harmless" glitches. The surrounding area will become a more hostile environment, with Super Mutants and Deathclaws taking the area by storm. Eventually, Super Mutants may even guard around the front gate, but will not enter the shopping center.
  • Above the gated entrance to Paradise Falls, the hand of a large statue will, once "activated" by a character standing directly beneath, trap the character in place. The arm will follow the character's vertical motions, and although it is possible to see partially out of it, there is no escape. The only way to continue is reloading a previous save, or go through the Paradise Falls door.
Not true, you simply activate it again, or fast-travel. If you activate it again, it will rise. --Pratstercs 22:38, September 7, 2009 (UTC)
  • It is possible to complete Head of State in Mr. Walker's favor without an update to the area, leaving only hostile raiders and no guards.
  • The player can mez Jotun without causing the slavers to turn hostile.
  • After a player with low enough Karma has been approached by a Slaver bearing a gift, the resulting conversation can be re-started with the same Slaver to repeat the gift-giving process. This does not work on sufficiently patched versions of the game.
  • When you first see Ymir he is threatening a bartender if you quickly walk up to either Ymir or the bartender you can talk to that one. This stops Ymir from killing the bartender.

--Kingclyde 00:52, 1 September 2009 (UTC)


Not a reference but still interesting. The mystical land referenced in the kids movie "Up" is also called Paradise Falls. Yes, I'm 15, turning 16 this year and I'm watching Pixar movies... ThePog 10:11, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Simmilarly I was checking google maps and I found a "Great Falls" suburb of Washington, DC. This may be where the true name came from. Chaos ian7 03:16, March 8, 2010 (UTC)

Console command is what now?[]

Greeting, I have a bug where upon merely aproaching the gate to paradise falls is getting me shot. I have had no slaver random encounters and i don't have a gun drawn at aproach, further my karma is v.evil. How can i use the console to tuen the bugged and hostile falls back to neutral? More specifically what is the command? thanks 23:44, February 23, 2010 (UTC)Cedderick Blemintongrowesmythe.

You could try " TCL " (toggle collision) and approach the opening from another way (like not the front enterance). Or you might not be facing a bug where the slavers will not let you in untill you capture a slave (in which case talking to the nearby slavers would be a good idea). Chaos ian7 03:15, March 8, 2010 (UTC)


Ok when i go to Paradise Falls right before i enter the gate a Yao Guai appears out of no where and attacks. So now I got the Animal Friends perk and now a Giant Radscorpion appears. So does this happen to anyone else? Bmoreravens12 02:28, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

I have had this happen to me twice whenever I fast-traveled to Paradise Falls. A Yao Guai the first time, and then a Giant Radscorpion the second time, spawns right at the entrance, posing a major danger to Grouse, the other slaver guard, and any caravans who happen to be at the entrance. In order to avoid this from repeating, I no longer fast-travel to Paradise Falls.

Interior Locations[]

The main article seems to be missing a list of links for the various interior locations (i.e. Slaver Barracks, Cutter's Clinic, Eulogy's Pad, etc). 23:29, April 2, 2010 (UTC)

The Pitt - hostility from Paradise Falls?[]

Just wondering, I'm about to do The Pitt and from what I can gather, as a good character I will piss off a lot of slavers up in Pennsylvania. Do those bad boys at Paradise Falls turn hostile regarding your actions in the Pitt? Cheers, Chiliflamingo 00:36, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

No, nor do the guys at the Pitt turn hostile if you massacre the slavers. Also being a good karma character, I slaughtered them both. ^_^ Sheriff of the Wasteland 12:31, June 19, 2010 (UTC)


She'll attack anyone who attacks the slavers, even if Eulogy Jones is still alive. I stood between the two gate guards, capped each in the head and walked in and Clover was one of the first people to attack me after Carter got his head blown off. Also the "projector" is actually a movie camera, with filming lights setup around the bed (you wouldn't want film lights setup to support a projector as it'd diminish the image projected on a wall). He's making sex tapes with the slaves, which is rather disturbing given the presence of child slaves. Mictlantecuhtli 12:16, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

I think that it's more likely that he's filming himself with Crimson and Clover, after all, they are his 'personal' slaves, if you catch my drift. 08:47, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

What does the switch do?[]


Hostility and Friendship in PF[]

Okay, so I decided that I would use Paradise Falls as my own big compound. Beds, containers and good roleplay value. Great. So I waltz in and start the Escape from Paradise quest and get right up to freeing Rory. Here's why my eyes cross.

Slavers are all dead, I killed most but Rory shot a few too. Eulogy is alive, hostile and hiding in his pad. Jotun went on a rampage and killed Carolina, Forty, Frank and Crimson. He was nice and friendly until his dad attacked me, I fought back and killed him, Jotun got pissed then attacked me. Clover is running around with a Chinese Officer's Sword drawn, looking for a fight but friendly and will talk to me. Pronto is friendly. Cutter was friendly, but it seems Eulogy actively sought her out and killed her after taking 'his cut'. What on Earth has happened here? AzureSN 21:17, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

I have no idea but it sounds hilarious lol


In the article it says that the slavers are ballte-grizzled and "fearless." I'm calling bulls%$t. They specifically target kids who are alone, or with minimum protection. The one exception is when they come across some1 who's unconcious. Seeing as how they don't try to enslave the player on sight, it seems they're not at all willing to put themselves even at minimum risk.

15:04, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

Slavers killing slavers[]

I was near the bar hiding behind the counter, and decided to mess around. I use a Stealth Boy and put a grenade in Yimr's pocket. As I did this, I hid in a corner. As he blew up, my hidden status went to danger. An unnamed slaver took a swing at me and started running off. For some odd reason that slaver and Carolina Red ended up dead, with me unscaved. 05:27, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

It appears that not all the slavers sleep in Paradise Falls.[]

The only slavers that I caught napping (so that I could use the Mister Sandman perk) were Jotun and Carolina Red. The rest of the crew just wandered about the barracks until such time in the morning they returned to their posts outside. I waited and waited but no joy.

In time I resorted to just picking them off one by one by reverse pick-pocketing a grenade to the tail-end slaver as they returned to the barracks late at night or to the leader as they left the barracks in the morning. Although efficacious I was disappointed that I could not get more use of the Mister Sandman perk.

Growl-tiger 19:31, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Is the concept art...[]

Is that a dead BoS troop in the concept art and if so is there a mini BoS assult on paradise falls in Broken Steel like with Talon mercs?

Three Dog[]

He keeps implying that I went and purchased slaves, when I pretty much went in there and killed every last slaver. Is it because I simply told the slaves to run instead of disarming their collars? And if so, is there a console command to change this? It's really jarring to hear his tone change like that.

Three Dog is heavily bugged, he'll report improperly on events, report that they are still open events (Grayditch especially), or predict future events in reports (throughout most of the game he kept reporting on the Brotherhood kicking the enclave out of project purity even though I hadn't even gotten that far in the game). He'll also report that you used "shotgun diplomacy" during Blood Ties even if it was peacefully resolved. Mictlantecuhtli 11:38, October 7, 2010 (UTC)


Currently on the Paradise Falls Wiki page, the only slaver in the slaver heading is Carollina Red. Is this a work in progress or has no-one actually thought of filling it in?

If no-one else wants to do this section, i will happily flesh it out with all of the slavers asociated with the Falls.

Currently i am finding which NPC's actually are in the falls. if anyone would like to help, then please list up all the slavers in the falls.


-- 15:00, December 27, 2010 (UTC)


This picture sucks and was most likely done by someone achievement hunting. The picture should include the mascot, just not with the empty capital wasteland in the background and no actual view of the shopping mart. Anyways that's just something to consider. Power Bonkers 19:29, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

Did you mean the mascot, the map, or the concept art? None of those three are inappropriate to the article. The mascot picture shows a statue of a boy holding an ice cream cone, do you not see that? --Kris User Hola 19:59, June 20, 2011 (UTC)
I see that man, I'm saying the mascot should be in the MAIN (my bad for lack of specificity) picture, but the town should be in it too. All we see now is the boy with an ice cream cone, not the actual settlement. That's why this is a bad picture. Power Bonkers 20:24, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

Good someone changed it, thank you.

Power Bonkers 20:40, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

closing the gate[]

Just in front of the front door to paradise falls is what looks like a giant white claw that can be raised or lowered by clicking on one of the two scissor lifts that hold it up. Is this worth mentioning in the article?


I've killed everyone in Paradise Falls and I've had no problem "stealing" afterwards without losing karma... Or did the game just not report my lost karma?

Stealing from characters with sufficiently low karma will not net you any bad karma. TheShotgunShogun 00:04, October 20, 2011 (UTC)
