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Hey... hey! You wanna hear a song? See a dance? Just gimme some booze, I'll make it happen!

Bronson is a slave being held in Paradise Falls in 2277.


Bronson is both a slave and a drunk, drinking as a coping mechanism as he spends his days making a mockery of himself for the slavers' amusement.[Non-game 1] He offers to sing and dance, or do something amusing, in exchange for alcohol.[1][2] His reliance on the substance is to a point where he claims it is the only thing keeping him going or he would have ended his life as a result of being a slave; at the same time, he would rather drink himself to death than meet his end by slavers.[3][4]

Bleak has been tasking Bronson with finding equipment, including slave collar detonators, to help them escape; this is to no avail as he consistently returns with the wrong items, hindered by his constant drunkenness as he fails to remember and recognize what Bleak is asking for.[5] Despite this, she has not given up on him and continues to provide him with chances at redeeming himself.[6][Non-game 1]

Daily schedule[]

Bronson is locked up in the Paradise Falls slave pen, spending his entire life there until he is killed or has escaped.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).

Other interactions[]

When first interacting with him, he offers to show the Lone Wanderer something funny, or asks if they wish to hear a song or see a dance, but only in exchange for booze. However, the player cannot give any alcohol and therefore cannot exchange booze for anything.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Wasteland wanderer outfit
Slave collar
Slave map

Notable quotes[]


Bronson appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. Bronson: "Hey... hey! You wanna hear a song? See a dance? Just gimme some booze, I'll make it happen!"
    (Bronson’s dialogue)
  2. Bronson: "Hey, want to see something funny? All I need is some booze, and I'll show you!"
    (Bronson’s dialogue)
  3. Breadbox: "Bronson, boy. You need to get off of that drink."
    Bronson: "What? I'm... I'm fine. It ain't nothin'... I mean... what else am I supposed to do? Work? Fuck these guys... I'd rather drink..."
    Breadbox: "It's hard here, boy, trust me. I been a slave for thirty years. But you need to find your peace inside yourself, not at the bottom of a bottle."
    Bronson: "Oh, what do you know? Just cause... cause... cause you found peace or whatever, don't make it easier for the rest of us!"
    Breadbox: "I'm sorry that you think that way. I hope that one day, you come around. I'm here to help you if that happens."
    (Bronson and Breadbox's dialogue)
  4. Breadbox: "Look at you, Bronson, you're a mess. You need to stop all this drinkin'."
    Bronson: "Pshh... drinkin's the only... the only way I ain't... killed myself yet. I don't know if you noticed... but we're sort of... you know... slaves."
    Breadbox: "I'll never claim that it's easy living this life, but drinking is just going to put you in your grave faster than slavery will. That's no way to go."
    Bronson: "Hey... if it kills me... all the better. I'd rather drink myself to death than... let them kill me first."
    Breadbox: "I worry about you, son. Just think about what I said."
    (Bronson and Breadbox's dialogue)
  5. Bronson: "Hey, Bleak... you remember... you remember that thing that you asked me about? The secret thing?"
    Bleak: "You got the right one this time? Are you serious? Here, let me see. Hand it to me."
    Bronson: "Here you go, Bleak. Just like you asked."
    Bleak: "What the-? Dammit Bronson! This isn't what I asked for! I needed one of the detonators not... whatever this is!"
    Bronson: "Oh... I'm sorry, Bleak. I thought that's what you wanted..."
    Bleak:"How many times have we gone over this, Bronson? Can't you stay sober enough to do one little thing?"
    Bronson:"I know... just give me another chance... I... I can do it."
    Bleak: "I suppose I can do that. Just don't let me down again, Bronson. I need your help."
    (Bronson and Bleak's dialogue)
  6. Bronson: "Hey... Hey, Bleak... check this out... I did that thing you asked."
    Bleak: "Really? You did? Bronson I could kiss you! Here, hand it to me. Slowly."
    Bronson: "Okay, real slow... here. It's yours. Did I... did I do good?"
    Bleak: "Bronson! What is this? I didn't ask for this! You were supposed to get me one of the detonators! I don't even know what this is!"
    Bronson: "That isn't... you mean... awww shit. I'm sorry..."
    Bleak:"I'm starting to feel like I can't trust your drunk ass, Bronson. How many times is it that you've screwed up?"
    Bronson:"I'm... I'm so sorry, Bleak. Just one more chance... I won't... I won't let you down again..."
    Bleak: "Okay, Bronson. One more."
    (Bronson and Bleak's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.64:
    Bronson is, quite simply, a drunk. Unable to cope with life since his capture, he's taken to humiliating himself for the amusement of the Slavers, who provide him with enough booze to make him forget how his life has ended up. Bleak has been trying to give him hope, but so far has failed."