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Jotun is a slaver at Paradise Falls in the year 2277.


Jotun takes on the task of keeping his father Ymir safe, which he describes simply as a "big job."[1] He has difficulty forming basic sentences and speaks very infrequently, being described alongside his father as "Paradise Falls's pair of knuckleheads."[Non-game 1]

He seems to be very awkward and unsocial, responding vaguely and briefly to the Lone Wanderer and only responds to fellow slavers with grunts. His father has always been very proud of him and constantly praises him, bragging to the other slavers about him, which Jotun seems to find quite embarrassing.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character drops a finger upon death (Lawbringer).


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Metal armor Super sledge


  • If his father is killed, then Jotun will become frenzied, attacking anyone on sight, including his fellow slavers. As he is heavily outnumbered and usually only carries a super sledge, he typically dies almost immediately.
  • Jotun seems to be one of the few slavers in Paradise Falls that goes to sleep in the slavers' barracks during his daily schedule, the others being Crimson and Clover in Eulogy's Pad.
  • He is one of only nine named characters in the base game to have "Very Evil" Karma. The others are Ymir, Mr. Burke, Carolina Red, Jaime Palabras, Cutter, Eulogy Jones, Allistair Tenpenny and Ahzrukhal.
  • If Jotun is shot with the Mesmetron, all of the slavers in Paradise Falls will become hostile towards him, including his father, and will gun him down. This appears to be unique within the slaver camp.

Notable quotes[]


Jotun appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

Jotun and his father Ymir are references to Norse mythology.


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you do around here?"
    Jotun: "I keep my father safe. It is... a big job."
    (Jotun’s dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.79:
    Ymir and his son Jotun are Paradise Falls's pair of knuckleheads. Jotun has difficulty forming basic sentences, while his father is a jovial madman, armed with a horrific-looking Super Sledge, like his son's. Ymir isn't fond of Frank the bartender and makes this abundantly clear by bludgeoning Frank to death. He loves drinking, fighting, and drinking some more, rounding a day off with a spot of fighting."