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He put water in my vodka to make more caps from me. Make the drink weak and try to charge me more! Maybe the next bartender, he won't be so stupid, eh? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ymir is a slaver at Paradise Falls in 2277.


Ymir and his son Jotun work as slavers for Eulogy Jones in Paradise Falls. He is described as a jovial madman armed with a super sledge who loves drinking and fighting.[Non-game 1] He will not divulge details of his past or where he comes from, believing that where he is now is all that matters, as he has his son, his friends, plenty of caps, and plenty of alcohol.[1]

Ymir does not like the slave bartender Frank and will make this clear by murdering him upon the Lone Wanderer's entry into Paradise Falls, alleging that Frank intentionally watered down his vodka in an attempt to make more money off him.[2][Non-game 1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character drops a finger upon death (Lawbringer).

Effects of player's actions[]

  • When the Lone Wanderer has gained access to Paradise Falls without fighting their way in, Ymir can be found when entering the "food section" inside Paradise Falls. The first time going there, he will probably be seen arguing with the bartender, which results in the bartender getting himself killed. Talking to Ymir while he is in the argument can result in Ymir just walking away after finishing the conversation. This keeps the bartender alive. There are no assets or drawbacks to either option. If the Lone Wanderer asks Ymir for his reasoning, he claims the bartender had been watering down drinks so as to encourage patrons to pay for more.
  • Killing Ymir will immediately turn all slavers in Paradise Falls hostile.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Metal armor Super sledge


  • A conversation between Ymir and Jotun can occur, with Ymir praising his son (in his drunken state) and hoping he will become the greatest slaver ever. Jotun becomes very embarrassed by this.
  • He is one of only nine named characters in the base game to have "Very Evil" Karma.

Notable quotes[]


Ymir appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

In Norse mythology, Ymir was the founder of the race of jötunn and was an important figure in Norse mythology. Ymir's body was used to create Midgard, the earth at the center of Ginnungagap.


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Where do you come from?"
    Ymir: "Does it matter? It only matters where I am, and that is here. I have my boy, my friends, plenty of caps, and strong drink!"
    (Ymir’s dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Why did you kill that bartender?"
    Ymir: "He put water in my vodka to make more caps from me. Make the drink weak and try to charge me more! Maybe the next bartender, he won't be so stupid, eh? HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
    (Ymir’s dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.103:
    Ymir and his son Jotun are Paradise Falls's pair of knuckleheads. Jotun has difficulty forming basic sentences, while his father is a jovial madman, armed with a horrific-looking Super Sledge, like his son's. Ymir isn't fond of Frank the bartender and makes this abundantly clear by bludgeoning Frank to death. He loves drinking, fighting, and drinking some more, rounding a day off with a spot of fighting."