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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bronson.


FFPFBronsonGateBooze Are you kidding? If you get out, you can have all the booze you want! Neutral 50 Now that... That sounds like a plan. Imma run for it! 1
FFPFBronsonGateForgetIt You're hopeless. Forget it. Neutral 50 Forget what? 2
FFPFSlaveGateIsOpen The gate's open. Run for it! Neutral 50 Ain't had enough to drink. Can't go nowheres. 3
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I'm getting out of here! 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, want to see something funny? All I need is some booze, and I'll show you! 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey... hey! You wanna hear a song? See a dance? Just gimme some booze, I'll make it happen! 6


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Wha... huh? I don't get it. 7
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 <hiccups> 8
HELLO Neutral 50 Hrm? Who's there? Come closer... 9
HELLO Neutral 50 Is someone there? 10
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, Bleak... you remember... you remember that thing that you asked me about? The secret thing? 11
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey... Hey, Bleak... check this out... I did that thing you asked. 12
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, man... Breadbox... where'd you get such a funny name? 13
HELLO Neutral 50 I... I was wonderin'... where'd you get your... get your name, Breadbox? 14
PFTalkBleakBronson2 PFTalkBleakBronson2 Neutral 50 Here you go, Bleak. Just like you asked. 15
PFTalkBleakBronson2 Neutral 50 Okay, real slow... here. It's yours. Did I... did I do good? 16
PFTalkBleakBronson4 PFTalkBleakBronson4 Neutral 50 Oh... I'm sorry, Bleak. I thought that's what you wanted... 17
PFTalkBleakBronson4 Neutral 50 That isn't... you mean... awww shit. I'm sorry... 18
PFTalkBleakBronson6 PFTalkBleakBronson6 Neutral 50 I know... just give me another chance... I... I can do it. 19
PFTalkBleakBronson6 Neutral 50 I'm... I'm so sorry, Bleak. Just one more chance... I won't... I won't let you down again... 20
PFTalkBreadboxBronson2 PFTalkBreadboxBronson2 Neutral 50 I don't know... I'm just... you know... "Breadbox". It's a weird name is all. There's got to be a good story... 21
PFTalkBreadboxBronson2 Neutral 50 I just... I just figure with a name like Breadbox... there- <hiccup>... there must be a good story. 22
PFTalkBreadboxBronson4 PFTalkBreadboxBronson4 Neutral 50 Woa, man. Say no more... I've... I've heard enough. 23
PFTalkBronsonBleak1 PFTalkBronsonBleak1 Neutral 50 Huh? What... oh! Yeah! Anything for you, B.. Bleak. What do you need? 24
PFTalkBronsonBleak1 Neutral 50 Sure... sure thing, Bleak... what do you need? 25
PFTalkBronsonBleak3 PFTalkBronsonBleak3 Neutral 50 Oh, no problem... no problem at all... you can count on me, Miss Bleak! Yessir! 26
PFTalkBronsonBleak3 Neutral 50 Oh yeah... no doubt. I... I... it'll get done! 27
PFTalkBronsonBreadbox1 PFTalkBronsonBreadbox1 Neutral 50 What? I'm... I'm fine. It ain't nothin'... I mean... what else am I supposed to do? Work? Fuck these guys... I'd rather drink... 28
PFTalkBronsonBreadbox1 Neutral 50 Pshh... drinkin's the only... the only way I ain't... killed myself yet. I don't know if you noticed... but we're sort of... you know... slaves. 29
PFTalkBronsonBreadbox3 PFTalkBronsonBreadbox3 Neutral 50 Hey... if it kills me... all the better. I'd rather drink myself to death than... let them kill me first. 30
PFTalkBronsonBreadbox3 Neutral 50 Oh, what do you know? Just cause... cause... cause you found peace or whatever, don't make it easier for the rest of us! 31
PFTalkHiResponse1 PFTalkHiResponse1 Neutral 50 Wait... what? 32
PFTalkHiResponse1 Neutral 50 Oh... hi... <belches> 33