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SatCom Array NW-05a is a satellite communications array, part of the SatCom arrays in the northwest of the Capital Wasteland in 2277. It is located further west of NN-03d, between Fort Constantine and the MDPL-05 power station.


This isolated satellite communications array has been occupied by a ghoul scientist and a hired unit of Talon Company mercenaries, as courteous and helpful as she can afford (and she can afford a great deal, since she's been stockpiling caps for decades).[1]

She has managed to restore power to the array thanks to some creative wiring, tapping into the live power lines still buried across the wasteland (even two hundred years later).[2] The power allowed the scientist to start experimenting with the array. Although the motivators were offline, she managed to ping other satcom arrays and start work towards tracking some of the dozens of military satellites in orbit (out of hundreds before the Great War).[3]

Although the first attempts at atmospheric pinging were negative, she persevered. The dish motivators proved a major obstacle, as they limited her work to merely waiting to catch any stray satellites passing overhead. She planned to use astronomical reference charts to verify whether there was another mechanical failure at play,[4] but eventually managed a lucky break: The array pinged an orbiting body, which turned out to be the Highwater Trousers micronuclear platform.[5] Further research revealed it to be a stationary weapons platform, useless without a secondary targeting platform. She decided to keep the codes on hand while pursuing other avenues of research.[6]


The SatCom array's interior opens into a large room with a staircase that leads up to a second floor with a workbench with a bottlecap mine on it. The stairs also lead to a small alcove with a ladder. Climbing the ladder will lead to the satellite dish at the top of the array.

Notable loot[]


  • There are five armed frag mines positioned near the exterior entry door at ground level.
  • For amusement purposes, the Highwater Trousers activation can be uploaded, taken from the dead scientist into the nearby terminal, and at any pace move up the ladder to the top of the dish (note that nothing will happen until moving from the spawn point). Once outside, a nuclear bombardment will occur around the tower. The explosions are ten times bigger than a mini nuke and leave no craters, but cause fairly high, quickly decreasing radiation (above 40 rads a second, near the center of impact). They can kill companions if they have been stationed near a location where a missile falls.
  • The scientist cannot be enslaved using the Mesmetron - instead, she will frenzy. The resulting fire-fight typically ends with her death.
  • One of the Talon Company sentries is on an upper catwalk that is not accessible from within the tower or by exterior ladder. The sentry gets up there by climbing the tower itself. Shooting him stops his climbing script, allowing him to be killed. Should he reach the upper catwalk, it is possible to reach him by dropping through the dish above.
  • Sometimes, after The Waters of Life, the Talon Company will be replaced with Enclave troopers.
  • The interior is very similar to that of Old World Blues's X-2 transmitter antenna array, with the same escalating stairs form and ladder/exiting hatch to the dish.
  • The locations of the two other SatCom arrays NN-03d and NW-07c (mentioned in the ghoul scientist's notes) will be put on the map in the Pip-Boy upon decryption using the computer terminal in the tower above.
  • Both of the other SatCom arrays otherwise have no connection to the scientist's endeavor in making the orbital bombardment satellite work, as in both other locations there are no options for facilitating the satellite to move to other targets or the like.
  • A short way to the southwest is a radioactive depression. After The Waters of Life, within the depression should be a few Enclave troops.
  • Near the entrance, there is a sign indicating that the SatCom array is a fallout shelter, even though it is above ground.


The SatCom Array NW-05a appears only in Fallout 3.


