Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


If visited after the enclave makes an appearance, then the gorge near where the pier is located is filled with enclave soliders, officers and a sentry bot. Ironically (perhaps a glitch in my PS3 copy), the enlcave missile solider will appear as a friendly and can be conversed with if no other enclave units have detected the player. This happens for all enclave missile soliders on my copy. I think there may be seven soliders total, but I can't remember off hand.

Note: You can if you want mini nuke the enclave from the top of the dish NW-05a using a Fat man and mini nukes,they will easily reach from the edge of the dish. Will also blow up the car by the pier.User: --1000hrs fallout 23:36, 9 March 2009 (UTC)


Should a note be included pointing out how Highwater Trousers is a reference to the B.O.M.B. satellite from Van Buren? Dirk Gently 16:02, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

Deathclaw warning?[]

Just might want to add a one line warning. Walked in the door, and there was a deathclaw waiting to say hi, two feet away. Would have died if I wasn't sneaking. ChaIsADumpStat 16:20, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

The same happened to me. The cause is probably that a randomly spawned Deathclaw sees the Talon mercs and enters the tower in order to reach them. I saw one of the mercs equip his Missile Launcher and face the direction of the door, and then never fire. I was far away and sneaking, so he hadn't noticed me.--Mehbah 16:50, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
It just happened to me, although I managed to kill it with a dart gun. I was kind of like wtf, but I wasn't complaining rofl. -- 23:46, 1 May 2009 (UTC)


dirk gently - please expound on reference. am curious. i was going to suggest that highwaters is a late seventies slang for nerd(brainiac) due to the short cuffed pants they were want to wear. see: eugene in 'grease'. and yes i am pushing elderly. --Dr. Clayton Forrestor 04:52, 27 January 2009 (UTC) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Has anybody else noted the red lazer strikes that proceed the nuclear missiles that explode in front of the dish. Same explosion as when a vertibird is detonated. --1000hrs fallout 23:40, 9 March 2009 (UTC)

Normally unreachable merc[]

You can make him come to you by sending him into [DANGER], then going through a door. The game will "assume" he can reach the door and just warp him there shortly after. The game only does pathing for NPCs in the immediate area.

This is a safe house. It can be used as a player home. A nice player home at that. The bodies don't stay and the gore either. So more homes for everyone to use. (The funny hat) 6-26-09

Scorp on the Catwalk[]

Something unusual happened when I came here one time. Imagine my surprise when I found that an Albino Radscorpion had spawned in the upper catwalk of the array. There it was, struggling just to move as I looked up at it from the ground. Took a few missiles to kill it, as Fawkes and I weren't having much luck hitting it with anything else from up there.

The Nikola Tesla and You book at the Raider Wharf easily can be taken from boat roof. I have no problem with it.

Possible Fallout Shelter[]

There should be noted that this facility was also intended to act as a short term fallout shelter judging by the sign outside the door

-- 02:50, September 17, 2009 (UTC)

Weird things in the sky?[]

At the enclave camp near the Satcom Array there seems to be... something (i have no idea what they are, they just look like black dots) circling in the sky way above. I am on the Xbox, so I can't take a picture. Anything like that happen before?

EDIT: From atop the tower, I can see that they are hawks or vultures circling the pile of bodies on the ground. That's pretty awesome.

Oasis Coordinates[]

I was unable to enter them, and it seems unlikey that you can considering the dish motivators are offline (this message appears when trying to enter coordinates). Can someone verify?

I can't do it either. That should be removed from the article. 03:57, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
That was vandalism, it was removed. Nitty Tok. 04:01, May 18, 2010 (UTC)

Talon Co.[]

After putting in the codes, etc. etc. i went up into the dish and was attacked by a Talon Co. soldier with a flamer, inside the dish. Made me miss the explosion because i had to fight this jerk. This supposed to happen or a bug? -Anonymous Fallout Fan

I didn't activate the satellite nukes before going to the dish, and I encountered that same Talon flamer. I guess it's best to take care of him before activating the nukes if that is your intention. --HunterZ 05:09, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Locating bathtub with mini-nuke[]

The article mentions a bathtub with a mini-nuke to the south of the array. The article is misleading in two ways: (1) there's no "house" to be seen, burnt-out or otherwise; it's just a bathtub next to a tree. (2) It's actually almost directly south-southwest of the array; you can see it from the top of the array if you look out of the south-southwest "window" in the satellite dish. --HunterZ 05:18, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Another nearby point of interest?[]

A little southeast of the raider wharf (possibly south or south-southwest of the satcom array) I found a refrigerator, a couple of non-hostile Wasteland Settler ghouls and a dead human. When I talked to one of the ghouls, he said it was full of water and that they didn't want to share it. However, I was able to make a speech check to split it with them, at which point they agreed and told me to take what was left, then walked away. I believe there were 10 Purified Waters in the fridge. I didn't check to see if killing them would get me twice as much water because I didn't care. --HunterZ 05:35, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Fallout 3 random encounters page would like to say hello. Great Mara 05:41, April 4, 2011 (UTC)
Ah, thanks. In that case, it may be worth noting that there's a random encounter spot there.

Highwater Trousers[]

Should the Highwater Trousers portion be its own little section on the page? It would look a lot nicer I think instead of having that big random paragraph in the "Notable Loot" section and another mention in the "Notes". There is no real protocol for this kind of thing and I didn't want to go and do it without putting my idea/intent on the talk page first. ShaneforwaxsigShane for Wax (Speak back) 02:05, June 30, 2017 (UTC)
