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This is a transcript for dialogue with Grouse.


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 You enjoy being a "recruiter" for Paradise Falls, eh? Here's another collar and some caps. {chummy} 1
GREETING Happy 50 The slaves keep rolling in. Keep this up and you're going to be rich! Here's your caps and another collar. {approving} 2
GREETING Happy 50 Tallied the last slave you sent us. You're pretty good at the slaving thing. Keep it up! Here's another collar and pile of caps. {approving} 3
GREETING Happy 50 Keep it up. We all make a ton of caps on every slave you send to us. Here's your cut and another collar. {approving} 4
GREETING Disgust 50 You idiot! Your slave's dead. You ruined perfectly good merchandise. I monitor the collars, you know. You need to be more careful! {annoyed} 5
Surprise 50 Do you want another collar and try again? You'll have to buy it. I'm not going to subsidize your screwups. {annoyed} 6
GREETING Disgust 50 Idiot. You don't make money on dead slaves. You want to buy another collar and try again? {annoyed} 7
GREETING Anger 50 All four of the VIP targets Eulogy wants are dead. Great. Good job moron. I'm sure you had something to do with that. {annoyed} 8
Disgust 50 Well, you can keep sending slaves my way if you want to continue splitting the commission. But I'm not vouching for you with the Paradise crew. {annoyed} 9
GREETING Happy 50 Thanks to you, we finally have that sniper, Arkansas, in a collar! You have no idea how many good men that prick put into the dirt. {amused} 10
Surprise 75 I'm tempted not to sell him, just so we can torment him. Use him for target practice or something. Hehehe. {sadistic humor} 11
Happy 50 Here's another collar. Keep those hoochies rolling in and you'll be rich in no time. {encouraging the player to keep enslaving people} 12
GREETING Surprise 100 How the hell'd you get old queen Flak, into that collar?! I'm surprised you're still alive! {(amused) genuinely mystified how the player managed to enslave one tough dude ("queen" as in gay)} 13
Neutral 50 We need to keep a close eye on that one, though. He knows our system too well. 14
Anger 100 He sold us out to get into Rivet City. We'll never forget that. And now we'll make sure he never forgets it, either. {hinting at sinister reprisals} 15
Happy 50 Here's another collar. Keep herding the swine in here and you'll have more bottle caps than you'll know what to do with. {encouraging the player to keep enslaving people} 16
GREETING Happy 100 I've been wanting to get Red in here for a long time. I have a little something special planned for her. {amused by a sinister plan creepy emphasis on "special"} 17
Happy 50 Take another collar, and keep those puppies coming! {encouraging the player to keep enslaving people} 18
GREETING Happy 50 Susan thought she could just up and leave, huh? We showed her different, didn't we? {amused} 19
Anger 75 She'll think twice about slitting one of our throats now that she's collared! We'll need to come up with something extra special for her. {smoldering anger with sinister over tones} 20
Happy 50 Here's another collar. You're a welcome addition to our little operation here. {encouraging the player to enslave more people} 21
GREETING Anger 50 Hold it right there. Nobody's allowed into Paradise Falls except on Slaver business. And I get to decide what qualifies as Slaver business. 22
GREETING Anger 75 You didn't really think you could just sneak into Paradise Falls did you? 23
GREETING Neutral 50 You again? What do you want? 24
GREETING Anger 75 What the hell do YOU want?! You got a death wish? {angry on the verge of violence} 25
GREETING Anger 75 Do I look like someone who wants to be your friend? Are you a moron? Why do you keep coming around? Piss off already! {angry on the verge of violence} 26
Surprise 25 Unless, have you changed your mind? Do you want to take me up on the offer of employment? {doubtful} 27
GREETING Anger 75 You're back?! Do you have a death wish? {angry on the verge of violence} 28
GREETING Disgust 50 I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough. Piss off. Go. Walk. Leave. You don't belong here. Au revoir. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. 29
GREETING Disgust 75 Are you deaf? Get the hell out of here. You don't belong in this town. 30
GREETING Disgust 100 I thought I told you to piss off. I did, didn't I? So piss off. 31
MS08SlaverClue1 I found this info about an android from the Commonwealth. Care to elaborate? Neutral 50 Nothing really. Just some runaway slave from the Commonwealth. Eulogy had us running around like morons looking for him. I'm done with that. {arrogant} 32
MS08SlaverClue2 What do you know about an android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Here's a copy of the so-called "android recording." I'm done wasting my time on that old job. 33
Tell me more about this android. Neutral 50 I'm done wasting my time on that old job. Forget it. 34
MS08SlaverClue3 You know anything about an android who needed some surgery? Neutral 50 Despite all his grumbling, I think Eulogy still wants us finding that guy. Zimmer is asking around hiring other people. Makes us look bad. 35
Anger 20 I'd hunt down surgeons and bang on their heads to get leads, but I'm tired of chasing after that android thing. {threatening} 36
You know anything about an android who needed some surgery? Neutral 50 Despite all his grumbling, I think Eulogy still wants us finding that guy. Zimmer is asking around hiring other people. Makes us look bad. 37
Anger 20 I'd hunt down surgeons and bang on their heads to get leads, but I'm tired of chasing after that android thing. {threatening} 38
About this info regarding an android... Don't suppose you'd care to elaborate? Neutral 50 Despite all his grumbling, I think Eulogy still wants us finding that guy. Zimmer is asking around hiring other people. Makes us look bad. 39
Anger 20 I'd hunt down surgeons and bang on their heads to get leads, but I'm tired of chasing after that android thing. {threatening} 40
MS08SlaverClue3Bribe I'll give you 100 caps for what you've got on this android. Neutral 50 Despite all his grumbling, I think Eulogy still wants us finding that guy. Zimmer is asking around hiring other people. Makes us look bad. 41
Anger 20 I'd hunt down surgeons and bang on their heads to get leads, but I'm tired of chasing after that android thing. {threatening} 42
MS08SlaverClue3Stat I'm losing my patience! Tell me about the android with the face job! Neutral 50 Despite all his grumbling, I think Eulogy still wants us finding that guy. Zimmer is asking around hiring other people. Makes us look bad. 43
Anger 20 I'd hunt down surgeons and bang on their heads to get leads, but I'm tired of chasing after that android thing. {threatening} 44
MS08SlaverClue4 You have any info on where this Commonwealth android is hiding? Disgust 50 Trail led to Rivet City. Sister's our inside man. I think he's long given up looking for that android, and is just living it up on that boat. {annoyed} 45
You have any info on where this Commonwealth android is hiding? Disgust 50 Trail led to Rivet City. Sister's our inside man. I think he's long given up looking for that android, and is just living it up on that boat. {annoyed} 46
I found this recording from the android. Care to elaborate? Neutral 50 Trail led to Rivet City. Sister's our inside man. I think he's long given up looking for that android, and is just living it up on that boat. 47
MS08SlaverClue4Bribe Here's a 100 cap "donation." Now, where's that escaped android? Neutral 50 Trail led to Rivet City. Sister's our inside man. I think he's long given up looking for that android, and is just living it up on that boat. 48
MS09TLWhereFamily Ever heard of the Family? Disgust 70 Yeah, supposed to be some kinda gang or something. Big deal. They wouldn't dare come around Paradise Falls. 49
MS13AllowedIn I got you the slave you wanted. I can get into Paradise Falls now, right? Surprise 50 Yeah. Yeah. Go on up, hotshot. Just don't screw around, or things will get ugly. No second chances. Got it? {razzing a new recruit} 50
MS13BadKarmaQuestHook What's this mutually beneficial offer you mentioned? Surprise 50 I got this Mesmetron thing. It's some kind of stun gun. I'd like you to test it out for me. Should make getting slaves easier. 51
Neutral 50 You take this Mezzer. Shoot it at some poor schmuck. While he's in la-la-land, you slip one of these collars over his head. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 52
Neutral 50 Be careful with that collar. It'll explode if you tinker with it. Tell the slave to boot it over here pronto, or his head'll pop. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 53
Neutral 50 Here's a list of special targets Eulogy wants enslaved. But feel free to put a collar on anyone you can. I'll pay you for each slave that arrives. 54
MS13BribeAvailableChoice Here's your 500 caps. I can go in now, right? Happy 50 Thank you. Pleasure doing business with you. Enjoy your visit to Paradise Falls. {gladly accepting a bribe} 55
Neutral 50 Friendly warning - don't act like a jackass. You won't get a second chance. 56
If I can get 500 caps together, you'll let me in? Happy 50 That's what I said. Bring me the caps, and I'll vouch for you. Good luck. {condescending} 57
MS13BribeNotAccepting Yeah, I'm not going to pay you that much. Anger 25 Fine. I didn't think you would anyway. You done bothering me yet? Piss off! {annoyed} 58
MS13BuyNo Nah, maybe another time. Surprise 25 Alright. Whatever you say, boss; it's your loss. But you can make a pile of caps. Let me know when you change your mind. {dismissive and passively aggressive, trying to get the player to join their organization} 59
MS13BuySpeech Come on, don't charge me. It was an... accident. Won't happen again. Happy 75 Okay, fine. But just this once. Here's another collar. Be more careful this time. {amused and feeling camaraderie} 60
MS13BuyYes Sure, I'll buy another one. Here's 100 caps. Disgust 50 Try to be more careful next time. {talking down as if to a moron} 61
Sure, I'll buy another one. Here's 100 caps. Anger 25 You ain't got enough caps, asshole. This ain't a soup kitchen, and those collars ain't easy to come by. Come back when you got some money. {(amused) arrogant superiority} 62
MS13CollarQuestion I'd like to know more about the slave collar. Disgust 25 Jeesuz, do you ever shut the hell up? What do you want to know? {getting annoyed} 63
MS13CollarQuestion1 How does the collar work? Neutral 50 It's got a radio signal we monitor here at Paradise Falls. If a slave's going the wrong direction, we push a button, and boom. His head pops. 64
Neutral 50 Once you get a collar on, you can't take it off in the field. They're wired to blow if anyone tinkers with it. So don't. 65
MS13CollarQuestion2 How do I get it on a slave? Happy 10 Look. I gave you that Mesmetron thing. Should be a piece of cake. {getting annoyed he has to repeat himself} 66
Sad 75 Hell, if you hit them with that thing and it works, I bet they'd put it on themselves if you asked. {amused by how simple it is to enslave people with the right technology} 67
MS13CollarQuestion3 Who can I put it on? Neutral 50 I don't care who the hell you put it on. I'll split the commission with you for any slave you send to us. 68
Disgust 10 But you can't just walk up to someone and put it on. You need to get them subdued first. I gave you that mezzer. Use it. Should make things easy. {annoyed he has to repeat himself} 69
MS13CollarQuestionBack Let's talk about something else. Anger 25 Damn. I thought you were finally going to shut up. What do you want now? {getting annoyed} 70
MS13Hook00a I don't have time to chit chat with the help. Let me in already. Disgust 15 Yeah, okay. Be a smart ass. See where that gets ya... {cocky and dismissive (challenging a new recruit)} 71
I don't have time to chit chat with the help. Let me in already. Disgust 15 Yeah, okay. Be a smart ass. See where that gets ya... {cocky and dismissive (challenging a new recruit)} 72
Why can't I go up there? Neutral 50 There's two kinds of people who get into Paradise Falls. Slaves and Slavers. {cocky and dismissive (challenging a new recruit)} 73
Surprise 50 So, unless you're looking to become a slave, piss off. {cocky and challenging} 74
Why can't I go up there? Neutral 50 There's two kinds of people who get into Paradise Falls. Slaves and Slavers. {cocky and dismissive (challenging a new recruit)} 75
Surprise 50 So, unless you're looking to become a slave, piss off. {cocky and challenging} 76
I won't cause any trouble. I just want to look around. Surprise 50 You "want to look around?" Where the hell do you think you are? Stop wasting my time, asshole. {mocking and surprised that someone is so stupid} 77
I won't cause any trouble. I just want to look around. Surprise 50 You "want to look around?" Where the hell do you think you are? Stop wasting my time, asshole. {mocking and surprised that someone is so stupid} 78
Everyone has a price. What's yours? Surprise 50 We might be able to work something out. But it won't be cheap. If I vouch for you and you go mess up our groove, it's my ass on the line. {intrigued by an offer for a bribe} 79
Happy 50 I think 500 caps should cover it. What do you say? {doubting he'll get the bribe he's looking for} 80
What the hell is your problem? Let me in! Anger 50 My "problem" is I got a goddamn job to do. And that's keeping assholes and morons from bothering Eulogy Jones and his enterprise. {tough guy and about to get violent} 81
Disgust 50 And I'm not sure which you are. I'm thinking moron, 'cause a smart man would have pissed off by now. {cocky and putting down someone he doesn't consider a threat} 82
Anger 100 You want to give me a reason I don't end you right this second? All your yapping is giving me a headache! {threatening on the verge of violence} 83
Maybe there's something you need, huh? I help you, you let me in. Deal? Anger 50 What I "need" is for you to piss off. Eulogy Jones doesn't have time for putting up with morons and assholes like you. That's my job. {tough guy and about to get violent} 84
Anger 100 But even I got limits, and all your yapping is giving me a migraine. Give me some reason I shouldn't just end you, right here and now. {threatening on the verge of violence} 85
MS13Hook02a You looking for a fight, asshole? Just say the word. Surprise 50 Hmm. Maybe I could use someone like you. Think you can round up some assets for Eulogy Jones? Might get you into Paradise. {taking a liking to a smack talking violent thug like himself} 86
MS13Hook02b What if I were to get you some slaves? Then would you let me in? Surprise 50 Think you got what it takes, do you? Hmm... {considering the merit of the person talking to him} 87
Neutral 50 Yeah. I might have something you can do for me. If you don't screw it up, maybe I can get you into Paradise. Think you can round us up some assets? {cocky and testing a new recruit} 88
MS13Hook02c Come on. Let me in already! Surprise 25 You don't give up, do you? Hmm... Maybe I have something you can do for me, and if you don't screw it up, maybe I'll help you into Paradise. {doubtful} 89
Surprise 50 Think you got what it takes to round up some slaves? {doubting the player will agree} 90
MS13Hook02d Who's Eulogy Jones? Surprise 50 Are you for real? You come up to a man's place of business, and you don't even know who he is? {shocked that he's talking to a moron} 91
Neutral 50 He's The Man. Runs Paradise Falls. He's the real deal. Definitely not someone you want to mess with. 92
Anger 50 But Eulogy doesn't waste his time with morons. So piss off before I put you in the dirt. {about to get violent} 93
I'm not going to do it. Anger 50 What?! After all that yapping about wanting to get in, and you're just going to walk away? Why didn't you do that in the first place?! {frustrated and getting violent} 94
Anger 75 Go on. Piss off already! Or do you want to get shot? {angry and violent} 95
On second thought, no. I'm not going to do it. Anger 75 That's it. You're done wasting my time. Time to die asshole. {frustrated and getting violent} 96
Yeah, like I said before. I'm not going to get you slaves. Anger 75 That's it. You're done wasting my time. Time to die asshole. {frustrated and getting violent} 97
MS13Hook11a I'll round up some slaves for you. But what's the catch? Surprise 50 I'm glad you asked! I got this Mesmetron thing. It's some kind of stun gun. I want you to test it out for me. A little research project. 98
Neutral 50 You take this Mezzer. Shoot it at some poor schmuck. While he's in la-la-land, you slip one of these collars over his head. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 99
Neutral 50 Be careful with that collar. It'll explode if you tinker with it. Tell the slave to boot it over here pronto, or his head'll pop. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 100
Anger 10 You got all that? I hate repeating myself. {dismissing a new recruit} 101
Disgust 50 That Mesmetron came with some kind of manual. I don't have time for that bullshit, so you better know how to read. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 102
MS13Hook11b I'll get your slaves. Surprise 50 One more thing. I got this Mesmetron thing. It's some kind of stun gun. I want you to test it out for me. A little research project. 103
Neutral 50 You take this Mezzer. Shoot it at some poor schmuck. While he's in la-la-land, you slip one of these collars over his head. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 104
Neutral 50 Be careful with that collar. It'll explode if you tinker with it. Tell the slave to boot it over here pronto, or his head'll pop. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 105
Anger 10 You got all that? I hate repeating myself. {dismissing a new recruit} 106
Disgust 50 That Mesmetron came with some kind of manual. I don't have time for that bullshit, so you better know how to read. {explaining the routine to a new recruit} 107
MS13Hook1Refuse I'm not going to do your dirty work. Sad 50 Oh no? I'm crushed. Heart broken. Here I thought we could be best friends for life. {mocking and sarcastic, fake sadness} 108
Anger 75 Quit wasting my time! Now, piss off before I start shooting! {on the verge of violence} 109
Like I said before. I'm not going to get slaves for you. Anger 50 What?! That's it asshole. I'm done playing around with you. You've wasted enough of my time. I've tried to be nice. But you kept pushing me. {about to start shooting} 110
Nope. Not going to do it. Get your own slaves. Anger 50 What's wrong with you? Didn't you learn your lesson last time? {about to start shooting} 111
MS13Hook1a You want a fucking resume? Just tell me what to do, asshole. Happy 50 Maybe you would fit in around here. {amused by the players crude humor} 112
Neutral 25 Eulogy's got a special contract out on a few VIPs. You bring them in, I'll split the commission with you. {explaining a job to a recruit} 113
You want a fucking resume? Just tell me what to do, asshole. Happy 50 You might fit in after all. {amused by the players crude humor} 114
Disgust 25 Eulogy's got a special contract out on a few VIPs. I'm too damn busy or I'd go get them myself. {explaining a job to a recruit} 115
Happy 50 I'll split the commission with you. And don't you get all bitchy. Do this for me, and I'll get you into Paradise. {explaining the job to a recruit} 116
MS13Hook1b It can't be that hard, can it? I mean, you're a Slaver after all... Surprise 100 Okay, hotshot. We'll see how you do. Eulogy's got a few special contracts he wants filled. I'm too busy or I'd grab them myself. {cocky and dismissive} 117
Happy 50 If you don't screw it up, I might even split the commission with you. {explaining the job to a recruit} 118
It can't be that hard, can it? I mean, you're a Slaver after all... Surprise 100 Oh, I see. You're some kind of hot shot? Fine. Here's the deal. {cocky and dismissive} 119
Neutral 50 Eulogy's got a few special contracts he wants filled. I'm too busy or I'd grab them myself. So you're going to do it for me. 120
Happy 50 Do this for me, and I'll get you into Paradise. And if you don't screw it up, I might even split the commission with you. {explaining the job to a recruit} 121
MS13Hook1c I can enslave criminals and the like, right? I don't have to enslave innocents? Disgust 50 I promise, nobody I'm sending you after is "innocent". Whatever that means. {condescending to a someone with exaggerated "morals"} 122
Neutral 50 Eulogy's got a special contract out for a few ...VIPs. You get them for me, and we'll split the commission. Deal? {explaining a job to a recruit} 123
I can enslave criminals and the like, right? I don't have to enslave innocents? Disgust 50 You don't honestly believe anyone out there in the Wasteland is innocent, do you? {condescending to a someone with exaggerated "morals"} 124
Disgust 50 If you can't stomach the business, then don't get into it in the first place. Assuming you're still interested... 125
Neutral 50 Eulogy's got a special contract out for a few VIPs. I'm too busy or I'd get them myself. You get them for me, and I let you in. Deal? {explaining a job to a recruit} 126
MS13HookAfterBribe I've been thinking about getting into the trade. You need a dog catcher? Disgust 10 Hmm... Eulogy's pretty picky about who gets on the Paradise Falls crew, and the interview process is pretty damn painful. {condescendingly considering the possibility} 127
Happy 50 But maybe we can work out a mutually beneficial arrangement, just the two of us. You think you got what it takes? {amused he's found a sucker to do his dirty work, and giving the player a hard time about it} 128
MS13HookThreaten Do you know who you're dealing with? Let me in. Now! Fear 50 There's no need to flex. I was just playing with you. We know who you are. You can come in. {trying to hide his fear with bluser} 129
Neutral 50 Friendly warning - don't act like a jackass. You won't get a second chance. 130
Happy 25 Oh, and, if you want, I have a mutually beneficial offer for you to think about. {hinting at great profit} 131
Your pals over at the Lincoln Memorial seemed pretty happy with me. Fear 50 Relax. I was just playing with you. We know who you are. You can come in. {trying to hide his fear with bluser} 132
Neutral 50 Friendly warning - don't act like a jackass. You won't get a second chance. 133
Happy 25 Oh, and, if you want, I have a mutually beneficial offer for you to think about. {hinting at great profit} 134
MS13MesmetronBuyAmmo You've got yourself a deal. Here's your 200 caps. Disgust 25 10 more batteries. Don't waste them, these things don't grow on trees you know. {annoyed} 135
200 caps? Wow. I'll have to get back to you on that. Disgust 25 Dumbass. You did waste them, didn't you? {annoyed} 136
MS13MesmetronBuyAmmoNo Never mind. Disgust 75 Will you stop wasting my time? {annoyed} 137
MS13MesmetronQuestion Tell me more about this Mesmetron. Disgust 50 Great. I'd LOVE to talk to you some more. What the hell do you want to know now? {(sarcastic) annoyed that he's still talking to this idiot} 138
MS13MesmetronQuestion1 How's the Mesmetron work? Anger 50 How the hell should I know? I found it in some old military base. It's a gun, ain't it? Point it at someone and pull the trigger. {annoyed he's being asked stupid questions} 139
Disgust 50 Did you even look at the manual? You like wasting my time, don't you? {annoyed} 140
MS13MesmetronQuestion3 Where did you find it? Neutral 50 Found it in a box locked up in some old military base. I've been meaning to test it out, but Eulogy keeps me so busy, I don't got time. 141
Happy 50 Besides, glancing at that manual, looks like it's a bit... unstable. Thanks for testing it out for me! {amused he's found some sucker to do his dirty work} 142
MS13MesmetronQuestionBack That's enough about the Mesmetron for now. Neutral 50 If you got more questions, read the shit I gave you. If you can't read, go find a group of Raiders to hang with. I don't waste time with idiots. {talking down to someone who's stupider than he is} 143
MS13MesmetronQuestionBuyAmmo I need to buy some more ammo for the Mesmetron. Disgust 50 You wasted everything I gave you already? Jesus. Whatever. I'll sell you 10 more for 200 caps. Take it or leave it. {mildly annoyed} 144
I need to buy some more ammo for the Mesmetron. Disgust 50 Suit yourself. Not like it's coming out of my paycheck. I'll sell you 10 for 200 caps. Take it or leave it. {mildly annoyed} 145
MS13QuestionGoodbye All right. It's time for me to go. Happy 50 Great! I was wondering when you'd finally shut-up. {not joking, is glad to stop talking} 146
All right. It's time for me to go. Happy 50 Good. All this chit-chat is giving me a headache. {not joking, is glad to stop talking} 147
MS13SlavesNewCollar I need another collar so I can get more slaves. Anger 50 Those collars ain't easy to come by. So, you got to pay for the ones you waste. {grumpily} 148
MS13SlavesQuestion You want just these VIPs, or do you want other slaves too? Neutral 50 Bring me one of those VIPs and I'll let you up into Paradise Falls. {talking down to someone who's stupider than he is} 149
Disgust 50 But, since Eulogy's got me on watchdog duty all the time, I don't get to make much commission. {annoyed he doesn't get to go out and round up slaves himself} 150
Happy 50 If you round up any slaves, I'll gladly split the commission with you. {amused to find a moron to do his work for him} 151
Anger 25 But don't get any wise ideas. I'm the guy who monitors the slave collar radio signals, and notes any new "arrivals." {threatening} 152
You want just these VIPs, or do you want other slaves too? Happy 50 If you round up any slaves, I'll gladly split the commission with you. {amused to find a moron to do his work for him} 153
MS13TargetsQuestion Tell me more about these preferred targets you want me to enslave. Disgust 75 There's four that Eulogy wants especially. Arkansas, Susan Lancaster, Red, and Flak. Which of those assholes do you want to know about? 154
Tell me more about these preferred targets you want me to enslave. Disgust 75 Which one do you want to know about? 155
MS13TargetsQuestion1 Arkansas. Anger 50 Arkansas is that asshole holed up in that minefield. Killed a whole Paradise Falls crew. Eulogy wants him to suffer. {explaining why he wants to enslave this person} 156
Disgust 50 Head east. Watch out for Germantown - damn mutants took over the police station there. 157
MS13TargetsQuestion2 Susan Lancaster. Disgust 50 Susan Lancaster lives at Tenpenny Tower. She was one of us. Let's just say she never paid the exit price. {explaining why he wants to enslave this person} 158
MS13TargetsQuestion3 Red. Happy 50 Red is that hot doctor chick from Big Town. She made us some promises that she never paid up. Now it's time to collect. {explaining why he wants to enslave this person} 159
MS13TargetsQuestion4 Flak. Anger 50 Flak used to be one of us. Thinks he can make a new life in Rivet City. He's sold us out on more than one occasion. It's time for retribution. {explaining why he wants to enslave this person} 160
MS13TargetsQuestionBack Enough about these guys. Anger 50 Great. Wasn't my idea to spend all day talking about these assholes. 161
PFGrouseGreetingInitial1 Paradise Falls? What's that? Neutral 50 Are you kidding me? You've never heard of Paradise Falls? Oh, right. The suit. You're right out of the vault, aren't you? Great. 162
Neutral 50 Shit, you're lucky you're not up there in the pens, dumbass. I can't believe you. Anyway, Paradise Falls is home to the Slavers. 163
Neutral 50 Up there, we sell the slaves that we capture out in the Wastes. So, unless you're either buying or selling, piss off. 164
Paradise Falls? What's that? Neutral 50 Are you kidding me? You've never heard of Paradise Falls? What, are you right out of the vault? Paradise Falls is home to the Slavers. 165
Neutral 50 Up there, we sell the slaves that we capture out in the Wastes. So, unless you're either buying or selling, piss off. 166
PFGrouseGreetingInitial1a Slaves? Like people? That's appalling! Neutral 50 Yeah, well, you don't like it? Keep walking. It's that simple. 167
Neutral 50 You got something else to say, or did you just come here to preach at me? 168
PFGrouseGreetingInitial1a1 Yeah, whatever. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Like what? Don't be wasting my time out here, or I'll throw you in the pens with the rest of the meat. 169
PFGrouseGreetingInitial1a2 I'm out of here. You people are sick. Neutral 50 Yeah, don't let any bullets hit you in the ass on your way out. {dismissive} 170
PFGrouseGreetingInitial1a3 I'll let my gun do the preaching. Happy 100 Then bring it on, reverend! {happy to be able to finally shut you up with his gun} 171
PFGrouseGreetingInitial1b Slaves, huh? Well, everyone's got to make a living. Neutral 50 Yep. And if you're not tough enough to survive, at least you can be useful to those of us who are. 172
PFGrouseGreetingInitial2 So, can I head on up? Neutral 50 You? I don't think so. You're not really... let's just say that you wouldn't fit in up there. 173
Neutral 50 So why don't you just turn around and head back the way you came? 174
So, can I head on up? Neutral 50 Well... no. I don't think so. 175
PFGrouseGreetingInitial3 Never mind. It's not a place I want to be. Neutral 50 Good choice. Now piss off and stop wasting my time. 176
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 Nice try asshole. Pay up or find someone else's time to waste. 177
Everyone has a price. What's yours? Disgust 50 Eulogy Jones pays me enough not to take shit from someone like you. {arrogant and dismissive} 178
Happy 50 Besides there's plenty of side "benefits" to keep me happy. {joking about taking advantage of the slaves} 179
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 10 You're starting to really annoy me. People usually start dying when I get annoyed. {mildly threatening} 180


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Sure thing. {friendly} 181
I have to go now. Disgust 50 That's a damned shame. {dripping with sarcasm} 182
I have to go now. Disgust 50 About time. I got better things to do. 183
I have to go now. Disgust 50 Good. I was tired of this conversation. 184
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Yeah, just behave yourself. The boys up there don't fuck around. 185
HELLO HELLO Anger 50 Slaver business only, remember? Now get out of here before I decide to use you for target practice. 186
HELLO Anger 50 Friendly warning... we tend to shoot first and just never ask questions. 187
HELLO Anger 50 Where do you think you're going? 188
HELLO Anger 50 You trying to get yourself shot or something? 189
HELLO Neutral 50 Enjoy your stay. Hahaha! 190
HELLO Neutral 50 What are you hangin' around here for? 191
HELLO Neutral 50 Head on up. 192
HELLO Neutral 50 Watch yourself up there. 193
HELLO Neutral 50 Jesus fucking Christ, it's dull out here. 194
HELLO Neutral 50 For fuck's sake, I'm bored. There ain't nothin' happening today. 195
MS13GrouseWarning MS13GrouseWarning Anger 50 You ain't allowed up there, you hear me? Go any farther and you're a dead man. I ain't warning you twice. {shouted warning from a distance} 196
MS13GrouseWarning Anger 50 You ain't allowed up there, you hear me? Take one more step and they'll be scraping you off the pavement. Ain't gonna warn you again. {shouted warning from a distance} 197
PFTalkGrouseRicher1 PFTalkGrouseRicher1 Neutral 50 Pfft. I wish. I ain't seen a damn thing all day. 198
PFTalkGrouseRicher1 Neutral 50 Not a damn thing. No ants, no Wasters. Nothing. It's been boring as shit. 199
PFTalkGrouseRicher3 PFTalkGrouseRicher3 Neutral 50 What are you talking about, you shot someone this morning! That guy who showed up and tried to run when he figured out where he was! 200
PFTalkGrouseRicher3 Neutral 50 Didn't you just shoot someone yesterday? 201
PFTalkRichterGrouse2 PFTalkRichterGrouse2 Neutral 50 I don't see where that's a problem. 202
PFTalkRichterGrouse2 Neutral 50 So? I like to keep myself busy, so what? 203
PFTalkRichterGrouse4 PFTalkRichterGrouse4 Neutral 50 You're kidding, right? You have to be. 204
PFTalkRichterGrouse4 Neutral 50 How about you appreciate my foot up your ass? 205


GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Anger 50 Where do you think you're going, asshole? 206
GuardTrespass Anger 50 You looking to get yourself killed? 207
GuardTrespass Anger 50 You ain't allowed up there. Don't do anything stupid. 208
GuardTrespass Anger 75 You don't seem to be taking me seriously. 209
GuardTrespass Anger 75 Nobody just walks into Paradise Falls. I ain't warning you again. 210