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Fo2 Golden Globes Porn Studio

The Golden Globes, a post-War porn movie studio

Movies, or films, are motion pictures mentioned and advertised in the Fallout world. Most were produced in a 1950s-style and reflect the moods reigning in the United States before atomic warfare. In Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, many mentioned films parody real-world, modern movies.


Using a variety of filming techniques, including holographic projection technology, movies were a common source of entertainment before the Great War,[1] and became exceedingly rare after the nuclear holocaust - and their creation even rarer. One of the only sources of new motion pictures are the pornographic recording studios of New Reno, such as the Golden Globes.[2]

Pre-War movies[]


Fallout 2[]

Fallout 3[]

  • Adios Muchachos, seen in a Fantastique Cinema in Vernon Square.
  • Destination: Anchorage, seen in a Fantastique cinema in Vernon Square.
  • Hush Sweet Senator Hush, seen in a Broadway Cinema in Seward Square.
  • I Married a Maoist, seen in a Broadway cinema in Seward Square.
  • The Nutty Nanny, seen in a Fantastique cinema in Vernon Square.
  • One Wife Hold the Meatballs, seen in a Broadway cinema in Seward Square.
  • P.S. I Hate You, seen in a Broadway cinema in Seward Square.
  • Raz Bastion and the Amazons of Xarn, seen in a Broadway cinema in Seward Square.
  • Yikes! shown at the Museum of Technology.
  • The Long Road to Mars shown at the Museum of Technology.
  • Journey Beyond the Universe shown at the Museum of Technology.
  • We're All Just Stardust shown at the Museum of Technology.
  • Zany Planet shown at the Museum of Technology.
  • Rollercoaster shown at the Museum of Technology.
  • Colonoscopy shown at the Museum of Technology.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Fallout 4[]

Far Harbor[]


  • Armageddon-O-Rama, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • Atom Bum, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • The Beast With A Trillion Eyes, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • The Bomb Strikes At Midnight, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • The Chartreuse Slime: The Slimening, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • The Chartreuse Slime 2: Slime To Die, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • The Chartreuse Slime 3: Slime Doesn't Pay, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • The Chartreuse Slime 4: War Slimes, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • Death Comes Singing, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • Dutch Diggers of Dusseldorf, mentioned on a plaque in Wixon's Shovel Museum.
  • Graaaaaaagh!: The Sequel, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • Insects Ate My Baby, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • My Husband The Mutant, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • Nuka-Monster, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • Nuka-Valley Massacre, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.
  • Yikes! There's Blood Everywhere!, seen in Starlight Interstellar Theater.

Fallout 76[]

Fallout TV series[]

Fallout Tactics[]

Post-War movies[]

Fallout 2[]

  • Days of Rubber,[15] mentioned by Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman in the Hubologist Compound in San Francisco.
  • Frisky Business,[15] mentioned by Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman in the Hubologist Compound in San Francisco.
  • Good Will Humping, produced by the Golden Globes in New Reno.
  • Great Balls for Hire, produced by the Golden Globes in New Reno.
  • Pokeahotass, produced by the Golden Globes in New Reno.
  • Pullout: Post-Nuclear Boogalo, produced by the Golden Globes in New Reno.
  • Top Bun,[15] mentioned by Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman in the Hubologist Compound in San Francisco.
  • Vault Sexteen, produced by the Golden Globes in New Reno.

Behind the scenes[]




  1. PRO SCEN.MSG (Fallout): "{1500}{}{Holo Generator}"
    "{1501}{}{A large-scale THT entertainment tape player. No new movies have been made in 80 years.}"
  2. The Chosen One: "{655}{}{How do you "film?" I mean, c'mon…you'd need cameras, film, projectors…where would you get all that stuff?}"
    Corsican Brothers: "{670}{}{We lucked out…we don't NEED any of that stoneage crap. We stumbled across a WORKING porno…er, holo…graphic projector. No bulky equipment, no fuss…and no unsightly mess.}"
  3. NcActres.msg - "What film are YOU trying out for? The Day the Earth Stood Still? Get out of here!"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Wsterm2b.msg: "{136}{}{Read Order Confirmation}"
    "{142}{}{This is to confirm your video order for Debbie Does the Army and Deep Throat volume 1059. Your order should arrive by mail in 2-4 weeks. Thank you for your order.}"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Casino patron: "{332}{}{You looking for your brother Robby? You know, the Robot? Aw, nevermind.}"
    "{337}{}{'Danger, Will Robinson! Danger, Will Robinson!' Heh-heh. Uh…just a joke.}"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Reno townsfolk: "{510}{}{You looking for your brother Robby? You know, the Robot? Aw, nevermind.}"
    "{514}{}{'Danger, Will Robinson! Danger, Will Robinson!' Heh-heh. Uh…just a joke.}"
  7. Vault City medical terminal: "{210}{}{Danger! Will Robinson!}"
  8. The Chosen One: "{106}{}{I hear you have someone else's spleen.}"
    Wong Yi Tze: "{140}{}{Ahh, yes! Indeed. I will prepare it with fava beans and a nice chianti.}"
    The Chosen One: "{143}{}{You do know that you're supposed to serve liver with that wine instead of spleen, right?}"
    Wong Yi Tze: "{155}{}{Ha ha! Yes, I too saw that old movie. Wait... what are you saying? Are you saying that...?}"
    The Chosen One: "{156}{}{Yes, it's a human spleen.}"
  9. New Reno prostitute: "{850}{}{I think I saw this same situation in an Anime video once.}"
    (New Reno prostitute's dialogue)
  10. Dead Money loading screen: "The Hologram's hostile stance is said to have been inspired by a Pre-War sci-fi horror movie that made the world stand still."
  11. The Courier: "Where did you learn that?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Not from the Legion, if that's what you're getting at. Books. Sheet music. Gladiator movie holotapes. Bits and pieces here and there. The Followers have extensive libraries, but we all draw water from the same old well. Even Caesar."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "What is the purpose of the technologies?"
    Mobius: "The X-2 Antenna can be used to focus your alpha wave frequency thought patterns. The Sneaky Suit? Why, it houses a cardiac regulator. And the sonic soundwave projecto-emitter was never intended as a weapon. It was a medicinal vertebrae-pulse-de-sensitizer. In short: Brains, a heart, and courage... spine. I think there was a story once where a band of murderous thugs sought these things. They had them all the time in the story. Didn't stop them from murdering to get them, and it won't stop the Think Tank, either."
    (Mobius' dialogue)
  13. Rose of Sharon Cassidy:"Place feels like the Sorcerer of Oz sometimes."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  14. Vault 118 placard: "Baseball bat used by award winning Keith McKinney in 'Swing For The Fence'."
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{103}{}{Him: Hi! I'm Juan Cruz! Her: And I'm Vikki Goldman! Both: We're celebrities! And we endorse Hubology! Both: Please note that any similarities between us and people or institutions, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.}"
    The Chosen One: "{105}{}{Celebrities? What makes you celebrities?}"
    "{121}{}{Her: Why, we were in the movie business in New Reno. We made hundreds of films, many of them classics, like "Top Bun," "Frisky Bizness," and "Days of Rubber". That's what makes us celebrities.}"