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Fallout Wiki

Into the Hollow Earth was an upcoming science fiction motion picture, scheduled for release in 2078.


The premise of the film was a location where prehistoric monsters still roam free, whose entrance was at the base of a dormant volcano, called Hollow Earth. It was an isolated world, filled with terrible beasts, lost civilizations, and savage magic. It was advertised as a world that Jules Verne would only dream about. It was also promoted that it was available in "DinoVision" and that it was not available in most areas.[1]


Into the Hollow Earth is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

Behind the scenes[]

The film alludes to the 1864 Jules Verne novel Journey to the Center of the Earth, in which a small team enters into a subterranean world by traveling down a volcanic tube. There, they discover prehistoric creatures long thought to be extinct.

