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Fallout Wiki

ā€œOnce in a blue moon, the devil comes for YOU!ā€

The Devil's Moon was a pre-War monster horror movie.


The film's plot appears to be focused on the legend of the cryptid known as the Blue Devil, with the poster stating that it was "based on the classic horror story!"[1]

The Devil's Moon starred Jack Stoll, Alexander Chains and Lillien Veigh. It was released in 2077 was directed by Nick Markson. It was filmed and shown in theaters in 3D.[1]


  • A poster for The Devil's Moon is a scoreboard reward at rank 7 of Shoot for the Stars, the thirteenth in-game season. The same poster also appears in Aries' boxcar home at Big Bend Tunnel East.
  • The Devil's Moon also appears in another C.A.M.P. object reward from Shoot for the Stars, a movie projector at rank 83. In the projector screen, The Devil's Moon has a copyright date of MMLXXVII (2077).
  • The poster for The Devil's Moon includes a disclaimer that "the director shall not be held liable for any extreme emotions that occur while viewing this motion picture."


The Devil's Moon is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update.

