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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for the New Reno prostitute in New Reno and Cat's Paw girls in the Cat's Paw brothel.


{100}{}{You see a prostitute.}

{150}{}{You see a…lady of the evening. Her tattered clothes are draped seductively around her body.}
{151}{}{You see a prostitute. She winks at you.}
{152}{}{You see a prostitute. Her eyes are like blown fuses.}
{153}{}{You see a prostitute. She smells like flowers.}
{154}{}{You see a prostitute. She smells like mother.}
{155}{}{You see a prostitute. It is a mystery to you how her tattered rags manage to hold her breasts in.}
{156}{}{You see a prostitute. She looks as if she kills her mates and eats them.}
{157}{}{You see a prostitute. She is appraising you like a jeweler.}
{158}{}{You see a prostitute. Her tattered clothes are draped seductively around her body.}

{175}{}{Oh my…it's him. .}
{176}{}{You are the biggest stud in the world.}
{178}{}{Yeah, }
{181}{}{Oh my…it's her. }
{182}{}{You go, girl!}
{183}{}{::Gives you the thumbs up sign::}

{190}{}{You couldn't pay me enough chips to get it on with you in THAT.}

{195}{}{Over here, }
{196}{}{Look! It's him!}
{197}{}{Hey, }
{198}{}{Hey, sweetie? Any openings I could fill?}
{199}{}{When is your next movie coming out?}
{200}{}{Mmmm-mmmm. Work it, baby.}
{201}{}{What do you need ME for, Boogie Man?}
{202}{}{Ooops. I dropped something in your pants. Let me get it.}
{203}{}{I loved you in Great Balls for Hire.}
{204}{}{I loved you in Good Will Humping.}
{205}{}{I loved you in Vault Sexteen.}
{206}{}{You were great in Pokeahotass.}
{207}{}{Mmmmm-mmmm. How do you keep so fit?}
{208}{}{Can I have your autograph? On my chest?}
{209}{}{Could I act in your next movie?}
{210}{}{I would never fake it for YOU, }
{211}{}{Getting…weak. Can't…hold out…much longer. Must…have…sex…with you…}

{212}{}{She's no star, she's just tribal trash...}
{213}{}{I didn't realize they allowed porn stars to get THAT fat...}
{214}{}{She's fugly.}
{215}{}{She has all the sex appeal of a wet paper bag…}
{216}{}{Ugly as sin…}
{217}{}{The way she acts, you'd think she was a hero model instead of a porn star.}
{218}{}{She tries anything, I'll scar her…}
{219}{}{I don't know what the Corsican Brothers SEE in her…}
{220}{}{She's as talented as a rock and twice as ugly.}
{221}{}{That's right, you KEEP on walking.}
{222}{}{Makes me nauseous just looking at her…}
{223}{}{Look at her, strutting around like that…}
{224}{}{She's got a face only a brahmin could love.}
{225}{}{Well, if it isn't grand Queen Turd.}
{226}{}{If it ain't little miss bitchy…}
{227}{}{If it ain't little-miss-porn-star…}
{228}{}{Uglier than a brahmin's ass.}
{229}{}{Push off! This is our area, bitch!}
{230}{}{Haul your fat ass outta my sight.}
{231}{}{You're as talented as my shoe.}
{232}{}{Stay on this street, and we'll cut you.}
{234}{}{Stuck-up whore…}
{237}{}{Get outta here, yer spoiling the biz.}
{238}{}{Scrawny whore.}
{239}{}{Don't talk to me, bitch.}
{240}{}{Go back to making your money the slow way, whore.}
{241}{}{What part of 'piss off' don't you understand?}
{242}{}{Speak to me again, I'll cut out your tongue.}
{244}{}{::Ignores you.::}
{245}{}{::Makes an obscene gesture::}
{246}{}{Get outta here, "Miss Movie Star."}
{247}{}{Beat it, whore.}
{248}{}{You try anything, I'll scar you…}
{249}{}{I don't know what the Corsican Brothers SEE in you…}
{250}{}{You're as talented as a rock and twice as ugly.}
{251}{}{I don't talk to TRASH like you.}

{252}{}{Look at those muscles! Makes me weak…}
{255}{}{He's built like a tank. Check out that barrel.}
{256}{}{Check out the barrel on that tank…}
{257}{}{He's all mine…}
{259}{}{What a badass.}
{260}{}{That boy makes me weak.}
{261}{}{If it ain't the King of Sting…}
{262}{}{He has lead in his pencil, that's for damn sure.}
{263}{}{Look! It's }
{265}{}{Now THERE'S some trouble I want to get into.}
{266}{}{Want to jump in the ring with me, champ?}
{267}{}{Wanna box, champ?}
{268}{}{How's it hanging, }
{269}{}{Looking for me?}
{270}{}{Why don't you come around more often?}
{271}{}{I got an opening you can fill.}
{272}{}{Need some company, }
{273}{}{You are SUCH a badass.}
{274}{}{You make me weak, you know that?}
{275}{}{Nice unit you got there.}
{276}{}{Need someone to take care of that for you, champ?}
{277}{}{Hey…watch out for the Masticator. He's a real jerk. He tried to bite my ear off once.}

{278}{}{Look! It's }
{279}{}{Need some company, }
{281}{}{She is SUCH a badass. I wish I could kick guy's asses like she does.}
{282}{}{There goes one tough woman.}
{283}{}{She looks so…(shivers)…dangerous.}
{284}{}{She's pretty sexy.}

# 7. [MADE MAN]
{285}{}{Oh my…it's him. }
{286}{}{He looks so…(shivers)…dangerous.}
{289}{}{What a badass.}
{290}{}{That boy makes me weak.}
{291}{}{He has lead in his pencil, that's for damn sure.}
{292}{}{Hellooooo, }
{293}{}{Need some company, }
{295}{}{Oh my…it's her. }
{296}{}{She is such a badass.}
{297}{}{There goes one tough bitch.}
{298}{}{She looks so…(shivers)…dangerous.}
{299}{}{She's pretty sexy.}

# 8. [SLAVER]
{300}{}{My name's Easy, slaver. What's yours?}
{301}{}{Hey, slaver, need some comapny?}
{302}{}{Let me teach you some things only a woman can teach.}
{303}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, slaver?}
{304}{}{Got some hot-rocks there, slaver.}
{305}{}{Nasty little crotch cobra there.}
{306}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{307}{}{Slaver, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{308}{}{Looking for a date?}
{309}{}{Heard there was some trouble on Commercial Row...}
{310}{}{Looking for some company?}
{311}{}{Wanna dance?}
{312}{}{Slaver, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{313}{}{Sure, I'll be one of your 'companions' for a few chips.}
{314}{}{New stranger in towm, looks like…}
{315}{}{Wanna fly, slaver?}
{316}{}{Wanna play slaver and servant?}
{317}{}{Nice dill.}
{318}{}{Let me cheer you up, sad clown.}
{319}{}{Lose your way, slaver?}
{320}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, slaver?}
{321}{}{That man could melt metal.}
{322}{}{Myron? I wouldn't touch him for a million chips. Make it two million.}
{323}{}{Looking for a good time, slaver?}
{324}{}{I like the look of your gecko, slaver.}
{325}{}{That a gecko in your pocket?}
{326}{}{Hey there, slaver.}
{327}{}{Need a date, slaver?}
{328}{}{Where's the fire, slaver?}
{329}{}{Childe, let me make you a man.}
{330}{}{Wanna play slaver and servant?}
{331}{}{Wanna pretend we're deathclaws in mating season?}
{332}{}{Need to pop a clip, slaver?}
{333}{}{Want to help a virgin lose her virginity?}
{334}{}{That slaver makes my Geiger counter tick.}
{335}{}{If you want me to be nice, that'll be extra.}
{336}{}{[Sings.] "Let's play - master and servant. Let's play - master and servant."}
{337}{}{Take a gamble on me, slaver.}
{338}{}{I finally installed that padded headboard.}
{339}{}{Taste of paradise'll cost you ten chips.}
{340}{}{Wanna play master and servant, slaver?}
{341}{}{Myron: All wax. No wick.}
{342}{}{Myron's a real twister…}
{343}{}{AC-DC, B n' D, whatever.}
{344}{}{What does he expect me to do, bend down for him?}
{345}{}{Need someone to yank your leash, slaver?}
{346}{}{Myron still keeps coming around...}
{347}{}{That Bishop girl is a bed-bunny.}
{348}{}{She ain't no Jet addict, she's a BONE addict.}
{349}{}{Action at the Cat's Paw is heating up...}
{350}{}{Had a marathon session running away from Myron last night...}
{351}{}{Looking for some TLC, slaver?}
{352}{}{Been walking this strip since yesterday...}
{353}{}{Like anything you see, slaver?}
{354}{}{You looking for love, slaver?}
{355}{}{Hey there, slaver! Come chat with me.}
{356}{}{::Whistles at you::}
{357}{}{Going to be in Reno long?}
{358}{}{I hate teabags.}
{359}{}{Why don't you take me back to your cage, slaver?}
{360}{}{Only takes a few chips gets my attention.}
{361}{}{Pure Reno love, right here.}
{362}{}{I'll give you some play.}
{363}{}{I'm Filthy Spice.}
{364}{}{I'm Homely Spice.}
{365}{}{I'm Slutty Spice.}
{366}{}{I'm Old Spice.}
{367}{}{I'm Syphilis…er, Slutty Spice.}
{368}{}{I'm Dirty Spice.}
{369}{}{Wranglers in the dust, that's what I want.}
{370}{}{I've got a friend if you want a double-header, slaver.}
{371}{}{Wish Myron was gay.}
{372}{}{New blood in town…}
{373}{}{Still don't know why they call it Virgin Street…}
{374}{}{Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?}
{375}{}{I wish he'd wear a paper bag sometimes…}
{376}{}{Buy a girl a drink, slaver?}
{377}{}{Take a lonely lady on the town, slaver?}
{378}{}{Need a friend for tonight, slaver?}
{379}{}{Looking for some new merchandise, slaver?}
{380}{}{Come over here, slaver, the show's about to begin…}
{381}{}{I heard some of the girls uptown killed their pimp.}
{382}{}{Most beautiful woman in the wastes, right here...}
{383}{}{That Jules better leave me alone.}
{384}{}{Still got that bruise from the headboard…}
{385}{}{Been worn out ever since that last convention…}
{386}{}{I wish that slaver convention took place in some other town.}
{387}{}{I felt the Earth move, but it was just the chili.}
{388}{}{Make me melt.}
{389}{}{He keeps it up, he's gonna bust his ticker…}
{390}{}{I'll take care of you, slaver.}
{391}{}{I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it.}
{392}{}{Jules keeps trying to deal on 2nd Street...}
{393}{}{Hey, slaver! Need a guide?}
{394}{}{Jules keeps wanting freebies.}
{395}{}{Need your cage rattled, slaver?}
{396}{}{I hear the families are getting tense again.}
{397}{}{Things are pretty slow. I wish that caravan would show.}
{398}{}{So he dresses up in this Deathclaw costume, then…}
{399}{}{I need help getting out of this dress.}
{400}{}{Zip me up? Then down again?}
{401}{}{Mmm-mmm. Looks like mating season.}
{402}{}{Need a friend?}
{403}{}{I kicked Jules in his family jewels last week.}
{404}{}{Looking to go down-town, slaver?}
{405}{}{They don't call me Lady Lucky for nothing.}
{406}{}{Love those brahmin-flavored condoms.}
{407}{}{Show a lady a good time, slaver?}
{408}{}{Myron keeps pestering me. At least his MONEY'S good.}
{409}{}{All you ever need is right here.}
{410}{}{Looking for Eden? Right here.}
{411}{}{You got the money, slaver, I got the time.}
{412}{}{Can you help me? I'm looking for my lost virginity.}
{413}{}{I'm a virgin, but I need the money.}
{414}{}{Be gentle, it's my first time. Today.}
{415}{}{Me so horny.}
{416}{}{You got the craving, I got the saving.}
{417}{}{Let me awaken your inner child.}
{418}{}{Wanna dance, sweetheart?}
{419}{}{Lookin' to stake a claim?}
{420}{}{Wanna make me moan?}
{423}{}{::Blows you a kiss::}
{424}{}{Wanna get together?}
{425}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{426}{}{Tying you up costs extra.}
{427}{}{Where did I leave my whip?}
{428}{}{Ready like a freddie.}
{429}{}{I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes.}
{430}{}{I was with Myron last night. For about five seconds.}
{431}{}{Wish they'd come out with some Jet-smelling body oils...}
{432}{}{My ass is going to fall off, Myron keeps it up.}
{433}{}{Damn Temperance Union came around again…}
{435}{}{I guarantee I'm better than that Pip Boy attachment you've been using.}
{436}{}{Want me to tighten your screws, slaver?}
{437}{}{I'd rather be with Avellone.}
{438}{}{I wish Nick Kesting was here. We could talk for hours!}
{439}{}{Nick Kesting is a really nice guy. We have great conversations.}
{440}{}{Tommy the Balls is sooo dreamy.}
{441}{}{Well, well. Look who just rolled into town...}
{442}{}{You look like someone with some time to burn.}
{443}{}{Oh, boy! A tourist!}
{444}{}{Biting is extra.}
{445}{}{My name's Easy, slaver-girl. What's yours?}
{446}{}{Hey, slaver-girl. Looking for the other woman?}
{447}{}{Looking for a taste of the other side, sweetheart?}
{448}{}{Need a "slave" for the evening, slaver-girl?}
{449}{}{Need someone to warm your tent, slaver-girl?}
{450}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, slaver-girl?}
{451}{}{Wanna dance, slaver-girl?}
{452}{}{Slaver-girl, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{453}{}{Wanna fly, slaver-girl?}
{454}{}{Lose your way, slaver-girl?}
{455}{}{Looking for a good time, slaver-girl?}
{456}{}{Didn't realize the slaver guild had women now...}
{457}{}{Where's the fire, slaver-girl?}
{458}{}{That slaver girl's pretty foxy.}
{459}{}{That slaver-girl makes my Geiger counter tick.}

{460}{}{I guarantee I'm better in the sack that that robot following you around.}
{461}{}{Is that robot FULLY functional?}
{462}{}{Is that some kind of slot machine that's following you around?}
{463}{}{Is that a robo-slot machine?}
{464}{}{Does your robot do tricks? Uh…magic tricks, I mean.}
{465}{}{Tell me that ain't a mutant.}
{466}{}{That mutant'll be extra. LOTS extra.}
{467}{}{Uh-oh. Mutants in New Reno. Must mean trouble.}
{468}{}{That mutant is one big mutha.}
{469}{}{That mutant looks like he could crush me in one hand. Hmmmnnn.}
{470}{}{I wouldn't even know what to charge for a mutant.}

{471}{}{Hey, Myron!}
{472}{}{Myron! Honey! When are you going to come back and see lil' ol me?}
{473}{}{My-ron. Myyyyyy-ron.}
{474}{}{Myron, who's your cute friend?}
{475}{}{Myron, honey! Myron! You looking for some action?}
{476}{}{Yoo-hoo! Myron!}
{477}{}{I been missing you, Myron!}
{478}{}{Myron, you are sooooo dreamy. Well, sort of.}
{479}{}{Myron, when are you gonna see me again?}
{480}{}{Can you get me some Jet, Myron?}
{481}{}{When are you gonna set me up with some Jet, Myron?}
{482}{}{Can you help me fly, Myron?}

{483}{}{My name's Easy. What's yours?}
{484}{}{Need a little company?}
{485}{}{Let me teach you some things only a woman can teach.}
{486}{}{Need someone to warm your tent?}
{487}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll?}
{488}{}{Got some hot-rocks there, pal.}
{489}{}{Nasty little crotch cobra there.}
{490}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{491}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{492}{}{Looking for a date?}
{493}{}{Heard there was some trouble on Commercial Row...}
{494}{}{Looking for some company?}
{495}{}{Only sports going on in Reno nowdays in tonsil hockey...}
{496}{}{Wanna dance?}
{497}{}{Forget the slot machines. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{498}{}{I can't believe how many strippers were at Feargus' bachelor party.}
{499}{}{New stranger in town, looks like…}
{500}{}{Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?}
{501}{}{Wanna fly?}
{502}{}{Haven't seen any caravans from Redding in a while.}
{503}{}{Nice dill.}
{504}{}{Let me cheer you up, sad clown.}
{505}{}{Lose your way, cowboy?}
{506}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, soldier?}
{507}{}{That man could melt metal.}
{508}{}{Too many streetwalkers in this town, not enough chips to go around.}
{509}{}{I've been walking this street since last night...}
{510}{}{Need a friend for the evening? Or just ten minutes?}
{511}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{512}{}{Looking to go down-town?}
{513}{}{I like the look of your gecko.}
{514}{}{That a gecko in your pocket?}
{515}{}{You need a guide around town, sugah?}
{516}{}{Where's the fire?}
{517}{}{Childe, let me make you a man.}
{518}{}{Sometimes the way women in this town are designed offends me.}
{519}{}{Wanna pretend we're deathclaws in mating season?}
{520}{}{That man makes my Geiger counter tick.}
{521}{}{If I have to talk to you afterwards, that's extra.}
{522}{}{Anything I can help you with, stranger?}
{523}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{524}{}{Your friend with the bone in his nose…great gimmick.}
{525}{}{Does your friend with the bone do tricks with his nose or sumthin'?}
{526}{}{Maybe I should put a bone in my nose. Might attract more female customers.}
{527}{}{That fella's got a bone in his nose the size of my arm. Keeee-rist.}
{528}{}{I don't even want to know how that boy got that bone in his nose.}
{529}{}{Is your friend with the bone in his nose in the business?}
{530}{}{How much does your friend with the bone in his nose charge?}
{531}{}{For thirty chips, I can make that bone in your friend's nose larger.}
{532}{}{Your friend with the bone in his nose over-compensating for something?}
{533}{}{I finally installed that padded headboard.}
{534}{}{Taste of paradise? Ten chips.}
{535}{}{Myron: All wax. No wick.}
{536}{}{Myron's a real twister.}
{537}{}{AC-DC, B n' D, whatever.}
{538}{}{What does he expect me to do, bend down for him?}
{539}{}{Keep thinking that Reno sign's gonna fall down...}
{540}{}{That Bishop girl is a bed-bunny.}
{541}{}{She ain't no Jet addict, she's a BONE addict.}
{542}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}
{543}{}{Felt like I was in a marathon last night...}
{544}{}{Looking for love, honey?}
{545}{}{Wish Myron would move away. Far away.}
{546}{}{I can do ANYTHING you want...for the right price.}
{547}{}{I'm ready to go, honey. How about you?}
{548}{}{::Whistles at you::}
{549}{}{I hate teabags.}
{550}{}{Take a gamble on me, honey.}
{551}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{552}{}{Pure Reno love, right here.}
{553}{}{I'll give you some play.}
{554}{}{I'm Filthy Spice.}
{555}{}{I'm Homely Spice.}
{556}{}{I'm Slutty Spice.}
{557}{}{I'm Old Spice.}
{558}{}{I'm Syphilis…er, Slutty Spice.}
{559}{}{I'm Dirty Spice.}
{560}{}{Wranglers in the dust, that's what I want.}
{561}{}{I've got a girlfriend if you want a double-header.}
{562}{}{Wish Myron was gay.}
{563}{}{New blood in town…}
{564}{}{Still don't know why they call it Virgin Street…}
{565}{}{I wish he'd wear a paper bag sometimes…}
{566}{}{Buy a girl a drink?}
{567}{}{Take a lonely lady on the town?}
{568}{}{Oh, boy! A tourist!}
{569}{}{Come over here, honey, the show's about to begin…}
{570}{}{I heard some of the girls uptown killed their pimp.}
{571}{}{Hellooooo, stranger.}
{572}{}{That Jules better leave me alone.}
{573}{}{Still got that bruise from the headboard…}
{574}{}{Been worn out ever since that last convention…}
{575}{}{I wish those tribals would go to some other town.}
{576}{}{I felt the Earth move, but it was just the chili.}
{577}{}{Make me melt.}
{578}{}{He keeps it up, he's gonna bust his ticker…}
{579}{}{The buzzing of the neon keeps driving me crazy...}
{580}{}{I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it.}
{581}{}{To think I came from the Den for this...}
{582}{}{Hey, stranger! Need a guide?}
{583}{}{Jules keeps wanting freebies.}
{584}{}{I hear the families are getting tense again.}
{585}{}{Things are pretty slow. I wish that caravan would show.}
{586}{}{So he dresses up in this Deathclaw costume, then…}
{587}{}{I need help getting out of this dress.}
{588}{}{Zip me up? Then down again?}
{589}{}{Mmm-mmm. Looks like mating season.}
{590}{}{Wanna waste some time?}
{591}{}{I kicked Jules in his family jewels last week.}
{592}{}{They don't call me Lady Lucky for nothing.}
{593}{}{Love those brahmin-flavored condoms.}
{594}{}{Show a lady a good time?}
{595}{}{Wish they would invent a sexual placebo for Myron.}
{596}{}{Need a date, tribal?}
{597}{}{Want to pow-wow, tribal?}
{598}{}{Want to do the rain dance in my bedroom, tribal?}
{599}{}{All you need is one night with me.}
{600}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{601}{}{You got the chips, I got the time.}
{602}{}{Can you help me? I'm looking for my lost virginity.}
{603}{}{I'm a virgin, but I need the money.}
{604}{}{Be gentle, it's my first time. Today.}
{605}{}{Me so horny.}
{606}{}{You got the craving, I got the saving.}
{607}{}{Let me awaken your inner child.}
{608}{}{Wanna dance, sweetheart?}
{609}{}{Lookin' to stake a claim?}
{610}{}{Wanna make me moan?}
{613}{}{::Blows you a kiss::}
{614}{}{Been up since last night...}
{615}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{616}{}{Tying you up costs extra.}
{617}{}{Where did I leave my whip?}
{618}{}{Ready like a freddie.}
{619}{}{I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes.}
{620}{}{I was with Myron last night. For about five seconds.}
{621}{}{Looking to pop a clip?}
{622}{}{Wish they'd come out with some Jet-smelling body oils...}
{623}{}{Want to help a virgin lose her virginity?}
{624}{}{My ass is going to fall off, Myron keeps it up.}
{625}{}{Damn Temperance Union came around again…}
{627}{}{Biting is extra.}
{628}{}{I guarantee I'm better than that Pip Boy attachment you've been using.}
{629}{}{Want me to tighten your screws?}
{630}{}{I'd rather be with Avellone.}
{631}{}{I wish Nick Kesting was here. We could talk for hours!}
{632}{}{Nick Kesting is a really nice guy. We have great conversations.}
{633}{}{Tommy the Balls is sooo dreamy.}
{634}{}{Well, well. Look who just rolled into town.}
{635}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{636}{}{Take a gamble on me, honey.}
{637}{}{My name's Easy, girl. What's yours?}
{638}{}{Hey, cutie. Looking for the other woman?}
{639}{}{Looking for a taste of the other side, sweetheart?}
{640}{}{Need a little company?}
{641}{}{Girl, let me teach you some things only a WOMAN can teach.}
{642}{}{Need someone to warm your tent, girl?}
{643}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, girl?}
{644}{}{Wanna dance, girl?}
{645}{}{Forget the slot machines, girl. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{646}{}{Girl, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{647}{}{Wanna fly, girl?}
{648}{}{Lose your way, cowgirl?}
{649}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, G.I. Jane?}
{650}{}{Looking for a good time, girl?}
{651}{}{Looking to go down-town, girlie?}
{652}{}{You need a guide around town, sugah?}
{653}{}{Where's the fire, girl?}
{654}{}{That woman makes my Geiger counter tick.}

# 12. [NO REP]
{655}{}{My name's Easy. What's yours?}
{656}{}{Need a little company?}
{657}{}{Let me teach you some things only a woman can teach.}
{658}{}{Need someone to warm your tent?}
{659}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll?}
{660}{}{Got some hot-rocks there, pal.}
{661}{}{Nasty little crotch cobra there.}
{662}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{663}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{664}{}{Looking for a date?}
{665}{}{Heard there was some trouble on Commercial Row...}
{666}{}{Looking for some company?}
{667}{}{Only sports going on in Reno nowdays in tonsil hockey...}
{668}{}{Wanna dance?}
{669}{}{Forget the slot machines. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{670}{}{I can't believe how many strippers were at Feargus' bachelor party.}
{671}{}{New stranger in town, looks like…}
{672}{}{Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?}
{673}{}{Wanna fly?}
{674}{}{Haven't seen any caravans from Redding in a while...}
{675}{}{Nice dill.}
{676}{}{Let me cheer you up, sad clown.}
{677}{}{Lose your way, cowboy?}
{678}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, soldier?}
{679}{}{That man could melt metal.}
{680}{}{Too many streetwalkers in this town, not enough chips to go around.}
{681}{}{Been walking this street since last night...}
{682}{}{Need a friend for the evening? Or just ten minutes?}
{683}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{684}{}{Looking to go down-town?}
{685}{}{I like the look of your gecko.}
{686}{}{That a gecko in your pocket?}
{687}{}{Need a guide around town, sugah?}
{688}{}{Where's the fire?}
{689}{}{Childe, let me make you a man.}
{691}{}{Wanna pretend we're deathclaws in mating season?}
{692}{}{That man makes my Geiger counter tick.}
{693}{}{If I have to talk to you aftewards, that's extra.}
{694}{}{Anything I can help you with, stranger?}
{695}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{696}{}{I finally installed that padded headboard.}
{697}{}{Taste of paradise'll cost you ten chips.}
{698}{}{Myron: All wax. No wick.}
{699}{}{Myron's a real twister.}
{700}{}{AC-DC, B n' D, whatever.}
{701}{}{What does he expect me to do, bend down for him?}
{702}{}{Keep thinking that Reno sign's gonna fall down...}
{703}{}{That Bishop girl is a bed-bunny.}
{704}{}{She ain't no Jet addict, she's a BONE addict.}
{705}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}
{706}{}{Felt like I was in a marathon last night...}
{707}{}{Looking for love, honey?}
{708}{}{Wish Myron would move away. Far away.}
{709}{}{I can do ANYTHING you want...for the right price.}
{710}{}{I'm ready to go, honey. How about you?}
{711}{}{::Whistles at you::}
{712}{}{I hate teabags.}
{713}{}{Take a gamble on me, honey.}
{714}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{715}{}{Pure Reno love, right here.}
{716}{}{I'll give you some play.}
{717}{}{I'm Filthy Spice.}
{718}{}{I'm Homely Spice.}
{719}{}{I'm Slutty Spice.}
{720}{}{I'm Old Spice.}
{721}{}{I'm Syphilis…er, Slutty Spice.}
{722}{}{I'm Dirty Spice.}
{723}{}{Wranglers in the dust, that's what I want.}
{724}{}{I've got a girlfriend if you want a double-header.}
{725}{}{Wish Myron was gay.}
{726}{}{New blood in town…}
{727}{}{Still don't know why they call it Virgin Street…}
{728}{}{I wish he'd wear a paper bag sometimes…}
{729}{}{Buy a girl a drink?}
{730}{}{Take a lonely lady on the town?}
{731}{}{Oh, boy! A tourist!}
{732}{}{Come over here, honey, the show's about to begin…}
{733}{}{I heard some of the girls uptown killed their pimp.}
{734}{}{Helloooo, stranger.}
{735}{}{That Jules better leave me alone.}
{736}{}{Still got that bruise from the headboard…}
{737}{}{Been worn out ever since that last convention…}
{738}{}{Wish tribals would stop coming through here.}
{739}{}{I felt the Earth move, but it was just the chili.}
{740}{}{Make me melt.}
{741}{}{He keeps it up, he's gonna bust his ticker…}
{742}{}{Buzzing of the neon is driving me crazy...}
{743}{}{I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it.}
{744}{}{To think I came from the Den for this...}
{745}{}{Hey, stranger! Need a guide?}
{746}{}{Jules keeps wanting freebies.}
{747}{}{I hear the families are getting tense again.}
{748}{}{Things are pretty slow. I wish that caravan would show.}
{749}{}{So he dresses up in this Deathclaw costume, then…}
{750}{}{I need help getting out of this dress.}
{751}{}{Zip me up? Then down again?}
{752}{}{Mmm-mmm. Looks like mating season.}
{753}{}{Wanna waste some time?}
{754}{}{I kicked Jules in his family jewels last week.}
{755}{}{They don't call me Lady Lucky for nothing.}
{756}{}{Love those brahmin-flavored condoms.}
{757}{}{Show a lady a good time?}
{758}{}{Wish they would invent a sexual placebo for Myron.}
{759}{}{Need a date, tribal?}
{760}{}{Want to pow-wow, tribal?}
{761}{}{Want to do the rain dance in my bedroom, tribal?}
{762}{}{All you need is one night with me.}
{763}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{764}{}{You got the chips, I got the time.}
{765}{}{Can you help me? I'm looking for my lost virginity.}
{766}{}{I'm a virgin, but I need the money.}
{767}{}{Be gentle, it's my first time. Today.}
{768}{}{Me so horny.}
{769}{}{You got the craving, I got the saving.}
{770}{}{Let me awaken your inner child.}
{771}{}{Wanna dance, sweetheart?}
{772}{}{Lookin' to stake a claim?}
{773}{}{Wanna make me moan?}
{776}{}{::Blows you a kiss::}
{777}{}{Been up since last night...}
{778}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{779}{}{Tying you up costs extra.}
{780}{}{Where did I leave my whip?}
{781}{}{Ready like a freddie.}
{782}{}{I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes.}
{783}{}{I was with Myron last night. For about five seconds.}
{784}{}{Looking to pop a clip?}
{785}{}{Wish they'd come out with some Jet-smelling body oils...}
{786}{}{Want to help a virgin lose her virginity?}
{787}{}{My ass is going to fall off, Myron keeps it up.}
{788}{}{Damn Temperance Union came around again…}
{790}{}{Biting is extra.}
{791}{}{I guarantee I'm better than that Pip Boy attachment you've been using.}
{792}{}{Want me to tighten your screws?}
{793}{}{I'd rather be with Avellone.}
{794}{}{I wish Nick Kesting was here. We could talk for hours!}
{795}{}{Nick Kesting is a really nice guy. We have great conversations.}
{796}{}{Tommy the Balls is sooo dreamy.}
{797}{}{Well, well. Look who just rolled into town...}
{798}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{799}{}{Take a gamble on me, honey.}
{800}{}{My name's Easy, girl. What's yours?}
{801}{}{Hey, cutie. Looking for the other woman?}
{802}{}{Looking for a taste of the other side, sweetheart?}
{803}{}{Need a little company?}
{804}{}{Girl, let me teach you some things only a WOMAN can teach.}
{805}{}{Need someone to warm your tent, girl?}
{806}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, girl?}
{807}{}{Wanna dance, girl?}
{808}{}{Forget the slot machines, girl. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{809}{}{Girl, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{810}{}{Wanna fly, girl?}
{811}{}{Lose your way, cowgirl?}
{812}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, G.I. Jane?}
{813}{}{Looking for a good time, girl?}
{814}{}{Looking to go down-town, girlie?}
{815}{}{Need a guide around town, sugah?}
{816}{}{Where's the fire, girl?}
{817}{}{That woman makes my Geiger counter tick.}

{818}{}{The Enclave? President? Tell me the whole story.}
{819}{}{Tom French scripted me. He has soft, gentle hands.}
{820}{}{They were still fighting the WAR? Really! Good thing you wasted those bastards.}
{821}{}{You are a total badass. I mean, you start from a simple spear-chucking tribal - no offense - and go on to save the whole world. You kick ass. End of story.}
{822}{}{You should replay the game as a different kind of character.}
{823}{}{Tell me everything about your fight with the Enclave…}
{824}{}{Hey, if you want a freebie after saving the world, I'm sure you can talk me into it…}
{825}{}{I don't know how you survived those Enclave bastards, but you are the bravest person I've ever known.}
{826}{}{Tim Cain? Yes, he's one of my regulars.}
{827}{}{Kiss me, you Enclave-busting animal.}
{828}{}{I hear the Brothers are looking for you. They want to do a film based on your adventure.}
{829}{}{We miss Tim Cain. He used to cook wonderful bread. Then he would spank us like small children.}
{830}{}{I realize I'm just an NPC, but I'm deeply offended by the way women are portrayed in New Reno.}
{831}{}{Women in this town seem like they were designed by some immature sex-starved geek who lives in his parent's basement.}
{832}{}{New Reno was designed by Chris Avellone and Tom French. Both of them are sexual GODS.}
{833}{}{Feargus got that frowny-look on his face when he saw how many float text messages I have. He's such a sour-puss.}
{834}{}{You score is 192 out of 208. You really should have used the mutated toe on Horrigan.}

{835}{}{Some woman must have broken your heart terribly for you to have retreated inside that armored suit. Let me help.}
{836}{}{Look, Tin Man, if you want me to dress up as Dorothy or Toto, that's extra.}
{837}{}{Look, pal, if you want to do it, you'll have to get outta there; the metal hurts and leaves scars.}
{838}{}{Is there a trapdoor, or do you have to get out of that thing to get a handjob?}
{839}{}{If you get an erection in that thing, do you bruise?}
{840}{}{Looks like you brought your own condom.}
{841}{}{Is that some new body condom?}
{842}{}{You must really be afraid of STDs to be in that thing.}
{843}{}{If you want me to have sex with you in that thing, that's extra.}
{844}{}{If you want to get it on, you'll have to step outta there.}
{845}{}{Will my moisture make you rust?}
{846}{}{Well…okay. But no way in HELL are you going to be on top.}
{847}{}{How the hell do you go to the bathroom with that thing on?}
{848}{}{Am I going to need the Jaws of Life to get you outta there?}
{849}{}{Is that some new kind of vibrator?}
{850}{}{I think I saw this same situation in an Anime video once.}
{851}{}{Are you sure you aren't looking for a car wash?}
{852}{}{Look, honey, you'll have to get outta there; the metal hurts and leaves scars.}
{853}{}{Is that some new birth control device you're wearing?}

{854}{}{Want to jump in the ring with me, honey? I can last at least 12 rounds.}
{855}{}{Wanna box, }
{856}{}{Girl, you are such a badass.}
{857}{}{Wow, look at your muscles. You're tougher than a lot of men I know. And I know a LOT of men.}
{858}{}{How's it going, }
{859}{}{Looking for me?}
{860}{}{Why don't you come around more often?}
{861}{}{Need some company, }
{862}{}{Nice rack you got there.}
{863}{}{Hey…watch out for the Masticator. He's a real jerk. He tried to bite my ear off once.}
{864}{}{You're pretty sexy, girl, y'know that?}

# 16. [MADE MAN]
{866}{}{If you're looking for a little company later…}
{868}{}{Hello, }
{869}{}{Put in a good word with the boss for me?}
{870}{}{Well, if it isn't the devilish }
{871}{}{I can do ANYTHING you want...it's all for the asking.}
{872}{}{Put in a good word with the boss for me?}
{874}{}{Um, if you're looking for a little company later, ma'am…}

# 17. [SLAVER]
{875}{}{My name's Easy, slaver. What's yours?}
{876}{}{Need someone to yank your leash, slaver?}
{877}{}{Why don't you take me back to your cage, slaver?}
{878}{}{Need your cage rattled, slaver?}
{879}{}{You're a frisky slaver, aren't you?}
{880}{}{Did you bring your own towelette?}
{881}{}{Yes, they ARE real, and NO, you can't check.}
{882}{}{Wanna wrangle, cowboy?}
{883}{}{Wanna sink me with your pink torpedo?}
{884}{}{Let me teach you some things only a woman can teach.}
{885}{}{Need someone to warm your tent, slaver?}
{886}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, slaver?}
{887}{}{Got some hot-rocks there, slaver.}
{888}{}{Nasty little crotch cobra you got there, slaver.}
{889}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{890}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{891}{}{Looking for a date?}
{892}{}{Look, no free samples.}
{893}{}{Heard there was some trouble on Commercial Row...}
{894}{}{Looking for some company?}
{895}{}{Only sports going on in Reno nowdays in tonsil hockey...}
{896}{}{Wanna dance, slaver?}
{897}{}{Slaver, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{898}{}{I can't believe how many strippers were at Feargus' bachelor party.}
{899}{}{My job? I turn boys into MEN.}
{900}{}{Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?}
{901}{}{I've been in this town too long...}
{902}{}{Need a friend for the evening, slaver? Or just ten minutes?}
{903}{}{Wanna fly?}
{904}{}{Haven't seen any caravans from Redding in a while...}
{905}{}{Nice dill.}
{906}{}{Lose your way, slaver?}
{907}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, slaver?}
{908}{}{Anything I can help you with, stranger?}
{909}{}{I like the look of your gecko, slaver.}
{910}{}{That a gecko in your pocket?}
{911}{}{Need a guide around town, sugah?}
{912}{}{Where's the fire, slaver?}
{913}{}{Childe, let me make you a man.}
{914}{}{Wanna dance, slaver?}
{915}{}{Oh, hello, Mr.Tyler. Going…down?}
{916}{}{If I have to talk to you afterwards, that's extra.}
{917}{}{Yes, they ARE real, and NO, you can't check.}
{918}{}{This one guy, Fred Hatch, he wanted to know if there were any "big girls" in town. Weird.}
{919}{}{[Sings.] "Let's play - master and servant. Let's play - master and servant."}
{920}{}{Wanna play master and servant, slaver?}
{921}{}{If you want me to stay awake afterwards, that's extra.}
{922}{}{Wanna go to Where the Wild Things Are?}
{923}{}{Forget the slot machines. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{924}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{925}{}{I'll fit you like a flesh tuxedo.}
{926}{}{Talk about mudflaps, baby, I got 'em.}
{927}{}{Well, well. Look who just rolled into town...}
{928}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{929}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{930}{}{When in doubt, whip it out.}
{931}{}{I finally installed that padded headboard.}
{932}{}{Taste of paradise'll cost you ten chips.}
{933}{}{Myron: All wax. No wick.}
{934}{}{Myron's a real twister.}
{935}{}{AC-DC, B n' D, whatever.}
{936}{}{That Bishop girl is a bed-bunny.}
{937}{}{She ain't no Jet addict, she's a BONE addict.}
{938}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}
{939}{}{Felt like I was in a marathon last night...}
{940}{}{Looking for love, honey?}
{941}{}{No kissing. It's the rule.}
{942}{}{Wish Myron would move away. Far away.}
{943}{}{I can do ANYTHING you want, slaver...for the right price.}
{944}{}{I'm ready to go, honey. How about you?}
{945}{}{Forget the slot machines. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{946}{}{I hate teabags.}
{947}{}{Take a gamble on me, slaver.}
{948}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{949}{}{Pure Reno love, right here.}
{950}{}{I'll give you some play.}
{951}{}{I'm Filthy Spice.}
{952}{}{I'm Homely Spice.}
{953}{}{I'm Slutty Spice.}
{954}{}{I'm Old Spice.}
{955}{}{I'm Syphilis…er, Slutty Spice.}
{956}{}{I'm Dirty Spice.}
{957}{}{Say…I've got a girlfriend if you want a double-header.}
{958}{}{Wish Myron was gay.}
{959}{}{Still don't know why they call it Virgin Street…}
{960}{}{I wish he'd wear a paper bag sometimes.}
{961}{}{Buy me a drink, slaver?}
{962}{}{Take a lonely lady on the town, slaver?}
{963}{}{Uh, of course I'm a woman. Just ignore the Adam's apple.}
{964}{}{I heard some of the girls uptown killed their pimp.}
{965}{}{Helloooo, stranger.}
{966}{}{That Jules better leave me alone.}
{967}{}{Still got that bruise from the headboard…}
{968}{}{Been worn out ever since that last slaver convention.}
{969}{}{I wish Gen Con took place in some other town.}
{970}{}{You could melt metal, you know that?}
{971}{}{I felt the Earth move, but it was just the chili.}
{972}{}{Make me melt.}
{973}{}{I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it.}
{974}{}{Need a guide around town, slaver?}
{975}{}{Whoa. THAT'LL cost extra.}
{976}{}{Jules keeps wanting freebies.}
{977}{}{I hear the families are getting tense again.}
{978}{}{Things are pretty slow. I wish that caravan would show.}
{979}{}{So he dresses up in this Deathclaw costume, then…}
{980}{}{I need help getting out of this dress.}
{981}{}{Zip me up? Then down again?}
{982}{}{Sorry, what were you saying? I was too busy staring at your ass.}
{983}{}{Wanna waste some time?}
{984}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{985}{}{I kicked Jules in his family jewels last week.}
{986}{}{Looking to go down-town?}
{987}{}{They don't call me Lady Lucky for nothing.}
{988}{}{Of COURSE I love those brahmin-flavored condoms. Yum.}
{989}{}{Show a lady a good time, slaver?}
{990}{}{Wish they would invent a sexual placebo for Myron.}
{991}{}{Need a date, slaver?}
{992}{}{Slaver, all you need is one night with me.}
{993}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{994}{}{You got the chips, slaver, I got the time.}
{995}{}{Can you help me? I'm looking for my lost virginity.}
{996}{}{I'm a virgin, but I need the money.}
{997}{}{Be gentle, it's my first time. Today.}
{998}{}{Me so horny.}
{999}{}{You got the craving, I got the saving.}
{1000}{}{Let me awaken your inner child.}
{1001}{}{I'm just doing this to pay for college.}
{1002}{}{Look, for the last time, I don't want to dress up as the "Vault Dweller."}
{1003}{}{Lookin' to stake a claim?}
{1004}{}{Wanna make me moan?}
{1007}{}{Stop tickling me.}
{1008}{}{Been up since last night...}
{1009}{}{Wanna pretend we're deathclaws in mating season?}
{1010}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{1011}{}{Tying you up costs extra.}
{1012}{}{Where did I leave my whip?}
{1013}{}{Ready like a freddie.}
{1014}{}{I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes.}
{1015}{}{I was with Myron last night. For about five seconds.}
{1016}{}{Looking to pop a clip?}
{1017}{}{Wish they'd come out with some Jet-smelling body oils...}
{1018}{}{Want to help a virgin lose her virginity?}
{1019}{}{My ass is going to fall off, Myron keeps it up.}
{1020}{}{Damn Temperance Union came around again…}
{1021}{}{You make my Geiger counter tick.}
{1023}{}{Biting is extra.}
{1024}{}{I guarantee I'm better than that Pip Boy attachment you've been using.}
{1025}{}{Want me to tighten your screws?}
{1026}{}{I'd rather be with Avellone.}
{1027}{}{I wish Nick Kesting was here. We could talk for hours!}
{1028}{}{Nick Kesting is a really nice guy. We have great conversations.}
{1029}{}{Tommy the Balls is sooo dreamy.}
{1030}{}{I need fifty dollars to make you holler.}
{1031}{}{My name's Easy, slaver-girl. What's yours?}
{1032}{}{Need someone to yank your leash, slaver-girl?}
{1033}{}{Why don't you take me back to your cage, slaver-girl?}
{1034}{}{Hey, slaver. Looking for the other woman?}
{1035}{}{Looking for a taste of the other side, sweetheart?}
{1036}{}{Need your cage rattled, slaver-girl?}
{1037}{}{Feeling experimental, slaver-girl? Prove it.}
{1038}{}{Wanna take a walk on the wild side, slaver-girl?}
{1039}{}{Need someone to share your tent, slaver-girl?}
{1040}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, slaver-girl?}
{1041}{}{Got some nice curves there, slaver-girl.}
{1042}{}{Wanna dance, slaver-girl?}
{1043}{}{Slaver-girl, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{1044}{}{My job? I turn boys into *men.* I don't really know what I turn women into, but I'd like to find out.}
{1045}{}{Lose your way, slaver-girl?}
{1046}{}{Looking for a good time, slaver-girl?}
{1047}{}{Need a date, slaver-girl?}
{1048}{}{Where's the fire, slaver-girl?}
{1049}{}{You make my Geiger counter tick, slaver-girl.}

# 18. [BONENOSE]
{1050}{}{My name's Easy. What's yours?}
{1051}{}{A little frisky, eh?}
{1052}{}{Did you bring your own towelette?}
{1053}{}{Yes, they ARE real.}
{1054}{}{Yes, they ARE real, and NO, you can't check.}
{1055}{}{Piss off, ass-for-brains.}
{1056}{}{Wanna wrangle, cowboy?}
{1057}{}{Wanna sink me with your pink torpedo?}
{1058}{}{Need someone to warm your tent?}
{1059}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll?}
{1060}{}{Got some hot-rocks there, pal.}
{1061}{}{Nasty little crotch cobra there.}
{1062}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{1063}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{1064}{}{Looking for a date?}
{1065}{}{Look, no free samples.}
{1066}{}{Heard there was some trouble on Commercial Row...}
{1067}{}{Looking for some company?}
{1068}{}{Only sports going on in Reno nowdays in tonsil hockey...}
{1069}{}{Wanna dance?}
{1070}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{1071}{}{My job? I turn boys into MEN.}
{1072}{}{Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?}
{1073}{}{Been walking this street since last night...}
{1074}{}{Need a friend for the evening? Or just ten minutes?}
{1075}{}{Wanna fly?}
{1076}{}{Haven't seen any caravans from Redding in a while...}
{1077}{}{Nice dill.}
{1078}{}{Lose your way, cowboy?}
{1079}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, soldier?}
{1080}{}{Anything I can help you with, stranger?}
{1081}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{1082}{}{Looking to go down-town?}
{1083}{}{I like the look of your gecko.}
{1084}{}{That a gecko in your pocket?}
{1085}{}{You need a guide around town, sugah?}
{1086}{}{Where's the fire?}
{1087}{}{You got the money, I got the time.}
{1088}{}{Childe, let me make you a man.}
{1089}{}{Oh, hello, Mr. Tyler. Going…down?}
{1090}{}{If I have to talk to you afterwards, that's extra.}
{1091}{}{This one guy, Fred Hatch, he wanted to know if there were any "big girls" in town. Weird.}
{1092}{}{Your friend with the bone in his nose…great gimmick.}
{1093}{}{Does your friend with the bone do tricks with his nose or sumthin'?}
{1094}{}{Maybe I should put a bone in my nose. Might attract more female customers.}
{1095}{}{That fella's got a bone in his nose the size of my arm. Keeee-rist.}
{1096}{}{I don't even want to know how that boy got that bone in his nose.}
{1097}{}{Is your friend with the bone in his nose in the business?}
{1098}{}{How much does your friend with the bone in his nose charge?}
{1099}{}{For thirty chips, I can make that bone in your friend's nose larger.}
{1100}{}{Your friend with the bone in his nose over-compensating for something?}
{1101}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{1102}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{1103}{}{When in doubt, whip it out.}
{1104}{}{Let me teach you some things only a woman can teach.}
{1105}{}{I finally installed that padded headboard.}
{1106}{}{Taste of paradise'll cost you ten chips.}
{1107}{}{Myron: All wax. No wick.}
{1108}{}{Myron's a real twister.}
{1109}{}{AC-DC, B n' D, whatever.}
{1110}{}{That Bishop girl is a bed-bunny.}
{1111}{}{She ain't no Jet addict, she's a BONE addict.}
{1112}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}
{1113}{}{Felt like I was in a marathon last night...}
{1114}{}{Looking for love, honey?}
{1115}{}{No kissing. It's the rule.}
{1116}{}{Wish Myron would move away. Far away.}
{1117}{}{I can do ANYTHING you want...for the right price.}
{1118}{}{I'm ready to go, honey. How about you?}
{1119}{}{Forget the slot machines. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{1120}{}{I hate teabags.}
{1121}{}{Take a gamble on me, honey.}
{1122}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{1123}{}{I can't believe how many strippers were at Feargus' bachelor party.}
{1124}{}{Pure Reno love, right here.}
{1125}{}{I'll give you some play.}
{1126}{}{I'm Filthy Spice.}
{1127}{}{I'm Homely Spice.}
{1128}{}{I'm Old Spice.}
{1129}{}{I'm Slutty Spice.}
{1130}{}{I'm Syphilis…er, Slutty Spice.}
{1131}{}{I'm Dirty Spice.}
{1132}{}{I've got a girlfriend if you want a double-header.}
{1133}{}{Wish Myron was gay.}
{1134}{}{Still don't know why they call it Virgin Street…}
{1135}{}{I wish he'd wear a paper bag sometimes.}
{1136}{}{Buy me a drink?}
{1137}{}{Take a lonely lady on the town?}
{1138}{}{Uh, of course I'm a woman. Just ignore the Adam's apple.}
{1139}{}{I heard some of the girls uptown killed their pimp.}
{1140}{}{Helloooo, stranger.}
{1141}{}{That Jules better leave me alone.}
{1142}{}{Still got that bruise from the headboard…}
{1143}{}{Been worn out ever since that last convention…}
{1144}{}{I wish Gen Con took place in some other town.}
{1145}{}{You could melt metal, you know that?}
{1146}{}{I felt the Earth move, but it was just the chili.}
{1147}{}{Make me melt.}
{1148}{}{I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it.}
{1149}{}{Need a guide around town?}
{1150}{}{*Whoa.* That'll cost extra.}
{1151}{}{Jules keeps wanting freebies.}
{1152}{}{I hear the families are getting tense again.}
{1153}{}{Things are pretty slow. I wish that caravan would show.}
{1154}{}{So he dresses up in this Deathclaw costume, then…}
{1155}{}{I need help getting out of this dress.}
{1156}{}{Zip me up? Then down again?}
{1157}{}{Sorry, what were you saying? I was too busy staring at your ass.}
{1158}{}{Wanna waste some time?}
{1159}{}{I kicked Jules in his family jewels last week.}
{1160}{}{They don't call me Lady Lucky for nothing.}
{1161}{}{Of *course* I love those brahmin-flavored condoms. Yum.}
{1162}{}{Show a lady a good time?}
{1163}{}{Wish they would invent a sexual placebo for Myron.}
{1164}{}{Need a date, tribal?}
{1165}{}{Want to pow-wow, tribal?}
{1166}{}{Want to do the rain dance in my bedroom, tribal?}
{1167}{}{All you need is one night with me.}
{1168}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{1169}{}{Can you help me? I'm looking for my lost virginity.}
{1170}{}{I'm a virgin, but I need the money.}
{1171}{}{Be gentle, it's my first time. Today.}
{1172}{}{Me so horny.}
{1173}{}{You got the craving, I got the saving.}
{1174}{}{Let me awaken your inner child.}
{1175}{}{I'm just doing this to pay for college.}
{1176}{}{Wanna dance, sweetheart?}
{1177}{}{Look, for the last time, I'm not going to dress up as the "Vault Dweller."}
{1178}{}{Lookin' to stake a claim?}
{1179}{}{Wanna make me moan?}
{1182}{}{Stop tickling me.}
{1183}{}{Been up since last night...}
{1184}{}{Wanna pretend we're deathclaws in mating season?}
{1185}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{1186}{}{Tying you up costs extra.}
{1187}{}{Where did I leave my whip?}
{1188}{}{Ready like a freddie.}
{1189}{}{I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes.}
{1190}{}{I was with Myron last night. For about five seconds.}
{1191}{}{Looking to pop a clip?}
{1192}{}{Wish they'd come out with some Jet-smelling body oils...}
{1193}{}{Want to help a virgin lose her virginity?}
{1194}{}{My ass is going to fall off, Myron keeps it up.}
{1195}{}{Damn Temperance Union came around again…}
{1196}{}{You make my Geiger counter tick.}
{1198}{}{Biting is extra.}
{1199}{}{I guarantee I'm better than that Pip Boy attachment you've been using.}
{1200}{}{Want me to tighten your screws?}
{1201}{}{I'd rather be with Avellone.}
{1202}{}{I wish Nick Kesting was here. We could talk for hours!}
{1203}{}{Nick Kesting is a really nice guy. We have great conversations.}
{1204}{}{Tommy the Balls is sooo dreamy.}
{1205}{}{I need fifty dollars to make you holler.}
{1206}{}{My name's Easy, girl. What's yours?}
{1207}{}{Hey, cutie. Looking for the other woman?}
{1208}{}{Looking for a taste of the other side, sweetheart?}
{1209}{}{Need a little company?}
{1210}{}{Girl, let me teach you some things only a WOMAN can teach.}
{1211}{}{Need someone to warm your tent, honey?}
{1212}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, honey?}
{1213}{}{Wanna dance, girl?}
{1214}{}{Girl, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{1215}{}{Wanna fly, girl?}
{1216}{}{Lose your way, cowgirl?}
{1217}{}{Hey there, G.I. Jane.}
{1218}{}{Looking for a good time, girl?}
{1219}{}{Looking to go down-town, girl?}
{1220}{}{You need a guide around town, sugah?}
{1221}{}{Where's the fire, girl?}
{1222}{}{You got the chips, girl, I got the time.}

# 19. [NO REP]
{1223}{}{My name's Easy. What's yours?}
{1224}{}{A little frisky, eh?}
{1225}{}{Did you bring your own towelette?}
{1226}{}{Yes, they ARE real.}
{1227}{}{Yes, they ARE real, and NO, you can't check.}
{1228}{}{Piss off, ass-for-brains.}
{1229}{}{Wanna wrangle, cowboy?}
{1230}{}{Wanna sink me with your pink torpedo?}
{1231}{}{Need someone to warm your tent?}
{1232}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll?}
{1233}{}{Got some hot-rocks there, pal.}
{1234}{}{Nasty little crotch cobra there.}
{1235}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{1236}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{1237}{}{Looking for a date?}
{1238}{}{Look, I don't give free samples.}
{1239}{}{Heard there's been trouble on Commercial Row...}
{1240}{}{Looking for some company?}
{1241}{}{Only sports going on in Reno nowdays in tonsil hockey...}
{1242}{}{Wanna dance?}
{1243}{}{You ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{1244}{}{My job? I turn boys into MEN.}
{1245}{}{Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?}
{1246}{}{Been walking this street since last night...}
{1247}{}{Need a friend for the evening? Or just ten minutes?}
{1248}{}{Wanna fly?}
{1249}{}{Haven't seen any caravans from Redding in a while...}
{1250}{}{Nice dill.}
{1251}{}{Lose your way, cowboy?}
{1252}{}{Got a gun you need to unload, soldier?}
{1253}{}{Anything I can help you with, stranger?}
{1254}{}{Looking for a good time?}
{1255}{}{Looking to go down-town?}
{1256}{}{I like the look of your gecko.}
{1257}{}{That a gecko in your pocket?}
{1258}{}{You need a guide around town, sugah?}
{1259}{}{Where's the fire?}
{1260}{}{You got the chips, I got the time.}
{1261}{}{Childe, let me make you a man.}
{1262}{}{Oh, hello, Mr. Tyler. Going…down?}
{1263}{}{If I have to talk to you afterwards, that's extra.}
{1264}{}{This one guy, Fred Hatch, he wanted to know if there were any "big girls" in town. Weird.}
{1265}{}{If you want me to stay awake after sex, that's extra.}
{1266}{}{Wanna go to Where the Wild Things Are?}
{1267}{}{Forget the slot machines. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{1268}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{1269}{}{Hey there, honey.}
{1270}{}{Wanna wrastle?}
{1271}{}{I'll fit you like a flesh tuxedo.}
{1272}{}{Talk about mudflaps, baby, I got 'em.}
{1273}{}{Well, well. Look who just rolled into town...}
{1274}{}{Looking for the Garden of Eden? Come to my bedroom.}
{1275}{}{Lookin' for some action?}
{1276}{}{When in doubt, whip it out.}
{1277}{}{Let me teach you some things only a woman can teach.}
{1278}{}{I finally installed that padded headboard.}
{1279}{}{Taste of paradise'll cost you ten chips.}
{1280}{}{Myron: All wax. No wick.}
{1281}{}{Myron's a real twister.}
{1282}{}{AC-DC, B n' D, whatever.}
{1283}{}{That Bishop girl is a bed-bunny.}
{1284}{}{She ain't no Jet addict, she's a BONE addict.}
{1285}{}{I heard Vault City has only two types of Citizens. Maybe it was some cloning accident.}
{1286}{}{Felt like I was in a marathon last night...}
{1287}{}{Looking for love, honey?}
{1288}{}{No kissing. It's the rule.}
{1289}{}{Wish Myron would move away. Far away.}
{1290}{}{I can do ANYTHING you want...for the right price.}
{1291}{}{I'm ready to go, honey. How about you?}
{1292}{}{Forget the slot machines. My payoff's MUCH better.}
{1293}{}{I hate teabags.}
{1294}{}{Take a gamble on me, honey.}
{1295}{}{Looking for a good time, baby?}
{1296}{}{I can't believe how many strippers were at Feargus' bachelor party.}
{1297}{}{Lovin' like silver, right here.}
{1298}{}{I'll give you some play.}
{1299}{}{I'm Filthy Spice.}
{1300}{}{I'm Homely Spice.}
{1301}{}{I'm Slutty Spice.}
{1302}{}{I'm Old Spice.}
{1303}{}{I'm Syphilis…er, Slutty Spice.}
{1304}{}{I'm Dirty Spice.}
{1305}{}{I've got a girlfriend if you want a double-header.}
{1306}{}{Wish Myron was gay.}
{1307}{}{Still don't know why they call it Virgin Street…}
{1308}{}{I wish he'd wear a paper bag sometimes.}
{1309}{}{Buy me a drink?}
{1310}{}{Take a lonely lady on the town?}
{1311}{}{Uh, of course I'm a woman. Just ignore the Adam's apple.}
{1312}{}{I heard some of the girls uptown killed their pimp.}
{1313}{}{Best love in all the wastes, right here.}
{1314}{}{That Jules better leave me alone.}
{1315}{}{Still got that bruise from the headboard…}
{1316}{}{Been worn out ever since that last convention…}
{1317}{}{I wish Gen Con took place in some other town.}
{1318}{}{You could melt metal, you know that?}
{1319}{}{I felt the Earth move, but it was just the chili.}
{1320}{}{Make me melt.}
{1321}{}{I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it.}
{1322}{}{Need a guide around town?}
{1323}{}{WHOA. That'll cost extra.}
{1324}{}{Jules keeps wanting freebies.}
{1325}{}{I hear the families are getting tense again.}
{1326}{}{Things are pretty slow. I wish that caravan would show.}
{1327}{}{So he dresses up in this Deathclaw costume, then…}
{1328}{}{I need help getting out of this dress.}
{1329}{}{Zip me up? Then down again?}
{1330}{}{Sorry, what were you saying? I was too busy staring at your taut body.}
{1331}{}{Wanna waste some time?}
{1332}{}{I kicked Jules in his family jewels last week.}
{1333}{}{They don't call me Lady Lucky for nothing.}
{1334}{}{Of COURSE I love those brahmin-flavored condoms. Yum.}
{1335}{}{Show a lady a good time?}
{1336}{}{Nothing wrong with Myron a bullet won't cure.}
{1337}{}{Need a date, tribal?}
{1338}{}{Want to pow-wow, tribal?}
{1339}{}{Want to do the rain dance in my bedroom, tribal?}
{1340}{}{All you need is a night with me.}
{1341}{}{Looking for Eden? Right here, honey.}
{1342}{}{Can you help me? I'm looking for my lost virginity.}
{1343}{}{I'm a virgin, but I need the money.}
{1344}{}{Be gentle, it's my first time. Today.}
{1345}{}{Me so horny.}
{1346}{}{You got the craving, I got the saving.}
{1347}{}{Let me awaken your inner child.}
{1348}{}{I'm just doing this to pay for college.}
{1349}{}{Wanna dance, sweetheart?}
{1350}{}{Look, for the last time, I'm not going to dress up as the "Vault Dweller."}
{1351}{}{Lookin' to stake a claim?}
{1352}{}{Wanna make me moan?}
{1355}{}{Stop tickling me.}
{1356}{}{Getting tired of being in Reno...}
{1357}{}{Wanna pretend we're deathclaws in mating season?}
{1358}{}{I'm not cheap, but I am on special.}
{1359}{}{Tying you up costs extra.}
{1360}{}{Where did I leave my whip?}
{1361}{}{Ready like a freddie.}
{1362}{}{I had to dress up like WILMA last night, fer Chrissakes.}
{1363}{}{I was with Myron last night. For about five seconds.}
{1364}{}{Looking to pop a clip?}
{1365}{}{Where's the fire?}
{1366}{}{Want to help me lose your virginity?}
{1367}{}{My ass is going to fall off, Myron keeps it up.}
{1368}{}{Damn Temperance Union came around again…}
{1369}{}{You make my Geiger counter tick.}
{1371}{}{Biting is extra.}
{1372}{}{I guarantee I'm better than that Pip Boy attachment you've been using.}
{1373}{}{Want me to tighten your screws?}
{1374}{}{I'd rather be with Avellone.}
{1375}{}{I wish Nick Kesting was here. We could talk for hours!}
{1376}{}{Nick Kesting is a really nice guy. We have great conversations.}
{1377}{}{Tommy the Balls is sooo dreamy.}
{1378}{}{I need fifty dollars to make you holler.}
{1379}{}{My name's Easy, girl. What's yours?}
{1380}{}{Hey, cutie. Looking for the other woman?}
{1381}{}{Looking for a taste of the other side, sweetheart?}
{1382}{}{Need a little company?}
{1383}{}{Girl, let me teach you some things only a WOMAN can teach.}
{1384}{}{Need someone to warm your tent, honey?}
{1385}{}{Need someone to share your bedroll, honey?}
{1386}{}{Wanna dance, girl?}
{1387}{}{Girl, you ain't never had love 'til you had Reno love.}
{1388}{}{Wanna fly, girl?}
{1389}{}{Lose your way, cowgirl?}
{1390}{}{Hey there, G.I. Jane?}
{1391}{}{Looking for a good time, girl?}
{1392}{}{Looking to go down-town, girl?}
{1393}{}{Looking for some action, sugah?}
{1394}{}{Where's the fire, honey?}
{1395}{}{You got the money, girl, I got the time.}

{3100}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls.}

{3150}{}{You see a…lady of the evening. Her tattered clothes are draped seductively around her body.}
{3151}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. She winks at you.}
{3151}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. Her eyes are like blown fuses.}
{3152}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. She smells like flowers.}
{3153}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. She smells like mother.}
{3154}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. It is a mystery to you how her tattered rags manage to hold her breasts in.}
{3155}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. She looks as if she kills her mates and eats them.}
{3156}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. She is appraising you like a jeweler.}
{3157}{}{You see one of the Cat's Paw girls. Her tattered clothes are draped seductively around her body.}

{3200}{}{Oh, Gawd! Oh Gawd! OhGawdohGawdohGawd…ooooooh Gaaaawd.}
{3201}{}{Yes! Yes! Yeeeeeeeees YesYesYesYes YES YES YESSSSS! Now go pay the cashier.}
{3202}{}{Hurry up. Meter's running.}
{3203}{}{Need a moist towelette?}
{3204}{}{Give it to me, Fr…Ni…Sco…uh, sorry what was your name again?}
{3205}{}{Oh Gawd, oh Gawd, oh Gawd! NOW are we finished?}
{3206}{}{Whoa. THAT'S gonna cost extra.}
{3207}{}{Yes! You are Columbus, I am America!}
{3208}{}{Oh, God, that was the beeest. Now get the hell offa me and pay the cashier.}
{3209}{}{Is it in yet?}
{3210}{}{Yes, you ARE the Vault Dweller. Yes, YOU found the water chip and beat the MASTER. You are a HERO.}
{3211}{}{You're so rugged, you're like hardened power armor.}
{3214}{}{No, I'm NOT going to wear the Mikey Mouse ears.}
{3215}{}{Yes, yes, you have "monstah balls."}

{2175}{}{. The one who kicked the Enclave's ass.}
{2178}{}{! Way to kick the Enclave's ass!}
{2181}{}{. The one who kicked the Enclave's ass.}
{2197}{}{! Can you get me a job in the studio?}
{2263}{}{! You go, stud!}
{2264}{}{ kicks so much ass, you'd think he was a boot in another life.}
{2278}{}{! You go, girl!}
{2280}{}{ kicks so much ass, you'd think she was a boot in another life.}
{2294}{}{… over heeere, sweetie…}
{2865}{}{, you big hunk o' man…what have you been up to?}
{2867}{}{! How are you?}
{2868}{}{. Can I help you with…*anything?*}
{2873}{}{, you little temptress…what have you been up to?}
