Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Pretty fucking bored. I hate guarding - but, hey, things can't be that bad. A buddy of mine won it big at the tables and he's sharing the wealth, if you know what I mean.

Tyler is the leader of a small gang in the Den East Side in 2241.


A strong man[1] in metal armor, Tyler was hired by Metzger to guard a church filled with the raw chemicals used to make Jet. He can be a pretty decent fellow, especially when he can party and drink. He sometimes does not like guarding.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Other interactions[]

  • Lara, the leader of a rival gang, wanted the Chosen One to help her gang defeat Tyler's so that her gang could take over guarding the warehouse and get revenge on Tyler for a past incident. Tyler is off at a party while Lara's men take the church, and promptly disappears from the game.
  • Originally, the Chosen One and Lara's gang were also supposed to hunt down Tyler at the party.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Metal armor Desert Eagle
.44 Magnum FMJ x20


Tyler appears only in Fallout 2.


  1. Tyler character description:"{101}{}{You see Tyler, the leader of this gang.} {150}{}{He seems fairly strong.}"
    (Tyler's dialogue)
  2. Tyler: "{381}{}{Pretty fucking bored. I hate guarding - but, hey, things can't be that bad. A buddy of mine won it big at the tables and he's sharing the wealth, if you know what I mean.}"
    (Tyler's dialogue)