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Fallout Wiki

Syphilis is a bacterial infectious disease, transmitted primarily through sexual contact. It manifests differently depending on the stage of the disease, with symptoms including sores, gummas, rashes, and a variety of cardiological and neurological problems. It can be treated effectively with antibiotics, such as penicilin.[1]

Known throughout the ages, the disease remains present in the wasteland, even in Vaults. Good sex education, judgment, and proper protection are effective safeguards. Overprotective and paranoid parents like Overseer Almodovar tend to not trust their offspring on this point.[2] It it also commonly found among New Reno sex workers.[3]

Known patients[]

Potential patients[]

  • Bannon at Rivet City is euphemistically referred to as suffering from a "social problem" treated with penicillin. Several sexually transmitted diseases may be treated with such antibiotics, including aforementioned syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.[5]


Syphilis is mentioned in Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics and its demo.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In Fallout 2, the Chosen One can allude to syphilis in conversation with Phyllis, saying, "If I wanted to give you my name, I would have told it to you, "Sy-phyllis"... or whatever the hell your name is."[6]
  • Psycho from the Fallout Tactics demo claims to have killed more people than syphilis.[7]


  1. Rivet City terminal entries, Patient files
  2. Vault 101 terminal entries; Vault 101 medical data system, Amata
  3. New Reno prostitute: "{367}{}{I'm Syphilis-er, Slutty Spice.}"
    (New Reno prostitute's dialogue)
  4. Stephen Barrett: "M15_Stephen_B02 = { I don't suppose you got something for syphilis? }"
    (Stephen Barrett's dialogue)
  5. Rivet City terminal entries, Patient files
  6. Phyllis: "{152}{}{We don't see many new faces around here. I'm Phyllis. What's your name?}"
    The Chosen One: "{155}{}{If I wanted to give you my name, I would have told it to you, "Sy-phyllis"... or whatever the hell your name is.}"
    (Phyllis's dialogue)
  7. Psycho: "DEMO02_Raiders_A_01_FL_C = {I've killed more people than syphilis!}"
    (Psycho's dialogue)