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// Speech File for Mission 15 - Junction City.
//Version 1.8
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.
//Note: Check font and situations since I made changes. DL

// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

General Dekker[]


Greetings, warrior.\n\n

Your next mission will bring you to Junction City, a mid sized town that has refused to form an alliance with the Brotherhood. Their independent posture has been recently reinforced by their victory over one of the robots late last night. Our Elders are quite curious how such a battle could be won, considering the lack of heavy weaponry involved. This is a riddle whose answer might be paramount for victory. See what you can find out.\n\n

More important than this riddle is the retrieval of the robotic parts from the scene of the battle. We must understand how our enemy works in order to neutralize it and any robotic remnants might hold the key.\n\n

Understand that the Reaver Movement has been launching probing attacks against Junction City. Our Elders believe that they are also searching for robotic pieces. Considering the Reavers zealously worship technology, their involvement comes as no surprise. Try forging a deal with the town's mayor - robot parts in exchange for protection from Reavers.\n\n

We have one last task for you as well. Our senior mechanic, Cooter, died recently when he triggered an explosive booby trap on a retrieved Interceptor vehicle. His apprentice lacks the cognitive ability to fully assume the role, and in times like this, we can't have any malfunctioning vehicles involved during a high-risk mission. Intelligence reports that Junction City's mechanic is top notch, and might be persuaded to join the Brotherhood's cause. Find this mechanic and inform her of the wondrous opportunities the Brotherhood can offer.\n\n

You have your orders. Dismissed.


// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A01: All robot pieces were recovered.
// Tone/Mood: Pleased and proud.
Excellent work, warrior.\n\n

The robot pieces you retrieved match the device recovered from the raider base in Rock Falls. Our scribes are performing tests on them as we speak. Once we understand how they operate, we'll be able to defeat them more efficiently.\n\n

Initial analysis indicates that the robot was already severely damaged from a previous fight with Super Mutants. This is confirmed by some of the less jubilant villagers description of the battle and the dried mutant blood we found congealed in some of the mechanical joints. Further inspection revealed that it's damaged power supply overloaded causing the explosion. If that class of robot was undamaged, it could easily wipe out ten of those villages without even blowing a gasket.


// Situation B01: Casey recruited
// recruited.
// Tone/Mood: Pleased. Ed, this is based on the fact that Repo squad recovered a tank from an earlier mission. Do you know what mission it was. I don't know if it's in the current revs. It was this that was supposed to activate the tank.

Now that we have a competent mechanic in our ranks, we can catch up on maintenance at the motor pool. I've also implemented a strict apprenticeship program so we won't run into this mechanic problem again.\n\n

// I changed the dialogue so that it makes sense. Please look.


// Situation B02: Casey not recruited
// recruited.
// Tone/Mood: Pleased. Ed, this is based on the fact that Repo squad recovered a tank from an earlier mission. Do //you know what mission it was. I don't know if it's in the current revs. It was this that was supposed to activate //the tank.

Without a head mechanic, our vehicle pool will hardly be efficient. As a result, you will not have complete access to certain vehicles in future missions. You will have to make do.\n\n

//Done DL


// Situation C00: Bogus robot piece purchased (not taken through murder //or theft!)
// recruited.
// Tone/Mood: Displeased

Brother, I'm afraid one of the villagers has played you for a fool. One of the items you brought back was not a robot piece of machinery, but a sloppily put together contraption.\n\n

The scribes report that its components aren't robotic, but an antique toaster cooking device, an electronic mixer or blender, and a vibrating sex toy. You understand that it's not the value of the item that is the issue here, but the public image of the Brotherhood.\n\n

This normally would not go unpunished, but we are too short of personnel to settle this matter.\n\n

Try not to embarrass us again.\n\n


// Situation D00: Bogus robot piece not purchased
// Tone/Mood: normal


// Mini-map Information

M15_MiniMap_01 = {
The North Gate of Junction City.

M15_MiniMap_02 = {
The South Gate of Junction City.

M15_MiniMap_03 = {
The East Gate of Junction City.

M15_MiniMap_04 = {
The West Gate of Junction City.

M15_MiniMap_05 = {
The Town Hall for Junction City is located here.

M15_MiniMap_06 = {
There is a bar here called The Pit. The barkeeper is known for his dislike of
Brotherhood members.

M15_MiniMap_07 = {
There is a general store here.

M15_MiniMap_08 = {
There is a mechanics shack here. Casey Barrett lives there with her father.

M15_MiniMap_09 = {
This is your insertion point.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M15_OBJ_01 = { Retrieve the robot pieces. }

M15_OBJ_02 = { Confront the Reavers in their camp. }
M15_FAILUREA = { A peaceful relaxation washes over your body. Your last wish is that your crap filled pants will not dishonor your family.}

M15_SUCCESSA = { You have retrieved the robot pieces. Proceed to the exit grid to end this mission. }

John Levis[]


// Name: John Levis
// Role: Mayor of Junction City.


name_CORE_m15_Mayor = { Mayor Levis }

// Situation A00: This is the initial encounter with John. He will mention
// that he does have the part, but he won't talk to them unless they have
// the other two parts. He suspects that the other citizens won't part easily
// with their pieces so he won't have to give it up either.
M15_John_A00_W = {

Pleased to meet you, warrior. I'm John Levis, Mayor of Junction City.\n\n

You'll have to excuse me, but we're having a bit more excitement here than we're used to. With that robot attacking, and now those Reavers bandits trying to get the robot parts, well, I'm getting pretty damn fed up.\n\n

I know what you're after, so let's cut to the chase. My city is an independent! We take care of ourselves and we won't march to the Brotherhood beat. But we can't hold off those Reavers for much longer. Those tech freaks pack some advanced firepower, so I'll make you a deal.\n\n

Kill all those religious tech bastards and I'll give you the robot head. It's more trouble than it's worth, anyway. You'll have to look for the other pieces yourself. I have a city to run.\n\n


// Situation B00: After Reavers are all destroyed.
M15_John_B00_W = {

Well, you certainly don't fuck around. Don't say much, either, but here... Take it. I'm not going to miss it and this town doesn't need any more attention.\n\n

Just remember that we're not interested in giving the Brotherhood all our young and food. I know you guys could probably take this town in about hmm, five minutes, but I'm hoping you'll let us be.\n\n

Good luck in whatever the Brotherhood's doing.
// Situation D: Before John has spoken to the player, he will be doing his
// job. There are some random lines that he might say.
M15_John_D00 = { Wish that robot never limped into town! }
M15_John_D01 = { Damn robot was almost dead anyway. }
M15_John_D02 = { I did get one good shot in on the robot. }
M15_John_D03 = { This Mayor needs a new job. }
M15_John_D04 = { Good thing this is my last term. }
M15_John_D05 = { Reavers? I hate those guys! }
M15_John_D06 = { Man, did everyone fight over the robot corpse. }
M15_John_D07 = { Never thought politics would suck this bad. }


// Situation E: After the Reavers begin their attack
M15_John_E00 = { Get out of my city, Tech-Freaks! }
M15_John_E01 = { Enforcers! There's a Reaver over here! }
M15_John_E02 = { Crap! I'm getting too old for this shit! }


// Situation f: After Reavers are destroyed.
M15_John_F00 = { You got what you're after. I have to go back to work! }
M15_John_F01 = { Tell your Elders that we don't want any trouble. }
M15_John_F02 = { Remember, Junction City is an independent! }
M15_John_F03 = { Yea, I know the robot was already damaged. I was there! }

Anna Guarana[]


// Name: Anna Guarana.
// Role: Mayor's Assistant. Tells where the pieces are.


name_CORE_m15_Anna = { Mayor's Assistant }

// Situation A: She gives the following info when clicked on
M15_Anna_A00_W = { Hi sir! I'm the Mayor's assistant, Anna. How about I help you so you can get what you're after and things can go back to normal around here?\n\n

Besides the Mayor, I saw three people that were able to get a piece of that machine; Angry Rick the bartender, Hank the cheating family man and Juan the shopkeeper.\n\n

Someone said Casey Barrett has one too, but if you ask me, all she has is a bad case of the clap.\n\n

Does that help? }


// Situation B: She says this from the beginning until the Reavers are destroyed.

M15_Anna_B00 = { That Casey is a no good whore! }
M15_Anna_B01 = { I think the Reavers have a camp northeast from the town. }
M15_Anna_B02 = { Casey's probably bedding all the Reavers right now! }


// Situation C: Once Reavers are destroyed.

M15_Anna_C00 = { I still can't believe that bitch, Casey, stole my man! }
M15_Anna_C01 = { Wish you'd take Casey back to the Brotherhood! }
M15_Anna_C02 = { Good, maybe things'll settle down and I can find me a man that Casey won't steal! }

// Situation D: If player attacks mayor to get the piece
M15_Anna_D00 = { Help! The Brotherhood's whacking the Mayor! }


Angry Rick[]


// Name: Angry Rick
// Role: Bartender of The Pit.
// Background: An ex raider, Angry Rick is very surly and a complete
// asshole.


name_CORE_m15_AngryRick = { Angry Rick }

// Situation A00: The initial encounter with Angry Rick.
M15_Rick_A00_W = {
*squints eyes* You want me to sell my bar's star attraction? Listen, you asshole, this bar is how I pay my fucking bills and that robot piece has brought more customers to my bar than my famous Fermented Brahmin Milk Martini.\n\n

Why don't you go shove a glass bottle up your ass and I'll kick it till it breaks!\n\n

Get the fuck out of my face!\n\n

// Situation A01: If the player tries again.
M15_Rick_A01_W = {

Hey! I don't know who you're used to dealing with, but after I rip your fuckin' lungs out, I'm going to smack your mother with 'em!!!\n\n

Now turn around and march out of my fuckin bar like the good little soldier you are.\n\n

And stay the fuck out!\n\n

// Situation A02: If the player tries to talk to Rick again.
M15_Rick_A02_W = {
*soils pants* Okay... Okay... Don't get so fuckin' excited! Please, put that safety back on... there you go. Take a deep breath... feel better?\n\n

Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I'm going through a lot lately. The mayor's assistant, Anna, caught me smooching with Casey and now she won't let me knock those boots no more! Look, if you look around, there ain't that many hot broads in this dump and I ain't no brahmin taggin tribal... uh... no offense buddy.\n\n

Here, just take it and leave me alone.\n\n

// Situation X00: Floating text before he give the piece. This does not come up if he is clicked on since he will have different VO to say until he gives the piece over. This just pops up after talking in Sit A
M15_Rick_X01 = { Is he still there? }
M15_Rick_X02 = { When I'm in a good mood, I'm just plain surly! }
M15_Rick_X03 = { I'm gonna kill him. I swear to fucking God! }

// Situation C: Ricks lines after he gives up the piece.
M15_Rick_C00 = { I'm such a pussy! }
M15_Rick_C01 = { Never won a fight in my life! }
M15_Rick_C02 = { My sister use to beat the life out of me... and I was older! }





// Name: Juan
// Role: Storekeeper.
// Background: Juan is a shrewd businessman

name_CORE_m15_Juan = { Juan }

// Situation A00: The introduction. Juan will trade the robot part if the
// player talks to him. This opens the bartering window after the text dialog
// window.
M15_Juan_A00_W = {
Ah, a fellow warrior! Come in! Come in! Are you looking for goods or do you want to hear about what happened? Well, that robot limped into Junction City just looking for trouble.\n\n

Now if you ask anyone in town, you'll hear that my skills in fighting are only overshadowed by my ability to stock my store's shelves. I could swear that that robot almost turned around and ran when it saw who it was up against. This kind of makes up for all the times I got picked on when I was younger.\n\n

Anyway, I have a piece of the monster if you want to trade. My buddy Hank's got one too. You should go find him!\n\n

// Situation A01: After having spoken to the player at least once, Juan will
// say something different before opening the bartering window for future
// interactions.
M15_Juan_A01 = {
I know you want to trade! I can see it in your eyes!

// Situation B: The following speech nodes represent any possible random lines
// that can be spoken by Juan before the Reaver Assault.
M15_Juan_B00 = { That robot was mad. It was sparking all over!}
M15_Juan_B01 = { That robot must have been pretty scared. It kept falling down!}
M15_Juan_B02 = { That rock I threw must of hit it just right!}
M15_Juan_B03 = { We're having a blue light special in aisle ten. }

// Situation C: The following speech nodes represent any possible random lines
// that can be spoken by Juan once the Reaver Assault begins
M15_Juan_C00 = { Hey! I whacked the robot! This one's all yours!}
M15_Juan_C01 = { Oh that? I must of spilled some water on my pants!}
M15_Juan_C02 = { Me? I'm not going to risk my life!}


// Situation D: After Reavers are defeated.

M15_Juan_D00 = { Oh that? I must of spilled some water on my pants!}
M15_Juan_D01 = { I thought I was going to have to jump in!}
M15_Juan_D02 = { That was close, huh? }
M15_Juan_D03 = { The Brotherhood should hire me as a combat trainer! }

Martha Dilbert[]


// Name: Martha Dilbert.
// Role: Hank's Wife, gives clue to player.
// Background: Martha is the faithful wife to the late Hank. Hank was
// one of the people who had the robot parts. He was killed by Reaver spies
// His robot part was looted from him and taken to the Reaver camp to the
// northeast of town.

name_CORE_m15_Martha = { Martha }

// Situation A00: Martha will talk to the player is she is spoken to. Otherwise
// she will be crying over her husband's dead body.
M15_Martha_A00_W = {

You, you with your big guns and your armor! You're... you're too late.\n\n

They killed my Hank! They shot him in the face and took his robot piece and mumbled something about it being the "tool of Satansoft!"\n\n

Why would they do that? My Hank was a good man! *sob*\n\n

Well, I followed them to their camp. It's to the northeast of town. You have to go there... go there and cut them down, like they cut down my poor Hank.\n\n


// Situation A01: If the player decides to speak with her again, Martha will
// be more explicit as to why the player might be intrested in chasing down
// her husband's murderers.
//The info is in A00. There's enough dialogue in here already. DL


// Situation A02: Martha's good-bye line to indicate she doesn't want to
// talk anymore.
M15_Martha_A02 = { I want to be alone now. Please leave. }

// Situation B: Martha's random lines are mostly her cries of anguish.
M15_Martha_B00 = { Oh Hank! You lied you sonuvabitch, you left me alone!}
M15_Martha_B01 = { He never hurt nobody! }
M15_Martha_B02 = { *sob* *sob* }


Casey Barrett[]


// Name: Casey Barrett.
// Role: Mechanic, Volunteer to join the Brotherhood.
// Background: Casey is a particularly talented young lady. She is //nursing her injured father back to health.

name_CORE_m15_Casey = {Casey }

// Situation A00: In the initial encounter, Casey will reveal who has the
// robot pieces. Casey will initiate the conversation the second she sees the
// player. This is important because she needs to introduce herself before
// the player can heal her father.
M15_Casey_A00_W = {

Wow, are you who I think you are? Oh God, look at me, I'm a mess. Anyway, I'm Cassey, the local mechanic, it's a pleasure to meet you, warrior! I heard that you guys know how all sorts of stuff works.\n\n

What? You want me to join? (pause)\n\n

I'd like to, but I don't think you understand how sick my Pa is. He got shot in the first Reaver attack and I think it's infected. Last night his tongue started to turn black and then he messed himself five times. And guess who had to clean that shit up? I wish there was a doctor in this town.\n\n


// Situation A01: If the player talks to her again.
M15_Casey_A01_W = { No, I can't leave my Pa. He raised me by himself when slavers stole my Ma, when I was a just a baby. He's too sick to look after himself.\n\n

I wish I knew something about fixing people. Cars are much easier. You just have to find the problem and swap the parts!\n\n


// Situation A02: This is Casey's good-bye line until at least one robot part
// has been found.
M15_Casey_B02 = { I'm sorry, but I can't leave my pa while he's hurt. I wish I had a solution. I really want to go with you. }
// Situation J01: If player heals father with skill or drugs she will say this.
M15_Casey_J01_W = { You did it! That's great! I'll tell you what, I'll check him in the senior citizen work farm. The fresh air might do him some good and I'm getting really tired of wiping his wrinkly ass anyway.\n\n

He did always tell me to follow my dreams. Just let me pack up my things and I'll meet you back at the bunker.\n\n

// Situation A03: This is what text she floats before her father is healed and she already spoke to the player once.
M15_Casey_A00= { Don't worry daddy. I'd never leave you while you're hurt! }
M15_Casey_A01 = { Damn it! Ya know pop, the chamber pot's right over there! }
M15_Casey_A02 = { I love you daddy. Don't worry! }

// Situation D: Casey has random lines before she sees the player.
M15_Casey_D00 = { If you mess your pants again, you can clean it up yourself! }
M15_Casey_D01 = { That leg might have to come off, dad. }
M15_Casey_D02 = { Rest, Daddy. I'll take care of you. }

// Situation G: Casey has random lines after her father is healed.
M15_Casey_G00 = { Brotherhood, here I come! }
M15_Casey_G01 = { Do you know if Anna is still mad at me? }
M15_Casey_G02 = { I wonder if I should say goodbye to Angry Rick? }

// Name: Stephen Barrett.
// Role: Casey's father, with a broken leg.
// Background: He is injured from the last attack.Ed, I axed all the tandem stuff. The player is going to spend about //1 minute in this room lets not script 3 pages of filler for them. DL

name_CORE_m15_Stephen = { Stephen }

// Situation A: Stephen sits there injured and floats these lines.

M15_Stephen_A00 = { The wound is starting to smell! }
M15_Stephen_A01 = { I ain't gonna make it! }
M15_Stephen_A02 = { *cough* I'm fine, really. *groan* }
M15_Stephen_A03 = { Oh god! This is it! I'm coming to you Lord! }

// Situation B: If Stephen is healed, he will change his lines to show his
// gratitude and to show that he'll miss Casey.

M15_Stephen_B00 = { You fixed it! I owe you my life! }
M15_Stephen_B01 = { Thanks, even though you did it just to take my baby from me! }
M15_Stephen_B02 = { I don't suppose you got something for syphilis? }





// Name: Charlatan Chuck
// Role: Sells bunk robot part to sucker player from some of his loot.
// Background: A swindler who the player can pay back later. Note: //don't let the reavers attack him. We need him //if the player comes //back to the town for revenge. Note name him "chuck" for mouse over. //Attacking chuck //has no repercussions cause everyone knows he's a //swindler.

name_CORE_m15_Chuck = {Chuck }

// Situation A: Chuck floats these lines.

M15_Charlatan_A00_W = {

Whoa there, stranger. I bet you're looking for some of that devilish contraption. Well, just your luck you found me! I was able to retrieve the part that flew out of its chest when it blew up.\n\n

I need some cash to buy some medicine for my sick mother. You want to work something out?\n\n


// Situation R: If player revists map to find charlatan. Add henchmen to fight with him please.

M15_Charlatan_R00_W = {
Heh, heh. Yeah, I sold you my robot piece. So what? I have a strict no return policy, dickhead! What are you going to do? You gonna shoot me in public? You're not that stupid are ya? Plus I got my boys with me. You want to buy a Vault next? Go skull-fuck yourself, jar-head!\n\n

// Situation A: Charlatan Chuck floats this until the player buys the piece.

M15_Charlatan_A00 = { Watches, robot pieces, silverware here!}
M15_Charlatan_A01 = { I heard you Brotherhood guys get paid well.}
M15_Charlatan_A02 = { Robot piece here! Who wants to buy it? }
M15_Charlatan_A03 = { You! Do you want some robot? }

// Situation T: After player buys the piece.

M15_Charlatan_T00 = { You ain't going to regret that trade! }
M15_Charlatan_T01 = { I think you robbed me blind. }
M15_Charlatan_T02 = { Excuse me, but I think I see someone I know.}
M15_Charlatan_T03 = { Bye. Nice doing business with you. }

// Situation S: If player revisits map this is floating text.

M15_Charlatan_S00 = { Sucker born every minute! }
M15_Charlatan_S01 = { Listen, those BOS guys are too rich and too stupid! }
M15_Charlatan_S02 = { I could have sold him his own crap! }
M15_Charlatan_S03 = { God, I love this business! }

Junktown City citizens[]


// Junction City Citizens:
// There are citizens milling around the city. They have limited lines to say,
// but add to the atmosphere of Junction City. There are eight varieties of
// citizens.

name_CORE_m15_Enforcer = { Enforcer }

// Situation A: Before the Reaver Assault, the citizens are milling about at
// a leisurely pace. Some may be standing around, doing nothing.
// They do have some random comments which voice their concerns over the
// possible Reaver attack.
//Dan - I think all these need to have at least three alternatives
M15_Citizen01_A00 = { When are those Reavers going to attack? }
M15_Citizen01_A01 = { Anyone keeping any eye out for them Reavers? }
M15_Citizen01_A02 = { The Reavers scare the shit out of me.}

M15_Citizen02_A00 = { Maybe the Reavers aren't going to attack? }
M15_Citizen02_A01 = { It's all nice and quiet. }
M15_Citizen02_A02 = { Maybe I can get some sleep.}

M15_Citizen03_A00 = { I saw that robot limp into town! }
M15_Citizen03_A01 = { That robot had a gun... but it didn't shoot! }
M15_Citizen03_A02 = { Robots scare me more than Reavers.}

M15_Citizen04_A00 = { I can't believe he thought his shot hurt the robot! }
M15_Citizen04_A01 = { Anyone know what time it is? }
M15_Citizen04_A02 = { Fucking moron}

M15_Citizen05_A00 = { I hope the Brotherhood doesn't try to take my kids! }
M15_Citizen05_A01 = { Circuit board thumpers! That's what those Reavers are! }
M15_Citizen05_A02 = { Last thing we need is robots.}

M15_Citizen06_A00 = { Any idea what's happening with the Reavers? }
M15_Citizen06_A01 = { Are the Reavers really going to attack? }
M15_Citizen06_A02 = { I hear they are after something}

M15_Citizen07_A00 = { Robots and Reavers! Now the Brotherhood's here!}
M15_Citizen07_A01 = { I just want to raise my family! }
M15_Citizen07_A02 = { I had a dream of a something called a GECK. }

M15_Citizen08_A00 = { Do you think the Reavers sent spies? }
M15_Citizen08_A01 = { Fuck those Reavers! }
M15_Citizen08_A02 = { Bastards!}

// Situation B: Before the Reaver Assault, the citizens may have a few things
// to say to the player should the player decide to talk to them. These should
// ideally be spoken in sequence.
//Use Situation A text please


// Situation C: Reaver Assault begins!! What is a good frontal town assault
// without screaming citizens? The moment the siren sounds, all citizens with
// good lungs change their lines and start running around the city interior
// like headless chickens.
M15_Citizen01_C00 = { Where's everyone running? }
M15_Citizen01_C01 = { Damn! It's those tech freaks again! }
M15_Citizen01_C02 = { Whose attacking now?}

M15_Citizen02_C00 = { Help us! Somebody help us! }
M15_Citizen02_C01 = { God! They're attacking! }
M15_Citizen02_C02 = {It's the Reavers!}

M15_Citizen03_C00 = { Their weapons are too advanced! }
M15_Citizen03_C01 = { They're after the robot parts! }
M15_Citizen03_C02 = { Just give em what they want!}

M15_Citizen04_C00 = { Our Enforcers will stop 'em! Don't panic!}
M15_Citizen04_C01 = { What do they want?}
M15_Citizen04_C02 = { They've got energy weapons!}

M15_Citizen05_C00 = { Looting time! }
M15_Citizen05_C01 = { If anyone dies... I'm taking their stuff!}
M15_Citizen05_C02 = { If I die my wife gets everything!}

M15_Citizen06_C00 = { Just give them what they want so they leave!}
M15_Citizen06_C01 = { Isn't the Brotherhood here?}
M15_Citizen06_C02 = { Why don't the Brotherhood help?!}

M15_Citizen07_C00 = { Oh my God! }
M15_Citizen07_C01 = { Help! Help! }
M15_Citizen07_C02 = {They'll burn our homes!}

M15_Citizen08_C00 = { Run for your lives! }
M15_Citizen08_C01 = { Grab your stuff and run! }
M15_Citizen08_C02 = { They'll suck your blood out!}

Junktown City enforcers[]


// The Junction City Enforcers:
// These are the guards of Junction City. They are divided into situations,
// with each situation sporting four varieties of Guard-speak.

// Situation A: These are the guard's floating text lines if the player choses
// to talk to them before the Reaver Assault begins. These are random lines.
// Once the Reaver assault begins, they'll stop talking to the player.
M15_Enforcer01_A00 = { That robot killed 15 people... without even trying! }
M15_Enforcer01_A01 = { The Reavers may be attacking any time now. }
M15_Enforcer01_A02 = { I don't like our chances.}

M15_Enforcer02_A00 = { If you ask me, that robot was already broke!}
M15_Enforcer02_A01 = { I think my shots bounced off it!}
M15_Enforcer02_A02 = { Damn good armor.}

M15_Enforcer03_A00 = { You ever fight a Reaver?}
M15_Enforcer03_A01 = { I wish I got a robot piece! }
M15_Enforcer03_A02 = { Those Reavers are well armed.}

M15_Enforcer04_A00 = { Haw, we gonna smack some Reaver butt. }
M15_Enforcer04_A01 = { Those Reavers worship technology. Weird, huh? }
M15_Enforcer04_A02 = { I hear they use kinky electronic gadgets.}


// Situation B: These are the guard's random lines before the Reaver Assault.
M15_Enforcer01_B00 = { First that sparking robot, now this! }
M15_Enforcer01_B01 = { If you want to make a Reaver cry... kick a toaster! Hah hah! }
M15_Enforcer01_B02 = { Reavers respect technology more than fucking people!}

M15_Enforcer02_B00 = { I brought that robot down myself! }
M15_Enforcer02_B01 = { Ever see a robot before, buddy? }
M15_Enforcer02_B02 = { I shot it straight in its eyes.}

M15_Enforcer03_B00 = { I can't wait for action. }
M15_Enforcer03_B01 = { Religious freaks, those Reavers. }
M15_Enforcer03_B02 = { The fools worship silicon.}

M15_Enforcer04_B00 = { Haw. We'll get those Reavers yet. }
M15_Enforcer04_B01 = { Nobody attacks Junction City on my watch!}
M15_Enforcer04_B02 = { Watch yer back, lads!}


// Situation C: These are the guard's random lines during the Reaver Assault.
// These lines can also be what the guards say when they spot one.
M15_Enforcer01_C00 = { Kill the circuit-thumpers! }
M15_Enforcer01_C01 = { Take cover! }
M15_Enforcer01_C02 = { They've got good weapons.}

M15_Enforcer02_C00 = { God damn tech freaks! }
M15_Enforcer02_C01 = { Shit! I forgot my stimpack! }
M15_Enforcer02_C02 = { Kill the fuckers!}

M15_Enforcer03_C00 = { I see one. Open fire! }
M15_Enforcer03_C01 = { For God and Junction City! }
M15_Enforcer03_C02 = { Blow their freaking heads off!}

M15_Enforcer04_C00 = { Die Reaver freak! }
M15_Enforcer04_C01 = { These guys are tougher than the robot! }
M15_Enforcer04_C02 = { They're pretty tough!}




// The Reavers:
// The Reavers come in various groups, each divided into situations. Within
// each situation there are six variations of Reaver.

// Situation A00: These are the Reavers' lines as they make for the mayor.
// These may also be played during a cut-scene to show that the mayor is in
// trouble.
M15_Reaver01_A00 = { Get the mayor! }
M15_Reaver02_A00 = { You two, follow me. We're going after the mayor. }
M15_Reaver03_A00 = { Remember! Get the mayor. }
M15_Reaver04_A00 = { For the glory of Tech! }
M15_Reaver05_A00 = { Give us the piece of Satansoft! }
M15_Reaver06_A00 = { The mayor has the evil tech! }

// Situation B00: These are the Reavers' lines when they kill the mayor and
// loot the robot part.
M15_Reaver01_B00 = { Praise Newton! We have the evil part! }
M15_Reaver02_B00 = { Back to camp now! Move! Move! Move! }
M15_Reaver03_B00 = { We've found what we're looking for. Let's go. }
M15_Reaver04_B00 = { At last. We've found it. Praise Tech! }
M15_Reaver05_B00 = { Found it! Let's go back to camp now. }
M15_Reaver06_B00 = { Go! We've got the piece of Satansoft's creature! }

// Situation C: These are the Reavers' lines inside the camp.
M15_Reaver01_C00 = { Blessed art thou who understands hydro-mechanics! }
M15_Reaver01_C01 = { Let's go for another equipment check. }
M15_Reaver01_C02 = { I'm starting another scan.}

M15_Reaver02_C00 = { Captain, my sensor indicates nearby BOS activity. }
M15_Reaver02_C01 = { I don't get it. I'm picking up BOS nearby. }
M15_Reaver02_C02 = { The BOS has good tech for pagans.}

M15_Reaver03_C00 = { Holy Ohm, help us resist our enemy damage. }
M15_Reaver03_C01 = { Heavenly Ampere, help us flow into the enemy's defense. }
M15_Reaver03_C02 = { For the glory of the transisto.r }

M15_Reaver04_C00 = { Wait! Is this transistor reverse biased? }
M15_Reaver04_C01 = { Those robots are the evil dogs of Satansoft!}
M15_Reaver04_C02 = { We are the only true guardians of tech.}

M15_Reaver05_C00 = { The robot is an abomination! }
M15_Reaver05_C01 = { Our priest had a vision of a magical electrical pulse. }
M15_Reaver05_C02 = { Robots contain evil tech.}

M15_Reaver06_C00 = { May St. Di Ode protect me in battle! }
M15_Reaver06_C01 = { My brother died fighting a robot! He will be avenged! }
M15_Reaver06_C02 = { We'll try twenty foot data sweep of the area.}
